701 research outputs found

    Extension of Tinny Application for Cloud Based Custom Software with Encryption Queue: A Strategy to Protect Data on Cloud

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    Data protection is in your hands, even your data lands in the lap of service providers. Cloud computing is a new and emerging concept in the field of IT. It means do everything over the internet and put burden on the shoulders of cloud's service providers. Individuals or business organizations are hesitant to do their tasks over public networks like internet. They can't leave their sensitive data in the hands of service providers. It is due to lack of confidence and trust on service providers. Protecting customer's sensitive data on cloud is the major issue. Here authors purposed a strategy to protect customer's sensitive data before sending it towards service providers. The strategy consists of a barrier (Encryption Queue) to protect customer's data. With the use of this strategy, encryption procedure will be in the hands of customers themselves. This concept will help to built up customer's trust and will prepare them to shift desktop based applications over the cloud

    Refactoring for Multi-Dimensional Reusability

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    Source code should be simpler, easy to read and easy to understand. This slogan is not only relates to change the existing code for current service, but also has an association with reusability. Refactoring is a best idea for above issues i.e. keeping the code simple and support the emergent design practice. Many refactoring techniques have been produced related to code simplicity and understandability for maintainability & extensibility. Here author enforced to make the method with the division of three sections and each section should have an argument as a signal. Such technique will be the pillar of reusability from many directions

    Partial Pair Programming: Link between Solo and Pair Programming

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    Leaving of key team members can make an unrecoverable loss to an organization. It means knowledge of a task should be in mind of two or more than two programmers. Working of two people on same task on different machine is an awkward practice. So alternatively pair programming practice is the best solution for above problem. Besides many advantages of pair programming, it has certain drawbacks such as personality clashes, and these issues may dominant pair programming over solo programming. Here authors suggested a practice Partial Pair Programming, which will work as bridge between solo and pair programming practices. In partial pair programming, three drivers can make a pair with a navigator of their own group and navigator can make a pair with navigator of other group. This practice will get all advantages of pair programming as well as its own benefits. And also partial pair programming will remove almost all demerits of pair programming

    Exploring Documentation: A Trivial Dimension of RUP

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    The Unified Process (UP) methodology is a commonly used methodology which can be followed by that entire process model where perfectly documented and well defined structure of team is needed, like Rational Unified Process (RUP) model which follows the UP methodology.  During documentation, the defect rate of software can be reduced and software quality can be improved. Quality is the sole objective which is pursued by stakeholders throughout the whole life cycle of software development. Quality is not the outcome of an accident; it is the fruit of the continual labor of devoted professionals. As the size of software increases, it is natural for the number of errors and defects to increase. The Cleanroom Software engineering process is a process for software development. The basic objective of Cleanroom Software engineering is to produce high quality of software emphasizing to increase the level of reliability to its utmost efficiency. Moreover, the Cleanroom process is involved in each and every phase of software development life cycle i.e. planning; measurement; specifying design; verifying code; testing; and certifying to mold the entire engineering discipline that the end product should result ideally in zero defect-rate. Keywords: Cleanroom software Engineering process, Documentation, Defect rate, Rational Unified process, quality and reliability

    Agent for Automating Educational Institutes as a Single Entity: Schools' Coordination System

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    Services and processes require much effort for executing in manual ways. Customized-Service Oriented Architecture is currently a very large source for automating services of different organizations. Educational Institutes and Schools, which are the part of the original nature of man to live, cooperate and grow with others. Transfer of parents becomes a major problem for children education. School's services required a system which can connect all branches on different places to remove transferring problem for a person. SCS (School Coordination System) is a CSOA based application which can provide different services (letter transaction, lecture plane, transfer of student from one branch to other branch with in no time). So student gets feel free after migrating the school. SCS will also provide a medium between parents and school to check the progress of his chil

    Selection of Web Services using Service Agent: An optimized way for the selection of Non-functional requirements

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    Web Services provide a promising results and solution according to the needs and requirements with fast & flexible manners for information sharing among different peoples and businesses. The major key issue in research in Web Services is the selection process which is most difficult & cumbersome because the increasing numbers of services that can not meet or fulfill all the non- functional requirements like performance, efficiency, reliability sensitivity etc. moreover for web services selection for Library System, the author suggests a model to select the searching material only related to books in hard copy form, softcopy form, read only and printable from. The Author suggests an agent for the selection of these books from the web. When any body else who wants to search a specific book from the web, then this service agent will show all the web sites where books will be available.  The agent generates a list of books with their all user's needs and Non-functional requirements. On the basis of these non-functional requirements the user can pick the book according to the document provided by service agent. Keywords: Service Agent, Non-functional requirement, Web service

    Does Islamic insurance development promote economic growth? a panel data analysis

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    This paper examines the impact of Islamic insurance development on economic growth. The Islamic insurance market has been experiencing tremendous growth in its activities since inception, particularly in the ASEAN and GCC markets. Using the difference GMM estimation technique for dynamic panel data model for a set of 22 countries for the period 2004 to 2012, we find a strong evidence of a positive and significant effect from the Islamic insurance activities on economic growth. We further find a robust positive and significant link between trade and economic growth, a positive but insignificant relationship between CPI and economic growth while government consumption show a negative relation. Our result provides further support for the supply-leading hypothesis in the finance growth literature

    Air Pollution Monitoring and Prediction

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