976 research outputs found

    Combined Human, Antenna Orientation in Elevation Direction and Ground Effect on RSSI in Wireless Sensor Networks

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    In this paper, we experimentally investigate the combined effect of human, antenna orientation in elevation direction and the ground effect on the Received Signal Strength Indicator (RSSI) parameter in the Wireless Sensor Network (WSN). In experiment, we use MICAz motes and consider different scenarios where antenna of the transmitter node is tilted in elevation direction. The motes were placed on the ground to take into account the ground effect on the RSSI. The effect of one, two and four persons on the RSSI is recorded. For one and two persons, different walking paces e.g. slow, medium and fast pace, are analysed. However, in case of four persons, random movement is carried out between the pair of motes. The experimental results show that some antenna orientation angles have drastic effect on the RSSI, even without any human activity. The fluctuation count and range of RSSI in different scenarios with same walking pace are completely different. Therefore, an efficient human activity algorithm is need that effectively takes into count the antenna elevation and other parameters to accurately detect the human activity in the WSN deployment region.Comment: 10th IEEE International Conference on Frontiers of Information Technology (FIT 12), 201

    Prospective study of the prescribing pattern of antibiotics and their outcome in patients admitted to intensive care unit at tertiary center

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    Background: Antibiotics are currently the most commonly prescribed drugs in hospitals, worldwide. overuse of antibiotics has important economic implications. Periodic evaluation of drug utilization in the intensive care unit (ICU) is necessary for optimization of health care system, proper use of resources and making prescription policy because ICU is considered as the epi-center of antimicrobial resistance. The aim of this study is to evaluate antibiotic prescription and consumption patterns at admission into intensive care unit and to know the average costs of antibiotics.Methods: The prescription data on 250 consecutive patients at admission into the ICU was audited from January to March 2019. Total antibiotics, dose, route and cost of antibiotics were noted and the defined daily dose/100 bed days of most common antibiotics were calculated. Statistical analysis is done using SPSS software.Results: A total of 689 antibiotics were prescribed in the 250 patients studied that is, an average of 2.28 antibiotics/prescription. Empirical antibiotics were prescribed to all the patients admitted to ICU. Average cost of the antibiotics was rupees 163.89 per patients. The most commonly prescribed antibiotic at ICU admission was ceftriaxone (62%) of all prescription. Second most common is metronidazole (32%). In this study, 76 patients recovered while 174 patients expired.Conclusions: Our study reveals that antibiotics are widely prescribed in critically ill patients and form significant drug consumed in the ICU. At admission elderly patients are prescribed >2 antibiotics and prescribing antibiotics where the cost of antibiotic is high

    Possibilities of Regional Trade Expansion: A Link Model for Pakistan, India, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka

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    Econometric models are generally constructed for a specific country on the assumption that national economies are independent. In reality, this is not the case. In this paper, we have constructed prototype linkage econometric models for Pakistan, India, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka, These models are linked to each other through foreign-trade equations to explore possibilities of fruitful economic cooperation among these four countries Policy simulations, carried out to highlight the pay-off of specific policies in terms of the stated objective, show that, given the resolve of these countries to extend the area of collaboration, the prospects are by no means dim. There is also the extra bonus that the growth of GNP in the region will also be helped by mutual economic co-operation. The need for conscious policy decisions to this effect has been underscored

    Coronary artery bypass grafting after percutaneous coronary intervention

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    Following percutaneous intervention (PCI), restenosis, progression of disease and multi-vessel involvement may require further intervention in the form of surgical revascularization. Patients with coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) done after PCI were evaluated to find out the reason for the need of surgical revascularization. Over a period of 12 months, 610 patients underwent CABG. Out of them, 34 patients had previous PCI/stenting. Coronary risk factors including hypertension in 85%, diabetes mellitus in 60%, dyslipidemia in 60%, tobacco use in 50% and a positive family history was present in 53% of the patients. All patients were symptomatic. Multi-vessel disease was present in 67% and single vessel in 4.7%. The extent of disease and stenosis of stents were responsible for reintervention. Careful selection of patients is required in presence of multiple risk factors for coronary artery disease to provide maximum benefit by either PCI or CABG

    Congenital giant melanocytic nevi

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    Nevi are common skin tumors caused by abnormal overgrowth of cells from the epidermal and dermal layers of the skin. Most nevi are benign, but some pre-cancerous nevi must be monitored or removed. The giant congenital nevus is greater than 10 cm in size, pigmented and often hairy. Between 4% and 6% of these lesions will develop into a malignant melanoma. Since approximately 50% of the melanoma develop by the age of two, and 80% by the age of seven, early removal is recommended. The objective of this paper is to present a unique case of giant nevi and their surgical management

    Anticonvulsant activity of nitrendipine in albino mice

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    Background: The objective is to evaluate the anticonvulsant activity of nitrendipine in seizure-induced mice.Methods: Albino mice (25-30 g) of either sex were randomly selected and divided into four groups of six mice each. After overnight fasting, Group I received 0.25 ml of propylene glycol and served as the control, Group II received valproic acid (110 mg/kg orally) as standard, Groups III received 5 mg/kg of nitrendipine and 100 mg/kg of valproic acid, Group IV received 5 mg/kg of nitrendipine and 75 mg/kg of valproic acid, and Group V received 5 mg/kg of nitrendipine and 50 mg/kg of valproic acid all of which were administered orally 60 mins prior to the test in this acute study. The anticonvulsant activity was screened using maximal electroshock (MES) model and pentylenetetrazole (PTZ) model.Results: The nitrendipine showed a considerable reduction in the duration of hindlimb extensor phase in MES model and also delayed the latency of seizures induced by PTZ when compared with control group. The probable mechanism of anticonvulsant action of nitrendipine could be due to its interference with the gamma amino butyric acid type aminergic mechanism, modulation of nicotinic, and N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors.Conclusion: Nitrendipine possesses the anticonvulsant activity and has a beneficial role in epilepsy

    Effect of different concentrations of chitosan coating on storage life and quality characteristics of Papaya (Carica Papaya L.)

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    Mature green stage of papaya fruits were treated with different concentrations of chitosan at 0, 0.5, 0.75 and 1%, and stored at 13±1 °C for 28 days to study the effect of these concentrations on the storage life and maintaining quality of papaya. Chitosan concentrations 0.75 and 1% showed the best control effect on decay compared with 0% (Control) and 0.5%. At 0.75 and 1% of chitosan, flesh firmness maintained resulted in prolonging in storage life of 28 and 26 days compared with 21 and 19 days, respectively for 0.5 and 0%. Furthermore, they were significantly decreased the weight loss of fruit. All of the treatments inhibited increase of soluble solid contents and pH values of pulp fruits after 21 days of storage at 13 ± 1°C. Titratable acidity and ascorbic acid were higher for coated fruits (0.5, 0.75 and 1%) compared with uncoated fruits. Concern treatments of chitosan at 0.75 and 1% improve papaya fruit quality and resistance to decay