353 research outputs found
Stres Di Kalangan Guru-guru Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Perlis
A study was conducted in Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Perlis, Perlis to ascertain the level of stress experienced by teachers, the causes and management of
stress. Data was collected by conducting a questionnaire on 79 respondents while an interview was conducted on the 5% population who was believed to show signs of stress in school. The data was analysed using t - test, one-way ANOVA, mean and 'crosstabulation' to ascertain the level of stress experienced by teachers. T - test and one-way ANOVA were used to test differences within each demographic factor on the stress level.
Results of the research show that there is no significant differences between demography and teachers' stress at Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Perlis. However there is significant differences between sexes and two of four stress factors studied namely 'teachers-student interaction' and 'school management and structure'.
'Crosstabulation' result from 35 stress items studied shows that 23.8% respondents experienced high level of stress (extreme stress), 46.0% respondents experienced
moderate level of stress, 32.2% respondents experienced mild stress while 3.2% respondents experienced no stress at school. Respondents also cited 'workload' as the highest factor causing stress while 'school management and structure' was the lowest. The highest mean stress items
are items which are related to student discipline such as noisiness and impoliteness. Besides that, administrators who always blame the teachers because of the discipline
problems, lack of co-operation among the staff members, students disturbing teachers while they are teaching and co-curricular workload also found to be among
the items which constribute the most stress.
Respondents claimed that stress has affected their emotional stability, profession and their work performance. Strategies of stress management suggested
by respondents include relaxation, time management and sharing their problems with colleagues
Conventional virgin bitumen used in road pavement construction is susceptible to aging problem. Aging, or in its scientific term; oxidation reaction, occurs due to the presence of oxidizing agents (free radicals) that are formed during oxidation reaction in the bitumen. Oxidation in bitumen can cause an increase in asphalt viscosity as well as harden the bitumen, eventually loses its flexibility making it brittle and prone to cracking. This however can be counteracted by mixing the bitumen with antioxidant materials. In this project, the antioxidant material used is rice husk powder (75-micron size). The material contains lignin compound which could slows down the oxidation process via electron donation, preventing the free radicals from reacting with asphaltene (a vital compound in bitumen), and hence, prolong the lifespan of the bitumen. Not only the lignin-containing rice husk is environmental friendly, they are also cost-effective material since production price of rice husk powder is relatively cheaper than any other production of available bitumen modifier in the market. In this project, a total of three (3) types of modified bitumen have been prepared; virgin bitumen, 5%-containing rice husk bitumen, and 10%-containing rice husk bitumen. Two (2) laboratory aging tests which is Rolling Thin-Film Oven (RTFO) and Pressure Aging Vessel (PAV) tests have been conducted to simulate the aging of bitumen; short-term aging and long-term aging respectively. To support the evidence of antioxidizing properties of antioxidants towards virgin bitumen, a total of two (2) physical tests; Penetration Test and Softening Point Test have been conducted before and after the laboratory aging tests. From the laboratory tests results, the rice husk potential in term of improving current bitumen‟s service life are proven by analyzing the physical changes before and after the aging process of all samples. Up to this point, the rice husk bitumen possess better quality in term of lower rate of bitumen degradation (hardening effect), lesser amount of volatiles lost during short-term aging, and possess low temperature susceptibility value
Detecting Financial Distress : Discriminant Versus Logistic Regression Analysis
This study examines two statistical tests which are discriminant analysis and the logit model to predict the probability of financially distress companies. In addition this study also utilizes the usage of financial ratios as a predictor of a company in a state of financial distressed. The findings show that the logit model shows better prediction accuracy than the discriminant analysis.
The logit model correctly classified 91.5 percent of the companies in the estimation sample and 90 percent for the holdout sample. However for discriminant mode the overall accuracy rate fix the estimation and the holdout samples are 84.5 percent respectively. For discriminant analysis there are three factors found to have significant discriminating power current ratio net income to total assets and sales to current assets. Similarly logit model also identified three factors but two of the factors (shareholders' equity to total liabilities and cashflow from financing to total liabilities) are different from those found in discriminant analysis. The only factor which is identified in both models is net income to total assets. The findings give clear understanding of the relevant factors that can cause financial distress. Hence companies could take immediate actions to avoid failure to the company
Detecting financial distress
This paper examines two types of statistical tests, which are multiple discriminant analysis (MDA) and the logit model to detect financially distressed companies. Comparison between the two statistical tests is implemented to identiy factors that could differentiate financially distressed companies from the healthy company. Among the fifteen explanators, M D A shows that the current ratios, net income to total asset, and sales to current asset, are the indicators of financially distressed companies. Other than net income to total asset, the logit model provides two different ratios which are shareholders’filnd to total liabilities, and cash flow from financing to total liabilities, to identi@ financially distressed companies. It zuasfound that the logit model could accurately predict 91.5% of the estimation sample and 90% of the holdout sample whereas the discriminant model shows an overall
accuracy rate of 84.5% and 80% for the estimatiorl and the holdout sample respectively
Peranan whistleblowing dalam meningkatkan integriti anggota Polis Diraja Malaysia (PDRM): kajian ke atas kontinjen Perak
Praktik whitsleblowing merupakan salah satu amalan positif dalam organisasi yang
mampu untuk meningkatkan tahap integriti ahli-ahli dalam sesebuah organisasi.
