287 research outputs found

    Compactification of Perception Pairs and Spaces of Group Equivariant non-Expansive Operators

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    We define the notions of a compact perception pair, compactification of a perception pair, and compactification of a space of group equivariant non-expansive operators. We prove that every perception pair with totally bounded space of measurements, which is also rich enough to endow the common domain with a metric structure, can be isometrically embedded in a compact perception pair. Likewise, we prove that if the images of group equivariant non-expansive operators in a given space form a cover for their common codomain, then the space of such operators can be isometrically embedded in a compact space of group equivariant non-expansive operators, such that the new reference perception pairs are compactifications of the original ones having totally bounded data sets. Meanwhile, we state some compatibility conditions for these embeddings and show that they too are satisfied by our constructions.Comment: 33 Page

    Stock Price Prediction using ML and LSTM based Deep Learning models

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    Stock Price Prediction has become an important area of research for such a very long time. A lot of research has already been made to predict the stock in a best possible manner and to gain more profit from that , Now adays some market hypothesis believe that it is nearly very difficult to predict the stock price accurately but at the same time some machine learning techniques proved that choosing of right model and appropriate variables may lead to scenario where stock prices and their movement can be easily pre-dicted with great accuracy. Prediction of stock price becomes easy due to the introduc-tion of data mining techniques which helps the researchers to identify meaningful pat-terns and find the best possible results by working on the technical analysis of stock. In this research we have implemented some of the machine learning and deep learning techniques to gain more insights of varying stock prices with respect to time the purpose of introducing the Deep Learning model is that they can predict more accurate results as they are the advanced version of Machine Learning models. We have also compared these Machine Learning and Deep Learning models so that we can get the best possible model for our project

    Post-translational regulation of KCC2 in the rat hippocampus

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    KCC2 is an important K+-Cl- co-transporter that along with Na+-K+-2Cl- co-transporter, NKCC1 is largely responsible for the regulation of intracellular chloride concentration in neurons which determines whether the ionotropic GABAergic/glycinergic responses are depolarizing or hyperpolarizing. There are spatiotemporal differences in the intracellular chloride concentration in individual neurons which are attributable to a differential temporal and spatial activation of cation chloride co-transport mediated by KCC2 and NKCC1. Post-translational modulation of proteins is a fundamental cellular mechanism for such spatiotemporal regulation of protein activity. This thesis deals with the work that has been ongoing in our laboratory to understand the mechanisms of post-translational regulation of KCC2 function. In Study I, we have demonstrated a fast post-translational increase in KCC2 co-transport function in neonatal rat hippocampus after a single seizure episode. This TrkB-dependent effect was caused by an increased surface expression of KCC2. Study II deals with the establishment of a modified protease cleavage method for quantitative analysis of surface expression of proteins using a cold-adapted trypsin. This can serve as a fast and reliable procedure and can be easily applied to brain slice preparations as well as cell culture systems. In study II, we have also shown that KCC2 has a low surface expression in the rat hippocampus but a very fast turn-over rate of the plasmalemmal pool. Not surprisingly, modifications in the turn-over rate of the surface pool can be employed as a mechanism to regulate the surface expression of KCC2 and consequently its function. Study III deals with another post-translational cellular strategy to regulate KCC2 function in the rat hippocampus under patho-physiological conditions. While the KCC2 protein is quite stable in the rat hippocampus and has a slow turn-over rate under basal conditions, epileptiform activity and excitotoxicity can induce a rapid calpain-mediated cleavage of KCC2 with a consequent loss of its co-transport function.KCC2 on solukalvolla sijaitseva kalium-kloridi-kuljettaja, joka yhdessä natrium-kalium-kloridi-kuljettajan (NKCC1) kanssa säätelee neuronien solunsisäistä kloridipitoisuutta. Kloridipitoisuuden muutokset puolestaan paljolti määrittävät ovatko hermosolun GABA- tai glysiinireseptorien vasteet solukalvoa depolarisoivia vai hyperpolarisoivia. Yksittäisten hermosolujen välillä ja myös yksittäisten hermosolujen sisällä on eroja solunsisäisessä kloridipitoisuudessa, jotka perustuvat eroihin KCC2- ja NKCC1-molekyylien mikroanatomisessa sijainnissa sekä näiden kuljettajaproteiinien aktiivisuuden tasoissa. Tässä väitöskirjassa tutkitaan mekanismeja jotka säätelevät KCC2-kuljettajan toimintaa post-translationaalisella tasolla. Erityisen huomion kohteena ovat solukalvolla sijaitsevan KCC2-proteiinin tasojen muutokset ja KCC2-proteiiniin kohdistuva entsymaattinen hajoitus, sekä näiden kahden tekijän merkitys KCC2:n kokonaisaktiivisuudessa. Tämän tutkimuksen osana on kehitetty myös uusi menetelmä solukalvoproteiinien kvantitatiiviseen määritykseen

