323 research outputs found

    Culture and molecular characterization of phages isolated from rainbow trout farms and sewage treatment plants and investigation of their effects on Yersinia ruckeri

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    In the present study bacteriophages isolated from rainbow trout farms and sewage treatment plants were genetically identified and their effectiveness on Yersinia ruckeri isolates from clinical cases of red mouth disease was investigated. Fish samples suspected to red mouth disease were collected from rainbow trout farms located in west Azerbaijan. Y. ruckeri, the causative agent of red mouth disease was initially identified using biochemical tests. The biotypes of all Y. ruckeri isolates were determined and their identity was confirmed by employing genus specific primers. Antimicrobial resistance of Y. ruckeri isolates were examined using common antibiotics in use in aquaculture. In order to isolating lytic bacteriophages, environmental samples mainly from rainbow trout farms and sewage treatment plants were collected in a period of six months. Isolated bacteriophages were titrated using two-layer agar method and their bactericidal effects were examined. For molecular characterization of bacteriophages, genomic DNA was extracted. Extracted genomic DNA from bacteriophages was digested using MspI endonuclease. The results revealed that 4.48% of examined fish were positive for Y. ruckeri. Bacteriophages isolated from urban sewage treatment plants were effective on Y. ruckeri isolates. Maragheh and Urmia sewage treatment plants had the maximum and minimum phage titers, respectively. The genomic DNA of all isolated phages were smaller than genomic DNA of Lambda phage and all examined phages showed similar genomic DNA digestion patterns. It was concluded that sewage treatment plants could be an important source for phages effective on Y. ruckeri and maybe other aquaculture bacterial pathogens

    Cryptosporidium infection in patients with gastroenteritis in Sari, Iran

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    Background: Cryptosporidiosis is a common coccidian parasite infection in patients with diarrhea that has worldwide distribution especially in developed countries. Therefore, the aim of this study was to determine the occurrence of Cryptosporidium infection in patients with gastroenteritis admitted to hospitals of Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences by parasitological and molecular methods in Sari, Iran. Methods: Stool samples were collected from 348 patients with gastroenteritis admitted to the hospitals of Medical University in the Sari and Ghaemshahr cities in Mazandaran Province, Northern Iran in 2010-2011. Oocysts of Cryptosporidium identified using Formalin-Ether concentration method and stained by Aacidfast staining (AFS) and Auramine phenol fluorescence (APF). Genomic DAN extracted from microscopically positive samples and nested PCR -RFLP by using SSU rRNA that identifies of the species of cryptosporidium. Results: In 348 patients with gastroenteritis, the most clinical symptoms were diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, dehydration, fever and weight loss. 2.3% (8 cases) of diarrheal samples tested by both microscopy and molecular methods were positive for the presence of cryptosporidium. Nested PCR products yielded unique bands of 846 bp, correspond to cryptosporidium. Species diagnosis carried out by digesting the secondary PCR product with SspI restriction enzyme, which noted 3 clearly bands of 449, 254, and 108 bp correspond to Cryptosporidium spp. Conclusion: The results of present study on Cryptosporidium spp. in this area can make a background data for control programs and further molecular analyses. Thus, further work needs to determine the origin of Cryptosporidium species in this area

    An improved microculture method for diagnosis of cutaneous leishmaniasis

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    This study evaluated the performance of three diagnostic methods for cutaneous leishmaniasis (CL). Patients who came to the Health Center Laboratory of Gonbad-e-Qabus in Golestan Province, Iran, were enrolled in the study. Skin scraping smear, improved microculture (IMC) and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) were performed. A total of 303 subjects were recruited, among whom 273 subjects fulfilled the criteria for CL. Sensitivity and specificity were 88.8 % (95 % CI = 84.2–92.2 %) and 100.0 % for smears, 98.4 % (95 % CI = 96.1–99.1 %) and 100.0 % for IMC, both of them 100.0 % for PCR. Although, PCR was relatively more sensitive than the IMC, the high correlation (agreement = 96 %, Kappa = 0.82) between IMC and PCR along with the advantages of simplicity, rapidity, adequate sensitivity and as a needle free method, offers the IMC as a valuable alternative diagnostic method for PCR in diagnosis of CL. © Indian Society for Parasitology 2013

