4,008 research outputs found

    Criterion-referenced and norm-referenced agreement between the mile run/walk test and the one-and-a-half mile run/walk test and the pacer test

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    Purpose – The purpose of this study was to test the reliability of the Mile Run/Walk Test and One-and-a-Half Mile Run or Walk Test,and the PACER Test 20-m, multistage shuttle run using criterion reference and norm reference as a working framework. Method – The sample for the study comprised 2,056 students, with male (n = 1159) and female (n = 897) randomly selected using stratifi ed random sampling, from the whole population of students aged 13, 14, and 15 years from 18 secondary schools throughout Perak, Malaysia. Two trials of the PACER Test and one each of the Mile Run/Walk Test and One-and-a-Half Mile Run/Walk Test were performed. The estimated criterion referenced reliability for the Mile Run/Walk Test and the One-and-a-Half Mile Run/Walk Test, and the PACER Test was obtained using the proportion of agreement (Pa) and ‘modified kappa (Kq) on FITNESSGRAM® Standards (Baumgartner, Jackson, Mahar, & Rowe, 2003) and the American College of Sports Standards (ACSM, 1999). Findings – Results of the study showed that the Pacer Test had high reliability for testing the maximum volume of oxygen among male and female students aged 13, 14, and 15 years old. The statistical analysis indicated a positive and strong correlation between test scores and repeated tests for the Pacer Test on male and female students aged 13, 14 and 15 years old with r = 0.94 to 0.97; 0.95 to 0.97 respectively, and was signifi cant (p<.05).Value – It is recommended that the PACER Test be used as a component of the Physical Fitness Test battery to replace the Mile Run/Walk Test and the One-and-a-Half Mile Run or Walk Test, which are still used by the Malaysian Ministry of Education,Teacher Education Division,Curriculum Development Centre, and also State Education Departments to test students’ cardiovascular resistance

    خصائص اللغة العربية

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    يهدف هذا البحث إلى معرفة نشأة اللغة العربية ولهجاتها. اللغة العربية تعتبر من أقدس اللغات لدى المسلمين، ويعتبرون تعلمها واجبا من واجبات الدين، وهي لغة العقيدة ولغة الحضارة والتي توحّد أمة المسلمين من مختلف أقطار العالم وهي لغة القرآن الكريم واللغة التي يتكلم بها نبينا محمد. وهي من اللغات الواسعة الانتشار في العالم اليوم. وهذه اللغة تدخل إلى فصيلة اللغات الحامية والسامية، وإلى فصيلة اللغة السامية الجنوبية بوجه خصوص. وموطنهم الأصلي هو القسم الجنوبي الغربي من شبه الجزيرة وهي بلاد نجد والحجاز واليمن وماإليها.هناك عدة أسباب التي تؤدي الى نشأة اللهجات في اللغة العربية، وهي :أسباب جغرافية، وأسباب اجتماعية، واحتكاك اللغات واختلاطها نتيجة غزو أو هجرات أو تجاور، وأسباب فردية، والعامل السياسي، والعامل الطبيعي.&nbsp; توجد لهجات كثيرة عند العرب، ولكن هناك عدة لهجات تعتبر أفصح من غيرها من اللهجات وهي لهجة قريش، لهجة أهل الحجاز، لهجة أهل نجد، ولهجة أسد. ثم تغلبت لهجة قريش على سائر لغات القبائل العربية لأسباب، منها :العامل الجغرافي، والعامل الدينيّ، والعامل الثقافي، والعامل الإقتصادي، والعامل السياسي.Arabic language has lived through a remarkable development and has spread throughout the world in speaking and in writing. It has been able to respond to the changes of the world, including new things. It has given name for those new things&nbsp; fits the Arabic Structures. This indicated the capacity and flexibility of Arabic, probably its refer to the characteristics of Arabic Language , we found many of these characteristic in Arabic Linguistic references and some Arabic linguist wrote a special book in Arabic Characteristics. The distinctives of this language include irab, derivation, sculpture, syncretism, subscription, cross-fertilization, taqdim and takhir, distraction, iltifat, deletion and addition, masculinity and femininityPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui asal-usul Bahasa arab dan dialeknya. Bahasa arab dianggap sebagai salah satu Bahasa paling suci bagi umat islam, dan mereka beranggapan bahwa mempelajarinya adalah sebagai kewajiban agama. Ini adalah Bahasa kepercayaan dan Bahasa peradaban, yang menyatukan bangsa muslim dari berbagai negara di dunia. Ini adalah Bahasa al-Qur’an dan Bahasa yang diucapkan oleh Nabi Muhammad. Ini adalah salah satu Bahasa paling banyak tersebar di dunia saat ini. Bahasa ini termasuk dalam jenis Bahasa Hamitik dan Semit, dan khususnya rumpun Bahasa Semit Selatan. Mereka berasal dari bagian semenanjung barat daya, yaitu negara-negara Najd, Hijaz, Yaman dan sebagainya. Ada beberapa alasan yang menyebabkan munculnya dialek dalam Bahasa arab, yaitu: alasan geografis, alasan sosial, gesekan bahasa dan percampurannya sebagai akibat dari invasi, migrasi atau kedekatan, alasan individu, faktor politik, dan faktor alam. Terdapat banyak dialek di kalangan orang arab, beberapa dialek dianggap lebih fasih dari dialek lainnya, yaitu dialek quraisy, Hijaz, Najd dan Asad. Kemudian dialek Quraisy menguasai semua bahasa suku-suku arab karena berbagai alasan, antara lain: faktor geografis, agama, budaya, ekonomi dan politik

