10 research outputs found

    A Secure Web Based Records Management System for Prisons: A Case of Kisoro Prison in Uganda

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    Most Prisons in the developing countries are still using the traditional system – pen and papers, to keep track of their records. This system takes long to finish a single transaction; this has led to loss of information of some cases (crimes files), insecurity and data redundancy. Similarly, some cases have been reported where some prison staff connives with clients (victims) to change and hide some information or files hence leading to compromising the evidence of the matter. This has consequently resulted in time wastage to handle cases, increased corruption and insecurity of important files hence making the whole process costly. Also when reports are needed especially about prisoners, it takes a long time and therefore makes it hard for Prison Management to take urgent decisions. This has created a lot of loopholes in the system because there is no tracking and/or monitoring of the information available in the different Departments and there are no security measures in place to safe guard the available information. This necessitated automating the system to make it more efficient and effective. There was close study of the existing manual file based system that was in use, it was compared to the proposed system. A prototype of a proposed system was developed to ease data access, security and retrieval for instant report production by the prison management. The prototype was developed using MySql database, PHP, CSS, JavaScript and HTML

    Blockchain technology needs for sustainable mineral supply chains: A framework for responsible sourcing of Cobalt

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    Blockchain technology has recently become the go-to solution for companies and industries that seek to enhance value chain traceability of their products, and transparency in their supply chains. Because of these benefits, it’s been proposed for monitoring environmental, social, and governance (ESG) performance and compliance in industries that have weak regulatory and formal structures. The cobalt mining industry especially in the Democratic Republic of Congo, the world’s biggest producer of cobalt ore used in the manufacturing of lithium-ion batteries, is one such environment that’s characterized by conflict, and serious human rights abuses. The key actors in the cobalt supply chain, therefore, face the tradeoff involving maintaining long-term supply versus reducing the risks associated with cobalt sourced from locations with poor environmental and human rights records. Most of such problems emerge from Artisanal and small-scale mining. This paper presents an attempt to tightly link existing blockchain technology frameworks in the cobalt industry with ESG performance of companies to enable them to audit the chain of custody journeys for their components and ultimately sustainability performance. We present a responsible sourcing framework to connect blockchain source data needs to ESG metrics to help companies build interoperable but understandable blockchain architectures

    A Dictionary Learning Approach for Noise-Robust Image Reconstruction in Low-Field Magnetic Resonance Imaging

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    Objective: Image denoising has been considered as a separate procedure from image reconstruction which could otherwise be combined with acquisition and reconstruction. This paper discusses a joint image reconstruction and denoising algorithm in low-field MRI using a dictionary learning approach. Method: Our proposed algorithm uses a two-level Bregman iterative method for image reconstruction and image denoising procedure using OMP for sparse coding and SimCO for Dictionary Update and Learning. Results: Experiments were done on a noisy phantom that was obtained from a low field MRI scanner. Results demonstrate that our proposed algorithm performs superior image reconstructions that are almost noise-free. Our proposed method also performed better than the TBMDU algorithm, which performed better than DLMRI, a technique that substantially outperformed other CSMRI based reconstruction methods. However, the TBMDU algorithm is faster than our proposed algorithm due to additional iterations required during the denoising step. Conclusion: An algorithm that jointly performs reconstruction and denoising is essential in medical imaging modalities where image denoising has been a separate process from the reconstruction. Combining the two could save time and could avoid image details to be lost due to having two separate operations. This formulation is essential in imaging modalities like low-field MRI where the image signal is noisy and therefore performing a joint reconstruction and denoising could help improve the quality of the images obtained. </p

    Spatial distribution and predictive factors of antenatal care in Burundi: A spatial and multilevel baseline analysis for the third burundian demographic and health survey.

