6 research outputs found

    Implikasi Kriteria Neo-Mabims Pada Penentuan 1 Dhulhijjah 1443 H (Studi Kritis Teori Matla’ dalam Hadis)

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    Mabims criteria that have been implemented in Indonesia since Ramadan 1433 Hijriyah have become a new discourse, the criteria for the minimum height of the hilal of  3 degrees and elongation of 6.4 degrees annull the previous criteria, namely the minimum height of the hilal of 2 degrees, elongation of 3 degrees and hilal mucus for 8 hours. This change became a new problem considering that on 29 Dhulqa'dah 1443 H all regions in Indonesia had not yet reached the latest Imkanur rukyah MABIMS criteria. Meanwhile, things are different in the Makkah region. Therefore, this research was conducted aiming to find out the implications of the latest MABIMS criteria on the determination of 1 Dhulhijjah 1443 H with the analysis of Ma'anil Hadith related to Mat}la' as the theoretical basis used. Using qualitative research methods with data collection by library research. This data is both primary and secondary to be analyzed by interconnecting the theory of ma'anil hadith with the conception of the visibility of the new moon in the latest MABIMS criteria. The results of this study illustrate that the difference in mat}la' has emerged since the time of the Companions as in the hadith narrated by Kuraib and this becomes the basis for the possibility of different days for certain regions on Earth, as in Saudi Arabia which performs wukuf in Arafah and Eid al-Adha is different from in Indonesia. Of course this is not the first time in Indonesia, but potential conflicts and theoretical weaknesses must be resolved for the common good. Kata kunci: Kriteria Neo- Mabims, Matla’, Ma’anil Hadi

    Varian Makna Dosa dalam Al-Qur’an : Studi Tafsir Tentang Lafadh Al-Dhanb dan Al-Ithm

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    Abstract: Al-Qur'an describes various forms of sin both applicatively and implicitly. but from various forms of different meanings. These all have a common thread of meaning so that in short it is immediately interpreted as sin. Although in fact there are many differences in understanding the essence of the sentences of the Qur'an which are interpreted as sin. The unification of meaning into one meaning, namely sin, makes the writer feel uneasy because reality has different applications and implications. Departing from a reflection to explore the true meaning that is appropriate to be attached to the pronunciation al-ithm and al-dhanb which have the meaning of sin. This happens because the author observes that many people understand and know what sin means, but understanding it will lead to different meanings and explanations. This happens because of various aspects which are even closely related to sin. This study is focusing to explore the true meaning of the pronunciation al-ithm and al-dhanb which are usually interpreted as sin, even though the two actually have differences. This research finally resulted in what the authors were looking for, namely the difference in the operational meanings of the two pronunciations that originated from the interpretation of the Al-Qur'an verse. &nbsp

    Istighotsah Virtual di Pesantren Darul Qawa’id Jombang Sebagai Media Kegiatan di Tengah Pandemi COVID-19 : Kajian Living Al-Qur’an dan Hadis

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    Religion and carrying out religious rituals that are believed to be in order to get closer to God are two sides of a coin, both are intertwined and complementary in the history of human faith. Even so for the Muslim community, faith in Allah swt is indeed located in the heart, but religious behavior by carrying out obligations, Sunnah, permissible or to stay away from haram and makruh is inevitable. Interestingly, the religious behavior of Muslims often does not stop at the five things above. Sometimes there are also religious traditions that are perpetuated in a particular culture or region and become common sense. No exception with the Istighotsah every Friday night, activities that are generally carried out at Nahdliyyin Islamic Boarding Schools in Indonesia have become routine for all students. Like the Darul Qawaid Islamic Boarding School which routinely performs Istighotsah and Mujahadah on every Thursday night. Thursday or Friday night was chosen because today is believed to be Sayyidul Ayyam, so today routine educational activities are usually closed but filled with praying and doing spiritual activities together in Istighotsah activities

    Implikasi Kriteria Neo-Mabims Pada Penentuan 1 Dzulhijjah 1443 H (Studi Kritis Konsep Matla’ dalam Hadis)

