54 research outputs found

    Understanding the 2013 Curriculum of English Teaching through the Teachers' and Policymakers' Perspectives

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    This study focused on the 2013 Curriculum (K-13) implementation at the four targeted senior secondary schools of K-13 implementation in Makassar, South Sulawesi, Indonesia. It involved three policymakers and 11 English teachers using explanatory model of mixed-method design (quan-QUAL). The data were collected in 19 months from 2012 to 2014 and analyzed in multi-stages. The study found and concluded that the issues underlying the change from the School-Based Curriculum (SBC) to K-13 were the failure of the former curricula, the anticipation demographic and economic circumstances in the future, and the benefits offered within the change. In line with the teachers’ knowledge and belief system towards the change, their perception on the K-13 led to two main trends: (1) positive, innovative, creative and give impact to the transformation from traditional view of learning to a modern pedagogic dimension; and (2) negative and superficial that only change in conceptual level and would likely to have the same effects with the previous changes. The teachers’ interpretation on the K-13 also led to two main trends: (1) the correct and comprehensive interpretation when dealing with the general concepts in K-13 in ELT practices; and, (2) the partial interpretation towards the applicative concepts according to their understanding, procedural knowledge and the convenience of the application offered by the changing elements. The implementation of K-13 in ELT practices was found to be partial, biased and tended to be traditional from the planning to the assessing process. The constraints to successful implementation of K-13 were found to root in the teachers’ fixed mindset and within the implementation

    Material Development on English Language Teaching

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    Exploring Policymakers` and English Teachers` Perceptions and Interpretations in Makassar towards Curriculum 2013 (A Mixed-Design Study)

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    The study investigated the policymakers` perspectives and English teachers` perceptions and interpretations regarding the reform of Curriculum 2013 (K-13) as a replacement for the previous curriculum, School-Based Curriculum (SBC), given that issues around curriculum implementation have been considered inevitable (Brindley & Hood, 1990; Fullan & Stiegelbauer, 1991). The participants were three policymakers and eleven English teachers from four different schools around Makassar, South Sulawesi. To ensure methodological triangulation, this study employed a mixed design, combining the collection and analysis of quantitative and qualitative data, including classroom observations, interviews, and document analysis. From the policymakers` perceptions, the results revealed that K-13 was launched as a result of the failure of the previous curriculum, the anticipation of demographic and economic growth, and other benefits offered within the reform. Teachers perceived the reform to be lack of guidelines in the sense that teachers were lack of references to have comprehensive understanding of the curriculum in order that they could implement it well in their classrooms. They also suggested the difficulties around administrative matters, and considered these to be more important than providing genuine lesson plans for their classrooms. As a result, they tended to focus more on fulfilling the administration than the implementation of the curriculum itself. Furthermore, the teachers pointed to the difficulties around designing lesson plans, teaching and learning processes, and the assessment of K-13

    Using Youtube Music Video to Improve transactional Speaking Skills at The Second Grade Students Of SMA Negeri 3 Sinjai

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    The purpose of this research is to know the effectiveness of YouTube Music Video in teaching transactional speaking skills at the second grade of SMA Negri 3 Sinjai Timur. The pre-experimental research with pre-test and post-test was implemented as the design of the research. The population of this research was the second-grade students of SMA Negeri 3 Sinjai Timur who enrolled in the academic year 2020/2021 consist of 30 students. The technique sampling used in this research was random sampling. The sample of this research is class XI MIA 2 consists of 15 students, the instrument used to collect data was the speaking test. The data were analysed by descriptive and inferential technique statistic.   The result of the research presented that the pre-test of the class got a mean score of 31.26. After giving treatment the students got a mean score of 62.86. The outcome of the data analysis revealed that there was a significant improvement in students’ transactional speaking skills using YouTube Music Video. Subsequently, it was also supported by the result of one sample t-test where Sig. (2-tailed) = 0.000 < 0.05. This implies that the treatment had a significant main effect on the students’ transactional speaking skills achievement. Therefore the null (Ho) is rejected and the alternative hypothesis (H1) is accepted. Based on the result analysis, the researcher may conclude that using YouTube Music Video was effective to improve the students Transactional Speaking skills especially at Class XI MIA 2 at SMA Negeri 3 Sinjai Timur

