1,195 research outputs found

    Fatima Jinnah’s Concern for Women’s Technical Education

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    Madar-i-Millat Mohtarma Fatima Jinnah is known for her contribution to the uplift of various segments of Pakistani society which is indicated through her speeches, statements, messages and addresses at different functions and institutions, delivered on various occasions. Her special concern was that women of Pakistan which formed 50 percent of the population should be moulded to play their role on various aspects of human life. An important aspect to which she felt attached, was the promotion of technical education in the country. Along with men, she desired women of Pakistan should equally contribute to the industrial development of Pakistan. This could be done by spreading technical education amongst the girls of Pakistan. For this purpose she delivered a number of speeches, addressed various institutions and established various industrial homes.

    The Ecological Patterns of Racial and Socio-Economic Segregation

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    [No abstract provided.

    Knowledge and Attitude of Mothers Regarding Oral Rehydration Salt

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    Background: To assess the knowledge, attitude and behaviour of mothers about Oral Rehydration Salt (ORS). Methods: In this cross-sectional descriptive study a total of 320 mothers were enrolled by convenience sampling. Data was collected by means of semi-structured questionnaire. Questionnaire asked information regarding the knowledge of mothers about ORS, its availability in the market, method of preparation, source of information about ORS and the role of ORS in the management of diarrhoea. Results: Of the total 320 mothers, 80% respondents were literate. 61.87% mothers belonged to middle social class and among those 44% seemed to have adequate knowledge pertaining to ORS preparation and its significance in the management of diarrhoea. Only 4.06% mothers did not know about ORS. Information regarding availability of ORS was found to be accurate among 86.87% mothers. Most of the mothers (37.19%) got information about ORS from doctors followed by media (25%) and their mothers (20%). Conclusion: Knowledge about ORS was found to be adequate among educated mothers belonging to middle socioeconomic status. Information pertaining to ORS was mainly imparted by the health care providers

    Fatima Jinnah’s Concern for Women’s Technical Education

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    Madar-i-Millat Mohtarma Fatima Jinnah is known for her contribution to the uplift of various segments of Pakistani society which is indicated through her speeches, statements, messages and addresses at different functions and institutions, delivered on various occasions. Her special concern was that women of Pakistan which formed 50 percent of the population should be moulded to play their role on various aspects of human life. An important aspect to which she felt attached, was the promotion of technical education in the country. Along with men, she desired women of Pakistan should equally contribute to the industrial development of Pakistan. This could be done by spreading technical education amongst the girls of Pakistan. For this purpose she delivered a number of speeches, addressed various institutions and established various industrial homes

    The Mental grooming and Self-esteem of the Students through Co-curricular activities: A Teacher’s view

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    In the life of a student, the academic pursuit is mostly emphasized as deemed to be an only key to his/her success in life. In the present world, the life has become too complex to be led by the academic qualifications alone. There are other very important factors those which help in shaping the life of a pupil as a whole. In this regard, the co-curricular activities have an important role coupled with those of curricula as they re-enforce each other reciprocally. The students those who participate in the co-curricular activities are not only physically fit rather they are mentally sharp, responsive and participative regarding the various healthy activities. Here, it is justified to say that co-curricular activities must be a part and parcel of a student’s academic life as it enhances his/her self-esteem and prominence in the entire society. The profile of the same student also stands high before his/her teacher because of the appreciation he/she has collected at the institutional level or above.

    The potential of ecotourism in Hunza Valley Pakistan

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico.A presente dissertação considerou pontos tais como as que ampliam-se as adesões em favor da preservação do meio ambiente e da melhoria da qualidade de vida da humanidade. Os objetivos são fornecer alguma contribuição a Divisão de Turismo do Paquistão do Ministério de Esportes e Turismo, para comercializar e promover internacionalmente para as áreas do nordeste como destinação de ecoturismo internacional. e como fazer mais clara a ligação entre o bem estar do meio ambiente e o sucesso do turismo. Este segmento do turismo possui diferentes características de outras formas de turismo. A indústria do turismo é muito importante no desenvolvimento do ecoturismo, pois é ela que realmente proporciona as viagens e tem grande influência no destino dos turistas, atividades e experiências. Os consumidores necessitam de educação a respeito dos custos e dos benefícios do ecoturismo para posteriormente estarem aptos a decidir sobre sua viagem e sua participação na conservação do meio ambiente. São ressaltadas outras características do ecoturismo: Maior capacitação profissional dos guias. Impactos do Ecoturismo sobre o meio ambiente. Segundo BOO (1992), existem poucas destinações que demonstram todos os princípios do ecoturismo. Muitos dos parques não possuem planejamento turístico. Deve-se realizar um uso sustentável dos recursos e características naturais da área. Esta nova ideologia sensitiva ambientalista está refletida em destinações que têm, conseguido, só recentemente, embarcar na nova onda do desenvolvimento do turismo. Belize, um local relativamente novo na indústria do turismo, é bom exemplo. Esse tipo de viagem depende da conservação dos recursos da área natural. Essa parceria pode, de fato, proporcionar uma verdadeira experiência ecoturística por meio do aumento da consciência do público sobre proteção ambiental; da provisão de recursos econômicos para a gestão das áreas naturais; da maximização dos benefícios econômicos para as comunidades locais; doe estímulo à compreensão das diferenças culturais; e da diminuição dos efeitos adversos dos visitantes sobre o meio ambiente natural e cultural. Há várias etapas no desenvolvimento de diretrizes para a administração do bom visitante: Obter auxílio técnico de cientistas que estudaram o impacto do turismo. Criar um plano de distribuição do documento. Guias especializados em turismo de natureza devem estar bem informados sobre o impacto do turismo. Grande parte do impacto do turismo pode ser causado por visitantes desobedientes. Solicite aos funcionários do parque que recolham os questionários dos visitantes que estão de saída. América Central e do Sul. Incluindo alguns operadores de turismo domestico e com a Corporação de Desenvolvimento de Turismo do Paquistão. Setor Público. Agenciamento do setor público. Coorporação de Desenvolvimento do Turismo do Paquistão. Estão voltados somente com o setor público de hotéis e operadores. Considera-se o custo do Tour. Atividades na indústria do turismo. Devem desenvolver programas de treinamento em ecoturismo. Criar Identidades dos parques nacionais pois são ineficientes
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