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    Abstract:        Mabims criteria that have been implemented in Indonesia since Ramadan 1443 Hijriyah have become a new discourse. The criteria for the minimum height of the hilal of  3 degrees and elongation of 6.4 degrees annul the previous criteria, namely the minimum height of the hilal of 2 degrees, elongation of 3 degrees and hilal mucus for 8 hours. This change became a new problem considering that on 29 Dhulqa'dah 1443 H all regions in Indonesia had not yet reached the latest Imkanur rukyah MABIMS criteria. Therefore, this research was conducted aiming to find out the implications of the latest MABIMS criteria on the determination of 1 Dhulhijjah 1443 H with the analysis of Ma'anil Hadith related to Matla' as the theoretical basis used. Using qualitative research methods with data collection by library research. This data is both primary and secondary to be analyzed by interconnecting the theory of ma'anil hadith with the conception of the visibility of the new moon in the latest MABIMS criteria. The results of this study illustrate that the difference in matla' has emerged since the time of the Companions as in the hadith narrated by Kuraib and this becomes the basis for the possibility of different days for certain regions on Earth, as in Saudi Arabia which performs wukuf in Arafah and Eid al-Adha is different from in Indonesia. Of course this is not the first time in Indonesia, but potential conflicts and theoretical weaknesses must be resolved for the common good. Keywords:      Neo-Mabims Criteria, Matla', Ma'anil Hadith   Abstrak:         Kriteria MABIMS yang telah diterapkan di Indonesia sejak Ramadhan 1443 Hijriyah menjadi wacana baru. Kriteria dengan tinggi hilal minimal 3 derajat dan elongasi 6,4 derajat, merubah kriteria sebelumnya yaitu tinggi hilal minimal 2 derajat, elongasi 3 derajat dan umur hilal 8 jam. Perubahan ini menjadi masalah baru mengingat pada tanggal 29 Dzulqa'dah 1443 H seluruh wilayah di Indonesia belum mencapai kriteria MABIMS Imkanur Rukyah Baru. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui implikasi kriteria Neo-MABIMS Baru terhadap penentuan 1 Dzulhijjah 1443 H dengan analisis Ma'anil Hadits terkait Matla' sebagai dasar teori yang digunakan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan pengumpulan data berupa studi pustaka. Data ini bersifat primer dan sekunder untuk dianalisis dengan menghubungkan teori ma'anil hadits dengan konsepsi visibilitas hilal dalam kriteria Neo-MABIMS. Hasil penelitian ini menggambarkan bahwa perbedaan matla' telah muncul sejak zaman para sahabat seperti dalam hadits yang diriwayatkan oleh Kuraib dan ini menjadi dasar kemungkinan hari yang berbeda untuk wilayah tertentu di Bumi, seperti di Arab Saudi yang melakukan wukuf di Arafah dan Idul Adha berbeda dengan di Indonesia. Tentu ini bukan pertama kalinya di Indonesia, tetapi potensi konflik dan kelemahan teoritis harus diselesaikan untuk kebaikan bersama. Kata Kunci:   Kriteria Neo-Mabims, Matla’, Ma’anil Hadi

    Strategi Komunikasi Kyai Agus Ma’arif Dalam Sosialisasi Ajaran Islam Kepada Santri Penyandang ODGJ Di Padepokan Tahfidzul Qur’an Ibnu Rusydi Jombang

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    This study discusses "The Communication Strategy of Kyai Agus Ma’arif in the Socialization of Islamic Teachings to Santri Penyandang ODGJ in Padepokan Tahfidzul Qur’an Ibnu Rusydi Jombang." The aim of this research is to understand how the communication strategy process works. Agus Ma’arif, How to Socialize Islamic Teachings to the Sanhedrin of ODGJ In this research, it uses a type of qualitative research, that is, it dissects the data that has been obtained. As for the key information and the main subject of this research, it is the Communication strategy and Ma’arif. Data collection techniques are used, starting with observations, then conducting interviews, and continuing with documentation. The technical analysis of data in this study was done by means of reduction of data, presentation of data, and drawing conclusions, as well as supplemented with verification of the validity of the data. The results of the research showed that the Communication Strategy of Kyai Agus Ma’arif in the Socialization of Islamic Teachings to Santri Penyandang ODGJ in Padepokan Tahfidzul Qur’an Ibnu Rusydi Jombang went well. Kyai Agus Ma'arif's communication strategy is with all individual approaches and moral approaches because the background of extraordinary santri is a santri who has illnesses of delay, with patterns of affection and equality approaches applied that can make them conscious and heal from the disease they suffe


