22 research outputs found

    Electrocoagulation using novel configurations electrodes for treatment of textile wastewater

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    Textile wastewater is considered as one of the most polluted wastewater. Conventional chemical coagulation is the most famous technique used to treat the textile effluent. However, this method produces low removal rate, long retention time and a large quantity of sludge and chemicals. The electrocoagulation (EC) technology is an active wastewater treatment used before sedimentation and filtration. It is still in the "black box" stage where process design, control, and optimization have been primarily empirical. In this research, the EC process was performed in two models for the treatment of textile wastewater. The first model is the conventional reactor with a new configuration that has static electrodes, classified in two phases. The two phases are the EC process alone, using Mp Al-Bp Al or Mp Al-Bp Fe and EC combined with electrooxidation process (EO) in the same reactor using MpTi-Bp Al or MpTi-Bp Fe. The second model is a novel reactor design with a rotating anode using aluminum electrodes. The rotating anode consists of 10 impellers supported by a shaft with 10 rings used as a cathode. The operational parameters were investigated, and the process was performed under optimal conditions. For model one, the results showed that the Mp Al-Bp Al was more effective than the Mp Al-Bp Fe and it was more efficient than chemical coagulation. The optimal combination (EC-EO) treatment was established with Mp Ti-Bp Al, and it is found to be more active than EC alone. The optimal parameters of the EC process with a novel rotating anode were 4 mA/cm2 current density, 150 rpm rotational speed, and 10 minutes reaction time. EC process with a rotating anode was more active than model one and chemical coagulation, where the removal efficiency was higher, and the operational cost were reduced significantly. The increase of impellers anode diameter led toenhance the mass transfer coefficient of ionic aluminum. This result was confirmed by computational fluid dynamic (CFD) simulation results. By solar cell supply, the EC process with rotating anode reactor using batch and continuous flow regime had almost similar removal rate. Zeta potential tests showed that reaction was chemo-adsorption, and this was validated by the X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis. Moreover, the reaction product was environmental friendly. Hydrogen production was improved at a rotation speed of anode. The electrode passivation was reduced by increasing rotational speed of anode which led to an improved in the EC process performance and validated the reactor design. Finally, the contribution of this study is a novel EC reactor with a rotating anode which is more efficient and economic as compared to the conventional coagulation process in the textile wastewater treatment

    Electrocoagulation Technology in Wastewater Treatment: A Review of Methods and Applications

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    The purpose of this paper is to review the relevant literature that published from 2010 to 2013 on topics related to electrocoagulation technology within the wastewater. The review describes and discussing issues surrounding electrocoagulation treatment within wastewater, including its concept, the background and various wastewater treatment techniques applications in the industry such as, optimization, modelling, combination composition and ,comparison with other treatment methods. Keywords: coagulation,electrochemical treatment , electrocoagulation, electrode, wastewater treatment

    Combination of Electrocoagulation and Electro-Oxidation Processes of Textile Wastewaters Treatment

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    The present paper investigates the electrocoagulation-electrooxidation (EC-EO) process for the treatment of high-strength wastewater textile industry located in Babylon governance -Iraq. This EC-EO process evaluated the efficiency of electrocoagulation in treating contaminants.Textile wastewater such as BOD, COD, TDS, TSS, turbidity, nitrates, sulfate, total phosphates, electrical conductivity, oil and grease and the total phenols by using either Aluminum or (Iron) electrodes set in a bipolar structure or Titanium coated with iridium oxide Ti/IrO2 electrodes arranged in a monopolar outline in the same electrolytic cell. The first set of analyses that examined the best performance of textile wastewater was achieved by using Aluminum and Titanium coated with iridium oxide plates alternated in the electrode pack and operated at a current of 0.6 A during 90 min of treatment with pH adjusted to approximately 6.0. Further analysis showed that, 95% of oil and greases (O&G) were removed, however chemical oxygen demand (COD) and biological oxygen demand (BOD) removal reached 90% and 87%, respectively. Another important finding was that, more than 96 % of soluble phosphate was removed, and the process was effective in removing turbidity (98%) and suspended solids (98%). A total cost of treated textile effluent process under the best conditions involved using an EC - EO process including chemical electrode consumption, and energy was 2.03 USD/m3. Keywords: Electrocoagulation, Electro-oxidation, Titanium electrode, Textile wastewater, Aluminum electrode.

