30 research outputs found

    Les Européens à Tunis aux XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles

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    Avec l’établissement d’un pouvoir turc à la tête de la Régence de Tunis, en 1574, les échanges avec l’Europe se développent et les Européens qu’ils soient juifs, chrétiens convertis à l’Islam, captifs ou libres par leurs talents variés occupent une place remarquable au sein de la société tunisoise. Cette communication, traite de quelques conséquences de la présence européenne à Tunis, sur les grands ensembles architecturaux et le développement urbain de Tunis à l’époque ottomane à travers l’abondante documentation concernant les wakfs des fondations étudiées. Le premier aspect intéresse les Livournais et l’extension du quartier israélite, le deuxième concerne les renégats,  les chrétiens libres et les consuls et enfin, le troisième se rapporte aux captifs et aux bagnes.With the establishment of turquish power in Tunis’s regency in 1574, the changes with Europe spread out and european jews and christians convert to Islam prisoners or born free by their varied talents occupy a remarkable place in the bosom of the european’s presence in Tunis more particularly on the great architectural’s sets and urban development on the ottoman period through the rich documentation concerning wakfs studied. The first sight concernes « Livournais » and the extension of jew district the second concerns renegates, free Christian men and consuls and finally the third concernes prisoners and their convict prisons

    Évolution Des Prix Du Pétrole : Moteurs Et Conséquences Économiques

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    The purpose of this article is to analyze the current energy crisis. Contrary to the scenarios focusing on renewable energies, will oil still supply most of the energy demand? We will also discuss the causes of the current sharp rise in oil prices? Is this a temporary economic phenomenon or the start of a cycle of sustainable increase in energy prices? Is this, as many fear, the harbinger of a new and big oil shock, which would be caused by the imbalance in the rates of development of supply and demand? These questions and fears are all the more legitimate since the oil market has been in turmoil in recent years. The factors that caused prices to soar to higher levels have not, for the most part, disappeared. These factors concern both the global geopolitical context and the mechanical game of the market. The soaring of classes even accelerated with the Arab Spring.L’objet de cet article est d’analyser la crise énergétique actuelle. Contrairement aux scenarii misant sur les énergies renouvelables, le pétrole fournira-t-il encore l’essentiel de la demande énergétique ? Nous discuterons aussi les causes de l’actuelle forte hausse des prix du pétrole ? S’agit-il d’un phénomène conjoncturel et passager ou du début d’un cycle d’accroissement durable des prix de l’énergie ? Est-ce, comme d’aucuns le craignent, le signe avant-coureur d’un nouveau et grand choc pétrolier, qui serait provoqué par le déséquilibre dans les rythmes de développement de l’offre et de la demande ? Ces questions et ces craintes sont d’autant plus légitimes que le marché pétrolier est entré en ébullition ces dernières années. Les facteurs qui ont fait exploser les prix à des niveaux supérieurs n’ont pas, pour l’essentiel, disparu. Ces facteurs concernent à la fois le contexte géopolitique mondial et le jeu mécanique du marché. L’envolée des cours s’est même accélérée avec le printemps arabe

    Accounting bias and its impact on the quality of financial information

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    تهدف هذه الدراسة إلى إبراز التحيز المحاسبي ومدى تأثيره على جودة المعلومة المالية من خلال إتباع المنهج الوصفي التحليلي، حيث تم التطرق في الجانب النظري إلى مجموعة من المفاهيم الأساسية حول التحيز المحاسبي وجودة المعلومة المالية، أما فيما يخص الجانب التطبيقي فقد تم قياس مدى تأثير تحيز القياس المحاسبي وتحيز المحاسب على جودة المعلومة المالية،  وهذا باستخدام الاستبيان الموزع على عينة مكونة من  المحاسبين وكل الأشخاص الذين لهم علاقة بالمعلومات المالية، وقد خلصت الدراسة إلى مجموعة من النتائج أهمها: يؤثر تحيز القياس المحاسبي في فترات التضخم على جودة المعلومة المالية؛ حسب نتائج الدراسة الميدانية، فإن تجاهل تغير المستوى العام للأسعار من قبل المحاسب يعتبر تحيزا يؤثر على جودة المعلومات المالية بنسبة 50.5٪. اتفق أفراد العينة على أن تحيز القياس المحاسبي له تأثير أكبر من تحيز المحاسب على جودة المعلومة المالية.This study aims to highlight the accounting bias and its impact on the quality of financial information through a descriptive analytical approach, the theoretical aspect focused on a set of basic concepts of accounting bias and the quality of financial information, On the practical side, the extent of the impact of accounting bias was measured on the quality of financial information using a questionnaire. Distributed to a sample made up of accountants and all those involved in financial reporting, the study concluded a set of results, the most important of them:  Ø  Accounting measurement bias affects the quality Periods of inflation of financial information.Ø  According to the results of the field study, ignoring the change in the general level of prices by the accountant is a bias that affects the quality of financial information by 50.5% Ø  The sample members agreed that the accounting measurement bias has a greater impact than the accountant bias on the quality of financial information

