5 research outputs found

    The Rational Use of Oxalic Acid Against to “Varroa Destructor”; Regional Scale Pilot Scheme

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    Varroa destructor mite poses a serious problem for the future of bee populations around the world. Today, there are many commercial drugs with the same and different active ingredients on the market to chemically control over of Varroa destructor. More frequent chemical applications for against Varroa destructor increases stress resilience, colony losses, loss of yield and residue problems in bee products. The scope of this project is aimed to determine the appropriate control method of Varroa by investigating the efficiency values of the evaporation and dropping methods of Oxalic acid. Experimental area were chosen three different apiaries. 28 colonies were determined in each apiary and equalization studies (area with brood, number of bees with bees, age of queen bees, honey, pollen, etc.) were carried out in these colonies. The determined colonies were randomly divided into 4 groups as 7 colonies. The first group is the control group, the second group is applying 2 g of oxalic acid by vaporizing, the third group is 4% oxalic acid 5 ml of sugar syrup (1:1) is dropped between the frames, and in the fourth group, the fight against a drug that is determined by the beekeeper in the market without interfering with the beekeeper. In order to evaluate the data, samples were taken for four periods, before and after spraying in spring and autumn. While the varroa measurements in the group of syrup, vapor and spraying were found to be statistically less than the control group, the syrup, vapor and spraying groups were statistically similar in terms of varroa measurements. Oxalic acid syrup application showed higher efficiency in spring and autumn than vapor application. There is no statistically difference between both two-application method reveals that it can be used as an effective and safe alternative to chemical control against varroa

    The Effects of Wintering in Different Climatic Regions of Turkey on Some Physiological Characteristic of Caucasian Honey Bee (Apis mellifera caucasica) Colonies

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    This study was conducted in two locations have different altitudes in the cities which have different climates as Ankara, Ordu, Erzurum, Mersin. The purpose of this work was to define some physiological properties of the bees such as the survivability of colony, wintering ability, usage of stoked honey and to discuss all these data. This study lasted two years and the second year was the continuation of the first year. At the beginning of the year, colonies which has the same genotype were equalized as number of combs covered with bees, stocked honey and brood areas and so on. According to the data analysis, it was obtained that the quantity of the stocked honey was not statistically significant by the region×altitude×year interaction. However, year×region and region×altitude interactions were statistically significant. Similarly, it was obtained that the wintering ability was not statistically significant by the region×altitude×year interaction. The only year×region interaction was statistically significant. Also, descriptive statistics obtained for the survivability of the colonies (%) during the first and second year was added statistically to this application. As a result, this work showed that migratory beekeepers could reevaluate the regions which have the microclimate properties in Aegean, Mediterranean, and the Black Sea. And new research should be made by adding different species of honeybees for the performance of overwintering in different climates

    Importance of Berseem Clover (Trifolium alexandrinum L.) and Phacelia (Phacelia tanacetifolia B.) Plants in Honey Bees (Apis mellifera L.) Preference

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    Bu araştırma, 2014 yılında Samsun İlinde bulunan Karadeniz Tarımsal Araştırma Enstitüsü denemealanında yapılmıştır. Çalışmada her biri 100 m² olan 2 ayrı parsele, fazelya (arı otu), İskenderiye üçgülübitkilerinin çiçeklenmeleri aynı döneme gelecek şekilde planlanarak, ekimleri yapılmıştır. Deneme parsellerininyanına çiçeklenme öncesi 6 adet arı kolonisi yerleştirilmiştir. Arı ziyaretleri ile ilgili sayımlar bitkilerdekiçiçeklenme dönemlerinde her gün 1 m² alan üzerinden 09:00, 12:00 ve 15:00saatlerinde olmak üzere üç farklızamanda 5 dakika süre ile eşzamanlı olarak yapılmıştır. Bitkideki çiçeklenme süresince kovanlara her günpolen tuzakları takılarak, günlük polen sayımları yapılmıştır. Bal arıları 5 dakikalık süre içerisinde, ortalamaolarak fazelya bitkisine 72.74, İskenderiye üçgülüne ise 53.90 adet/m2ziyaret gerçekleştirmiştir. Bal arılarınınbitkilerdeki 30 gün süren çiçeklenme dönemi içerisinde en yüksek ziyaret 165.72 adet/m2ile 11. gündeolmuştur. Çiçeklenmenin ilk ve son 3 günü en düşük ziyaretler gerçekleşmiştir. 09:00, 12:00ve 15:00saatlerindeziyaret ortalamaları sırasıyla, 56.24, 71.93, 61.80 adet/m2olarak gerçekleşmiştir. Araştırmadaki kolonilerdenelde edilen ve rastgele seçilen 200 polen paleti içerisinden 6.87 adet fazelya, 2.91 adet iskenderiye üçgülüpolen paleti belirlenmiştir. Metrekarede ortalama olarak İskenderiye üçgülünde 33600, fazelyada 9500 adetçiçek belirlenmiştir. Bu çalışmayla arıcılık adına özel bitki olan fazelya kadar olmasa da İskenderiye üçgülününarıcılık için çok önemli bitki olduğu ortaya çıkmaktadır.This study was established in Samsun Karadeniz Agricultural Research Institute Campus in test field areain 2014. Study was carried out by sowing phacelia and berseem clover in two different fields each of 100 m2.It was planned to get same blooming period of plants. Six bee colonies were placed near to the test fieldbefore blooming. Counting about bee visitings were made in blooming periods according to 1 m² field and 3different times 09:00-12:00-15:00o'clock in 5 minutes once in a day. We set up pollen traps everyday andcounting the pollens daily during the flowering period. Average numbers of honey bee visitings were 72.74number/m2for phacelia plant and 53.90 number/m2for berseem clover plant in 5 minutes period. It was foundthat most crowded visiting was 165.72 number/m2in 11thday of 30 days. The lowest visiting was first andlast three days of blooming period. Average numbers of honey bee visitings were 56.24, 71.93, 61.80number/m2at 09:00, 12:00and15:00o'clock respectively. It is defined 6.87 pollen pallet from phacelia plant and2.91 pollen pallet from berseem plant in randomly chosen 200 pollen packages. Berseem plant had themaximum flower quantity by 33600 flowers/number in m2, phacelia had 9500 flowers/m2. This study showedthat berseem clover is an important plant for apiculture although not as important as phacelia plant which isvery special for apiculture