8 research outputs found

    Panax ginseng in diets of commercial laying hens.

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    Panax ginseng, uma planta medicinal conhecida como a planta que cura todos os males ?? indicada como adaptog??nica, imunoestimulante, revigorante f??sico e mental, aumenta a resist??ncia a fatores de estresse ex??geno, entre outros. Neste trabalho foi avaliado a a????o de um produto comercial a base de Panax ginseng sob o desempenho produtivo, a qualidade dos ovos (interna, externa e sensorial), o perfil hematol??gico e bioqu??mico, par??metros imunol??gicos e comportamentais de poedeiras na fase inicial de postura 1. As dietas experimentais foram fornecidas as aves durante 30 dias. O delineamento experimental foi o inteiramente casualizado com cinco tratamentos que consistiram em diferentes doses de Panax ginseng (T1 controle (sem Panax ginseng); T2 1,9 mg/ave/dia; T3 3,8 mg/ave/dia; T4 5,7 mg/ave/dia; T5 7,6 mg/ave/dia) num total de 70 aves, distribu??das em 35 gaiolas, divididas em sete repeti????es por tratamento. As dietas basais foram formuladas a base de milho e farelo de soja, atendendo as exig??ncias das aves. Para predizer os efeitos das doses de Panax ginseng sobre os par??metros produtivos, metab??licos e hematol??gicos foi utilizada an??lise de regress??o polinomial. Foi utilizado o teste de Dunnett, em cada n??vel de inclus??o do Panax ginseng, para compara????o com a ra????o controle. Para a an??lise da frequ??ncia de comportamentos foi utilizado o teste de qui-quadrado. A suplementa????o da dieta com o produto a base de Panax ginseng n??o alterou as vari??veis de desempenho. As vari??veis de qualidade de ovos n??o foram afetadas pela inclus??o de Panax ginseng, exceto a gravidade espec??fica no primeiro per??odo que foi menor na dose 5,7 mg/ave/dia e o peso da casca que foi significativamente maior na dose de 7,6 mg/ave/dia em compara????o ao tratamento controle no quarto per??odo de avalia????o. Na an??lise sensorial foi observada altera????o na cor da gema dos ovos ap??s 30 dias de utiliza????o do Panax ginseng, mas n??o no sabor, textura e aroma. No perfil hematol??gico das poedeiras n??o foram observadas diferen??as significativas entre os tratamentos em nenhuma das fases. No perfil metab??lico foram observadas maiores n??veis de f??sforo nas aves que receberam 7,6 mg/ave/dia de ginseng em compara????o com o grupo controle nos per??odos dois e tr??s de avalia????o e de albumina somente neste ??ltimo per??odo. Os n??veis de colesterol foram maiores nas aves recebendo dosagens de 1,9 e 3,8 mg/ave/dia de Panax ginseng em rela????o ao grupo controle. N??o houve diferen??a entre os tratamentos para os t??tulos de anticorpos ap??s a inocula????o da vacina. Nas vari??veis etol??gicas os comportamentos de vigiar foram mais frequentes no grupo controle, o comportamento de higiene no grupo com a maior dose de Panax ginseng (7,6mg/ave/dia) e o comportamento de beber ??gua nas doses intermedi??rias (3,8 e 5,6 mg/ave/dia). A suplementa????o com Panax ginseng at?? 7,6 mg/ave/dia n??o altera o desempenho, a qualidade dos ovos, o perfil hematol??gico e status imunol??gico. Apenas pequenas varia????es no perfil metab??lico e na freq????ncia de alguns comportamentos podem ser esperadas.Panax ginseng, a medicinal plant known as the plant that "cure all ills" is indicated as adaptogenic, immune stimulant, restorative physical and mental health, increased resistance to exogenous stress factors, among others. The aim of this study was to evaluate the action of a commercial Panax ginseng product on performance, egg quality, biochemical, hematological, immunological and behavioral profile of hens during initial hen s laying cycle 1. The experimental design was completely randomized with five treatments which consisted in different levels of Panax ginseng (T1 control (without Panax ginseng); T2 1.9; T3 3.8; T4 5.7 and T5 7.6 mg/hen/day) in a total of 70 birds housed in 35 cages with seven replicates per treatment. The basal diets were prepared using corn and soybean meal in agreement with the nutritional values established by the breeder manual. To predict the effect of different levels of Panax ginseng on performance, egg quality, biochemical, hematological, and immunological traits the regression analysis was used. The Dunnett test was used in each Panax ginseng levels to compare to the control treatment. Ethological parameters were evaluated using chi-square analysis. Performance and egg quality were not influenced by dietary treatments, except specific gravity in the first period that was lower in 5.7 mg/hen/day levels and the eggshell weight that was higher in 7.6 mg/hen/day level in comparison with the control treatment in the fourth period. In sensorial analysis, egg yolk color alteration, but not flavor, texture and taste was observed after 30 days of utilization of Panax ginseng. No significant difference was found in hen s hematological profile in all periods evaluated. In metabolic parameters, higher level of phosphorus in hens receiving 7.6 mg/hen/day of Panax ginseng at second and third period and albumin was observed only in the last period when compared to the control group. Cholesterol level was higher in hens receiving 1.9 and 3.8 mg/hen/day of Panax ginseng in comparison with the control treatment. No significant difference among treatments was found in antibody titer after vaccination. In ethological parameters vigilant behavior was more frequent in control group, preening in the group receiving 7.6 mg/hen/day and drinking in the intermediate levels of Panax ginseng (3.8 and 5.6 mg/hen/day). The supplementation with Panax ginseng up to 7.6 mg/hen/day do not change the performance, egg quality, hematological profile and immunological status. Only small variations in the metabolic parameters and behavior frequency of the hens receiving Panax ginseng could be expected

