20 research outputs found

    Obstacles to sustainable development in the Islamic world

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    This study examines obstacles to sustainable development in the Islamic world through the lens of Islamic teachings and principles. Utilizing a qualitative research approach, this study selected relevant Islamic teachings on sustainability, cases of sustainable development in Islamic countries, and places facing specific challenges. Primary data were gathered from religious texts, while secondary data were collected from a comprehensive literature review, including the Quran, Hadith, and scholarly articles. The research process involves extensive literature review and data analysis through data reduction to identify key themes, with comparative analysis highlighting the differences and similarities between Islamic and non-Islamic countries' approaches. The key obstacles identified included corruption, social injustice, and wealth inequality. This study advocates for a comprehensive approach guided by scholars, policymakers, and local communities, involving the reinterpretation and implementation of Islamic values in development strategies. Education and awareness campaigns are proposed to empower individuals with the knowledge required to make ethical choices. By integrating scientific advancements with traditional wisdom, this study underscores the need to ensure that progress aligns with Islamic teachings of compassion, justice, and responsible stewardship

    Crescent Among the Stars: Islam and Islamphobia in the European Union

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    Inside the European Union, the rise in the number of Muslims and increased fear of Islam has increased tension and is stalling the integration of Europe, especially after the 2015 migrant crisis. Outside of the European Union (EU), Muslim-majority nations such as Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Turkey attempt to be involved as members in a Union often cited as a “Christian Club” by critics for its lack of Muslim participation. This paper is an attempt to showcase Islam’s rise in the EU and explain how EU integration suffers due to Islamophobia, especially after the 2015 crisis. To do this, I will examine the history of Islam in Europe, then examine the 2015 crisis, and interpret poll data and opinions on Muslims by Europeans today – largely drawn from modern new sources and non-partisan polling organizations such as the Pew Research Center. The paper will end with an explanation of how EU integration is affected by touching on divisions between the EU member states, the departure of one in part due to Islamophobia, and the refusal of others in part because of their Muslim culture

    Comparative Study of Grains, Flours and Baking Quality of Wheat Cultivar (Uruq) with Other Wheat Cultivars (Triticumaestivum L.) in Iraq

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    The grain hardness, wet and dry gluten contents, protein and ash contents are determined in grains from different cultivars of wheat which are important in food products, either which are present in raw materials or in final products. Wheat is also a very important food raw material, and flour as the final product of milling. The importance of knowing the physical and chemical properties of wheat and flour is due to the determination of quality and kind of flour which is produced after the milling process. In this work, some physical and chemical properties of different wheat cultivars are determined and the comparisons of these characteristics are performed in both wheat and flour. Uruq Wheat sample (W5) has the highest results when compared with other wheat cultivar reaching 82 kg/ hectoliter, 9.2 % and 41 gm, 0.81, 8.8, 5.5, 30 %, 67 %, 73.6 %, 518, 858 specific weight, moister, 1000 grain Weight (gm), Ash %, Moister %, color test, moist. gluten %, Gluten index %, Absorption %, Falling No. and gelatination respectivelywith specifications grain white, transparent color, uneven gully depth and full cross-section of a glasses grain. The lowest results are by contrast with Forat cultivar in sample W2. Characteristics that are observed in this work are affect of the contents of with to moister, ash, protein, gluten and water absorption values there are useful for milling industry of different wheat cultivars

    Point Load Index of Rocks Exposed to High Thermal Effect

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    High thermal effects on Point Load Index (P.L.I) of rocks tolerate in mind an essential issue for numerous geotechnical engineering purposes. Many engineering relevancies interact with it as Geothermal power reserve extraction, Fires that occur in tunnels, Underground coal gasification (UCG), and numerous ancient monuments that were made from these rocks and exposed to different thermal impacts. This research aims to carry out Point Load Index (P.L.I) experimental studies of intact rocks as Granite, Sandstone, Marble and, Limestone rocks. In this study, the rock samples are subjected to thermal effects (from room temperature degree 25 oC to a high temperature up to 1100 oC). The results are debated and introduced in terms of rising temperature degrees with different parameters. It has been known that the Point Load Index (P.L.I) of rocks decreased with the elevated temperature, particularly outside particular temperatures.Keywords: Rock strength, Thermal Effects, Point Load Index, Different Rock

