614 research outputs found

    Robust Intrusion Detection for Resilience Enhancement of Industrial Control Systems: An Extended State Observer Approach

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    We address the problem of attack signal estimation in industrial control systems that are subjected to actuator false data injection attack (FDIA) and where the sensor measurements are corrupted by non-negligible high-frequency measurement noise. The actuator FDIA signal is categorized as disturbance to be estimated and subsequently compensated, based on the concept of extended state observer (ESO). We investigate the efficacy of two alternatives to conventional ESO namely, cascade ESO (CESO) and low-power higher-order ESO (LHESO), that guarantee improved estimation performance in case of noisy measurement data as well as time-varying attack signals. Simu-lation and experimental results under different types of FDIAs demonstrate the advantages of designed schemes in comparison to conventional linear and nonlinear ESOs, using network motion control system as an illustrative example. The results highlight the limitations of conventional ESO under noisy measurement data, particularly nonlinear ESO which is based on fal(·) function and commonly used in control literature

    Molecular Signaling in Stroke

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    The Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus (MERS-CoV) is a viral in-fectious disease that can be transmitted to humans through interaction with infected ani-mals or humans. The Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS) is still one of the main public health concerns in the Gulf region including United Arab Emirates. The fact that diseases have been imported into other parts of the world show the possibility of has a MERS pandemic. In this work, we are aiming to study a mathematical model of the MERS transmission among the UAE population and camels. The goal is to determine what are the paths of communication and find out the best way to control the disease spread. We will calculate the basic reproduction number ℛ0 of the MERS model in the UAE, and we will compute disease-endemic equilibrium points. The sensitivity analysis of the basic reproduction number ℛ0 will be performed. Also, we will perform computer simulations to investigate the MERS model

    The Influence of High-Energy Lithium Ion Irradiation on Electrical Characteristics of Silicon and GaAs Solar Cells

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    Space-grade Si and GaAs solar cells were irradiated with 15 & 40 MeV Li ions. Illuminated (AM0 condition) and unilluminated I-V curves reveal that the effect of high-energy Li ion irradiation has produced similar effects to that of proton irradiation. However, an additional, and different, defect mechanism is suggested to dominate in the heavier-ion results. Comparison is made with proton-irradiated solar-cell work and with non-ionizing energy-loss (NIEL) radiation-damage models.Comment: 8 pages, 12 figures, Data presented at 2006 NSREC, Final Version to be published in IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, 53, NO. 6, December 2006. Index Terms: GaAs, Ion-irradiation, Lithium, NIEL, Photovoltaic cells, Radiation effects, Silico

    كفاءة الطلاب في مهارة الكلام ومهارة الكتابة دراسة مقارنة بين معهد علي بن أبي طالب الإسلامية بسورابايا ومعهد بدر الصالح فورواأسري بكديري

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    تهدف هذه الدراسة إلى معرفة كفاءة الطلاب في المهارات العربية الإنتاجية يعنى مهارة الكلام ومهارة الكتابة، وكيف الطلاب المستوى الثالث في معهد علي بن أبي طالب الإسلامية بسورابايا تفوق على الطلاب المستوى الثالث بمعهد بدر الصالح فورواأسري بكديري في هاتين مهارتين،مهما كان الطلاب في معهد علي بن أبي طالب الإسلامية بسورابايا كثير من المدرسة العامة (SMA) والطلاب بمعهد بدر الصالح فورواأسري بكديري كثير من المعهد.نوع اليحث الذي استخدم الباحث في هذا البحث العلمي هو دراسة الحالة (Study Case)، والمدخل الذي استخدم الباحث في هذا البحث وهو المدخل الكيفي.أما نتائج هذا البحث فهي: 1)- طريقة التعليم في معهد علي بن أبي طالب الإسلامية بسورابايا وهي بالطريقة المباشرة، وأما في معهد بدر الصالح فورواأسري بكديري بالطريقة القواعد والترجمة والطريقة المباشرة. 2)- نتيجة المعدل في اختبار مهارة الكلام للطلاب معهد علي بن أبي طالب هي 84،16، وأما في مهارة الكتابة 79،16.ونتيجة المعدل في اختبار للطلاب بدر الصالح في مهارة الكلام هي 70،83،وأما في مهارة الكتابة هو 75،83،.3)-وجد الباحث أن بعض المشكلة للحصول على كفاءة الطلاب: أن أكثر الطلاب لا براجعون دروسهم كُل يَومٍ.المشكلة الأخرى هي أكثر الطلاب لم يفهموا العربية للناشئين تماما، ثم لا يتكلّمون بللّغة العربيَة خارج الدِّراسَةِ، وأما في معهد علي بن أبي طالب قليل من الطلاب الذين لم يراجعوا الدرس كل يوم، وأكثرهم يتكلمون باللغة العربية في الدراسة أو خارج الدراسة.4)- وحل المشكلات عند الباحث وهي لابد للطلاب أن يراجعوا نيتهم في تعلم اللغة العربية


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    Tujuan penulisan Laporan Akhir ini adalah untuk membuat sebuah aplikasi pengolahan data hasil pendapatan penjualan barang dan upah jasa pada PT Adelindo Perkasa berbasis website, yang mana aplikasi ini bertujuan untuk membantu Admin dalam melakukan pendataan pendapatan penjualan barang dan upah jasa menjadi lebih efektif dan menghemat waktu. Aplikasi ini dibangun dengan menggunakan permodelan DFD (Data Flow Diagram).Sedangkan bahasa pemograman yang digunakan adalah PHP dan database MySQL. Hasil dari rancang bangun ini adalah Aplikasi Pengolahan Data HasilPendapatanPenjualanBarangdanUpahJasa yang bergunabagi admin untukmenyimpandanmengelolah data pendapatanperusahaan

    Interprofessional Education: A Basic Need of Healthcare Department in Pakistan

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    Inter professional education (IPE) is the core concept of healthcare department in most of the developed countries on both student and professional level. There is no objection on its necessity. Top ranking universities of the world, especially of developed countries are working on IPE. But some of developing countries like Pakistan are almost unaware of this concept. No one is having the basic concept of IPE, except few, and they are not practicing in IPE so far. Talking about Punjab, there is no awareness for the concept of IPE. It is the need of our healthcare department that we must introduce IPE to improve healthcare quality. This survey was conducted to check the readiness for IPE among pharm D and MBBS students in different institutes of medicine and pharmacy of Lahore. Team went to different pharmacy and medical colleges and asked the students to fill in a questionnaire having 19 items, which was rated by the students on Likert scale. The result shows a conflict in the opinion of pharmacy and medical students. Team also interviewed the respondents shortly. This interview showed many reasons explained by medical students for their response but the most prominent one was the superiority complex. The need of the hour is to introduce IPE in universities for changing the attitude of medical students towards IPE