12 research outputs found

    Quantifying early marine diagenesis in shallow-water carbonate sediments

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    Shallow-water carbonate sediments constitute one of the most abundant and widely used archives of Earth’s surface evolution. One of the main limitations of this archive is the susceptibility of the chemistry of carbonate sediments to post-depositional diagenesis. Here, we develop a numerical model of marine carbonate diagenesis that tracks the elemental and isotopic composition of calcium, magnesium, carbon, oxygen, and strontium, during dissolution of primary carbonates and re-precipitation of secondary carbonate minerals. The model is ground-truthed using measurements of geochemical proxies from sites on and adjacent to the Bahamas platform (Higgins et al., 2018) and authigenic carbonates in the organic-rich deep marine Monterey Formation (Blättler et al., 2015). Observations from these disparate sedimentological and diagenetic settings show broad covariation between bulk sediment calcium and magnesium isotopes that can be explained by varying the extent to which sediments undergo diagenesis in seawater-buffered or sediment-buffered conditions. Model results indicate that the covariation between calcium and magnesium isotopes can provide a semi-quantitative estimate of the extent and style (fluid-buffered vs. sediment-buffered) of early marine diagenesis. When applied to geochemical signatures in ancient carbonate rocks, the model can be used to quantify the impact of early marine diagenesis on other geochemical proxies of interest (e.g. carbon and oxygen isotopes). The increasing recognition of early marine diagenesis as an important phenomenon in shallow-water carbonate sediments makes this approach essential for developing accurate records of the chemical and climatic history of Earth from the chemical and isotopic composition of carbonate sediments

    The Ca and Mg isotope record of the Cryogenian Trezona carbon isotope excursion

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    The Trezona carbon isotope excursion is recorded on five different continents in platform carbonates deposited prior to the end-Cryogenian Marinoan glaciation (>635 Ma) and represents a change in carbon isotope values of 16–18‰. Based on the spatial and temporal reproducibility, the excursion previously has been interpreted as tracking the carbon isotopic composition of dissolved inorganic carbon in the global ocean before the descent into a snowball Earth. However, in modern restricted shallow marine and freshwater settings, carbon isotope values have a similarly large range, which is mostly independent from open ocean chemistry and instead reflects local processes. In this study, we combine calcium, magnesium, and strontium isotope geochemistry with a numerical model of carbonate diagenesis to disentangle the degree to which the Trezona excursion reflects changes in global seawater chemistry versus local shallow-water platform environments. Our analysis demonstrates that the most extreme carbon isotope values (∼-10‰ versus +10‰) are preserved in former platform aragonite that was neomorphosed to calcite during sediment-buffered conditions and record the primary carbon isotope composition of platform-top surface waters. In contrast, the downturn and recovery of the Trezona excursion are recorded in carbonates that were altered during early fluid-buffered diagenesis and commonly are dolomitized. We also find that the nadir of the Trezona excursion is associated with a fractional increase in siliciclastic sediments, whereas the recovery from the excursion correlates with a relative increase in carbonate. This relationship suggests that the extreme negative isotopic shift in platform aragonite occurred in concert with periods of increased input of siliciclastic sediments, changes in water depth, and possibly nutrients to platform environments. Although the process for generating extremely negative carbon isotope values in Neoproterozoic platform carbonates remains enigmatic, we speculate that these excursions reflect kinetic isotope effects associated with CO2 invasion in platform waters during periods of intense primary productivity

    Data for: "The origin of non-skeletal carbonate mud and implications for global climate"

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    Carbonate mud represents one of the most important geochemical archives for reconstructing ancient climatic, environmental, and evolutionary change from the rock record. Mud also represents a major sink in the global carbon cycle. Yet, there remains no consensus about how and where carbonate mud is formed. In this contribution, we present new geochemical data that bear on this problem, including stable isotope and minor and trace element data from carbonate sources in the modern Bahamas such as ooids, corals, foraminifera, and green algae.NSF Division of Earth Sciences Grant 1410317; the High Meadows Environmental Institute; the Geological Society of America Stephen G. Pollock Student Research Grant; the Evolving Earth Foundation; the Princeton Geosciences Student Research Fund; NSF GRFP; the Fannie and John Hertz Foundation; the Princeton Center for Complex Materials (PCCM), an NSF-MRSEC program (DMR-2011750).readme.txt; trace_elements.csv; XRD.csv; D47_averages.csv; D47_standards.csv; D47_individual_analyses.cs