8 research outputs found


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    The Covid-19 pandemic has caused unrest for all citizens of the world in the health, trade, economy, security, politics, transportation, human mobility and tourism sectors. As the second largest contributor to foreign exchange in Indonesia in 2019, tourism, especially hospitality, has experienced a significant decline in business. Starting from canceling room reservations to canceling various activities at the hotel. As a consequence, the hotel occupancy rate and average room rate dropped dramatically to 10% - 25%. This was also experienced by Hotel Noormans Semarang, which only had an occupancy rate of 15% in April 2020 with an average room rate below the price of IDR 300,000.00. The aim of this paper is to observe the strategy to increase the occupancy rate and average room rate during the Covid-19 pandemic at the Hotel Noormans Semarang. This research was designed with a descriptive qualitative paradigm. This research shows that the strategy of increasing the occupancy rate and average room rate during the pandemic at Noormans hotels in 2020 does not show positive results. However, what happened was the opposite, a decline from 2019 to 2020. The occupancy rate decreased from 70% to 36% and the average room rate decreased from IDR 332,094.00 to IDR 258,250.00. Keywords: occupancy rate, average room rate, hotel, Covid-1

    Analysis of Student Motivation in Online Learning for the Tourism and Hospitality Management Information System Course during the Covid-19 Pandemic

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    Abstract : The global pandemic of the infectious disease COVID-19 has caused concern for all citizens of the world. Not only in the health sector, but also in other sectors, be it trade, economy, security, politics, transportation, and education. The policy of closing schools and colleges had to be taken to prevent the spread of the Coronavirus. Even though at the beginning of the pandemic, some countries are still trying to open schools as usual. However, in the end, due to the increasingly widespread pandemic, measures to close schools and universities had to be taken to save the education sector. The purpose of this study is to analyze students' online learning motivation in the Tourism and Hospitality Management Information System practice course which is usually carried out in a computer laboratory during the global pandemic of the COVID 19 infectious disease. This research will be conducted using a descriptive qualitative research design.. Positive responses from the lecture aspect, the ability of lecturers, facilities, and infrastructure also have a positive effect on student motivation in undergoing online lectures. The level of activity and motivation is high with the average percentage of student attendance in 1 semester reaching 92% and the collection of assignments is 85% . However, the limited financial ability of students so that the ability to buy devices is not sufficient and geographical conditions with minimal internet connections are the main obstacles to online lectures.


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    Pariwisata yang sempat tertidur akhir-akhir ini mulai bangkit. Para pekerja pariwisata khususnya pemandu wisata mulai merasakan dampak dari kedatangan wisatawan yang berkunjung termasuk di destinasi wisata Nepal Van Java, Magelang. Kesiapan dari pelaku pariwisata menjadi fokus utama dalam menunjang pelaksanaan kegiatan kepariwisataan. Masyarakat desa Sukomulyo yang berlokasi cukup dekat dengan destinasi wisata Nepal Van Java sekaligus di kawasan destinasi pariwisata super prioritas Borobudur diharapkan dapat menjadi pelaku pariwisata yang mendapatkan manfaat. Pelatihan yang di berikan berupa pelatihan komunikasi dengan wisatawan, pelayanan prima, dan kepemanduan baik teori maupun praktek lapangan langsung di destinasi wisata Nepal Van Java. Tujuan dari pelatihan adalah untuk mengembangkan kualitas layanan kepemanduan dari insan pariwisata desa Sukomulyo. Metode pelaksanaan yang di gunakan adalah pelatihan teori dan praktik lapangan. Hasil dari pelatihan ini menunjukkan adanya pengembangan layanan kepemanduan pada wisatawan dengan dibuatnya paket wisata desa wisata dan standar layanan kepemanduan di destinasi wisata

    Community Empowerment Through Financial Management Training and Business Development of The Borobudur Homestay in Candirejo Village, Magelang District

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    Background: Community-based tourism is increasingly being considered a more sustainable alternative. Tourism Villages can be a step towards realizing sustainable tourism. This is because the tourism village has the opportunity to open up as much participation as possible for the local community. However, this does not mean anything if managers, including accommodation providers, need qualified organizational and financial management skills. Contribution: This activity aims to provide knowledge to homestay managers in Candirejo Village to properly manage business finances based on SAK EMKM (Standar Akuntansi Keuangan Entitas Mikro, Kecil, dan Menengah) Method: The method used by researchers is through training and empowerment of homestay managers Results: The result of this activity is an increased understanding of SAK EMKM in Candirejo Village. After the training, homestay managers have also started implementing SAK EMKM in their financial reports. As a result, the financial position can be monitored, financial leaks can be minimized, and homestay business management can be carried out more effectively and efficiently. Conclusion: The activities that were held went well. This is known from the excellent understanding of SAK EMKM after the training was give