    Nilai pengurusan air secara Islam dalam komuniti dalam pascamodenism

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    Dua tahun lalu, krisis air di Lembah Kelang telah mengajar kita supaya menghargai betapa pentingnya air kepada kehidupan manusia. Malah ia juga telah mengajar kita melihat betapa perlunya memelihara serta memulihara sumber bekalan air terutamanya sungai. Ketika krisis air melanda, hujan diibaratkan seumpama emas yang jatuh dari langit, ditadah, disimpan, dihargai bahkan ianya digunakan berdikit-dikit. Apabila semuanya selesai, kita kembali ke tabiat lama kita, air seolah-olah satu aset yang tidak mempunyai sebarang nilai langsung. Ramai yang terlupa akan hukum alam, iaitu setiap yang wujud pasti ada pengakhirannya, begitu juga dengan bekalan air di negara kita. Krisis air pasti akan kembali lagi. Kertas kerja ini menyingkap dan menyelami nilai-nilai murni pengurusan air dengan memberi fokus utama terhadap nilai-nilai Islam sebagai satu alternatif penyelesaian terhadap permasalahan air yang wujud sekarang dan yang bakal timbul pada masa akan datang. Agama Islam yang dikenali sebagai satu agama yang menyeluruh, pastinya mempunyai caranya tersendiri dalam menyelesaikan permasalahan air. Pengurusan air dalam Islam sudah lama diketengahkan, iaitu semenjak zaman kemunculan Nabi Muhammad 1420 tahun yang lalu. Kertas kerja ini juga mengusulkan kesesuaian hukum Islam dalam pengurusan air untuk diadaptasikan pada masa kini, sebagai satu jalan penyelesaian yang unggul, yang tiada tolak bandingnya untuk kegunaan sepanjang zaman

    Do corruption and economic growth lead to income inequality in Indonesia? / Ahmad Shahsufian Sani

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    The objective of the present study is to examine the factor that most affected-on income inequality in Indonesia for the period between 1984 and 2017 using times series framework. To answer 3 objectives under this investigation, through ARDL method. Gross domestic product per capita, corruption, foreign direct investment and trade openness are having significant relationship towards inequality, while inflation shows otherwise. This study is conducted by using time series analyses by utilizing the Autoregressive Distributive Lag (ARDL) techniques. Overall, based on the result driven from the long run coefficient analysis, the gross domestic product, foreign direct investment and trade openness has negative relationship which mean an increase in the variables, the inequality of income distribution may decrease while for the corruption is vice versa

    The role of colonial state in the emergence of modern Minna town 1910-1960 / Salihu Ibrahim and Ahmad Zaharuddin Sani Ahmad Sabri

