52 research outputs found

    Analisis hukum Islam terhadap larangan perkawinan Salep Tarjeh di Desa Langkap Kecamatan Burneh Bangkalan

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    Skripsi ini berjudul “Analisis Hukum Islam Terhadap Larangan Perkawinan Salep Tarjeh di Desa Langkap Kecamatan Burneh Bangkalan”. Penelitian ini bertujuan menjawab dua pertanyaan penelitian: 1. Bagaimana praktik perkawinan salep tarjeh di desa langkap kecamatan burneh bangkalan. 2. Bagaimana Analisis Hukum Islam terhadap praktik perkawinan salep tarjeh. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif, karena pengumpulan data dihimpun melalui wawancara dan observasi terhadap pendapat tokoh agama dan masyarakat yang berkompeten tentang perkawinan Salep Tarjeh dan responden yaitu orang yang melakukan perkawinan Salep Tarjeh ini di Desa Langkap Kecamatan Burneh Bangkalan. Data yang dihimpun, selanjutnya dianalisis data dengan ketentuan hukum Islam baik Al-Quran, Hadits, maupun pendapat ulama dengan teknik deduktif yaitu dengan memaparkan dalil umum yang berkaitan dengan perkawinan umum secara Islam untuk dipakai analisis kasus perkawinan Salep Tarjeh lalu dianalisis untuk diambil kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian menyimpulkan bahwa praktik perkawinan Salep Tarjeh di Desa Langkap Kecamatan Burneh Bangkalan yang dilakukan oleh pasangan pengantin ternyata tidak ada yang melanggar syariat Islam yang telah ditentukan. Karena perkawinan ini dilakukan oleh pasangannya telah memenuhi rukun, syarat, dan sahnya perkawinan. Pada praktik perkawinan Salep Tarjeh ini merupakan perkawinan 2 keluarga yang menikahkan kedua putra-putrinya secara silang. Larangan perkawinan Salep Tarjeh di Desa Langkap Kecamatan Burneh Bangkalan adalah salah satu adat yang tidak ada pada hukum Islam. Menurut sesepuh adat Madura dilarang untuk dilakukan, sedangkan menurut hukum Islam boleh dilakukan melihat dalam surah An-nisa’ ayat 22-23 tidak ada larangan perkawinan model Salep Tarjeh ini. Perkawinan merupakan suatu ibadah, yang menentukan sah tidaknya suatu ibadah adalah terlaksananya rukun dan syarat perkawinan yang telah ditetapkan oleh hukum Islam, selama itu terpenuhi maka perkawinan tersebut sah menurut hukum Islam. Untuk sesepuh di Madura disarankan untuk membuka dialog dengan para tokoh agama dan mengkaji lagi budaya dengan perspektif Islam agar lebih jelas lagi mana budaya yang perlu dilestarikan dan mana budaya yang harus ditinggalkan

    Non-Healing Ulcer, managed through Unani Formulation along with Leech Therapy: A Case Study

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    A male patient aged 43yrs. came to surgery OPD Majeedia Unani Hospital Jamia Hamdard New Delhi, in September 2018 with the complain of ulcer in the right foot posteriorly along the necrosis of Tendon Achilles. He was unable to walk a distance of about 100 meter due severe pain in the ulcer and calf muscle. limping on movement was very prominent. After required investigations and local examination of wounds, patient was planned and treated by local application, and combination of Unani Medicines formulations along with leech therapy as described in texts of Unani System of Medicine. With this Unani treatment non healing ulcer completely healed without any locomotor disturbances. The condition of leg totally resolved without any complications and side effects. Keywords: Non healing ulcer, Unani medicine, leech therapy

    An Enhanced Bully Algorithm for Electing a Coordinator in Distributed Systems

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    In a distributed system for accomplishing a large complex task, the task is divided into subtask and distributed among processes and coordination among processes done via message passing. To make proper coordination and functioning we need a leader node or coordinator node which acts as a centralized control node. Leader election is the most challenging task in distributed system because it is not necessary that leader node is always same because of crash failure or out of service may occur in the system. Tremendous algorithms have been proposed for elect the new leader. These algorithms use a different technique to elect a leader in distributed system. Bully election algorithm is one of the traditional algorithms for electing a leader, in which the highest node Id is elected as a leader but this algorithm requires lots of message passing for electing a leader that imposes heavy network traffic. Due to heavy network traffic, it creates complexity in message passing and takes more time. In this paper, we introduce a new approach which overcomes the drawback of existing Bully election algorithm. Our proposed algorithm is an enhanced version of Bully election algorithm. Our analytical result shows that our algorithm is more efficient than original Bully Algorithm