    A Qualitative Study on Factors Affecting the Clinical Learning of Nursing students in College of Nursing, Kuwait

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    The aims of the study were to identify the factors facilitating and hindering the clinical learning of nursing students in the College of Nursing, Kuwait. Clinical practice is a vital component of the nursing education. Nursing students encounter various problems during their clinical rotation. Identification of the factors that facilitate and hinder the clinical learning will provide a greater insight to develop an effective clinical teaching strategy in nursing education. A descriptive qualitative research design was used. The study included 120 nursing students selected through convenient sampling technique from level 2 to level 5, Associated Degree in Nursing Program.  Data was collected via focus group interviews with five students in each group. All interviews were recorded using an audio recorder and the transcripts of the interviews were coded. Data obtained were categorized under the factors affecting clinical learning of nursing students.  Content analysis was used to analyze the data. Two main themes were recognized through analyzing the data were facilitating factors and hindering factors. The various categories of facilitating factors included clinical practice, clinical supervision, clinical instructors, team factors, client related factors, students’ personal factors and laboratory practice. Excellent opportunities for learning, more hands on experiences, availability of equipment, continuous supervision as small working groups, educational behavior of clinical instructors, cooperative staff, effective communication with peer groups and clinical teachers, client cooperation and acceptance, personal motivation and effective laboratory practice  stimulated the clinical learning of students as perceived by the participants of the study. In contrast, the students identified hindering factors like clinical teachers’ incompetence, non-supportive staff, fewer opportunities to practice skills, patient refusal, language barrier, rejection, and blaming by the staff, teachers and clients. In addition, personal factors such as less English proficiency, family responsibilities, inadequate clinical hours, early clinical timings and standing for too long were the main hindering factors of clinical learning identified by the students. In conclusion, the research results provide an in depth understanding of nursing students’ clinical experiences in Kuwait. Deeper understanding of the factors affecting the clinical learning of the students help to draw the attention of various personnel involved in nursing education, practice and administration for the factors which facilitate or hinder the quality of learning experience among the nursing students. Keywords: Qualitative study, factors affecting, clinical learning, nursing student

    Evaluation of atmospheric cold plasma technique activity on phenylpropanoids gene expression and essential oil contents and different traits of Ocimum basilicum L.

