783 research outputs found

    Moxifloxacin: Clinically compatible contrast agent for multiphoton imaging

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    Multiphoton microscopy (MPM) is a nonlinear fluorescence microscopic technique widely used for cellular imaging of thick tissues and live animals in biological studies. However, MPM application to human tissues is limited by weak endogenous fluorescence in tissue and cytotoxicity of exogenous probes. Herein, we describe the applications of moxifloxacin, an FDA-approved antibiotic, as a cell-labeling agent for MPM. Moxifloxacin has bright intrinsic multiphoton fluorescence, good tissue penetration and high intracellular concentration. MPM with moxifloxacin was demonstrated in various cell lines, and animal tissues of cornea, skin, small intestine and bladder. Clinical application is promising since imaging based on moxifloxacin labeling could be 10 times faster than imaging based on endogenous fluorescence.1152sciescopu

    Data Deluge in Astrophysics: Photometric Redshifts as a Template Use Case

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    Astronomy has entered the big data era and Machine Learning based methods have found widespread use in a large variety of astronomical applications. This is demonstrated by the recent huge increase in the number of publications making use of this new approach. The usage of machine learning methods, however is still far from trivial and many problems still need to be solved. Using the evaluation of photometric redshifts as a case study, we outline the main problems and some ongoing efforts to solve them.Comment: 13 pages, 3 figures, Springer's Communications in Computer and Information Science (CCIS), Vol. 82

    Supersymmetric Charged Clouds in AdS_5

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    We consider supersymmetric holographic flows that involve background gauge fields dual to chemical potentials in the boundary field theory. We use a consistent truncation of gauged N=8 supergravity in five dimensions and we give a complete analysis of the supersymmetry conditions for a large family of flows. We examine how the well-known supersymmetric flow between two fixed points is modified by the presence of the chemical potentials and this yields a new, completely smooth, solution that interpolates between two global AdS spaces of different radii and with different values of the chemical potential. We also examine some black-hole-like singular flows and a new non-supersymmetric black hole solution. We comment on the interpretation of our new solutions in terms of giant gravitons and discuss the implications of our work for finding black-hole solutions in AdS geometries.Comment: 31 pages, 6 figures; minor corrections, updated reference

    Klebanov-Witten flows in M-theory

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    We study renormalization group flows among three dimensional superconformal gauge theories which closely resemble the renowned Klebanov-Witten flow in four dimensions. In the large N limit, each theory appearing in the flow is holographically dual to M-theory on AdS4 times a toric Sasaki-Einstein seven-manifold. The theories are obtained through the so-called flavoring method, which adds some fundamental matter fields to the dimensionally reduced Klebanov-Witten theories. We reconfirm the matching between the gauge theories and the dual geometries by comparing the chiral ring structure. As a more refined test of the flows, we compute the three-sphere partition function of the gauge theories. The square of the free energy, inversely proportional to the volume of the seven-manifold, decreases by a universal ratio 16/27 for all flows considered in this paper.Comment: 38 pages, 8 figures; v2. references added, minor improvement

    Towards the F-Theorem: N=2 Field Theories on the Three-Sphere

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    For 3-dimensional field theories with {\cal N}=2 supersymmetry the Euclidean path integrals on the three-sphere can be calculated using the method of localization; they reduce to certain matrix integrals that depend on the R-charges of the matter fields. We solve a number of such large N matrix models and calculate the free energy F as a function of the trial R-charges consistent with the marginality of the superpotential. In all our {\cal N}=2 superconformal examples, the local maximization of F yields answers that scale as N^{3/2} and agree with the dual M-theory backgrounds AdS_4 x Y, where Y are 7-dimensional Sasaki-Einstein spaces. We also find in toric examples that local F-maximization is equivalent to the minimization of the volume of Y over the space of Sasakian metrics, a procedure also referred to as Z-minimization. Moreover, we find that the functions F and Z are related for any trial R-charges. In the models we study F is positive and decreases along RG flows. We therefore propose the "F-theorem" that we hope applies to all 3-d field theories: the finite part of the free energy on the three-sphere decreases along RG trajectories and is stationary at RG fixed points. We also show that in an infinite class of Chern-Simons-matter gauge theories where the Chern-Simons levels do not sum to zero, the free energy grows as N^{5/3} at large N. This non-trivial scaling matches that of the free energy of the gravity duals in type IIA string theory with Romans mass.Comment: 66 pages, 10 figures; v2: refs. added, minor improvement

    On thermodynamics of N=6 superconformal Chern-Simons theory

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    We study thermodynamics of N=6 superconformal Chern-Simons theory by computing quantum corrections to the free energy. We find that in weakly coupled ABJM theory on R(2) x S(1), the leading correction is non-analytic in the 't Hooft coupling lambda, and is approximately of order lambda^2 log(lambda)^3. The free energy is expressed in terms of the scalar thermal mass m, which is generated by screening effects. We show that this mass vanishes to 1-loop order. We then go on to 2-loop order where we find a finite and positive mass squared m^2. We discuss differences in the calculation between Coulomb and Lorentz gauge. Our results indicate that the free energy is a monotonic function in lambda which interpolates smoothly to the N^(3/2) behaviour at strong coupling.Comment: 29 pages. v2: references added. v3: minor changes, references added, published versio