40 research outputs found

    A matter of context – time to clinically validate 9-month infant HIV testing in South Africa(?)

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    Mazanderani comments on an article by Fairlie at al. (September 2015 SAMJ)

    Leveraging the Road to Health booklet as a unique patient identifier to monitor the prevention of mother-to-child transmission programme

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    BACKGROUND. Currently there is no unique patient identification system in the South African public health sector. Therefore, routine laboratory data cannot effectively be de-duplicated, thereby hampering surveillance of laboratory-diagnosed diseases such as mother-tochild transmission of HIV. OBJECTIVES. To determine the uptake of Road to Health booklet (RTHB) identifiers at HIV polymerase chain reaction (PCR) birth test and describe their performance in linking follow-up test results in the early infant diagnosis programme. METHODS. Between May 2016 and May 2017, Tshwane District Clinical Services implemented a unique patient identifier pilot project in which a sticker-page of unique, readable, barcoded patient identifiers was incorporated in the patient-retained immunisation record (the RTHB) before distribution. Uptake of RTHB identifiers at birth was calculated as the proportion of HIV PCR tests in infants aged <6 days registered with an RTHB identifier over the total number of registered HIV PCR tests. Descriptive analysis of demographic details was performed among infants with two registered HIV PCR tests linked by the RTHB identifier, and performance of the National Health Laboratory Service Corporate Data Warehouse (NHLS CDW)-linking algorithm in matching RTHB-linked results was calculated using a 2 × 2 table. RESULTS. A total of 5 309 HIV PCR birth tests registered with an RTHB identifier were extracted from the NHLS CDW over the 13-month period of the pilot project. The number of registered RTHB identifiers increased from 24 (2% of birth PCR tests) in May 2016, peaking at 728 (56% of birth PCR tests) in May 2017. Among infants with a registered RTHB identifier at birth, 635 (12%) had a subsequent linked HIV PCR test, as indicated by the same RTHB number registered for a later specimen. Demographic details at the time of birth and subsequent PCR test were compared, demonstrating that <4% of infants had exact matches for name, surname, date of birth and sex; 74% of birth tests had variations such as ‘born to’ or ‘baby of ’ in place of a first name; surnames matched exactly in 61% of cases; 18% (n=116) of infants had both tests performed at the same facility, of which only 27% (n=31) had the same patient folder number on both test results. CONCLUSIONS. Leveraging RTHBs as unique patient identifiers, even if used temporarily until linkage to other future national unique identifiers, promises to be an effective scalable approach to laboratory-based surveillance, facilitating healthcare provider access to all test results from birth.AHM acknowledges support from the Discovery Foundation (ref. no. 034203).http://www.samj.org.zaam2018Medical VirologyPaediatrics and Child Healt

    Monitoring diagnosis, retention in care and viral load suppression in children testing HIV polymerase chain reaction-positive in two districts in South Africa