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    Historically some towns owe their emergence to such developments like warfare, trade and commerce while others emerged because of geographical or military factors. Apologist of colonialism and bourgeoisie scholars’ emphasized the role of colonial state in the establishment and emergence of town/cities in Africa. This paper adds voice to the existing literature and further argued that it did not just found such settlements but improved on the agglomeration process following its various policies. To successfully conduct this study critical analysis of secondary sources is employed. The research aim at an examination of the growth and development of Minna town in the face of modernization, urbanization and changing socio-economic and political environment, it traced the emergence of the town to colonial era in 1910 following the British conquest of the area and consequent establishment of colonial administrative structures. The significance of the paper lies in its ability to unravel the historicity of the origin of Minna and to point out th

    Informative water supply challenges on the development of towns: a study of Minna town central Nigeria / Salihu Ibrahim and Ahmad Zaharuddin Sani Ahmad Sabri

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    ‘Water is life’ so a common saying of ages. The purpose of this paper is to examine the challenge faced by developing nations about scarcity of portable water supply in view of the ever increasing population and development of towns. Scholars have documented works on infrastructural deficiency in the third world towns and cities and have mostly looked at the problem with levity as government sees provision of safe water as privilege. This paper aims at establishing the effects of poor quality water supply on our lives and the consequent impact on the development of towns. The scope of the study is Minna Municipality which has been experiencing rapid growth since it became a state capital and the movement of Nigeria’s federal capital city from Lagos to Abuja. The researcher utilizes both primary and secondary data. The research findings indicates that people prefer and converge more on where there is available and clean water and poor quality water supply brings about diseases

    Drag Reducing Agent for Water System Using Natural Polymer (Aloe Vera)

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    Research and development of new chemicals to ensure flow assurance of hydrocarbon in turbulent pipe flow has been done throughout the years since the first introduction of Drag Reducing Agent (DRA) by Tom back in 1948. Drag had caused several problems to the flow line such as power pumping losses, decreasing in production capacity and pipelines corrosion. Thus, the drag reduction applications have brought a lot of improvement in crude oil transportation and water injection for last few decades. Comprehensive research regarding drag reduction in turbulent pipe flow is important which should focus both experimental and theoretical area. However, information on the usage and reliability of natural polymer DRA are still limited compared to synthetic polymers. To make use of these abundant sources of various organic and natural polymers, their effectiveness in reducing frictional drag in pipeline flow must be put into test before it can be introduced and commercialize to the industrial field. Thus, the objective of this project is to determine the effectiveness of new formulated DRA using natural polymer (Aloe Vera). The 5 different concentrations of Aloe Vera (AV) solutions which are ranging from 800ppm, 900ppm, 1000ppm, 1300ppm, 1500ppm were prepared and pumped in the open flow liquid system of water at the injection point to see the effect on the pressure loss and flow rate. The mixed solution is tested in the 4 meter testing section (1” diameter galvanized pipe) and the pressure reading is observed at two points (P1 and P2) using the pressure gauge. Two pressure gauge is used to monitor the pressure drop obtained along the test section for each concentrations tested. Flow rate of the flow also recorded and compared with each different concentrations of AV solution which will be used to compare the increment of the pipe flow capacity. The drag reduction percentage (DR %) is calculated using the value of pressure loss data obtained in the experiment. The effects of DRA concentration towards the drag reduction and pressure loss were analysed. The result shows that AV solution can increase the drag reduction percentage (%DR) in water flow up to 33% at 1500ppm concentration. The results agree with the theory of DRA polymer reduces the frictional pressure loss in the pipe flow by reducing the degree of turbulence flow, thus increase the transportation flow efficiency

    Pengembangan Lembar Kerja Siswa Berstruktur Metode Penemuan Terbimbing untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Komunikasi Matematis Siswa

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    : This study aims to produce LKS structured method of guided discovery material and area of ​​a circle whose circumference is valid, practical, and effective. The method used in this research is the research and development (research and development) which adapts the model of development of Borg and Gall. The research subject is class VIII SMP Negeri 2 Sebangki of 20 people limited trial and 56 trials spacious. The results of data analysis 1) is valid based on ratings validator with an average score of 90%, as the average score of the validation of more than 80%, the LKS is categorized as very valid, meaning LKS could be tested, 2) practical based on the responses of students with an average score of 88% and enforceability of Lesson Plan with an average score of 98% in both catagories is very good, that is practical worksheets used in the learning process, 3) the effectiveness seen from the mathematical ability of written and oral communication students. Result written communications skills mathematical average of 76% and the average verbal score of students by 78%, as written and oral communication skills are both good students category, then LKS meets aspects of effective, meaning that students can express ideas or idea in the form of pictures, making working steps, and solving mathematical problems in writing, or orally