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    اجريت الدراسة الحالية لدراسة تأثير بلازما الباردة على مستوى التعبير لثلاثة جينات تشارك في التخليق الحيوي لمسار فينيل بروبانويد في نبات الريحان. كانت هذه الجينات المدروسة cinnamate 4-hydroxylase (c4h)، 4-coumarate CoA ligase (4cl) ، و eugenol O-methyl transferase (eomt). كما تم دراسة تأثير البلازما الباردة على مكونات الزيت العطري وعلاقتها بمستوى التعبير الجيني. أظهرت النتائج أن البلازما الباردة زادت من انبات البذور للمجموعة الثانية (تمت معاملتها بالبلازما لمدة  3دقائق و 3 دقائق بعد 7 أيام) ، والمجموعة الثالثة (تمت معاملتها بالبلازما لمدة 5 دقائق و 3 دقائق بعد 7 أيام) كانت أسرع من مجموعة السيطرة  الغيرمعاملة. كما تراوح متوسط ​​ارتفاع النباتات الناضجة للمجموعتين الثانية والثالثة بين (73-50) و  (50-100) سم على التوالي مقارنة بمجموعة السيطرة (70-40). سم.. كما أشارت النتائج إلى وجود فروق ذات دلالة إحصائية  في مستوى التعبير الجيني عند مستوى احتمالية  ≤0.01  التي زادت بالنسبة لجينات c4h و 4cl و eomt في المجموعة الثانية حوالي (5.63 ± 0.39) و (3.43 ± 0.40) و (5.41 ± 0.23) على التوالي مقارنةً بمجموعة السيطرة . بالإضافة إلى ذلك ، ارتفع مستوى التعبير الجيني لجينات c4h و 4cl و eomt في المجموعة الثالثة حوالي (42.34± 0.49) و (4.13 ± 0.38) و (6.29± 0.71) مقارنةً بالسيطرة (0.00 ±1.00).  فيما يتعلق بمحتويات الزيت العطري لمجموعة السيطرة والمجموعة الثانية والمجموعة الثالثة كانت 0.434٪ و 0.713 و 0.792٪ (حجم / وزن) على التوالي. علاوة على ذلك ، كان المكون العام للزيت العطري في نبات الريحان الحلو هو مركب يوجينول ومشتقاته لمجموعة االسيطرة والمجموعة الثانية والمجموعة الثالة والتي كانت 2.76٪ و 8٪ و 11٪ (حجم / وزن) على التوالي. تم الاستنتاج إلى أن البلازما الباردة في الغلاف الجوي قد أظهرت تأثيرًا على التعبير الجيني ومحتوى الزيت الأساسي لمركبات فينيل بروبانويد في نبات الريحان Ocimum basilicum . المزروع في العراق ، اذ أن محتويات الزيت العطري لها خصائص علاجية مهمة.The current study was conducted for studying the impact of cold plasma on the expression level of three genes that participate in the biosynthesis of the phenylpropanoid pathway in Ocimum basilicum. These studied genes were cinnamate 4-hydroxylase (c4h), 4-coumarate CoA ligase (4cl), and eugenol O-methyl transferase (eomt). Also, the cold plasma impact was studied on the essential oil components and their relation with the gene expression level. The results demonstrated that cold plasma seeds germination of the treated groups 2 (initially for 3 minutes and 3 minutes after 7 days) ,and group 3(initially for 5 minutes and 3 minutes after 7 days)  were faster than the control group. Also, the height average of the mature plants of groups 2and 3 was between (50 to73), (50 to 100) cm, respectively compared to the control group which was (40 to 70cm). Moreover, the results indicated significant differences (P-value ≤0.01) in the level of gene expression, which increased for the c4h, 4cl, and eomt genes in group 2 about (5.63 ±0.39), (3.42 ±040) ,and (5.41±0.23) folds respectively compared with untreated control. Additionally, the level of gene expression increased for the c4h, 4cl, and eomt genes in group 3 about (42.34 ±049), (4.13 ±0.38), and (6.29 ±0.71) folds compared with untreated control(1.00 ±0.00) folds.Concerning the contents of essential oil for the control group, group 2, and group 3 were 0.434%, 0.713, and 0.792% (v/w) respectively. Moreover,  the general composition of the essential oil in the examined sweet basil,  phenylpropanoids was the eugenol compound and its derivatives for the control group, group 2, and group 3 which were  2.76%, 8%, and 11% (v/w) respectively. We concluded that the atmospheric cold plasma has shown an effect on gene expression and essential oil content of phenylpropanoid compounds in Ocimum basilicum L. cultivated in Iraq, as the essential oil contents have important therapeutic properties

    Enteropathogenic Escherichia coli Associated with Diarrhea in Children in Cairo, Egypt

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    In this study we isolate and identify the Enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (EPEC) causing diarrhea in children less than five years in Cairo, Egypt, during different seasons. Children younger than five years with diarrhea, attending the Pediatric Gastroenterology Intensive Care Unit of the Cairo University Pediatric Hospital in one year period were our group of study. Our control group was age and sex matched concurrent healthy children. The identified E. coli isolates were subjected to antimicrobial disc diffusion susceptibility test and further identified for EPEC serotype by slide agglutination test, using antiserum E. coli somatic trivalent I (O111, O55, O26) according to the instructions of the manufacturer. Out of 134 patients 5.2% of them revealed EPEC in the fecal sample, while the 20 children control group showed no EPEC isolates in their samples. Our EPEC frequency showed variations from the compared results of other studies. Higher rate of EPEC (18.7%) was found in patients between 2 to 3 years, while EPEC rate was (7.5%) in patients less than 6 months old, with P < 0.05. EPEC was identified from fecal specimens as a unique pathogen or associated with other pathogens in acute and chronic diarrhea in children. EPEC were detected in all seasons except in winter, and was predominant in summer season. Four (57%) EPEC isolates were resistant to ampicillin, ticarcillin, and cotrimoxazole, and (14.3%) to the third generation cephalosporins

    Biomimetics As An Analogical Reasoning Ideology In Architectural & Interior Design