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    BACKGROUND: Retention in care is associated with improved virological control and survival among HIV-infected children. However, retention of children in HIV care remains a challenge. OBJECTIVES: To describe, using routine laboratory HIV test data, the retention-in-care and virological outcomes of HIV-infected children aged <18 months in two districts in South Africa. METHODS: HIV polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-positive results of children from uMkhanyakude and Tshwane districts in KwaZulu- Natal and Gauteng provinces, respectively, tested between April 2015 and May 2016, were extracted from the National Health Laboratory Service’s Corporate Data Warehouse (CDW). HIV-related tests (PCR, viral load (VL), CD4+) were documented longitudinally for each child for ≥13 months after the first positive PCR result by manually searching demographics within the CDW, supplemented by an automated patient-linking algorithm. Test sets were linked if two or more demographics (surname, name, date of birth, folder number) matched exactly. Programmatic indicators assessed included age at first positive PCR test, presumed confirmatory test rates, retention in care, and VL suppression at 6 and 12 months. RESULTS: Ninety-four and 304 children tested HIV PCR-positive in uMkhanyakude and Tshwane, respectively. The median age at diagnosis was 3.6 months (interquartile range (IQR) 1.4 - 7.1) for uMkhanyakude and 2.3 months (IQR 0.1 - 6.7) for Tshwane. In uMkhanyakude, confirmed in utero infections accounted for 18.1% of transmissions (n=17), compared with 29.6% (n=90) in Tshwane. Presumed confirmatory test rates following an initial positive PCR result were 77.7% and 71.7% for uMkhanyakude and Tshwane, respectively. Within 6 months of starting antiretroviral therapy, 43 children (58.9%) were lost to follow-up in uMkhanyakude compared with 160 (73.4%) in Tshwane. Of those retained in care at 6 months with a VL measurement, 15 (60.0%) from uMkhanyakude had a VL <1 000 copies/mL, compared with 24 (48.0%) in Tshwane. For both districts, a third of all HIV PCR-positive children were retained in care at the end of followup, with 29 (30.9%) in uMkhanyakude and 99 (32.5%) in Tshwane. Of these, 12 (41.4%) had a VL <1 000 copies/mL in uMkhanyakude compared with 28 (28.3%) in Tshwane. CONCLUSIONS: We demonstrate the value of routine laboratory data in monitoring diagnosis, retention and VL suppression in HIV-infected children. This approach is scalable, can be reported near real-time, is relatively inexpensive to implement, and provides a tool for improving paediatric HIV services until clinical databases can assume this role.UNICEF and ELMA Foundation.http://www.samj.org.zapm2020Medical Virolog

    Community care workers, poor referral networks and consumption of personal resources in rural South Africa

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    Although home-based care (HBC) programs are widely implemented throughout Africa, their success depends on the existence of an enabling environment, including a referral system and supply of essential commodities. The objective of this study was to explore the current state of client referral patterns and practices by community care workers (CCWs), in an evolving environment of one rural South African sub-district. Using a participant triangulation approach, in-depth qualitative interviews were conducted with 17 CCWs, 32 HBC clients and 32 primary caregivers (PCGs). An open-ended interview guide was used for data collection. Participants were selected from comprehensive lists of CCWs and their clients, using a diversified criterion-based sampling method. Three independent researchers coded three sets of data – CCWs, Clients and PCGs, for referral patterns and practices of CCWs. Referrals from clinics and hospitals to HBC occurred infrequently, as only eight (25%) of the 32 clients interviewed were formally referred. Community care workers showed high levels of commitment and personal investment in supporting their clients to use the formal health care system. They went to the extent of using their own personal resources. Seven CCWs used their own money to ensure client access to clinics, and eight gave their own food to ensure treatment adherence. Community care workers are essential in linking clients to clinics and hospitals and to promote the appropriate use of medical services, although this effort frequently necessitated consumption of their own personal resources. Therefore, risk protection strategies are urgently needed so as to ensure sustainability of the current work performed by HBC organizations and the CCW volunteers.The South Africa Netherlands research Programme on Alternatives in Development (SANPAD) and AVERT, Averting HIV and AIDS (http://www.avert.org/).http://www.plosone.orgam201

    Hepatitis A virus seroprevalence among children and adolescents in a high‑burden HIV setting in urban South Africa

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    Hepatitis A virus (HAV) infection is one of the most important global causes of viral hepatitis. Recent reviews suggested that HAV endemicity in South Africa could shift from high to intermediate. A hospital-based HAV seroprevalence study was conducted between February 2018 and December 2019 in Pretoria, South Africa. Systematic sampling was performed on children and adolescents (1–15 years) who attended outpatient services. Participants with a known HIV status and valid HAV serology results were included. Of the 1220 participants, the median age was 7 years (IQR: 4–11), with 648 (53.11%) males and 572 (46.89%) females. Of 628 (51.48%) HIV-infected participants, most (329, 71.83%) were both immunologically and virologically controlled or had low-level viremia (74, 16.16%). Almost three-quarters (894, 73.28%) were living in formal dwellings, and just over half (688, 56.39%) had access to clean water sources inside the house. Increasing age was associated with testing HAV IgG-positive (OR 1.25; 95% CI 1.20–1.30, p < 0.001), with 19.8% of participants one year of age compared with 86.7% of participants 15 years of age. This study suggests that South Africa has an intermediate HAV seroprevalence, with rates < 90% by 10 years of age (68.6%). Increased age and informal dwellings are statistically associated with HAV seropositivity, while HIV status does not significantly influence HAV seropositivity.DATA AVAILABILITY : Raw data were generated at Kalafong Provincial Tertiary Hospital and the University of Pretoria. Derived data supporting the fndings of this study are available from the corresponding author [NdP] on request.A Research Grant by Sanofi Pasteur.http://www.nature.com/scientificreportsam2023Paediatrics and Child Healt

