106 research outputs found


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    In these days lot of systems have need an efficient and reliable biometrics recognition system. By considering the importance of biometric systems in global world, in this paper we are discussing the importance of a new era of verification. Applications of Biometric systems in accordance to Data fusion and what is the future of biometric systems

    Mitigating Environmental Risks of Wastewater Reuse for Agriculture

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    The study was aimed to maximize and optimize treated wastewater reuse in conjunction with surface and ground waters resources. Moreover, environmental, agronomic and economic components were also considered. The project was funded by USAID and implemented in three countries (Oman, Tunisia and Jordan). In Oman, the study was done at Sultan Qaboos University experimental station field. Four types of waters (A: 50% of treated wastewater with 50% of groundwater, B: 100% of groundwater, C: 25% of groundwater with 75% of treated wastewater, and D: 100% of treated wastewater) were used to grow three different crops (okra, maize and sweet corn). Results showed no significant differences in soil physical and chemical properties with treatments irrigated with treated wastewater as compared to groundwater. On other hand, some chemical properties significantly increased (p<0.05) when treated wastewater was applied such as soil total carbon and some major elements (N, K, Mg). Crop physical analysis showed significant increases in plant productivity when plants were irrigated with treated wastewater and values of chemical properties were within the international standards. Crop biological analysis showed no effect on crop quality and all tested crops were free from any microbial contamination

    Treated Municipal Wastes: Are they Contaminating or Enriching the Soil?

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    Treated municipal wastes could be a mixture of treated sewage biosolids and green wastes (Kala compost) that can be applied for agricultural production. It can improve soil fertility and plant growth. However, long-term application of treated sewage biosolids could result in heavy metal accumulation and some health problems. The objective of this study is to evaluate the effect of different fertilizers, especially Kala compost, on the soil fertility and plant productivity. An open field was divided into nine plots and received either treated municipal wastes (Kala compost) or inorganic fertilizer, or a mixture of both fertilizers. The field was irrigated by drip system, and commercial cucumber, tomato, cabbage, lettuce, carrot, and potato were grown in each plot. Soil and plant were monitored continuously and samples were taken at different stages of the study. No symptoms of physical or chemical problems were observed in the open field and measured soil samples. Moreover, the soil had sufficient amount of different nutrients for plant growth and all measured micronutrients (heavy metals) were within the safe limit and below the allowable safe limit of the international standards. Good growth was observed in all grown crops and no symptoms of element toxicity were observed. Chemical analysis for fruit samples did not show any accumulation of heavy metals and all measured elements were within the safe limit for human consumption. It can be concluded that treated municipal wastes (Kala compost) were good media for plant growth that can enrich the soil with different elements needed for higher yield. However, more monitoring is needed with treated biosolid application and good management could be the key to avoid any adverse effect of any contaminant

    Celebrating Bangladesh at 50: a positive deviance

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    LSE alumnus and Member of our Senior Advisory Board Ahmed Mushtaque Raza Chowdhury’s personal account of his journey in independent Bangladesh explains the triumphs of the nation against the odds, the challenges that lie ahead, and his own participation in it

    Efficacy of resomal versus low osmolar ORS in severe acute malnutrition children with diarrhea age 6 months to 59 months

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    Objective: To compare the efficacy of Resomal versus low Osmolar ORS in severe acute malnutrition in children with diarrhea age 6 months To 59 months.Methodology: This Randomized Control Trial was carried out at Nutrition stabilization Centre pediatrics Department, Liaquat university hospital, Hyderabad, with duration of one year from 1st&nbsp;April-2016- to 31st&nbsp;March-2017. All the children having severe acute Malnutrition were included. After admission, severity of diarrhea was assessed on clinical basis. After informed consent, patients of Severe Acute Malnutrition were divided into two groups i.e Group-A and Group-B on randomized selection. Group A was given Resomal and Group–B was given low Osmolar ORS. Electrolytes were sent on admission then again after 12 hours of giving rehydration solution, response of diarrhea was assessed on the basis of Laboratory investigations and clinical assessment.Results:&nbsp; Mean age of the children was 20.83 months and standard deviation was 3.52 months. Female children were in the majority 172 as compared to males 152 out of 324 cases. No significant difference was found in Z-score of both groups, P-value 0.07. Acute diarrhea was the most common in both groups, Diarrhea frequency-1 was found significantly more in both groups, having p-value 0.001, while frequency 2 and 3 were found without significant difference in both groups. &nbsp;Statistically there was a significant difference in pre rehydration electrolytes in both groups, having p-value 0.001.&nbsp; After rehydration no significant difference was found in electrolytes in both groups.Conclusion: It was concluded that resomal and low osmolar ORS were similarly efficacious in the rehydration of severely malnourished children with diarrhea and dehydration after rehydration

    Hepatitis C in pregnancy: an observational study highlighting its association with maternal parameters