    A Design-led FEWW Nexus Approach For Qatar University

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    Demographic explosion, climate change, urbanization, change of life quality, and food demand have put extra pressure on Food, Energy, Water, and Waste (FEWW) resources.A special focus has been placed on university campuses as they are representative urban communities with a substantial need for food, energy, and water and they generate waste. Furthermore, universities can be models for the community as they can apply and disseminate new ideas. The case study of the Qatar University via the Doha Living Lab (DLL) generates ideas and gives solutions to the FEWW Nexus through urban agriculture practices adopted to the climatic conditions of Qatar. The DLL follows the M-NEX Design method consisting of three steps: Design Development, Design Evaluation, and Implementation by engaging stakeholders and the local community. The areas of the DLL increase food production on the campus while minimizing the use of energy and water, enhance biodiversity as well as soil quality by valorizing food waste. The carbon footprint of DLL is reduced by 2% when the same quantity of food is produced locally than imported. This applies when 75% of the energy needs come from renewable sources, 75% of the needed animal feed comes from bio waste, and finally, when novel greenhouse technologies are utilized with low energy consumption. According to the research results, the FEWW Nexus and food production on campus can be sustainable in terms of low carbon footprint with minimal resource use, use of renewable energy sources, and food waste valorization

    Evaluation of Roholtiella sp. Extract on Bell Pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) Yield and Quality in a Hydroponic Greenhouse System

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    This study was carried out to investigate the impacts of cyanobacteria (Roholtiella sp.) high-value product extract (HVPE) and water resuspended biomass WRB treatments on bell pepper production using the hydroponic system under greenhouse conditions. Six cyanobacteria treatments (6 ml L−1, 4 ml L−1, and 2 ml L−1 – HVPE, 6 ml L−1, 4 ml L−1, and 2 ml L−1 – WRB, and TR0 as control) were evaluated using the foliar application method. The results showed that foliar application of HVPE with treatments of 2 ml L−1, 4 ml L−1, and 6 ml L−1 produced significantly higher values of physical growth parameters of bell pepper (BP) plants (shoot length, the number of leaves, plant leaf length, plant leaf width, and the diameter of the shoot), SPAD index, yield components (the fruit length, fruit width, the number of fruit per plant, and fresh weight per fruit), biochemical composition [ascorbic acid, phenolic acid, and total soluble solids (TSS)], and the total yield compared to the control group TR0. Also, significant higher values of growth parameters (shoot length, the number of leaves, plant leaf length, plant leaf width, the diameter of the shoot), SPAD index, yield components (the fruit length, fruit width, the number of fruits per plant, and fresh weight per fruit), biochemical composition [ascorbic acid, phenolic acid, and total soluble solids (TSS)], and the total yield were obtained with foliar spraying WRB at 2 ml L−1, 4 ml L−1, and 6 ml L−1 compared to the control group TR0. Consequently, the treated bell pepper with Roholtiella sp. HVPE and WRB were more efficient in enhancing production and chemical constituents compared with the control group.This study was funded by the Graduate Student Grant (QUST-1-CAS-2020-10) provided by Qatar University, the NPRP8 project, and Qatar University IDC funds of RB-H

    A novel hybrid numerical with analytical approach for parameter extraction of photovoltaic modules

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    Building an accurate mathematical model of photovoltaic modules is an essential issue for providing reasonable analysis, control and optimization of photovoltaic energy systems. Therefore, this study provides a new accurate model of photovoltaic Panels based on single diode Model. In this case, the proposed model is the link between two models which are the ideal model and the resistance network. All parameters are estimated based on hybrid Analytical/Numerical approach: three parameters photocurrent, reverse saturation current and ideality factor are obtained using an Analytical approach based on the datasheet provided by the manufacturer under Standard Test Conditions. The series and shunt resistances are obtained by using a Numerical approach similar to the Villalva's method in order to achieve the purpose of modeling the resistance network part. Our model is tested with data from the manufacturer of three different technologies namely polycrystalline, Mono-crystalline silicon modules and thin-film based on Copper Indium Diselenide, and for more accurate performance evaluation we are introducing the Average Relative Error and the Root Mean Square Error. The simulated Current-Voltage and Power-Voltage curves are in accordance with experimental characteristics, and there is a strong agreement between the proposed model and the experimental characteristics. The computation time is 0.23 s lower than those obtained using others approach, and all obtained results under real environment conditions are also compared with different models and indicated that the proposed model outperforms the others approach such as villalva's and kashif's method