    Analysis on How Hotel Leaders Be A Role Model to Staff

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    This Journal reviews the meaning of Hospitality role models in the figure of a leader. When people hear the word role model they often thought about celebrities or famous historical figure. Little did they know that for some people, their role model is their closest friend, work partner, or even family members. What makes a leader is seen as a role model? Someone who can influence people around them and give them great examples are seen as leaders. A leader must have strong values in them self, they have to be confident in leading people who are still lost or still didn’t know the reason why they are here and what are they for. If a leader is not confident of themself then how will they assure people to be confident and overcome their fear such as insecurities and the fear of failling. A leader shall lead them cause when they are under your supervisory, you are responsible for their actions at some circumstances. A leader has to set a good example all the time for the staff, because staff tend to copy what their role model do. This journal will use qualitative method, by getting reference as a research source. This journal will discuss about how to be a great leader and a role model, how to be more than just someone who rule over people and tells people what to do but to be someone who is admired and is set as an example for others especially to staffs. To give example and description on how to be a great leader is what a leader should do. In conclusion every leader should position themselves not as someone who have a high position and just rule over people, they need to be someone who can make staff comfortable and respect them not just as a leader but also as a role model. Guiding them as if their success is your responsibility is a great mindset a hotel leader should have

    Digital marketing strategy of kampung UMKM, blora district in attracting tourists in the era of pandemi COVID-19

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    The rapid development of information technology can bring many advantages in various sectors, one of which is the tourism sector. The advantages offered are carried out to develop micro, small and medium enterprises. This research activity aims to determine the impact of the application of digital media on the development of micro, small and medium enterprises to the Blora MSME Village in order to increase sales and attract tourists in the midst of the difficult Covid-19 pandemic by using digital marketing strategies. The role of technology is needed to suppress the success of a business in expanding the market by utilizing information technology that can be used for modern marketing communication media. The advantages offered by digital media range from cost-effective, wide coverage, and easy access to use by the public. therefore, MSME actors who previously only depended on consumers who came, now MSME actors can now market their products on digital media which is considered very profitable. The results of data collection in two ways, namely by literature review and field research, where the authors find that digital media is often used by MSME actors

    Building new hotel brand reputation to attract guest in Semarang city

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    The hotel industry is an industry that plays an important role in the development of the economy and tourism in Indonesia. The research aims to elaborate brand reputation for new hotels in Semarang. This article uses descriptive research using descriptive qualitative research methods assisted by data collection through documentation and literature study. The research will be conducted using AIDA theory on the 5 newest hotels built in the last 3 years in the city of Semarang. The results show that an increasing of guests in numbers. with the help of AIDA theory, and comparison, it shows that we can still be able to save the hotel industry so that it will not perish that the Room Occupancy Rate (ROR) of star-rated hotels in semarang city for the November 2021 period was recorded at 60.25 percent or an increase of 4.12 points compared to October 2022, which was influenced by the increase in ROR that occurred in the class of 2-star, 3-star, 4-star and 5-star hotels (BPS, 2023). It can be concluded that the ratings that guests give to hotels have good feedback such as good and friendly service, comfortable rooms, strategic hotel location. New hotel gain market awareness due to the needs of customer especially in this recent time. Due to an increasing of numbers in covid cases, and with many new hotels, it shows the interest of hospitality industry. Hotel must do more to promote and get more customers

    Analysis of room rates setting in hotel daily operations

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    Hotels have a considerable influence in increasing regional tourism and the economy. The hotel itself means a service or service business operated and managed commercially and provided for everyone to receive services, such as rooms, accommodations, food and beverages, and other service facilities. In the tourism industry, especially in the hotel business, there is a term for room sales that has an important role as one of the elements of calculating income in hotels. The purpose of writing articles is to find out the problems that occur in setting room rates, the factors that affect setting room rates, the type of room rates, the purpose of setting room rates, and the method of determining the base price and sale price. The benefit of writing articles is to develop knowledge, especially about room rates and hospitality; to increase insight, knowledge, and experience in writing articles; to later be useful for education, especially for the hospitality industry. The method used in this writing is a qualitative method that produces information in the form of records or data, is descriptive, and tends to use analysis. Room pricing plays a major role in highly competitive businesses such as hotels because hotel room sales are the spearhead of a hotel business.  Apart from the hotel having to maintain its profitability, the hotel also has to provide guests with balanced feedback according to the price paid by the guest. However, if the price setting of a hotel room is not driven by good planning and strategy, the business may fail