638 research outputs found

    Spectral and thermal mapping of desert surface sediments for agricultural development

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    A combination of multispectral, thermal and microwave data obtained from space and supported by ground measurements are used to investigate the surface sediment characteristics of a desert plain area in Egypt (El-Gallaba Plain, NW of Aswan). This plain once hosted an ancestral river system that is nowadays largely covered by aeolian and gravelly sands, and thus, only detectible with radar and thermal images. The methodology consists of extracting thermo-physical and textural parameters to guide and improve supervised spectral classification results. The results show that surface mineralogy (obtained from spectral information) correlates strongly with surface emissivity, whereas grain size and surface roughness strongly correlates with apparent thermal inertia. Furthermore, several broad strips of thermal cooling-anomalies are arranged in a linear fashion and diagonally crossing the alluvial basin. The sediments within these strips show very different textural, thermo-physical and compositional characteristics with respect to the surrounding areas suggesting that they were deposited under different depositional environments such as structurally controlled linear basins. These tectonic depressions were confirmed by ground penetrating radar and could be promising areas for groundwater accumulation and exploration enabling agricultural development in the El-Gallaba Plain of the Western Desert in Egypt

    Minimizing the residual topography effect on interferograms to improve DInSAR results: estimating land subsidence in Port-Said City, Egypt

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    The accurate detection of land subsidence rates in urban areas is important to identify damage-prone areas and provide decision-makers with useful information. Meanwhile, no precise measurements of land subsidence have been undertaken within the coastal Port-Said City in Egypt to evaluate its hazard in relationship to sea-level rise. In order to address this shortcoming, this work introduces and evaluates a methodology that substantially improves small subsidence rate estimations in an urban setting. Eight ALOS/PALSAR-1 scenes were used to estimate the land subsidence rates in Port-Said City, using the Small BAse line Subset (SBAS) DInSAR technique. A stereo pair of ALOS/PRISM was used to generate an accurate DEM to minimize the residual topography effect on the generated interferograms. A total of 347 well distributed ground control points (GCP) were collected in Port-Said City using the leveling instrument to calibrate the generated DEM. Moreover, the eight PALSAR scenes were co-registered using 50 well-distributed GCPs and used to generate 22 interferogram pairs. These PALSAR interferograms were subsequently filtered and used together with the coherence data to calculate the phase unwrapping. The phase-unwrapped interferogram-pairs were then evaluated to discard four interferograms that were affected by phase jumps and phase ramps. Results confirmed that using an accurate DEM (ALOS/PRISM) was essential for accurately detecting small deformations. The vertical displacement rate during the investigated period (2007–2010) was estimated to be −28 mm. The results further indicate that the northern area of Port-Said City has been subjected to higher land subsidence rates compared to the southern area. Such land subsidence rates might induce significant environmental changes with respect to sea-level rise

    Pell and Pell-Lucas numbers as sums of two Jacobsthal numbers

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    We solve the two Diophantine equations Pk=Jn+JmP_k=J_n+J_m and Qk=Jn+JmQ_k=J_n+J_m where {Pk}k0\left\lbrace P_{k}\right\rbrace_{k\geq0}, {Qk}k0\left\lbrace Q_{k}\right\rbrace_{k\geq0} and {Jk}k0\left\lbrace J_{k}\right\rbrace_{k\geq0} are the sequences of Pell numbers, Pell-Lucas numbers and Jacobsthal numbers, respectively. The main tool is the theory of linear forms in logarithms.Comment: First versio

    Spectral and Thermal Mapping of Desert Surface Sediments for Agricultural Development