    Air Pollution Levels by Re-suspended and Airborne Dust Due to Traffic Movement at the Main High Traffic Crossroads of Hilla City, Iraq

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    يتضمن هذا البحث عمليه مراقبه وتقييم لمستويات تلوث الهواء الناتج عن الغبار المتصاعد والمحمول بالهواء بسبب حركه المرور في تقاطعات الطرق الأكثر ازدحاما في مدينه ألحله وهي تقاطع نادر وتقاطع ألثوره. إن الغبار المتصاعد هو واحد من أكثر مصادر تلوث الهواء المساهم في التلوث الجوي الكلي وخصوصا عندما تكون الطرق غير مبلطه أو تحت الصيانة وبحمل مروري عالي مثل مايحصل ألان في تقاطع نادر الذي هو تقاطع رئيسي غير مبلط حاليا كونه تحت عمليه صيانة لأقامه مجسر عليه. تم إيجاد تراكير الدقائق العالقة الكلية للموقعين بواسطة جهاز اخذ العينات المحمول خلال ساعة الازدحام المروري وفي جو مشمس ومعتدل ولأربعه شهور( كانون الأول 2011, شباط 2012, نيسان 2012, أيار 2012 ). قد أكدت النتائج مساهمه الطرق غير ألمبلطه في تلوث الهواء. بينت النتائج أن معدل مستويات الدقائق العالقة في تقاطع نادر أعلى من معدلاتها في تقاطع ألثوره طوال فتره الدراسة حيث كان اقل مستوى للدقائق العالقة في تقاطع نادر(5676,67 مايكرو غرام\م3 ) هو أعلى من أعلى مستوى للدقائق العالقة في تقاطع ألثوره (4096,41 مايكرو غرام\م3 ). كما بينت النتائج أن تركيز الغبار المتصاعد ألمقاسه في هذه الدراسة (426.06-9348.95) مايكرو غرام\م3 هي أعلى بكثير من الحدود المسموحه في المواصفات ألقياسيه لوكالة حماية البيئة الامريكيه.This research includes a monitoring and an evaluation of the air pollution levels generated by the re-suspended and airborne dust due to traffic movement at the main busy crossroads of Hilla City, Nader Crossroad and Al-Thowra Crossroad, Iraq. The re-suspended dust is one of the most important contributors towards overall atmospheric pollution, especially when the roads are unpaved or under maintenance with high traffic load such as Nader Crossroad, which was under maintenance to construct a bridge on it. The concentrations of the total suspended particulate matters were determined at the two locations using portable air sampler during traffic rush hour on sunny moderated weekdays for four months, December 2011, February 2012, April 2012, and May 2012. The results have confirmed the contribution of the unpaved roads in air pollution. The results showed that the average TSP levels at Nader Crossroad was higher than the average TSP levels at Al-Thowra Crossroad during the total period of the study in which the minimum TSP level at Nader Crossroad was 5676.67 μg/m3, which was higher than the maximum TSP level at Al-Thowra Crossroad, 4096.41 μg/m3. In addition, the re-suspended dust concentrations that were measured in this study and ranged from 426.06 to 9348.95 μg/m3 are much higher than the American Environmental Protection Agency acceptable limits of national ambient air quality standards for the particulate matter. &nbsp

    Treatment of Textile Wastewater Using a Novel Electrocoagulation Reactor Design

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    This study explored the best operating conditions for a novel electrocoagulation (EC) reactor with the rotating anode for textile wastewater treatment. The influence of operating parameters like interelectrode distance (IED), current density (CD), temperature, pH, operating time (RT) and rotation speed on the removal efficiency of the contaminant was studied. A comparative study was done using conventional model with static electrodes in two phases under same textile wastewater. The findings revealed that the optimal conditions for textile wastewater treatment were attained at RT = 10 min, CD = 4 mA/cm2, rotation speed = 150 rpm, temperature = 25°C, IED = 1 cm and pH = 4.57. The removal efficiencies of color, biological oxygen demand (BOD), turbidity, chemical oxygen demand (COD) and total suspended solid (TSS) were 98.50, 95.55, 96, 98 and 97.10%, respectively, within the first 10 min of the reaction. The results of the experiment reveal that the newly designed reactor incorporated with cathode rings and rotated anode impellers provide a superior treatment efficiency within a short reaction time. The novel EC reactor with a rotating anode significantly enhanced textile wastewater treatment compared to the conventional model. The values of adsorption and passivation resistance validated the pollutants removal rate

    Development of Diamond Composite Electrode for Anodic Oxidation of Organic Pollutants