    Eliminating Vertical Transmission of HIV in South Africa: Establishing a Baseline for the Global Alliance to End AIDS in Children

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    To gain a detailed overview of vertical transmission in South Africa, we describe insights from the triangulation of data sources used to monitor the national HIV program. HIV PCR results from the National Health Laboratory Service (NHLS) were analysed from the National Institute of Communicable Diseases (NICD) data warehouse to describe HIV testing coverage and positivity among children &lt;2 years old from 2017&ndash;2021. NICD data were compared and triangulated with the District Health Information System (DHIS) and the Thembisa 4.6 model. For 2021, Thembisa estimates a third of children living with HIV go undiagnosed, with NICD and DHIS data indicating low HIV testing coverage at 6 months (49%) and 18 months (33%) of age, respectively. As immunisation coverage is reported at 84% and 66% at these time points, better integration of HIV testing services within the Expanded Programme for Immunization is likely to yield improved case findings. Thembisa projects a gradual decrease in vertical transmission to 450 cases per 100,000 live births by 2030. Unless major advances and strengthening of maternal and child health services, including HIV prevention, diagnosis, and care, can be achieved, the goal to end AIDS in children by 2030 in South Africa is unlikely to be realised

    Recommendations for the management of indeterminate HIV PCR results within South Africa’s early infant diagnosis programme

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    Indeterminate HIV PCR results represent missed diagnostic opportunities within South Africa’s early infant diagnosis programme. These results not only delay diagnosis and appropriate management but are also a source of confusion and apprehension amongst clinicians and caregivers. We describe the extent of indeterminate HIV PCR results within South Africa’s early infant diagnosis programme and provide recommendations for the management of these cases, both in terms of laboratory practice and the clinical care of the infants.They also thank the United Nations Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF) for partial funding of this work. A.H.M. acknowledges the Discovery Foundation for financial support.http://www.sajhivmed.org.zaam2016Medical Virolog

    Loss of detectability and indeterminate results : challenges facing HIV infant diagnosis in South Africa's expanding ART programme

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    BACKGROUND. Early infant diagnosis with rapid access to treatment has been found to reduce HIV-associated infant mortality and morbidity considerably. In line with international standards, current South African guidelines advocate routine HIV-1 polymerase chain reaction (PCR) testing at 6 weeks of age for all HIV-exposed infants and ‘fast-track’ entry into the HIV treatment programme for those who test positive. Importantly, testing occurs within the context of increasing efforts at prevention of mother-to-child transmission (PMTCT) by means of maternal and infant antiretroviral therapy (ART). In addition, infants already initiated on combination ART (cART) may be retested with PCR assays for ‘confirmatory’ purposes, including assessment prior to adoption. The potential for cART to compromise the sensitivity of HIV-1 PCR assays has been described, although there are limited and conflicting data regarding the effect of PMTCT regimens on HIV-1 PCR diagnostic sensitivity. METHODS. We describe a case series of three infants with different ART exposures in whom HIV diagnosis, confirmation or the result of retesting for adoption purposes were uncertain. RESULTS. These cases demonstrate that ART can be associated with a loss of detectability of HIV, leading to ‘false-negative’ HIV-1 PCR results in infants on cART. Furthermore, current PMTCT practices may lead to repeatedly indeterminate results with a subsequent delay in initiation of cART. CONCLUSION. The sensitivity of HIV-1 PCR assays needs to be re-evaluated within the context of different ART exposures, and diagnostic algorithms should be reviewed accordingly.http://www.samj.org.zaam201