    GENEOs, compactifications, and graphs

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    Our objective in this thesis is to study the pseudo-metric and topological structure of the space of group equivariant non-expansive operators (GENEOs). We introduce the notions of compactification of a perception pair, collectionwise surjectivity, and compactification of a space of GENEOs. We obtain some compactification results for perception pairs and the space of GENEOs. We show that when the data spaces are totally bounded and endow the common domains with metric structures, the perception pairs and every collectionwise surjective space of GENEOs can be embedded isometrically into the compact ones through compatible embeddings. An important part of the study of topology of the space of GENEOs is to populate it in a rich manner. We introduce the notion of a generalized permutant and show that this concept too, like that of a permutant, is useful in defining new GENEOs. We define the analogues of some of the aforementioned concepts in a graph theoretic setting, enabling us to use the power of the theory of GENEOs for the study of graphs in an efficient way. We define the notions of a graph perception pair, graph permutant, and a graph GENEO. We develop two models for the theory of graph GENEOs. The first model addresses the case of graphs having weights assigned to their vertices, while the second one addresses weighted on the edges. We prove some new results in the proposed theory of graph GENEOs and exhibit the power of our models by describing their applications to the structural study of simple graphs. We introduce the concept of a graph permutant and show that this concept can be used to define new graph GENEOs between distinct graph perception pairs, thereby enabling us to populate the space of graph GENEOs in a rich manner and shed more light on its structure.Il nostro obiettivo in questa tesi è studiare la struttura pseudo-metrica e topologica dello spazio degli operatori di gruppo equivarianti non espansivi (GENEO). Introduciamo le nozioni di compattazione di una coppia di percezioni, suriettività collezionistica e compattazione di uno spazio di GENEO. Otteniamo alcuni risultati di compattazione per le coppie di percezione e lo spazio dei GENEO. Mostriamo che quando gli spazi di dati sono totalmente limitati e dotano i domini comuni di strutture metriche, le coppie di percezione e ogni spazio suriettivo di raccolta dei GENEO possono essere incorporati isometricamente in quelli compatti attraverso incorporamenti compatibili. Una parte importante dello studio della topologia dello spazio dei GENEO consiste nel popolarlo in modo ricco. Introduciamo la nozione di permutante generalizzato e dimostriamo che anche questo concetto, come quello di permutante, è utile per definire nuovi GENEO. Definiamo gli analoghi di alcuni dei suddetti concetti in un contesto di teoria dei grafi, consentendoci di utilizzare la potenza della teoria dei GENEO per lo studio dei grafi in modo efficiente. Definiamo le nozioni di coppia di percezione del grafo, permutante del grafo e GENEO del grafo. Sviluppiamo due modelli per la teoria dei grafi GENEO. Il primo modello si rivolge al caso di grafi aventi pesi assegnati ai vertici, mentre il secondo si rivolge a pesi sugli spigoli. Dimostriamo alcuni nuovi risultati nella proposta teoria dei grafi GENEO e mostriamo la potenza dei nostri modelli descrivendo le loro applicazioni allo studio strutturale di grafi semplici. Introduciamo il concetto di permutante del grafo e mostriamo che questo concetto può essere utilizzato per definire nuovi GENEO del grafo tra coppie distinte di percezione del grafo, consentendoci così di popolare lo spazio del grafo GENEO in modo ricco e fare più luce sulla sua struttura

    Exploring the Link Between Socially Responsible HRM and Affective Commitment of Employees in Ethiopian Context

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    This investigation focuses on the impacts of socially responsible human resource management (SR-HRM) methods on affective commitment (AC) as well as the intervening impact of perceived organizational support (POS) for this association. Primary data depending on 555 respondents owned by various socially responsible companies within in Ethiopia were gathered. The data were analyzed with Partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) techniques using SmartPLS to determine the hypothesized connections concerning socially responsible -HRM and affective commitment.The outcomes have uncovered that the employees’ perceptions of socially responsible human resource management (SR-HRM) practice impact affective commitment indirectly via perceived organizational support in Ethiopian setting. This research enhances the literature by analyzing the causal association concerning socially responsible HRM practices and employees' affective commitment in developing country context. Keywords: Socially responsible human resource management, affective commitment, perceived organizational support. DOI: 10.7176/EJBM/11-9-16 Publication date:March 31st 201

    Effect of Employee Oriented Human Resource Management Practices on Employees' Counterproductive Work Behaviors

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    This research investigated the link between employee-orientated human resource management (EOHRM) counterproductive work behaviors targeted at individual members and organization in Ethiopia. Relaying on  social exchange theory, organizational support theory, signaling theory and relevant literatures we examined how employee-oriented HRM practice affects counterproductive work behaviors by using perceived organizational support  as a mediator. Data had been obtained from 555 workers and 150 supervisors from eight companies in Ethiopia. Partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) methods via SmartPLS has been used  to determine the hypothesized links pertaining to employee-oriented HRM and counterproductive work behavior directed towards individual members and the organization. Final results confirmed that perceived organizational support fully mediated the relationship between employee-oriented HRM and counterproductive work behaviors. The impact of employee-oriented HRM on counterproductive work behavior -organizational via perceived organizational support were stronger than the impact of employee-oriented HRM on counterproductive work behavior- individual (interpersonal). These findings suggest that organizations may minimize(reduce) employees' counterproductive work behavior by putting into action employee-oriented HRM practices that would uplift perceived organizational support that finally prevent the tendency to act against the organization and its members. Keywords: Employee-oriented human resource management, perceived organizational support, counterproductive work behavior DOI: 10.7176/JRDM/56-02 Publication date:June 30th 201

    PUMA: Purdue MapReduce Benchmarks Suite

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