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    IntroductionThe use of antenatal care by pregnant women enables them to receive good pregnancy monitoring. This monitoring includes counseling, health instructions, examinations and tests to avoid pregnancy-related complications or death during childbirth. To avoid these complications, the World Health Organization (WHO) recommends at least four antenatal visits. Therefore, this study was conducted to identify predictive factors of antenatal care (ANC) among women aged 15 to 49 years and its spatial distribution in Burundi.MethodsWe used data from the Second Burundi Demographic and Health Survey (DHS). A Spatial analysis of ANC prevalence and Mulitlevel logistic regressions of determinants factors of ANC with a medical doctor were done. The ANC prevalence was mapped by region and by province. In unsampled data points, a cluster based interpolation of ANC prevalence was done using the kernel method with an adaptive window. Predictive factors of ANC were assessed using Mulitlevel logistic regressions. The dependent variable was antenatal care with a medical doctor and the explanatory variables were place of residence, age, education level, religion, marital status of the woman, household wealth index and delivery place of the woman. Data processing and data analysis were done using using Quantum Geographic Information System (QGIS) and R software, version 3. 5. 0.ResultsThe ANC prevalence varied from 0. 0 to 16. 2% with a median of 0. 5%. A highest predicted ANC prevalence was observed at Muyinga and Kirundo provinces' junction. Low prevalence was observed in several locations in all regions and provinces. The woman's education level and delivery place were significantly associated with antenatal care with a medical doctor.ConclusionGlobally, the ANC prevalence is low in Burundi. It varies across the country. There is an intra-regional or intra-provincial heterogeneity in term of ANC prevalence. Woman's education level and delivery place are significantly associated antenatal care. There is a need to consider these ANC disparities and factors in the design and strengthening of existing interventions aimed at increasing ANC visits

    Classification of cassava leaf diseases using deep Gaussian transfer learning model

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    Abstract In Sub‐Saharan Africa, experts visually examine the plants and look for disease symptoms on the leaves to diagnose cassava diseases, a subjective method. Machine learning algorithms have been employed to quickly identify and classify crop diseases. In this study, we propose a model that integrates a transfer learning approach with a deep Gaussian convolutional neural network model. In this study, two pre‐trained transfer learning models were used, that is, MobileNet V2 and VGG16, together with three different kernels: a hybrid kernel (a product of a squared exponential kernel and a rational quadratic kernel), a squared exponential kernel, and a rational quadratic kernel. In experiments using MobileNet V2 and the three kernels, the hybrid kernel performed better, with an accuracy of 90.11%, compared to 86.03% and 85.14% for the squared exponential kernel and a rational quadratic kernel, respectively. Additionally, experiments using VGG16 and the three kernels showed that the hybrid kernel performed better, with an accuracy of 88.63%, compared to the squared exponential kernel's accuracy of 84.62% and the rational quadratic kernel's accuracy of 83.95%, respectively. All the experiments were done using a traditional computer with no access to GPU and this was the major limitation of the study

    A Dictionary Learning Approach for Noise-Robust Image Reconstruction in Low-Field Magnetic Resonance Imaging

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    Objective: Image denoising has been considered as a separate procedure from image reconstruction which could otherwise be combined with acquisition and reconstruction. This paper discusses a joint image reconstruction and denoising algorithm in low-field MRI using a dictionary learning approach. Method: Our proposed algorithm uses a two-level Bregman iterative method for image reconstruction and image denoising procedure using OMP for sparse coding and SimCO for Dictionary Update and Learning. Results: Experiments were done on a noisy phantom that was obtained from a low field MRI scanner. Results demonstrate that our proposed algorithm performs superior image reconstructions that are almost noise-free. Our proposed method also performed better than the TBMDU algorithm, which performed better than DLMRI, a technique that substantially outperformed other CSMRI based reconstruction methods. However, the TBMDU algorithm is faster than our proposed algorithm due to additional iterations required during the denoising step. Conclusion: An algorithm that jointly performs reconstruction and denoising is essential in medical imaging modalities where image denoising has been a separate process from the reconstruction. Combining the two could save time and could avoid image details to be lost due to having two separate operations. This formulation is essential in imaging modalities like low-field MRI where the image signal is noisy and therefore performing a joint reconstruction and denoising could help improve the quality of the images obtained. Numerical Analysi

    Adaptive-size dictionary learning using information theoretic criteria for image reconstruction from undersampled k-space data in low field magnetic resonance imaging