Namun begitu, praktik whistleblowing juga turut tidak dapat mengelak daripada
mengundang pelbagai respon khususnya dalam kalangan ahli organisasi itu sendiri.
Praktik sebegini turut dilihat sebagai salah satu faktor yang boleh memudaratkan
organisasi di samping mendedahkan pelapor (whistleblower) kepada beberapa bentuk
ancaman ugutan dari luar dan diskriminasi dalam organisasi. Kertas ini merupakan
satu upaya untuk melihat perkaitan antara persepsi anggota Polis Diraja Malaysia
(PDRM) Kontinjen Perak melalui peranan amalan whistleblowing terhadap persepsi
peningkatan integriti anggota. Seterusnya, mengenalpasti maksud whistleblowing dan
pengaruhnya terhadap tahap integriti anggota dalam organisasi. Kajian ini
menggunakan analisis kuantitatif berbentuk deskriptif bagi mengenalpasti corak
hubungan yang wujud antara persepsi terhadap amalan whistleblowing dengan
persepsi terhadap peningkatan integriti berdasarkan tiga pembolehubah asas iaitu
faktor demografi, tanggapan terhadap praktik whistleblowing dan kesan daripada
tindakan membuat laporan. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan bahawa anggota PDRM
Perak mempunyai persepsi yang positif terhadap praktik whistleblowing yang mana
ianya dilihat perlu dilaksanakan dalam meningkatkan integriti anggota
Conventional virgin bitumen used in road pavement construction is susceptible to aging problem. Aging, or in its scientific term; oxidation reaction, occurs due to the presence of oxidizing agents (free radicals) that are formed during oxidation reaction in the bitumen. Oxidation in bitumen can cause an increase in asphalt viscosity as well as harden the bitumen, eventually loses its flexibility making it brittle and prone to cracking. This however can be counteracted by mixing the bitumen with antioxidant materials. In this project, the antioxidant material used is rice husk powder (75-micron size). The material contains lignin compound which could slows down the oxidation process via electron donation, preventing the free radicals from reacting with asphaltene (a vital compound in bitumen), and hence, prolong the lifespan of the bitumen. Not only the lignin-containing rice husk is environmental friendly, they are also cost-effective material since production price of rice husk powder is relatively cheaper than any other production of available bitumen modifier in the market. In this project, a total of three (3) types of modified bitumen have been prepared; virgin bitumen, 5%-containing rice husk bitumen, and 10%-containing rice husk bitumen. Two (2) laboratory aging tests which is Rolling Thin-Film Oven (RTFO) and Pressure Aging Vessel (PAV) tests have been conducted to simulate the aging of bitumen; short-term aging and long-term aging respectively. To support the evidence of antioxidizing properties of antioxidants towards virgin bitumen, a total of two (2) physical tests; Penetration Test and Softening Point Test have been conducted before and after the laboratory aging tests. From the laboratory tests results, the rice husk potential in term of improving current bitumen‟s service life are proven by analyzing the physical changes before and after the aging process of all samples. Up to this point, the rice husk bitumen possess better quality in term of lower rate of bitumen degradation (hardening effect), lesser amount of volatiles lost during short-term aging, and possess low temperature susceptibility value
Students’ satisfaction on learning calculus using open and distance learning method during COVID-19 pandemic
In early 2020, due to the COVID-19 outbreak in Malaysia, all higher education institutions had to switch from face-to-face learning to open and distance learning (ODL) method. The main purpose was to prevent any further spread of the COVID-19 virus. This study aimed to identify factors carrying impacts on students’ satisfaction in learning calculus using ODL method. The sample consists of 224 students of Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) Perak Branch, Tapah Campus who took calculus subjects using ODL method during the COVID-19 lockdown in Malaysia. Five factors are found to influence students’ satisfaction towards ODL method: student-lecturer interaction; lecturer performance; ODL course evaluation; design; and technical. By using partial least square (PLS)–SEM method, the results showed that lecturer performance has a large effect size on students’ satisfaction. Technical and design factors have medium effect sizes, while the ODL course evaluation and student-lecturer interaction have small effect sizes. This research provided useful insights for an effective planning of online calculus courses by considering all factors that influence students’ satisfaction
Criminal Recidivism: A Conceptual Analysis of Social Exclusion