    Pesan abadi bumi dan langit kepada manusia: analisis komunikasi dakwah dalam tradisi pembacaan Kitta Tulkiyamat dalam masyarakat Makassar

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    Investigations on naskhah Tulkiyamat conducted in the village of Sanrobone, Takalar regency is intended to examine the elements contained in Naskhah Tulkiyamat, as media of preaching on the people of Makassar. The results of the study on naskhah Tulkiyamat show this naskhah contains elements of Islam as faith, morals, Sharia and Sufism. While Text-Messages are delivered as a medium of preaching includes the message of the faith, the sublime character, willingness to sacrifice, honesty, and friendship. This study used a qualitative approach to understand the perceptions and behavior of the people in the tradition of Tulkiyamat reading in Sanrobone. Bys using analysis of communication and preaching approach then some parts chapter and article in Tulkiyamat manuscript will be inventoried and analyzed that related to the teachings of Islam which gave messages of preaching. Especially for this paper, there will analyzed messages of preaching contained in chapter 3 and article 3 which tells the story of "the voice from the sky and earth". Based on the analysis of the article 3, for a description of the meaning and messages preaching that can be taken as learning is about; (1) temptations of life in the world, (2) the need to maintain a manner of speaking, (3) the importance of always repent, (4) the primacy and importance of always reading Al-Qur’an. It is hoped that the tradition of reading Tulkiyamat can be maintained and was always carried out the study of the moral values of Islam contained therein

    Perlaksanaan E-Pembelajaran Di Kalangan Pelajar Fakulti Pendidikan Dan Fakulti Kejuruteraan Mekanikal Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Skudai

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    Dalam sektor pendidikan di Malaysia, e-pembelajaran merupakan satu cabang baru dalam pembelajaran berasaskan Teknologi Maklumat dan Komunikasi (ICT) yang mana membolehkan pembelajaran berlaku tanpa mengira tempat, jarak, usia dan masa. Kajian ini merupakan kajian deskriptif yang bertujuan untuk meninjau perlaksanaan e-pembelajaran di kalangan pelajar Fakulti Pendidikan dan Fakulti Kejuruteraan Mekanikal Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Skudai, Johor.Fokus kajian ini ialah kesediaan pelajar terhadap perlaksanaan e-pembelajaran, minat dan sikap pelajar yang mendorong dalam penggunaan e-pembelajaran dan masalah yang sering dihadapi oleh pelajar semasa menggunakan e-pembelajaran.Seramai 118 orang pelajar dari Fakulti Pendidikan dan Fakulti Kejuruteraan Mekanikal Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Skudai, Johor menjadi responden dalam kajian ini. Satu set soal selidik telah digunakan sebagai instrumen kajian dan analisis data menggunakan perisian “Statistical Packages For Social Sciences (SPSS)” for Windows Release 12.0 bagi mendapatkan min dan peratus data. Kajian rintis telah dijalankan terhadap 10 orang pelajar untuk menguji kebolehpercayaan instrumen kajian dan nilai pekali kebolehpercayaan adalah 0.80 dengan menggunakan kaedah Cronbach Aalpha.Secara keseluruhannya, tinjauan terhadap perlaksanaan e-pembelajaran dalam pengajaran dan pembelajaran di Fakulti Pendidikan dan Fakulti Kejuruteraan Mekanikal Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Skudai, Johor berada pada tahap sederhana.Justeru itu, pihak universiti dan fakulti perlu meningkatan lagi kesedaran pelajar-pelajar terhadap kepentingan e-pembelajaran untuk menyahut seruan universiti yang ingin menjadikan Univesiti Teknologi Malaysia sebagai universiti bertaraf dunia. Katakunci: Tahap Kesediaan, Kemahiran Hidup, Subjek Rekacipt