    Developing service quality index for zakat institutions

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    The aim of this paper is to examine service quality of zakat institutions in Malaysia using an enhanced model appropriate for zakat institution. We use a new and enhanced model (combination of SERVQUAL and CARTER) to examine the extent of service quality of zakat institutions from the perspective of zakat stakeholders.Data were collected from 799 respondents including both zakat payers and zakat recipients.The paper utilizes the Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) in examining the extent of service quality given by zakat institution and further develops Service Quality Index (SQI) for both Zakat Payers and Zakat Recipients using a Customer Satisfaction Index.The results reveal that Responsiveness & Compliance was found to be the strongest indicator to influence satisfaction of the zakat payers while Reliability was found to be the strongest indicator to influence satisfaction of the zakat recipients.The SQI for zakat payers and zakat recipients of Malaysian zakat institutions are 76.3 and 76.4 respectively.This study is one of the first to examine the service quality of zakat institutions using an extended SERVQUAL and CARTER models with both zakat payers and zakat recipients as respondents.The model is not only relevant and applicable to Malaysia but also to other Muslim countries

    The traditional system of Unani medicine, its origin, evolution and Indianisation:A critical appraisal

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    Greco-Arab medicine, popular as a complementary or alternative medicine, is based largely on herbs and minerals. This was initiated by Hippocrates (460-377 BC) and his associates in Greece, but its preferred home today is the Indian subcontinent. It believes that every person has its own distinct temperament made up of combinations of four basic humors (blood, phlegm, yellow bile and black bile). A proper balance in quantity and quality of these humors indicates health, while imbalance represents a diseased condition. The temperament of individuals is influenced by a variety of internal and external factors. Treatment is done normally through regimental therapy, dietotherapy and/or pharmacotherapy. The nature of drugs (hot, cool, dry, wet, etc) is also taken into consideration. This therapy is known to have minimal side effects. It received the patronage of Delhi Sultans and Mughal Emperors for over 500 years (13th to 18th century) and is now advancing under the banner of Indian systems of medicine. This review discusses the basic principles and concepts as well as the systematic progress of Unani medicine and critically evaluates the strengths and weaknesses of this therapy in addition to highlighting the contributions of Indian Hakims (Unani physicians) to public health sector in India during the last seven centuries

    Effect of regimenal intervention by nutool (irrigation) in a case of chronic prostatitis/chronic pelvic pain syndrome

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    Background ‘Nutool’ is one of the regimenal therapy used in Unani medicine since centuries in various inflammatory and painful conditions. Chronic prostatitis (Warm-e- Gudda Mazi Muzmin) is associated with ‘chronic pelvic pain syndrome’ (CP/CPPS), is a chronic pain condition of non-bacterial origin in men with mixture of other symptoms such as lower urinary tract voiding, ejaculatory ailments and negative impact on quality of life (QOL), which almost lacks uniform effective therapy in conventional medicine. Objectives The purpose of our case study was to assess the impact of nutool in CP/ CPPS refractory to standard therapies and collect data to warrant further research in this area.        Case study  A 30 yrs. old Asian male admitted with symptoms of pelvic pain and pain during ejaculation from 6 month in absence of lower urinary tract symptoms with negative thoughts, diagnosed as CP/ CPPS on the protocols of NIH. Nutool of anti-inflammatory Unani drugs was given as the main therapy, daily for two weeks. Thus we report our case experience with the integrated short, review of literature and validated assessment, based on 1) VAS, 2) NIH-CPSI which includes pain index, urinary, and QOL score. Results Results were validated over the pain on the basis of VAS (visual analogue scale) and NIH-CPSI (standard questionnaire of the national institute of health—chronic prostatitis symptom index) which showed significant improvement after 2 weeks of therapy. Conclusion The preliminary findings, although limited, suggest the potential therapeutic role of Nutool in the treatment of CP/CPPS

    Developing Service Quality Index for Zakat Institutions

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    The aim of this paper is to examine service quality of zakat institutions in Malaysia using an enhanced model appropriate for zakat institution. We use a new and enhanced model (combination of SERVQUAL and CARTER) to examine the extent of service quality of zakat institutions from the perspective of zakat stakeholders. Data were collected from 799 respondents including both zakat payers and zakat recipients. The paper utilizes the Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) in examining the extent of service quality given by zakat institution and further develops Service Quality Index (SQI) for both Zakat Payers and Zakat Recipients using a Customer Satisfaction Index. The results reveal that Responsiveness & Compliance was found to be the strongest indicator to influence satisfaction of the zakat payers while Reliability was found to be the strongest indicator to influence satisfaction of the zakat recipients. The SQI for zakat payers and zakat recipients of Malaysian zakat institutions are 76.3 and 76.4 respectively. This study is one of the first to examine the service quality of zakat institutions using an extended SERVQUAL and CARTER models with both zakat payers and zakat recipients as respondents. The model is not only relevant and applicable to Malaysia but also to other Muslim countries. Keywords: SERVQUAL, Service quality, Structural Equation Modelling (SEM), Zakat institution, Service Quality Index (SQI) JEL Classification: D6