    Exploring Student Achievement and Perceptions in An Online Flipped Grammar Course

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    Flipped learning to date has generally been implemented within a blended classroom. However, the growing number of fully online courses and the existence of Covid-19 have shown the need to try using flipped learning in a fully online class. This paper aimed to explore student achievement and perception in an online flipped grammar class. A paired-sample t-test showed a significant difference between student pre-test and post-test scores with a medium effect size after attending the online flipped course for one month. The interview and questionnaire data revealed students’ overall positive perception toward the introduction of flipped learning within the course. Students mentioned that the flipped approach made the course more interactive and provided them opportunities to ask questions to the teacher with an immediate answer. They also expressed their positive attitude towards the use of different learning platforms (e.g., LMS, Zoom) and modes (synchronous and asynchronous) that could ease their learning experience within the course. Nevertheless, students recommended that the virtual meeting via Zoom needs to be limited in time duration

    Improving Student's Reading Skill Through Interactive Approach at The First Grade of SMAN 1 Mare, Bone

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    This paper aims to find out the improvement of the students’ reading skill at the First grade of SMAN 1 Mare Bone through Interactive Approach method. This research used classroom action research (CAR) which was conducted to solve the students’ problem in English reading. The Classroom Action Research (CAR) was done based on Kemmis and McTaggart’s design.the researcher did two cycle in which each cycle consists of planning, acting, observing, and reflecting. The finding of the research indicated that the implementation Interactive Approach was successful since the criteria of success were achieved. The first criterion was 70 % of students could pass the target score 70 based on the KKM. The finding showed that 74.57 of students had already achieved the target score. besides, the second criterion was the students who become more active involved in teaching learning process. the result of observation checklist showed that through Interactive Approach method, the students were more creative confident in the classroom especially reading activity. Based on the finding mentioned above, the researcher suggest that English teacher could implement Interactive Approach method in teaching reading in order to improve students in learning Englsih reading

    Institutionalizing Community-Based Research in Indonesian Islamic Higher Education: Two Cases from the Sunan Ampel State Islamic University Surabaya and Alauddin State Islamic University Makassar

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    The article presents a reflective experience on the institutionalization of community-based research in Indonesian Islamic Higher Education. It comprises two case studies from two different universities, the Sunan Ampel State Islamic University Surabaya and the Alauddin State Islamic University Makassar. Both are the two selected partners within the Supporting Islamic Leadership in Indonesia (SILE)/Local Leadership Development (LLD) Project in partnership between Indonesian Ministry of Religious Affairs and Canadian International Development Agency. The project introduces community-based research as an approach to engage community through Tridharma (Three mandates) of Higher Education. The institutionalization covers various activities from raising awareness, building capacity, to developing institutional policy at a national level. The cases show that the different socio-historical context and political dynamic of each campuses influence the process, challenge and response to the institutionalization. However, both campuses share similar reasons for adopting community-based research from the Islamic perspective, namely that using research as a means of promoting social change is consistent with the Qur’anic principles and the Prophetic tradition

    Exploring Policymakers' and Teacher Perceptions and Interpreatations in Makassar Towards Curriculum 2013 (A Mixed-Design Study)

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    The study investigated the policymakers` perspectives and English teachers`perceptions and interpretations regarding the reform of Curriculum 2013 (K-13) as a replacement for the previous curriculum. The participants were three policymakers and eleven English teachers from four different schools around Makassar, South Sulawesi. To ensure methodological triangulation, this study employed a mixed design, combining the collection and analysis of quantitative and qualitative data, including classroom observations, interviews, and document analysis. From the policymakers` perceptions, the results revealed that K-13 was launched as a result of the failure of the previous curriculum, the anticipation of demographic and economic growth, and other benefits offered within the reform. Teachers perceived the reform to be lack of guidelines in the sense that teachers were lack of references to have comprehensive understanding of the curriculum in order that they could implement it well in their classrooms. They also suggested the difficulties around administrative matters, and considered these to be more important than providing genuine lesson plans for their classrooms. As a result, they tended to focus more on fulfilling the administration than the implementation of the curriculum itself. Furthermore, the teachers pointed to the difficulties around designing lesson plans, teaching and learning processes, and the assessment of K-13
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