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    Biomimetics approaches involve finding solutions to design problems by mimicking the functions and/or processes of biological systems, by applying an analog reasoning strategy from ecosystems to technology in a way that addresses the challenges of architectural and interior design in a more sustainable way. This is due to it is a sustainable creative thinking ideology producing more inspiring solutions that are most restorative and regenerative ecosystems ... The study assumes that mimicking the processes and functions of ecosystems enhances the structural efficiency of the building and stimulates the creation of innovative materials, urging synthesis of innovative materials, as well as providing more sustainable technologies in waste and water management, In addition to reducing energy consumption by adopting mechanisms that passively provide thermal comfort, in conjunction with maximizing the principle of generating energy from renewable sources ... This study was presented to verify the ability of Biomimetics as an analogue ideology in raising the efficiency of the operational building performance from a structural efficiency perspective, and reduce energy consumption.Therefore, this study included evaluating the efficiency of applying that intellectual methodology based on analog transfer of functions and processes of biological systems in providing the building environment with the characteristics of innovation and sustainability, as well as studying the ability of that intellectual methodology to raise the structural efficiency of the building, and discuss the impact of its activation on the synthesis of advanced materials in conjunction with a study of its ability to improve water and waste management, in addition to enhancing the thermoregulation of the indoor environment within a sustainable environmental framework; corresponding to the operational performance of the ecosystem enhanced by the regenerative design in architecture that promotes the repair and renewal of surrounding ecosystems

    Studying The Role Of Phase Change Materials In Improving The Thermal Performance Efficiency Of Adaptive Building Envelopes

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    In the context of unsustainable approaches, buildings are increasingly dependent on mechanical systems to ensure quality requirements of thermal indoor environment, which causes the need for more energy as well as rising the associated greenhouse gas emissions rates. This requires increased awareness towards energy conservation and reduction of energy consumption in conjunction with enhancing buildings sustainability. In this regard, we find that the building envelope plays a crucial role in reducing energy consumption; as well as its role in raising the performance of buildings as the regulating mediator in the reciprocal relationship between the internal and external environment, especially when applying appropriate technical solutions and energy-saving materials within the structure of the envelope, which enhances the concept of passive adaptation to the simultaneous environmental changes. So, Improving the efficiency of energy performance during the operational phases of the building envelope is a vigorous area of research; Organizations and responsible authorities are always seeking to come up with advanced technologies based on renewable energy sources in order to reduce buildings’ dependence on fossil fuels and provide cooling and/or heating energy requirements, as well as improve indoor thermal comfort in a more sustainable and cost-effective manner.In this regard, Thermal Energy Storage Systems (TES) are discussed as one of the most effective advanced technologies in managing the thermal performance of the building envelope with a particular focus on studying the role of Phase Change Materials (PCMs) in raising the efficiency of the building's thermal performance. This study sheds light on the importance of applying phase-changing materials in the building envelope and its role in activating the principle of thermal adaptation to daily fluctuations. by discussing the nature of that category of materials, their types, and their distinctive properties in addition to studying its main working principle, then studying criteria for choosing the most appropriate. focusing on current studies and future scenarios for these materials to monitor their thermal behavior and examine their role in raising the efficiency of the building envelopes performance. The main results indicated that the phase change materials have a significant effect on reducing the cooling/heating load, saving energy and gaining thermal comfort

    Development of new all-optical signal regeneration technique

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    All-optical signal regeneration have been the active research area since last decade due to evolution of nonlinear optical signal processing. Existing all-optical signal regeneration techniques are agitated in producing low Bit Error Rate (BER) of 10-10 at below than -10 dBm power received. In this paper, a new all-optical signal regeneration technique is developed by using phase sensitive amplification and designed optical phase locked signal mechanism. The developed all-optical signal regeneration technique is tested for different 10 Gb/s Differential Phase Shift Keying degraded signals. It is determined that the designed all-optical signal regeneration technique is able to provide signal regeneration with noise mitigation for degraded signals. It is analyzed that overall, for all degraded test signals, average BER of 10-13 is achieved at received power of -14 dBm. The designed technique will be helpful to enhance the performance of existing signal regeneration systems in the presence of severe noise by providing minimum BER at low received power