    Phytase efficiency in diets with low and high phytic phosphorus for broilers

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    To evaluate the efficiency of phytase in diets with low and high phytic phosphorus (Pfit), depending on the inclusion or not of wheat bran, on performance, physical characteristics of the tibia, tissue and serum mineral deposition, the relative weight of organs, total and ileal digestibility coefficients and intestinal morphology, 384 broilers (males Cobb500 line) were housed in metabolic cages and assigned to four treatments in a 2x2 factorial arrangement in a randomized block design with eight replicates of 12 birds each . At 11 days of age broilers received the experimental diets, which consisted of T1 - low Pfit diet; T2 - low Pfit diet with phytase (500 FTU / kg); T3 - high Pfit diet and T4 – high Pfit diet with phytase (500 FTU / kg). The average feed intake, average body weight, weight gain and feed conversion were evaluated among 11 to 21 and 22 to 32 day of age. At 22 and 32 day of age two birds of each replicate were sacrificed and the tibia was collected for analysis of the physical characteristics and mineral deposition, and a portion of the pectoral muscle without skin and blood samples to evaluate the levels of calcium, phosphorus and sodium on tissue and serum, respectively. Also, gizzard, heart, liver, cecum, cloacal bursa were collected to determine the relative weight of these organs, the ileal content to quantify the ileal digestibility coefficient and a portion of the duodenum, jejunum and ileum to analyze the intestinal morphology. From 28 to 31 days the total excreta collection was carried out to quantify the total apparent digestibility coefficients. Data were subjected to analysis of variance in terms of the fixed effects of the diet and the phytase inclusion, as well as the interaction among the factors and the random effect of the block. An interaction for bone stiffness and serum calcium was observed. The inclusion of phytase in diets with low and high Pfit did not affect performance, endurance and bone flexibility, mineral deposition in the tibia and pectoral muscle, but increased bone stiffness at 22 days of age; at 32 days of age, a low Pfit diet provided a higher calcium content in the serum of the birds. A significant interaction among the apparent metabolizable energy corrected for nitrogen (AME) and total digestibility (CDAT) of calcium, phosphorus and sodium was observed, where the low Pfit diet with or without phytase presented the best results, except for sodium CDAT. The addition of phytase in low and high Pfit diets for broilers did not alter the relative weight of organs, intestinal morphology and the CDAI, but the low Pfit diet provided greater EMAn calcium and phosphorus CDAT.Sem bolsaPara avaliar a eficiência da fitase em dietas com baixo e alto teor de fósforo fítico (Pfít), em função da inclusão ou não do farelo de trigo, sobre o desempenho, características físicas da tíbia, deposição mineral tecidual e sérico, peso relativo de órgãos, coeficientes de digestibilidade total e ileal e morfometria intestinal, foram alojados 384 frangos de corte, machos da linhagem Cobb500, em gaiolas metabólicas e distribuídas em quatro tratamentos em um arranjo fatorial 2x2 em delineamento de blocos casualizados, com oito repetições e 12 aves por unidade experimental. A partir de 11 dias de idade as aves receberam as dietas experimentais, que consistiram em: T1 – dieta com baixo teor de Pfít; T2 – dieta com baixo teor de Pfít com fitase (500 FTU/kg); T3 – dieta com alto teor de Pfít e T4 – dieta com alto teor de Pfít com fitase (500 FTU/kg). No período de 11 a 21 e 22 a 32 dias de idade foram avaliados o consumo médio de ração, peso médio corporal, ganho de peso médio e conversão alimentar. Aos 22 e 32 dias de idade foram sacrificadas duas aves por unidade experimental e delas foi coletada a tíbia esquerda para análise das características físicas e deposição mineral, uma porção do músculo peitoral sem pele e o sangue para avaliação dos níveis de cálcio, fósforo e sódio tecidual e sérico. Coletou-se também a moela, coração, fígado, ceco, bolsa cloacal, para determinar o peso relativo destes órgãos, o conteúdo ileal para quantificar o coeficiente de digestibilidade aparente ileal e uma porção do duodeno, jejuno e íleo para análise da morfometria intestinal. De 28 a 31 dias de idade foi realizada a coleta total de excretas para quantificar os coeficientes de digestibilidade aparente total. Os dados foram submetidos à análise de variância, onde foram testados os efeitos fixos de dieta e fitase e a interação entre os fatores, bem como o efeito aleatório de bloco. Houve interação para a variável rigidez óssea e cálcio sérico. A inclusão de fitase em dietas com baixo e alto teor de Pfít não alterou o desempenho, a resistência e flexibilidade óssea, a deposição mineral na tíbia e no músculo peitoral, mas aumentou a rigidez óssea aos 22 dias de idade, e proporcionou maior teor de cálcio sérico em aves alimentadas com a dieta baixo teor de Pfít, aos 32 dias de idade. Houve interação significativa para a energia metabolizável aparente corrigida para nitrogênio (EMAn) e para o coeficiente de digestibilidade total (CDAT) do cálcio, fósforo e sódio, onde a dieta com baixo teor de Pfít com ou sem fitase proporcionou os melhores resultados, exceto para o CDAT do sódio. A adição de fitase em dietas com baixo e alto teor de Pfít para frangos de corte não alterou o peso relativo dos órgãos, a morfometria intestinal e o CDAI, mas proporcionou maior EMAn e melhor CDAT do cálcio e do fósforo com a dieta baixo teor de Pfít

