10 research outputs found


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    Diabetes mellitus is a chronic disease with an increasing prevalence globally. Diabetes management involves a multifaceted approach that includes lifestyle changes, blood sugar monitoring, and the use of medications. While modern medicine has become fundamental in the management of diabetes, traditional medicine is also still widely used. This study aims to evaluate and compare the efficacy of traditional and modern medicine in the management of diabetes. The research method used in this study is literature review. The results showed that modern medicine, which is based on strong scientific evidence and clinical validation, consistently showed higher efficacy in controlling blood sugar and reducing the risk of diabetes complications compared to traditional medicine. Drugs such as Metformin, DPP-4 inhibitors, and GLP-1 analogs have strong evidence of efficacy. On the other hand, studies on traditional medicine show mixed results with some offering potential benefits in controlling blood sugar. However, evidence regarding traditional medicine often lacks consistency and is poorly understood in the context of a clear mechanism of actio


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    Diabetes mellitus is a chronic disease with an increasing prevalence globally. Diabetes management involves a multifaceted approach that includes lifestyle changes, blood sugar monitoring, and the use of medications. While modern medicine has become fundamental in the management of diabetes, traditional medicine is also still widely used. This study aims to evaluate and compare the efficacy of traditional and modern medicine in the management of diabetes. The research method used in this study is literature review. The results showed that modern medicine, which is based on strong scientific evidence and clinical validation, consistently showed higher efficacy in controlling blood sugar and reducing the risk of diabetes complications compared to traditional medicine. Drugs such as Metformin, DPP-4 inhibitors, and GLP-1 analogs have strong evidence of efficacy. On the other hand, studies on traditional medicine show mixed results with some offering potential benefits in controlling blood sugar. However, evidence regarding traditional medicine often lacks consistency and is poorly understood in the context of a clear mechanism of action


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    Diabetes mellitus is a chronic disease with an increasing prevalence globally. Diabetes management involves a multifaceted approach that includes lifestyle changes, blood sugar monitoring, and the use of medications. While modern medicine has become fundamental in the management of diabetes, traditional medicine is also still widely used. This study aims to evaluate and compare the efficacy of traditional and modern medicine in the management of diabetes. The research method used in this study is literature review. The results showed that modern medicine, which is based on strong scientific evidence and clinical validation, consistently showed higher efficacy in controlling blood sugar and reducing the risk of diabetes complications compared to traditional medicine. Drugs such as Metformin, DPP-4 inhibitors, and GLP-1 analogs have strong evidence of efficacy. On the other hand, studies on traditional medicine show mixed results with some offering potential benefits in controlling blood sugar. However, evidence regarding traditional medicine often lacks consistency and is poorly understood in the context of a clear mechanism of action


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    Diabetes mellitus is a chronic disease with an increasing prevalence globally. Diabetes management involves a multifaceted approach that includes lifestyle changes, blood sugar monitoring, and the use of medications. While modern medicine has become fundamental in the management of diabetes, traditional medicine is also still widely used. This study aims to evaluate and compare the efficacy of traditional and modern medicine in the management of diabetes. The research method used in this study is literature review. The results showed that modern medicine, which is based on strong scientific evidence and clinical validation, consistently showed higher efficacy in controlling blood sugar and reducing the risk of diabetes complications compared to traditional medicine. Drugs such as Metformin, DPP-4 inhibitors, and GLP-1 analogs have strong evidence of efficacy. On the other hand, studies on traditional medicine show mixed results with some offering potential benefits in controlling blood sugar. However, evidence regarding traditional medicine often lacks consistency and is poorly understood in the context of a clear mechanism of actio

    Kajian pengembangan RSUD Karsa Husada Batu sebagai rumah sakit pendidikan UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang menggunakan konsep green

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    Pengembangan Rumah Sakit Pendidikan Menjadi salah satu kewajiban bagi setiap kampus yang menyelenggarakan program studi profesi dokter. UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang bekerja sama dengan RSUD Karsa Husada Batu dalam mengembangkan RS Pendidikan utama. Hal ini sudah ditetapkan melalui peraturan Gubernur dan juga Kementerian Kesehatan. Untuk mengembangan RS Pendidikan diperlukan fasilitas dan program strategis untuk mewujudkan sebuah RS Pendidikan yang sustainable. Konsep green hospital menjadi pilihan dalam pengembangan Masterplan RSUD Karsa Husada Batu sebagai RS Pendidikan Utama UIN Maliki Malang. Penelitian ini bertujuan mencari kriteria green hospital yang komprehensif dan berkelanjutan untuk menyusun masterplan RS Pendidikan. Metode Kombinasi Studi Kasus dengan Analisis Simulasi dan kualitatif digunakan untuk mewujudkan masterplan RS Pendidikan yang mampu mengakomodir konsep Green Hospital. Berdasarkan hasil analisis dan sintesis dari berbagai aspek yang diteliti dalam mengembangan Rumah sakit pendidikan dengan konsep green hospital diperlukan beberapa kriteria utama diantaranya Kebijakan Dan Perencanaan Bersis Green Hospital, Desain Kawasan dan Bangunan Rumah Sakit Mengakomodir penerapan Konsep Green Building, Operasional Rumah Sakit Menerapkan prinsip Green Hospital dan Healing Environment, Program Penunjang Kerjasama Pendidikan dan Sustainabilitas Lingkungan, dan Program Layanan Unggulan RS Pendidikan. Kriteria ini dapat dipergunakan sebagai guideline dalam pengembangan RS Pendidikan Utama UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang

    Kajian pengembangan RSUD Karsa Husada Batu sebagai rumah sakit pendidikan UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang menggunakan konsep green

