67,419 research outputs found

    Measurement of the W + jets and Z + jets Cross Section with the ATLAS detector

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    The study of W or Z boson with accompanying hadronic jets in final states is of high importance at hadron colliders both to understand Standard Model processes and to measure background to Beyond Standard Model physics searches. The presence of one or more jets in the final state increases the complexity for the reconstruction of leptons and of missing transverse energy. The ATLAS prospects for the cross section measurement of W/Z + jets events at 14 TeV center of mass energy and integrated luminosity of 1 fb^{-1} using fully simulated data are discussed. The statistical and systematic limitations are discussed in terms of probing perturbative QCD predictions and Monte Carlo generators.Comment: To be published in the proceedings of DPF-2009, Detroit, MI, July 2009, eConf C09072

    Optimizing the Utilization of Potential Fisheries Resources in Coastal Communities

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    Lack of fish catch is one of the problems faced by coastal communities. From the fish farming activities in the sea, the community can obtain enormous economic benefits and support the economic growth of the family through the sale of fish from aquaculture. The government has given the opportunity and responsibility to the community in managing its resources, where the community itself has a need, goals, and aspirations and the community also makes decisions for their welfare. Socialization is needed regarding the importance of keeping coral reefs because the benefits are very good for coastal communities. The challenge faced is because coastal communities are increasing the ability and knowledge of the community about the importance of protecting ecosystems and capturing fisheries that are safe for the environment

    Artscience Museum an Embedded Stand-Alone Art

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    This paper reviews and analyses the process and built-up of the ArtScience Museum. It touches on the history, building features and Moshe Safdie's design approach in forming the museum's architecture. Furthermore, it explores the motivations in having a cultural institution within the Marina Bay precinct  and the correlation of what it was intended to be with the identity it has formed today. The Art Science Museum can be seen as a form of an add-on to Marina Bay Sands as the tender competition project included a design for a cultural institution. However, despite it being a form of enhancement, the ArtScience Museum arose and served its purpose being an intriguing form of architecture and a place for learning for people alike

    Penerapan Mikrokontroler Atmega pada Prototipe Rancang Bangun Jembatan Sungai Terangkat Otomatis

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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk merancang dan membuat prototipe jembatan yang dapat terangkat atau terbuka secara otomatis dengan penerapan mikrokontroler ATMega8535. Prototipe jembatan angkat tersebut memudahkan terintegrasinya jalur darat dan jalur laut, karena infrastruktur jembatan yang dapat terangkat dan dikendalikan otomatis. Pada jaman modernisasi saat ini otomatisasi penggunaan infrastruktur seperti ini sangat penting dalam pembagunan kota, terutama kota yang sedang berkembang, infrastruktur yang dapat menunjang dan mempermudah manusia dalam melakukan aktifitas. Prototipe jembatan yang telah dibuat bisa terbuka secara otomatis jika terdeteksi ada kapal dengan ketinggian maksimal lima sentimeter dari batas bawah jembatan, dan setelah kapal melewati jembatan maka jembatan akan kembali menutup seperti keadaan semula. Jarak lima sentimeter bisa diubah berdasarkan jarak yang aman bagi kapal untuk melewati jembatan. Mengenai jarak yang aman antara ujung atas kapal dengan batas bawah jembatan untuk dilewati kapal ini belum didapat data yang pasti, butuh kajian yang komprehensif dan mendalam. Berdasarkan hasil pengujian Black Box, setiap bagian rangkaian telah berfungsi dengan baik sesuai perencanaan, dan berdasarkan hasil pengujian White Box perangkat lunak telah bebas dari kesalahan logik

    Analysis of Visual Image of Samsung Galaxy S4 Advertisements: a Metafunctional Approach

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    Key words: Visual Image, metafunction, image, verbal text, advertisement,Samsung Galaxy S4 Advertisement is one of the developing social media in society nowadays. As one of the communicative social media, frequently the society interpret the message differently with the one that the advertiser wants. Therefore, this study is conducted to help the recipient in finding the message that the advertisers try to deliver. There are two objectives in this study, (1) to identify the meaning of image and verbal text of Samsung Galaxy S4 advertisements, and (2) to find out the relation of the image and verbal text in constructing the meaning of Samsung Galaxy S4 advertisements.This study uses qualitative approach because it aims to analyze the meaning of image and verbal text in the advertisements. The writer applies metafunction theory to find the meaning of image and verbal text and also the relation of image and verbal text in constructing the meaning of the Samsung Galaxy S4 advertisements.By applying metafunction theory the writer finds the meaning of the advertisements by elaborating the three functions; Ideational function, interpersonal function, textual function. The result of this study shows that all the elements contain image and verbal text in advertisement are to support the product itself. Besides, it is also considered as the invitation for curiosity of consumer.The writer suggests the next researcher to use the different theory such as semiotics theory, or use different kind of advertisement such as video advertisements. The writer also suggests the advertiser to consider the salience of the product since it will emphasize the product itself