    The impact of service quality on zakat stakeholders satisfaction: A study on Malaysia zakat in institutions

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    The purpose of this paper is to investigate the impact of service quality on zakat stakeholders’ satisfaction using an enhanced model appropriate for zakat institutions. A new and enhanced model (a combination of SERVQUAL and CARTER) was used to examine the impact of service quality towards satisfaction from the perspective of zakat stakeholders. Data were collected from 799 respondents amongst zakat payers and recipients. The paper utilizes the Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) in examining the impact of service quality towards satisfactions. The result show that Responsiveness & Compliance are the strongest indicators influencing the satisfaction of the payers while Reliability is the strongest indicator influencing the satisfactions of the zakat recipients. The result of this study will be useful for zakat authority responsible for ensuring service delivery by the institutions

    improving the mechanical performance of cement composites by carbon nanotubes addition

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    Abstract: The addition of high performance nano materials like carbon fibers, carbon nanotubes, graphene etc. in the cement and concrete is gaining attention for achieving multifunctional composite materials with enhanced mechanical, physical and electrical properties. The nano-metric size range and the exceptionally high mechanical properties of carbon nanotubes possess very great potential for their utilization in cementitious composites for obtaining remarkable properties. Billions of ton of concrete is used every year in construction industry and its quantity may be reduced to a large extent only by improving the mechanical and durability properties. One way of achieving the enhanced mechanical properties of cement composite is the utilization of thoroughly dispersed carbon nanotubes in the composite matrix. In the present research, small fractions of multiwall carbon nanotube (MWCNTs) i.e. 0.05 and 0.10 wt.% of cement have been incorporated into the cement concrete and their influence on the mechanical properties of the resulting composites have been studied. It is a well-known fact that the uniform dispersion of the MWCNTs in the composite matrix holds the key for the performance improvement. Therefore, special attention was paid to this aspect and uniform dispersion of MWCNTs was achieved through the use of high energy sonication in the presence of modified acrylic based polymer (acting as a surfactant). The concrete specimens were tested in splitting tensile, flexure and compressive strength after 3, 7, 28 and 56 days of immersed water curing. It was observed that the addition of 0.05wt.% MWCNTs increased the splitting tensile strength by 20.58%, flexural strength by 26.29% and compressive strength by 15.60% as compared to the control mix at 28 days of curing. The strength enhancements for the concrete mixes containing MWCNTs may be regarded to the phenomenon of bridging, pinning and branching of the cracks at nano/micro level due to the presence of MWCNTs. Beside strength enhancements, it was also observed that the MWCNTs had tremendously enhanced the fracture energy and breaking strains of the concrete mixes as observed in three-point bending tests. The research concludes that very low amounts of MWCNTs incorporated in the cement concrete mixes improve their mechanical strengths and fracture behavior remarkably but the thorough dispersion of MWCNTs in the matrix have to be insured

    DNA from Plant leaf Extracts: A Review for Emerging and Promising Novel Green Corrosion Inhibitors.

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    With growing global awareness and concern for environmental protection through the use of less hazardous and environmentally-friendly extracts of plant origin, there has been a plethora of green corrosion inhibitors research with far reaching contributions to the science of corrosion prevention and control. Attention has increasingly turned towards green corrosion inhibitors, compounds of natural origin with anti-oxidant activity towards metals and their alloys. Green inhibitors have been investigated for their corrosion and adsorption properties with good results. The findings from these research works provide evidence of the adsorption behavior of green inhibitors which was confirmed by the adsorption isotherms that were proposed. Adsorption is the first step of any surface reaction and since corrosion is a surface phenomenon the effectiveness of green corrosion inhibitors is related to their ability to adsorb on metal surfaces. This review proposes the potential of plant dna as an emerging and promising novel inhibitor for mild steel. It begins with a list of plants that have been used in studies to determine corrosion inhibition properties and moves on to establish the adsorption behavior of bio macromolecules; protein, polysaccharides (chitosan) and dna. It reviews studies and investigation of dna interaction and adsorption on inorganic surfaces before focusing on the use of salmon (fish) sperm dna and calf thymus gland dna as green corrosion inhibitors for mild steel. It concludes that plant dna is a promising candidate for green corrosion inhibitor given the similarity between the plant and animal dna structure and function, and the fact that the use of plant is more environmentally sustainable than animal-based produc