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    Oral Presentatio

    Study on Demand of Animal Protein Resources in Egypt

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    Agricultural is the principal source of food and some essential raw materials for industrial development. It accounts for almost 18-20% of the Egyptian gross domestic production, for about 17-19% of export earning and employs 32% of the workforce. Increasing Egyptian demand for food yearly, due mainly to the growth of the population considers one of the reasons which caused raising imports. The red meat of staple food commodities that meet Egypt in the proportion of sufficiency was about 73.6% in 2011, having reached the quantities available for consumption of red meat about 1251 tons, while the average individual share of 15.3 kg / year in 2011, increasing an annual rate was about 1.25% during the study period (1992-2011). This shows that the high prices of red meat that makes the consumer to alternatives available in the markets where the average individual share of fish and poultry were about 18.9, and about 13.8 kg / year in 2011 respectively, while the annual growth rate was about 4.87% and 2.04% of fish and poultry, respectively during the period (1992-2011).The shortage of providing food from animal protein is very important because it is one of the components of the major food necessary for human nutrition and the maintenance of health, it is access to sources of animal protein from red meat, poultry and fish, it is associated with the demand by increasing population, increasing expenditure income and the level of awareness of health and nutrition of the population, and increase the average per capita, with an average individual share consumption of red meat, fish and poultry in Egypt with about 13.63, 13.18 and 10.93 kg / year during the study period (1992-2011), while the annual growth rate was about 1.48%, 5.04%, 2.3%, respectively, which demonstrates that the rate of increase in population growth exceeded the rate of increase and improve the demand for red meat due to increase the incomes as a result of continuous rise in the price of red meat and low average per capita, resulting in the transformation of consumer to the alternatives available in the market of animal protein resources such as fish meat and poultry. The study results showed that the demand for red meat using the Almost Ideal Demand System( AIDS) in Egypt during the study period (1992-2011) as follows:• The most important factors affecting the demand for red meat in Egypt during the study period ware the average retail price of red meat, fish, poultry and expenditure on red meat.• High proportion of expenditure for the Egyptian consumer on the red meat for fish and poultry which amounted to about 57.97%, 23.62% and 18.41% respectively, it means that consumer preference for red meat, fish and poultry in bridging the requirements of the animal protein products.• Most of consumer income spent on red meat because the significant value of demand elasticity expenditure coefficient.• The research showed that the value of the signal coefficient of price elasticity of demand cross - compensated that red meat and fish are considered alternative or competing commodities, thus raising the price of fish entail a reduction in the proportion of expenditure on red meat.• The research showed also found that red meat and poultry are considered alternative or competing commodities, which increases the price of poultry, leading to increase in the proportion of expenditure on red meat

    Food gap and food security of sugar in Egypt

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    The research aims mainly to study food gap and food security of sugar in Egypt through studying of several sub-goals represented in: estimating models of general trends function for some economic indicators of sugar in Egypt during the period (1995- 2012), studying of the most important indicators of food security of sugar, estimating the size of the food gap of sugar and knowledge of the most important factors responsible for, and studying the policies and means to achieve food security of sugar in Egypt. Descriptive and quantitative analysis were used. The study depends on secondary data, which collected from local and foreign sources during the period (1995-2012).A study models of the general trend function for economic indicators showed that each of the total domestic production of sugar, domestic consumption, and the average per capita consumption, the amount of sugar imports, food gap of sugar, the price of Egyptian imports of sugar and periods of coverage of domestic production and the quantity of imports for consumption daily from sugar, and found that all of these variables has taken a general trend upward morally statistically significant at the level of probability (0.01) with the exception of a variable of coverage period of local production for daily consumption which took a general trend decreasing, and also did not identify the statistical significance of the variables of self-sufficiency rate and the period of coverage of imports for daily consumption , while the annual growth rates differed according to each variable.The conduct study show that the most important variables specific to the food gap of sugar are all from the local production of sugar, the average real price of Egyptian imports of sugar where it was found that the impact of each of these two variables on sugar gap be negative.The study showed that the strategic stock for sugar is estimated at 1.45 million tons and the average local consumption of sugar is estimated at about 2.17 million tons during the study period (1995-2012), thus estimated food security of about 0.84 is therefore required to take various actions which lead to increase the size of the strategic stock of sugar enough for half of it needs for domestic consumption even come close to the value of suitable coefficient of sugar food securityThe study showed that the policies and means to achieve sugar food security include horizontal agricultural development policy, vertical agricultural development policy, the policy of rationalizing the consumption of sugar, policy of consumer subsidy of sugar, and the policy of diversifying sources of imported sugar.In the light of the results of the study illustrated by research it has been possible to reach some ofthe following recommendations:1- It is necessary to intensify efforts to agricultural extension and agricultural research centers incollaboration with factories engineers and agriculture departments and supervisors agricultural awareness ofthe importance of agriculture resistance to pests and diseases that affect the crop, and help them get onpesticides is harmful to the environment to do so.2- Increasing of sugar production through the expansion of sugar crops, particularly sugar beet to the lack ofwater needs compared to sugar cane harvest in the new land.3- Increasing of sugar productivity crops through dissemination of sugar varieties of high productivity and tosuit every center of administrative centers in Egypt.4- Rationalizing the consumption of sugar during dismiss the size of the loss of sugar.5- to achieve food security has to be the need to develop awareness programs for the application of planningpolicy breeds where it is one of the most important determinants of the demand for i Egyptian imports ofsugar.6- it is important to put a national strategy to increase the self-sufficiency ratio of sugar with the need toimport and distribute the amounts of diversification between different sources in order to avoid what mighthappen from political pressure in favor of the Egyptian economy is in the case of international politicalconditions change.7- It is necessary to study the reduction commitments of support granted to the production and export in the sugar-exporting countries in order to reduce the negative effects on the Egyptian Savin