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    This article describes the important role of da'wah in technological developments in the millennial era. Bang Kevin is a Tiktok account that is in the da'wah category, this can be concluded because there are many videos containing da'wah messages packaged in millennial and interesting language, so that most other Tiktok users can understand and accept them, namely young people to adults. This study aims to find out how Kevin Kausar's universal da'wah strategies and techniques are in Bang Kevin's TikTok account. This study uses a qualitative approach while the method used by researchers is descriptive analysis "Bang Kevin's Universal Da'wah Communication Strategy Through TikTok Media". In this study, descriptive analysis is very relevant for understanding and describing the da'wah communication strategies and techniques used by Kevin Kaustar through the Bang Kevin TikTok account. The results of the study show that the communication strategy carried out by Kevin Kautsar is by using a mass communication strategy in which Kevin Kautsar uses social media in conveying da'wah messages. The mass communication strategy is carried out using the application of interpersonal communication strategy theory which is more inclined towards the importance of understanding and positioning oneself with the audience as explained by Kevin Kautsar about the importance of understanding the facts and problems experienced by society so that they can find and convey solutions. Thus it can attract the attention of netizens which is the main goal in conveying da'wah messages. After the attention of the public or netizens can be achieved, communication rules are implemented which convey da'wah messages with good and appropriate techniques such as Qaulan Sadidan, namely using correct and good speech, using the Qaulan Baligha rules, conveying communication messages precisely and straightforwardly according to the context conveyed and Qaulan Layina which means gentle talk. Researchers argue that preaching strategies need to be studied so that they can be accepted by the wider community from all walks of life.Artikel ini mendeskripsikan pentingnya peran dakwah dalam perkembangan teknologi di era milenial. Bang Kevin merupakan salah satu akun Tiktok yang berkategori dakwah,  hal ini bisa disimpulkan karena banyaknya video yang berisikan tentang pesan-pesan dakwah yang dikemas dengan bahasa milenial dan menarik, sehingga dapat dipahami dan diterima oleh sebagian besar kalangan pengguna Tiktok yang lain yaitu anak muda hingga orang dewasa. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana strategi dan teknik dakwah universal Kevin Kausar dalam akun TikTok Bang Kevin. penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif sedangkan metode yang digunakan peneliti adalah analisis deskriptif “Strategi Komunikasi Dakwah Universal Bang Kevin Melalui Media TikTokâ€. Dalam penelitian ini analisis deskriptif sangat relevan untuk memahami dan mendeskripsikan strategi dan teknik komunikasi dakwah yang digunakan oleh Kevin Kaustar melalui akun TikTok Bang Kevin. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa strategi komunikasi yang dilakukan oleh Kevin Kautsar yaitu dengan menggunakan strategi komunikasi massa yang mana Kevin Kautsar menggunakan media sosial dalam menyampaikan pesan-pesan dakwah. Strategi komunikasi masa dilakukan dengan menggunakan penerapan teori strategi komunikasi interpersonal yang mana lebih condong terhadap pentingnya memahami dan memposisikan diri dengan audien sebagaimana yang dijelaskan oleh Kevin Kautsar tentang pentingnya memahami fakta dan permasalahan yang dialami oleh masyarakat sehingga dapat menemukan dan menyampaikan solusi. Dengan demikian dapat menarik perhatian netizen yang mana menjadi tujuan utama dalam menyampaikan pesan dakwah. Setelah perhatian masyarakat atau netizen dapat dicapai maka dilakukan kaidah komunikasi yang mana menyampaikan pesan dakwah dengan teknik yang baik dan tepat seperti Qaulan Sadidan yaitu menggunakan ucapan yang benar dan baik, menggunakan kaidah Qaulan Baligha, menyampaikan pesan komunikasi dengan tepat dan lugas sesuai konteks yang disampaikan dan Qaulan Layina yang berarti pembicaraan yang lemah lembut. Peneliti berargumen bahwa strategi berdakwah perlu sangat dipelajari agar bisa diterima oleh masyarakat luas dari segala kalangan