    Evaluation of heavy metal uptake and translocation by Acacia mangium as a phytoremediator of copper contaminated soil

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    Many organic and inorganic pollutants, including heavy metals are being transported and mixed with the cultivated soils and water. Heavy metals are the most dangerous pollutants as they are nondegradable and accumulate and become toxic to plants and animals. An experiment was conducted in the glasshouse to evaluate the potential of Acacia mangium as a phytoremediator to absorb heavy metals from contaminated soils. A. mangium seedlings were planted in the growth media (soil + different levels of copper). The different levels of Cu were: T0 (control, soil), T1 (50 ppm Cu), T2 (100 ppm Cu), T3 (200 ppm Cu), T4 (300 ppm Cu) and T5 (400 ppm Cu). The highest growth performance such as basal diameter, height and number of leaves was in T1. The highest biomass was recorded in T1. Highest accumulation of Cu (93.55 ppm) and Zn (79.13 ppm) were recorded in T5 while Cd (8.88 ppm) in T3. Cu was highly concentrated in the roots, Cd was accumulated in the leaves and roots, whereas, Zn was in stems and leaves. A. mangium showed high translocation factor (TF) and low bioconcentration factor (BCF) values in soil at higher metal concentrations as well as it was able to tolerate and accumulate high concentrations of Cd, Cu and Zn. It may be concluded that this species can be a good efficient phtyoremediator for heavy metals (Cd, Cu and Zn) contaminated soils to mitigate soil pollution.Key words: Heavy metals, phytoremediation, bioaccumulation capacity

    Efficiency comparison of alum and ferric chloride coagulants in removal of dye and organic material from industrial wastewater - A case study

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    Coagulation and flocculation are most widely methods used for dye and pollution removal from various wastewaters. The aim of this study is efficiency comparison of inorganic coagulant (Alum and Ferric Cchloride) for treatment of textile factory wastewater. The appropriate coagulant was selected at optimum condition for treatment of textile's factory wastewater by measuring of dye, COD, BOD5 and TSS parameters. The different pH (4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9) was used for determine the optimum pH. Totally, 240 samples were collected and exanimated according the standard methods of wastewater and water tests. Results showed that the ferric chloride has more removal efficiency than alum in removal of COD, TSS and dye. The most removal of COD, TSS and dye using alum was obtained 36, 19 and 68.8 while for ferric chloride was obtained 72, 60 and 98 respectively. The optimum pH 7 and 5 were obtained for alum and ferric chloride respectively. Based on the results, it can be concluded that COD, TSS and dye removal using ferric chloride has higher efficiency than alum. Therefore, application of ferric chloride in the same conditions is preferred than alum. © 2015 Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Union of Chemists in Bulgaria

    Identification of valuable natural factors by the VPS Method from children’s points of view, in order to provide a framework for organizing the school yard space