    Understanding impact of heat, drought, and salinity stresses on growth and physiological attributes of Chenopodium album under field conditions

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    Utilizing potential of wild crop relatives becomes a necessity under current climate trends scenario. Chenopodium album is a natural inhabitant of Qatari harsh environment that is characterised by a combination of various stresses. This work investigated morphological, agronomical, and physiological responses of C. album to combination of abiotic stresses (heat, drought, and salinity) under field conditions. Field was divided into shaded and non-shaded plots, and three salinity levels were applied: 0 (control), 100 and 300 mM NaCl. Drought was imposed after 1 month of salinity application by withholding watering on half of the field area. Non-destructive measurements were taken in situ fortnightly, followed by analysis of the plant biomass and leaf elemental content at the end of experiment. It was found that C. album performed better when irrigated with 100 mM salt concentration; these plants also had highest water content and possessed highest drought tolerance. Also, despite accumulating significant quantities of Na and Cl ions in their leaves, physiological parameters were either enhanced (chlorophyll content) or not affected (stomatal conductance and photochemical efficiency of PSII) after 1 month of 100 mM salinity treatment. However, when abiotic pressures are combined and prolonged, C. album plants were similarly stressed, and statistical variations were no more detectable. Shading plants reduced negative impact of salinity and drought stresses. It is concluded that combined stresses have noticeable negative impact on C. album, yet alleviating heat and drought stresses by shade have improved plant tolerance to salinity."This paper was made possible by the NPRP award [NPRP8-126–1-024] from the Qatar National Research Fund, a member of The Qatar Foundation. The statements made herein are solely the responsibility of the authors.

    Application of Cyanobacteria ( sp.) Liquid Extract for the Alleviation of Salt Stress in Bell Pepper ( L.) Plants Grown in a Soilless System.

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    Salinity is one of the abiotic stresses that affect crop growth and productivity in arid and semi-arid regions. Unfortunately, there are few known methods to mitigate the deleterious impacts of salt stress on the development and yield of vegetable crops. Blue-green algae (cyanobacteria) are endowed with the potential to curb the negative impacts of salt stress as they are characterized by biostimulant properties. The present work aimed to investigate the effects of sp. as a foliar extract on the growth characteristics, physiological and biochemical responses of bell pepper ( L.) plants under varying levels of salinity conditions. A soilless water experiment was carried out in a greenhouse where bell pepper seedlings were grown under five salt concentrations (0, 50, 200, 150, and 200 mM of NaCl). Growth characteristics, pigments content, relative water content, and antioxidant activity (CAT) were determined. Our results showed that growth parameters, relative water content (RWC), chlorophyll a & b concentrations under salinity conditions were negatively affected at the highest concentration (200 mM). Interestingly, the application of sp. foliar extract enhanced the plant growth characteristics as shoot length increased by 17.014%, fresh weight by 39.15%, dry and weight by 31.02%, at various salt treatments. Moreover, chlorophyll a and b increased significantly compared with seedlings sprayed with water. Similarly, RWC exhibited a significant increase (92.05%) compared with plants sprayed with water. In addition, antioxidants activities and accumulation of proline were improved in sp. extract foliar sprayed seedlings compared to the plants foliar sprayed with water. Conclusively, at the expiration of our study, the sp. extract-treated plants were found to be more efficient in mitigating the deleterious effects caused by the salinity conditions which is an indication of an enhancement potential of tolerating salt-stressed plants when compared to the control group

    The Moderating Role of Research and Development (R&D) Support in the Relationship between Entrepreneurship and per Capita Output—A Study on the GCC Countries

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    The current study examines the moderating role of R&D expenditures by the government on the relationship between entrepreneurship and per capita output in GCC countries. Using secondary quantitative data, panel data analysis was conducted for six GCC countries (Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Oman, Bahrain, Qatar, and UAE) based on their scores on the Global Entrepreneurship Index, Ease of Doing Business, and R&D expenditure as a percentage of GDP. Descriptive statistics and regression analysis were conducted using Eviews 12. The study found that a supportive business environment and entrepreneurship ecosystem can lead to higher per capita output and that laboratory force and capital are significant positive contributors to per capita output. However, both Ease of Doing Business and the Global Entrepreneurship Index have a significant negative impact on per capita output. The study did not find significant moderation of the relationship between entrepreneurship and per capita output by R&D expenditures. These findings have important implications for policy-makers and academia, emphasizing the significant labour force and capital for per capita output. Future research should explore the relationship between entrepreneurship and growth further and investigate the role of R&D. Policy recommendations include reducing regulatory burdens and providing tax incentives to create a supportive environment for entrepreneurship and increasing R&D funding to promote per capita output. Overall, this study contributes to the state of the art through examining the moderating role of R&D expenditures on the relationship between entrepreneurship and per capita output in the context of GCC countries