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    Abstract Nano-diamond composite electrode was prepared and used as anode for anodic oxidation process for organic chemicals. Electrochemical techniques such as impedance and cyclic voltammetry have been used to characterize the diamond composite electrode properties. The oxidation power of the electrode was 0.8 V vs. Ag/AgCl, the charge transfer rate was 12.1 Ohm, and the double layer capacitance was less than 1 μF. The anodic oxidation behavior of p-benzoquinone, 2-chlorophenol, and phenol over diamond composite electrode were investigated by cyclic voltammetry in 0.1 M H2SO4 (pH 3) solution and 0.25 M Na2SO4 (pH 6.8) solution. Results marked that the electro-oxidation of p-benzoquinone was more active than phenol and 2-chlorophenol in the both solutions. The performance of the diamond composite electrode during incineration of 200 mg/L p-benzoquinone, 2-chlorophenol, phenol were investigated in an aqueous solution of pH 3 and pH 6.8 with 0.25 M Na2SO4 as the supporting electrolyte and applied current density of 40 mA/cm2. Results showed that the degradation rate of benzoquinone was faster than 2-chlorophenol and phenol in both different pH solutions. Moreover, the benzoquinone degradation rate was enhanced at high pH solution, on the contrary of that of 2-chlorophenol and phenol were clearly favored in acid medium

    Implementation of the AquaCrop Model for Forecasting the Effects of Climate Change on Water Consumption and Potato Yield Under Various Irrigation Techniques

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    In this study, the AquaCrop model was employed to analyze the impact of projected future climate changes on the water usage and biomass production of potato crops in Babylon, Iraq, under varying irrigation methods. The irrigation techniques evaluated included sprinkler irrigation, surface drip irrigation, and subsurface drip irrigation at depths of 10 cm and 20 cm. The study involved simulating and forecasting conditions for the year 2050, comparing them to current conditions. The model measured and predicted the evapotranspiration (ETa) and actual biomass of potato crops for 2050 using the RCP 8.5 scenarios, which outline different trajectories for greenhouse gas emissions. The AquaCrop model was calibrated and validated using statistical measures such as the R2, RMSE, CV, EF, and D, achieving a 99% accuracy level in its performance. The findings suggest that using drip irrigation systems and applying the AquaCrop model significantly mitigates the adverse effects of environmental stress on desert soils and enhances sustainable agricultural practices in arid regions

    Environmental Modelling of Ionic Mass Transfer Coefficient in a Unique Electrocoagulation Reactor

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    Ionic mass transfer in a novel electrocoagulation reactor (ECR) using a rotating impeller anode is studied experimentally using the limiting current density method. The CFD simulation is also conducted for characterizing the novel electrocoagulation reactor (ECR) and validating the experimental study of ionic mass transfer. Variables included rotational speed and anode diameter. The Bland-Altman method was used to verify the accuracy of experimental and simulation results. Data for the condition 11852 < Re < 58550 and 88 < Sc < 285 were found to fit the equation for the largest diameter of 11.2 cm; Sh = 2.1Re0.93Sc0.33. Based on COD removal efficiency, optimal EC performance is realized at the largest anode diameter of 11.2 cm, confirming the enhancement of aluminum mass transfer by increasing the anode diameter. The experimental values of current density and mass transfer coefficient are validated by CFD simulation for all the rotational speeds and anode diameters. The accuracy is up to 95% for the experimental current densities compared with simulation values

    The Influence of Olive Oil Waste as a Biofuel on the Exhaust Gases of the Internal Combustion Engine

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    Future options for addressing the depletion of fossil fuels and reducing pollution from internal combustion engines may include biofuel as an alternative fuel. This study aims to experimentally and statistically assess the effect of using diesel-biofuel blends on the emissions of a single-cylinder direct-injection engine. Using recycled olive oil, a chemical Tran’s esterification process was used to create biofuel. The experimental results were contrasted with those of a one-dimensional engine model for exhaust emissions and torque, which showed high agreement between test and numerical data. In order to comprehend the factors that affect the engine's reaction to variations in fuel composition, the thermodynamic characteristics of the engine for various blends were also supplied. According to the investigation, a mixture with 20% of the volume fraction of oleic acid methyl ester olive-based biofuel and 80% of the volume fraction of pure diesel can be an effective fuel alternative for cleaner exhaust emissions while offering almost the same performance

    The Influence of Olive Oil Waste as a Biofuel on the Exhaust Gases of the Internal Combustion Engine

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    Future options for addressing the depletion of fossil fuels and reducing pollution from internal combustion engines may include biofuel as an alternative fuel. This study aims to experimentally and statistically assess the effect of using diesel-biofuel blends on the emissions of a single-cylinder direct-injection engine. Using recycled olive oil, a chemical Tran’s esterification process was used to create biofuel. The experimental results were contrasted with those of a one-dimensional engine model for exhaust emissions and torque, which showed high agreement between test and numerical data. In order to comprehend the factors that affect the engine’s reaction to variations in fuel composition, the thermodynamic characteristics of the engine for various blends were also supplied. According to the investigation, a mixture with 20% of the volume fraction of oleic acid methyl ester olive-based biofuel and 80% of the volume fraction of pure diesel can be an effective fuel alternative for cleaner exhaust emissions while offering almost the same performance