This paper discourses the phenomena of criminal recidivism using a conceptual analysis of social exclusion. It is evidently established that, the phenomena of criminal recidivism is one of the major challenge of the contemporary criminal justice system. However, many predictors were argued by several researches as the major determinant factors of criminal recidivism in the society among the ex-prisoners. This article analyzes the criminal reoffending (recidivism) among the ex-prisoners using conceptual analysis of social exclusion of the ex-prisoners. The paper also discourses some major issues that are considered important when it comes to the analysis of social exclusion of ex-prisoners: it explains offender’s family social exclusion; absence of material and social capital of ex-prisoner; and it discourses the concept of social Ostracism as another base of social exclusion and the paper utilizes the Source-Perspective Model of Ostracism as the conceptual model of the paper. Keywords: Criminal Recidivism, Social Exclusion, Ex-Prisoner, Crime, Ostracis
KONSEP PENGAWAS DALAM PERSPEKTIF AL-QUR’AN : Upaya Meningkatkan Kualitas Pengawas Pendidikan di Lingkungan Kementerian Agama
Abstract: Supervisor Concept In The Qur'an: The Efforts To Improve The Quality Of Education Supervisors In Environment Ministry Of ReligionThis paper show that supervisors are the highest teaching profession, according to the attitudes described in the Qur'an. The data collected from essential Islamic sources, the Qur'an, and the literature study approach as a model. It found that first, the wrong view of the supervisor's profession makes the supervisor's attitude less responsible. Second, there is a lack of understanding of the importance of the supervisor's role in education. For this reason, the supervisor must be able to understand the message of the Al-Qur'an. Thus, the teachings of the Koran are a better solution for the guide. A mentor Al-Qur'an will make him a role model in the world of education. For this reason, misperceptions about the supervisor's profession must correct based on the supervisor's concept as stated in the Al-Qur'an. This paper suggests that to improve the quality of a supervisor, he must refer to stated in the Qur'an regarding supervisors.Abstrak: Konsep Pengawas dalam Perspektif Al-Qur’an: Upaya Meningkatkan Kualitas Pengawas Pendidikan di Lingkungan Kementerian AgamaTulisan ini ingin menunjukkan bahwa pengawas adalah profesi tertinggi dari guru dan harus dijalankan sesuai dengan sikap yang digariskan oleh Al-Qur'an. Data penulisan ini dikumpulkan dari sumber dasar Islam, Al-Qur'an, dan pendapat ahli tafsir terkait dengan konsep pengawas dengan studi pustaka sebagai model pendekatan. Ditemukan bahwa pertama, pandangan keliru terkait profesi pengawas telah mereduksi sikap pengawas menjadi kurang bertanggungjawab. Kedua, ketidakpahaman akan pentingnya peran pengawas dalam pendidikan. Untuk itu, Pengawas harus mampu memahami pesan Al-Qur'an. Dengan demikian, ajaran Al-Qur'an menjadi solusi bagi para pengawas untuk lebih baik. Bahkan, dengan Al-Qur'an, pengawas akan menjadikan dirinya teladan di dunia pendidikan. Untuk itu, salah persepsi akan profesi pengawas harus diluruskan didasarkan pada konsep pengawas yang digariskan oleh Al-Qur'an. Tulisan ini menyarankan bahwa untuk meningkatkan kualitas diri pengawas, maka harus merujuk pada apa yang digariskan Al-Qur'an terkait pengawas
Safety in Industrial Radiography: A Short Review
Nuclear industry have increasing demand from the world because its advantages towards us. It can generate larger scale of energy using little material. However there is certain awareness to us.In 2011 Fukushima Daiichi nuclear incident happen in Japan because of tsunami giving a major damage towards environment and people it is the worst incident since Chernobyl. It give a lot damage and the land unliable for decades. Then, power plants radioactive waste radiation to environment. There are few incident related to radioactive waste and it is real life threat. These materials can be harmful to environment for decades to come. Radiography is a non-destructive method used by most industry to discover the structural properties of material or to check for any defect in the material that can cause a failure in the process. The type of radiation used by the industry for radiography technique is ionizing radiation such as x-ray and gamma radiation, it is a strong radiation source. Working with such a dangerous radiation need some decent skills and protection to avoid any radiation exposure to the worker that will result in some serious health condition. Not only it can affect the worker, if it is handled recklessly, it can degrade the quality of the final product and causing pollution to environment. Therefore, an extreme safeguarding and professionalism is required for the radiation worker. In this review, will looked for the safety guidelines to improve the safety to environment and human in nuclear industry and will be focusing on the common radiation protection and procedure that has been implemented in industrial radiograph
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