    Productive performance, egg quality and bone characteristics of quails fed with meal and canola oil

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    This study evaluated the effect of canola meal and oil in quail diet on productive performance, egg quality and bone characteristics. Quails (n = 84) with 150-days-of-age and average weight of 234±17 g were used in this experiment that lasted 84 days. The experiment consisted of a completely randomized design with 4 treatments, 7 replications with 3 birds each. Four diets were formulated: SM+SO - control diet with soybean meal and oil; MC+SO - 25% replacement of soybean meal with canola meal; MC+CO - 25% replacement of soybean meal with canola meal and complete replacement of canola oil with soybean oil; SM+OC - control diet with soybean meal and canola oil. Productive performance, internal and external egg quality and bone characteristics were evaluated. The diet with canola meal and oil (MC+CO) decreased (p <0.05) feed conversion. Albumen height was lower (p < 0.05) for treatments with canola meal and oil (MC+CO). Regardless of the oil used, the dietary canola meal (MC+SO and MC+CO) reduced the weight and length of tibia (p < 0.05), but increased its ash content (p < 0.05). The mixture of canola oil and meal decreases feed conversion, and negatively affects internal egg quality and bone characteristics of quails.

    Performance, carcass characteristics and litter moisture in broilers housed at two densities

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    The effect of stocking density in broiler chickens (11.08 and 13.20 birds m-2), between 5 and 45 days of age, was assessed with regard to performance, cut yield, litter moisture and frequency of pododermatitis injuries. Further, 476 one-day chicks Cobb 500(r) were distributed in a completely randomized design at two densities (birds m-&#178;), with seven replications per treatment in 14 experimental units. Birds housed at a lower density (11.08) increased feed intake (p < 0.05), without any effect on weight gain and feed conversion. Retail yields were not influenced (p > 0.05) by treatments. In the case of higher density (3.20) the litter showed higher moisture content (p < 0.05) at 28 and 35 days of age. There was a higher occurrence of pododermatitis in birds housed at a density of 13.20 birds m-2. Results show that increased housing density from 11.08 to 13.20 birds m-2 does not affect growth performance, carcass yield and cuts. However, a housing density of 13.20 birds m-2 increased litter moisture and provided a higher occurrence of grade I pododermatitis

    Phytate-phosphorus and phytase contents on the relative weight of organs, intestinal morphometry and performance of broilers

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    ABSTRACT: In order to evaluate the efficiency of phytase in diets with low and high phytate phosphorus (PP) 0content, as a consequence of wheat bran inclusion, on the relative weight of organs, intestinal morphometry and performance, three hundred and eighty-four male Cobb500 broilers were housed in metabolic cages. Animals were assigned into four treatments in a 2x2 factorial scheme in a randomized block design with eight replicates of 12 birds each. From 11 days of age birds received experimental diets, which consisted of: Diet low in PP; Diet low in PP with phytase (500FTU kg-1); Diet with a high PP and Diet with a high PP with phytase (500FTU kg-1). At 22 and 32 days of age two birds were slaughtered in order to collect gizzard, heart, liver, cecum, cloacal bursa, and at 32 days, a portion of the duodenum, jejunum and ileum was collected for morphometric evaluation. From 22 to 32 days of age average feed intake, average weight gain, average body weight and feed conversion ratio were also evaluated. Data were subjected to analysis of variance, fixed effects of diet and phytase and interaction between factors as well as the random block effects were tested. There was no significant interaction for the variables studied, concluding that phytase in diets with low or high phytate phosphorus content did not change the relative weight of organs, intestinal morphometrics and performance; only isolated effects were observed