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    Background and Objective: Addressing the issue of identifying elements of the nature are important to children and increase children's creativity. In such a way that these elements can be presented in a general framework so that designers and architects can rely on them, the most important concepts and items needed in the design, to consider these spaces and apply them. Of course, it should be noted that several environmental factors affect creativity. However, in this study, an attempt is made to identify the factors that have the most impact, so that the needs of children can be met in accordance with their activities and a general framework for designing children's spaces can be proposed. The main difference between this research and other researches is in prioritizing the effective factors in nature from the children's point of view and its effect on creativity and then presenting the results in the form of an overall design framework. Various research has been done on this subject, but in a one-dimensional way and in them only one factor is mentioned, such as the effect of creativity on learning, but none of them presents the effect of nature's role in increasing creativity. The purpose of this research is to determine which natural elements are important from children’s points of view and whether the use and presence of elements are possible in educational locations. This research seeks to find approaches to design school yards based on children’s points of view with regard to the role of nature in their education. Methods: The research method used in this qualitative study is content analysis. Based on the nature of the subject, a questionnaire and the image technique were used as the main method of data collection. The structure of the questionnaire is based on the measures and criteria derived from the subject literature and designed based on Likert scale. In the first stage, 120 questionnaires were provided to children of 7-12 age in the case study. Results of the questionnaires were obtained. To ensure that the results of the questionnaires are expanded, the researcher, in the second phase, provided some pictures relevant to questionnaires, so that the children could respond to questions based on their visual preferences. The researcher then obtained results based on visual content analysis. Findings: It was discovered that these two instruments of measurement are in line with each other and are appropriate to the environmental factors affecting children. Finally, a framework for organizing the school yard is presented. Conclusion: By creating an appropriate, responsive and purposeful framework in design, we can address the main goal of the research, which is to identify the effective factors in nature from the children's point of view by increasing their creativity, and finally, an appropriate framework by considering these factors to organize the space of the school yard. The necessity of presenting the framework can be expressed in such a way that the weakening of children's connection with outside the classroom is harmful for the child, on the other hand, an intellectual movement moves towards learning outdoors. The presence of natural elements or the same nature has a positive effect on children's creativity, discovers and flourishes the latent talent in children and creates a suitable environment for a bright future for children.   ===================================================================================== COPYRIGHTS  ©2019 The author(s). This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, as long as the original authors and source are cited. No permission is required from the authors or the publishers.  ====================================================================================

    Serum αFP Level in Cord Blood of Full Term Neonates Born in Babol City

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    BACKGROUNDANDOBJECTIVE: Serum alpha-fetoprotein (αFP) level is considered as a diagnostic marker is higher than normal in many congenital tumors such as germ cell, hepatoblastoma, as well as liver and metabolic diseases in neonates. Normal neonates also have a higher level of alpha-fetoprotein than others, so it is important to diagnose this interference. In valid sources, the normal serum alpha-fetoprotein level in infants is related to advanced countries, which may vary in our country. Therefore, this study was conducted to determine the serum levels of alpha-fetoprotein in the umbilical cord blood of term neonates born in Babol and to compare them in two genders. METHODS: This cross-sectional study was performed on 500 neonates (37-42 weeks) born in hospitals in Babol city where physical examination was normal. At birth, 5 ml of umbilical cord blood was taken and samples were sent to the lab for measurement of alpha-fetoprotein. Serum alpha-fetoprotein level was measured by ELISA method and was compared in two genders. FINDINGS: Mean serum a FP levels was 76.57±35.25 ng/ml (range 2.3-160) and it was significantly higher in males (80.54±36.95 vs. 73.69±33.73 ng/ml) which was statistically significant (p=0.002). CONCLUSION: The results of this study showed that the level of alpha-fetoprotein in neonates born in Babol is relatively high and also in males is more than females

    Gastrointestinal presentation in a patient with COVID-19 without respiratory tract symptoms: A case report from Qom, Iran

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    Introduction: Considering the increasing number of patients referred to gastroenterology clinics, we report a suspected case of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) with only gastrointestinal (GI) presentation in Qom, Iran. Case Presentation: A 74-year-old man with epigastric pain, diarrhea and vomiting for one week was treated, based on the routine abdominal treatment protocol. Since all GI symptoms were resistant to therapy, we decided to perform laboratory assays for a more accurate diagnosis of the disease. Considering the persistence of abdominal pain and nausea, abdominal and pelvic computed tomography (CT) scans, as well as endoscopy and colonoscopy, were performed. After performing the chest CT scan, we noticed the involvement of the lungs. The patient did not have any respiratory symptoms, and at the time of his hospitalization, the COVID-19 epidemic had been reported in Iran. With the progression of the disease, he started to experience mild fever (38°C). Using a specific COVID-19 kit, he was diagnosed with COVID-19 after precise evaluations. However, without any medications, all of his symptoms subsided after 2-3 weeks. Conclusions: It is important for all physicians to know that some pure GI symptoms, which are resistant to therapy, may be the only symptoms in suspected COVID-19 patients. Timely diagnosis and isolation of these patients can guarantee population to avoid the spread of this highly contagious infection. © 2020, Author(s)