    Estimation of the Economic Losses of the Waste from the Most Important Vegetable and Fruit Crops in Egypt

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    Increasing the waste of agricultural crops in general and vegetable and fruit crops specially, consider one of the main problems which cause economic losses for Egyptian economy. The main objective of the research is estimating of the economic losses for the waste from the most important vegetable and fruit crops in Egypt. The research depends on two kinds of data, time serious data which collected from different sources local and foreign, and cross section data represent during using a random sample collected from AL- Behaira governorate.The problem of waste considers one of the most important problems that face the agricultural crops, which hinder the performance of the agricultural sector, and the crops of vegetables and fruits of the most important agricultural crops are damaged due to their physical nature and impact of natural factors compared to other crops, causing significant losses of agricultural production and Egyptian food security. The agricultural production waste causing significant losses in national agricultural income and agricultural exports. The losses also cause waste in agricultural resources, specially land, irrigation water and capital and its limited resources in Egyptian agriculture. The results showed that the average annual quantity of Egyptian potatoand orange wastes represented about 135.8% and about 55% of the average quantities of potato exported during the study period, which confirms the importance and necessity of reducing the quantity of waste in the important export potato crop, because if the conservation of this quantity of losses and re-evaluation at the prices of Egyptian exports of the potato and orange exported, the average value of this wastes are about 419.4millionand 419.4 million and 118.75 million, respectively. The study showed that the economic losses represents a loss in the actual cultivated area of potato and orange crops a losses in potato and orange exports, a losses in farmers income, andlosses in irrigation water.In light of the results obtained from the research, it recommends the following: To reduce the production waste in potato and orange crops, attention should be paid to good pruning, pest control and fertilization. Exclude the damaged fruits when sorting so as not to damage others. Use of transport vehicles equipped to maintain goods.The speed of sorting goods by traders as soon as they reach the retail market.To improve the quality of the containers used and to be strong plastic for transporting and displaying the goods


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    In this article, space-time fractional coupled integrable dispersionless system is considered, and we use fractional derivative in the sense of modified Riemann-Liouville. The fractional system has reduced to an ordinary differential system by fractional transformation and the generalized Kudryashov method is applied to obtain exact solutions. We also testify performance as well as precision of the applied method by means of numerical tests for obtaining solutions. The obtained results have been graphically presented to show the properties of the solutions

