2,047 research outputs found

    SPL accumulator and compressor scenarios for NF

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    Accumulator lattice design for SPL Beam

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    In this note, a design study of an accumulator ring, which is a component of proton driver in the neutrino factory, is described. Proton beam accelerated with the SPL (Superconducting Proton Linac) is accumulated in the ring for several tens of μs, and is transported to a compressor ring. The proton bunches are then compressed and are finally sent to the target

    Fluctuation properties of strength function associated with the giant quadrupole resonance in 208Pb

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    We performed fluctuation analysis by means of the local scaling dimension for the strength function of the isoscalar (IS) giant quadrupole resonance (GQR) in 208Pb where the strength function is obtained by the shell model calculation including 1p1h and 2p2h configurations. It is found that at almost all energy scales, fluctuation of the strength function obeys the Gaussian orthogonal ensemble (GOE) random matrix theory limit. This is contrasted with the results for the GQR in 40Ca, where at the intermediate energy scale about 1.7 MeV a deviation from the GOE limit was detected. It is found that the physical origin for this different behavior of the local scaling dimension is ascribed to the difference in the properties of the damping process.Comment: 10 pages, 14 figures, submitted to Physical Review

    Optics studies based on V6.503 nominal configuration

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    Optics studies based on the V6.503 nominal optics have been performed, aiming at improving the collimation efficiency by adjusting the phase advance from IP1 to IP5 to be π/2 off a multiple of 2π such that the off-momentum beta-beating is localized to the left side of the LHC ring. The off-momentum beta-beating in IR7 (betatron collimation section) is suppressed as expected. In addition to this main point, IR2 and IR8 injection optics are studied to improve the apertures of the inner triplet magnets. The aperture could be increased by either increasing beta* or improving the crossing scheme as proposed or bot

    Linac-Based Proton Driver for a Neutrino Factory

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    A Neutrino Factory Proton Driver based on a superconducting proton linac has been designed in the CERN context. The 5 GeV/4 MW H- beam from the linac is accumulated using charge exchange injection in a fixed-energy synchrotron and afterwards transferred to a compressor ring, where bunch rotation takes place. The lattices of the accumulator and compressor are described, as well as magnet technology and RF manipulations. Critical issues related to charge-exchange injection, space-charge effects in the compressor and beam stability in the accumulator, are addressed. The analysis is focused on the baseline scenario, which provides 6 bunches on the target. Results of preliminary analysis of options with less bunches (three and one) are also presented

    Second moment of the Husimi distribution as a measure of complexity of quantum states

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    We propose the second moment of the Husimi distribution as a measure of complexity of quantum states. The inverse of this quantity represents the effective volume in phase space occupied by the Husimi distribution, and has a good correspondence with chaoticity of classical system. Its properties are similar to the classical entropy proposed by Wehrl, but it is much easier to calculate numerically. We calculate this quantity in the quartic oscillator model, and show that it works well as a measure of chaoticity of quantum states.Comment: 25 pages, 10 figures. to appear in PR