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    Background: Pregnancy is a very crucial time in a woman’s life. In this period of time, not only multiple physiological alterations effect the usual health status but also makes women more vulnerable to contract infection and face negative sequalae. Hepatitis C, a blood borne viral infection serve the similar fate when encountered by pregnant ladies. This study is based on exploring the prevalence of the Hepatitis C virus seropositivity among pregnant population. Moreover, we also evaluated the major risk factors leading to the infection in these mothers. Besides this, infected mothers were studied for their pregnancy outcomes.Methods: In this study 114 pregnant females were observed for this cross-sectional study. It was conducted in Gynecology Unit- 1, Liaquat University Hospital Hyderabad, for the period of January 2017 to July 2017. Chi square test was applied for statistical analysis on SPSS version 16. The criteria for enrollment in the study was set to be a pregnant lady belonging to age group 20-35 years; having singleton pregnancy; was a booked case at the hospital with compliant to antenatal follow ups; admitted to the labor room for delivery. All the non-pregnant ladies, whom had co morbid conditions such as hypertension or diabetes or had infected with hepatitis B or D were excluded from the study. Furthermore, pregnant ladies with multiple gestion or those who were either diagnosed of hepatitis C prior to conceive or had a previous history of hepatitis C were also excluded.Results: Present study revealed that out of 114, 10(8.8%) pregnant ladies were found seropositive for Hepatitis C virus. Prior history for transfusion of blood was the Foremost risk factor discovered, with 60.5% women reported this. History of surgery was the 2nd commonest factor and 43.9% had this in their medical records. On the other hand, only 8.8% women gave the history for previous evacuation. While observing pregnancy outcomes, we found 48.2% neonates had low birth weight, 41.2% were born preterm and 21.1% had low APGAR score.Conclusions: In a nutshell hepatitis c is prevalent in the pregnant population of this region and showing its effects in the form of compromised pregnancies. History of blood transfusion and previous surgery were found to be chief risk factors in the study

    The Heating and Cooling of ‘Idared’ Apple with Respect to the Duration of the Hot Water Dip Heat Treatment

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    A research was conducted on the effect of heat treatments on the heating and cooling of the ‘Idared’ apple fruit. The heat treatment was performed as hot water dip (HWD), where fruit were dipped into water at 50 °C, for two, four and six minutes (HWD 500C 2’, HWD 500C 4’ and HWD 500C 6’, respectively). The aim of the study was to determine the effect of heat treatments on the warming and cooling on the fruit which was observed by thermographic images recorded every minute for the duration of 12 minutes in total. The fruit treated with HWD 50°C 6’ achieved the highest temperature (50.6 0C), followed by HWD 500C 4’ (48.2 0C) and HWD 500C 2’ (44.3 0C). The damage to fruit caused by high temperatures (heat damage) was visible only on the fruit treated with HWD 50°C 6’. The differences in maximal temperature of fruit surface were statistically different among all three exposures for the whole duration of recording, meaning that the duration of the hot water dip treatment significantly affects the intensity of fruit cooling after heat treatment

    Mechanized pre & post-harvest practices of berry crops cultivation

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    Kakvoća voća ovisi o postupcima prije i poslije berbe, što je naročito izraženo kod bobičastog i jagodičastog voća, koje se ubraja u skupinu voćnih vrsta koje su najosjetljivije na mehanička oštećenja. Uzgoj voća je radno intenzivan i spor proces s visokim troškovima proizvodnje. Uz nedavni napredak u poljoprivrednoj tehnologiji razvijeni su mehanički i robotski strojevi koji, u usporedbi s tradicionalnim uzgojem i postupcima poslije berbe bobičastog i jagodičastog voća, osim što smanjuju troškove proizvodnje smanjenjem potreba za radnom snagom, ostvaruju i značajnu uštedu vremena. Ovaj rad donosi pregled aktualnih znanja o mehanizaciji u uzgoju i postupcima poslije berbe bobičastog i jagodičastog voća, s naglaskom na kratki opis najnovijih mehaničkih i robotskih kombajna dostupnih na tržištu.The quality of fruits is depending on the pre & postharvest management of any fruit crop including berries which are most sensitive and delicate type of fruit crops. The management of the orchards or any agricultural filed is labor intensive and slow process with high production cost. With the recent advancement in agricultural technology several mechanical and robotic machines have been introduced which have not only reduced the production cost by reducing labor but they make it easier and less time-consuming than traditional pre & harvesting management system. This study summarizes the current and state of knowledge regarding the mechanized pre & postharvest practices used for different berry crops with emphasis on the short description of the recent mechanical and robotic harvesters available in the market

    Analysis of Protein by Spectrophotometric and Computer Colour Based Intensity Method from Stem of Pea (Pisum sativum) at Different Stages

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    In this study proteins were analyzed from pea plants at three different growth stages of stem by spectrophotometric i.e Lowry and Bradford quantitative methods and computer colour intensity based method. Though Spectrophotometric methods are regarded as classical methods, we report an alternate computer based method which gave comparable results. Computer software was developed the for protein analysis which is easier, time and money saving method as compared to the classical methods

    Sustainability of Scientific Journals in the Developing World With Special Reference to Bangladesh

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    The study explores sustainability of scientific journal publication in Bangladesh. Forty-three journal editors were interviewed, and 66 current journals were physically examined for production quality, regularity of publication, and availability at concerned libraries. Findings revealed that 68% of the journals were published late, 30% had inconsistencies in typesetting, and 14% were indexed. Most journals were found either excellent or of good quality in terms of printing (85%), binding (77%), paper (92%), and graphic reproduction (76%). Most journals were not available in major libraries under study. Of the 43 editors, 28 (35%) reported a cost recovery of 1-45% from subscriptions, advertisements, and sales. About 74.4% of the editors did not consider their journals at risk. Although 86% of the editors were confident that their journals would be sustained in the long run, 37.3% could not give any convincing logic in support of their statement. Major problems include lack of skilled staff, finance, quality articles and institutional support, and lengthy peer review process. Only one journal editor was found to be a full-time editor having training in editing and publication. One-half (51%) of the editors reported have training in editing, while four had publication training. Most editors (79%) were interested in acquiring training in editing and publication. Institutional support and backup, enthusiasm and zeal of editors, unmet need for standard local journals, constant flow of funds and articles, and skilled manpower are instrumental for sustainability of science journals in Bangladesh