32 research outputs found

    Conformation Guides Molecular Efficacy in Docking Screens of Activated β-2 Adrenergic G Protein Coupled Receptor

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    A prospective, large library virtual screen against an activated β2-adrenergic receptor (β2AR) structure returned potent agonists to the exclusion of inverse-agonists, providing the first complement to the previous virtual screening campaigns against inverse-agonist-bound G protein coupled receptor (GPCR) structures, which predicted only inverse-agonists. In addition, two hits recapitulated the signaling profile of the co-crystal ligand with respect to the G protein and arrestin mediated signaling. This functional fidelity has important implications in drug design, as the ability to predict ligands with predefined signaling properties is highly desirable. However, the agonist-bound state provides an uncertain template for modeling the activated conformation of other GPCRs, as a dopamine D2 receptor (DRD2) activated model templated on the activated β2AR structure returned few hits of only marginal potency

    Allosteric “beta-blocker” isolated from a DNA-encoded small molecule library

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    The present study reports the discovery of a small-molecule negative allosteric modulator for the β2-adrenergic receptor (β2AR) via in vitro affinity-based iterative selection of highly diverse DNA-encoded small-molecule libraries. Characterization of the compound demonstrates its selectivity for the β2AR and that it negatively modulates a wide range of receptor functions. More importantly, our findings establish a generally applicable, proof-of-concept strategy for screening DNA-encoded small-molecule libraries against purified G-protein–coupled receptors (GPCRs), which holds great potential for discovering therapeutic molecules

    Allosteric nanobodies reveal the dynamic range and diverse mechanisms of G-protein-coupled receptor activation

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    G-protein coupled receptors (GPCRs) modulate many physiological processes by transducing a variety of extracellular cues into intracellular responses. Ligand binding to an extracellular orthosteric pocket propagates conformational change to the receptor cytosolic region to promote binding and activation of downstream signaling effectors such as G proteins and β-arrestins. It is widely appreciated that different agonists can share the same binding pocket but evoke unique receptor conformations leading to a wide range of downstream responses (i.e., ‘efficacy’)1. Furthermore, mounting biophysical evidence, primarily using the β-adrenergic receptor (β2AR) as a model system, supports the existence of multiple active and inactive conformational states2–5. However, how agonists with varying efficacy modulate these receptor states to initiate cellular responses is not well understood. Here we report stabilization of two distinct β2AR conformations using single domain camelid antibodies (nanobodies): a previously described positive allosteric nanobody (Nb80) and a newly identified negative allosteric nanobody (Nb60)6,7. We show that Nb60 stabilizes a previously unappreciated low affinity receptor state which corresponds to one of two inactive receptor conformations as delineated by X-ray crystallography and NMR spectroscopy. We find that the agonist isoproterenol has a 15,000-fold higher affinity for the β2AR in the presence of Nb80 compared to Nb60, highlighting the full allosteric range of a GPCR. Assessing the binding of 17 ligands of varying efficacy to the β2AR in the absence and presence of Nb60 or Nb80 reveals large ligand-specific effects that can only be explained using an allosteric model which assumes equilibrium amongst at least three receptor states. Agonists generally exert efficacy by stabilizing the active Nb80-stabilized receptor state (R80). In contrast, for a number of partial agonists, both stabilization of R80 and destabilization of the inactive, Nb60-bound state (R60) contribute to their ability to modulate receptor activation. These data demonstrate that ligands can initiate a wide range of cellular responses by differentially stabilizing multiple receptor states

    Desensitization, internalization, and signaling functions of β-arrestins demonstrated by RNA interference

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    β-Arrestins bind to activated G protein-coupled receptor kinase-phosphorylated receptors, which leads to their desensitization with respect to G proteins, internalization via clathrin-coated pits, and signaling via a growing list of “scaffolded” pathways. To facilitate the discovery of novel adaptor and signaling roles of β-arrestins, we have developed and validated a generally applicable interfering RNA approach for selectively suppressing β-arrestins 1 or 2 expression by up to 95%. β-Arrestin depletion in HEK293 cells leads to enhanced cAMP generation in response to β(2)-adrenergic receptor stimulation, markedly reduced β(2)-adrenergic receptor and angiotensin II receptor internalization and impaired activation of the MAP kinases ERK 1 and 2 by angiotensin II. This approach should allow discovery of novel signaling and regulatory roles for the β-arrestins in many seven-membrane-spanning receptor systems