    Bulb initiation in the onion plant, Allium cepa

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    June 1970.Covers not scanned.Includes bibliographical references.1. The study was conducted to evaluate v various methods of determining when bulbing is initiated in the onion plant, Allium cepa L. Evaluation was on the basis of accuracy, reliability, and simplicity. Methods of determining when bulb initiation has taken place are necessary for further research on bulbing, to develop field modifications of bulb initiation and development, to facilitate selection of breeding material, and to develop methods of predicting bulb maturity. Forty-four cultivars were grown under several environmental conditions. Reduction in the maximum ratio (in a given plant) of the foliage leaf blade length to sheath length almost always preceded internal scale formation. Prediction of internal scale formation occurred in greenhouse grown plants when this ratio was 10 or less. The same value for the youngest visible leaf can be used for this purpose in field grown plants. Other less reliable indices were means of youngest visible and maximum leaf ratios and corresponding sheath lengths, external minimum leaf ratios, base/neck ratios, number of visible leaves and plant height. 2. Effects of planting dates on bulbing were studied by planting seeds of the variety 'White Portugal' in the field at weekly intervals, from April 15 to May 6, 1968. Plants four weeks apart in age began bulbing less than a week apart. The increased responsiveness to increasing daylength may have been due to increasing temperature or plant age. However, higher percentages of plants bulbed in earlier than in later plantings. 3. Effect of temperature on bulb initiation was demonstrated by plants of the hybrid 'B 2190 A x Colorado 6' grown in the greenhouse and outdoors. Results indicated that the photoperiodic stimulus was more effective at higher temperatures. 4. Incandescent light interruptions for an hour at midnight, continuously or for a period of two weeks when plants were 12 weeks old, induced early bulbing. Other plants received the two weeks of night interruption when they were 4, 6, 8 and 10 weeks old. Older plants responded better to night interruption. The hybrid 'B 219 0 A x Colorado 6' was used in this study. In another experiment, using the same hybrid, plants were exposed to 1) naturally prevailing daylength (14 to 13 hours), 2) nine hours of natural daylight, and 3) naturally prevailing daylength plus continuous night interruption for an hour with incandescent light at midnight. All plants exposed to night interruption bulbed; but no bulbing was found in the other treatments. Distinct morphological differences were observed between plants exposed to the three treatments. The night interruption treatment resulted in plants significantly higher in base/neck ratios, lower in youngest visible and maximum lea£ ratios and longer corresponding sheath lengths and fewer visible leaves than produced by the other two treatments. The tallest plants resulted from the first treatment. Longer photoperiods resulted in an increase in plant height, number of visible leaves and reductions in both youngest visible and maximum leaf ratios

    Egyptian Food Security of Edible Oils

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    The research aims mainly to study food security of edible oils in Egypt through studying of several sub-goals represented in: estimating models of general trends function for some economic indicators of edible oils in Egypt during the period (2001-2015), studying of the most important indicators of food security of edible oils, estimating the size of the food gap of edible oils and knowledge of the most important factors responsible for it, and studying the policies and tools to achieve food security of edible oils in Egypt. Descriptive and quantitative analysis were used. The study depends on secondary data, which collected from local and foreign sources during the period (2001 – 2015). A study models of the general trend function for economic indicators showed that each of the total domestic production of edible oils, domestic consumption, the average per capita consumption, the amount of edible oils imports, food gap of edible oils, the price of Egyptian imports of edible oils and periods of coverage of domestic production found that all of these variables has taken a general trend upward statistically significant at the level of probability (0.01) with the exception of a variable of coverage period of local production for daily consumption , capita consumption and food gap of edible oils which took a general trend upward statistically significant at 5% level, and also did not identify the statistical significance of the variables of self-sufficiency rate and the period of coverage of imports for daily consumption , while the annual growth rates differed according to each variable.The conduct study shows that the most important variables specific to the food gap of edible oils is annual average per capita consumption of edible oils which the impact of this variable on edible oils gap be positive.The study showed that the strategic stock for edible oils is estimated at 173 thousand tons and the average local consumption of edible oils is estimated at about 1.5 million tons during the study period (2001-2015), thus estimated food security of about 0.21 is therefore required to take various actions which lead to increase the size of the strategic stock of edible oils enough for half of it needs for domestic consumption even come close to the value of suitable coefficient of edible oils food security.The study showed that the policies and tools to achieve edible oils food security include horizontal agricultural development policy, vertical agricultural development policy, the policy of rationalizing the consumption of edible oils, policy of consumer subsidy of edible oils, and the policy of diversifying sources of imported edible oils. In the light of the results of the study illustrated by research it has been possible to reach some of the following recommendations:1- Increasing of edible oils production through the expansion of oil crops which grow in the new land.2- Increasing of edible oils productivity crops through dissemination of edible oils varieties of high productivity and to suit every center of administrative centers in Egypt.3- Rationalizing the consumption of edible oils during dismiss the size of it.4- To achieve food security has to be the need to develop awareness programs for the application of planning policy breeds where it is one of the most important determinants of the demand for Egyptian imports of edible oils.5- It is important to put a national strategy to increase the self-sufficiency ratio of edible oils with the need to import and distribute the amounts of diversification between different sources in order to avoid what might happen from political pressure in favor of the Egyptian economy is in the case of international political conditions change.6- It is necessary to study the reduction commitments of subsidy granted to the production and export in the edible oils-exporting countries in order to reduce the negative effects on the Egyptian saving