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    Background: Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a safe non-invasive and nonionizing medical imaging modality that is used to visualize the structure of human anatomy. Conventional (high-field) MRI scanners are very expensive to purchase, operate and maintain, which limit their use in many developing countries. This study is part of a project that aims at addressing these challenges and is carried out by teams from Mbarara University of Science and Technology (MUST) in Uganda, Leiden University Medical Center (LUMC) in the Netherlands, Delft University of Technology (TU Delft) in the Netherlands and Pennsylvania State University (PSU) in the USA. These are working on developing affordable, portable and low-field MRI scanners to diagnose children in developing countries with hydrocephalus. The challenges faced by the teams are that the low-field MRI scanners currently under development are characterized by low Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR), and long scan times. Methods: We propose an algorithm called adaptive-size dictionary learning algorithm (AS-DLMRI) that integrates information-theoretic criteria (ITC) and Dictionary learning approaches. The result of the integration is an adaptive-size dictionary that is optimal for any input signal. AS-DLMRI may help to reduce the scan time and improve the SNR of the generated images, thereby improving the image quality. Results: We compared our proposed algorithm AS-DLMRI with adaptive patch-based algorithm known as DLMRI and non-adaptive CSMRI technique known as LDP. DLMRI and LDP have been used as the baseline algorithms in other related studies. The results of AS-DLMRI are consistently slightly better in terms of PSNR, SNR and HFEN than for DLMRI, and are significantly better than for LDP. Moreover, AS-DLMRI is faster than DLMRI. Conclusion: Using a dictionary size that is appropriate to the input data could reduce the computational complexity, and also the construction quality since only dictionary atoms that are relevant to the task are included in the dictionary and are used during the reconstruction. However, AS-DLMRI did not completely remove noise during the experiments with the noisy phantom. Our next step in our research is to integrate our proposed algorithm with an image denoising function. Numerical Analysi

    A survey on deep learning in medical image reconstruction

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    Medical image reconstruction aims to acquire high-quality medical images for clinical usage at minimal cost and risk to the patients. Deep learning and its applications in medical imaging, especially in image reconstruction have received considerable attention in the literature in recent years. This study reviews records obtained electronically through the leading scientific databases (Magnetic Resonance Imaging journal, Google Scholar, Scopus, Science Direct, Elsevier, and from other journal publications) searched using three sets of keywords: (1) Deep learning, image reconstruction, medical imaging; (2) Medical imaging, Deep learning, Image reconstruction; (3) Open science, Open imaging data, Open software. The articles reviewed revealed that deep learning-based reconstruction methods improve the quality of reconstructed images qualitatively and quantitatively. However, deep learning techniques are generally computationally expensive, require large amounts of training datasets, lack decent theory to explain why the algorithms work, and have issues of generalization and robustness. The challenge of lack of enough training datasets is currently being addressed by using transfer learning techniques.Numerical Analysi

    A Dictionary Learning Approach for Joint Reconstruction and Denoising in Low Field Magnetic Resonance Imaging

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    Currently, many children with hydrocephalus in East Africa and other resource-constrained countries do not have access to Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) scanners, the preferred imaging tool during the disease administration and treatment. Conventional MRI scanners are costly to buy and manage, which limits their utilization in low-income countries. Low-field MRI scanners can offer an affordable, sustainable, and safe imaging alternative to high-field MRI. However, they are associated with a low signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), and therefore the images obtained are noisy. In this study, we propose an algorithm that may help to alleviate the drawbacks of low-field MRI by improving the quality of images obtained. The proposed algorithm combines our previous proposed algorithm known as AS-DLMRI for image reconstruction and a nonlinear diffusion filter for image denoising. The formulation is capable of removing additive zero-mean white and homogeneous Gaussian noise, as well as other noise types that could be present in the original signal. Experiments on visual quality revealed that the proposed algorithm is effective in denoising images during reconstruction. The proposed algorithm effectively denoised a noisy phantom, and a noisy MRI image, and had better performance when compared to DLMRI and AS-DLMRI in terms of Peak Signal to Noise ratio (PSNR) and High-Frequency Error Norm (HFEN). Integrating AS-DLMRI and the nonlinear diffusion filter proved to be effective in improving the quality of the images during the experiments performed. The hybrid algorithm may be of great use in imaging modalities like low-field MRI that are associated with low SNR.Green Open Access added to TU Delft Institutional Repository ‘You share, we take care!’ – Taverne project https://www.openaccess.nl/en/you-share-we-take-care Otherwise as indicated in the copyright section: the publisher is the copyright holder of this work and the author uses the Dutch legislation to make this work public.Numerical Analysi