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    Pengembangan Rumah Sakit Pendidikan Menjadi salah satu kewajiban bagi setiap kampus yang menyelenggarakan program studi profesi dokter. UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang bekerja sama dengan RSUD Karsa Husada Batu dalam mengembangkan RS Pendidikan utama. Hal ini sudah ditetapkan melalui peraturan Gubernur dan juga Kementerian Kesehatan. Untuk mengembangan RS Pendidikan diperlukan fasilitas dan program strategis untuk mewujudkan sebuah RS Pendidikan yang sustainable. Konsep green hospital menjadi pilihan dalam pengembangan Masterplan RSUD Karsa Husada Batu sebagai RS Pendidikan Utama UIN Maliki Malang. Penelitian ini bertujuan mencari kriteria green hospital yang komprehensif dan berkelanjutan untuk menyusun masterplan RS Pendidikan. Metode Kombinasi Studi Kasus dengan Analisis Simulasi dan kualitatif digunakan untuk mewujudkan masterplan RS Pendidikan yang mampu mengakomodir konsep Green Hospital. Berdasarkan hasil analisis dan sintesis dari berbagai aspek yang diteliti dalam mengembangan Rumah sakit pendidikan dengan konsep green hospital diperlukan beberapa kriteria utama diantaranya Kebijakan Dan Perencanaan Bersis Green Hospital, Desain Kawasan dan Bangunan Rumah Sakit Mengakomodir penerapan Konsep Green Building, Operasional Rumah Sakit Menerapkan prinsip Green Hospital dan Healing Environment, Program Penunjang Kerjasama Pendidikan dan Sustainabilitas Lingkungan, dan Program Layanan Unggulan RS Pendidikan. Kriteria ini dapat dipergunakan sebagai guideline dalam pengembangan RS Pendidikan Utama UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang

    Simulator defibrilator (sertifikat hak cipta)

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    Alat simulator defibrilator untuk digunakan oleh mahasiswa Program Studi Pendidikan Dokter dan Program Studi Profesi dokter fakultas Kedokteran dan Ilmu Kesehatan UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang dalam melakukan pembelajaran kepada pasien yang berupa alat peraga untuk melakukan Resusitasi jantun

    Simulator defibrilator (sertifikat hak cipta)

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    Alat simulator defibrilator untuk digunakan oleh mahasiswa Program Studi Pendidikan Dokter dan Program Studi Profesi dokter fakultas Kedokteran dan Ilmu Kesehatan UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang dalam melakukan pembelajaran kepada pasien yang berupa alat peraga untuk melakukan Resusitasi jantun

    Formulation of aromatherapy massage oil from Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia), Chamomile (Matricaria recutita), and Petitgrain (Citrus aurantium) for stress relief

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    Stress is non-specific response of the body to the demands placed on it, which have an impact on anxiety, depression, and muscle pain. The use of synthetic drugs causes side effects such as irritation of the digestive tract and drowsiness. Therefore, it is necessary to use alternative therapies, one of which is the use of natural ingredients in the form of aromatherapy massage oil. This study aimed to formulate aromatherapy massage oil from the essential oils of lavender, chamomile, and petitgrain. The formulas were then put through organoleptic, pH, and viscosity tests to see how they looked and how stable they were. The stability test was carried out at room temperature on days 0, 1, 3, 5, 7, 14, 21, and 28. A hedonic test evaluated people's preferences for the formulas. The Kligman method irritation test served as a means of evaluating the formulas' safety. The results of the characteristic test showed that all of the tested parameters were met by the formulas. The results of the stability test showed that the formulas were organoleptically stable and had a pH with a significant value of > 0.05. The viscosities were stable for the formulas F1, F2, F4, and F6. Meanwhile, the formulas F3 and F5 experienced significant changes, but were still included in the acceptable range for topical massage oil. The results of the irritation test showed that the formulas were safe to use and did not irritate the skin. Based on the results of the tests, aromatherapy massage oil containing lavender, chamomile, and petitgrain essential oils has excellent organoleptic, pH, and viscosity stability. It is aesthetically pleasing, passes the hedonic test, and is safe for the public. These results support the use of aromatherapy massage oil as a complementary treatment for stress

    The journey to normal : panduan adaptasi kebiasaan baru pada masa pandemi Covid-19

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    Buku The Journey To Normal: Panduan Adaptasi Kebiasaan Baru Pada Masa Pandemi Covid-19 merupakan intisari dari panduan adaptasi kebiasaan baru yang telah dikeluarkan oleh Badan kesehatan Dunia (WHO) maupun Pemerintah Indonesia melalui Gugus Tugas Percepatan Penanganan Covid-19 Republik Indonesia. Seperti halnya yang sudah diketahui bersama, pandemic COVID-19 telah melanda hampir seluruh umat manusia di berbagai belahan dunia. Pada tanggal 12 Februari 2020, WHO resmi menetapkan penyakit novel coronavirus pada manusia ini dengan sebutan Coronavirus Disease (COVID19). Pada tanggal 11 Maret 2020, WHO sudah menetapkan COVID-19 sebagai pandemi. Panduan ini ditujukan bagi seluruh cicitas akademika penyelenggara pendidikan tinggi di Indonesia. Berisi tentang pengetahuan dasar infeksi SARS-CoV-2, Ptofisiologi, tatalaksana dan pencegahan serta rehabilitasi pasien Covid-19. Di dalam buku ini juga, penulis menyediakan panduan bagi institusi penyelenggara pendidikan tinggi dalam menyelenggarakan pembelajaran secara luring (luar jaringan). Pimpinan institusi dapat mengaplikasikan prosedur dan kegiatan mitigasi infeksi covid-19 di tempat masing-masing