13 research outputs found

    Growth and yield performance of hybrid rice varieties under varying zinc levels

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    Zinc deficiency in soil is currently a widespread problem in Bangladesh that significantly reduces the yield of a variety of crops, including rice. Despite the fact that many farmers started applying zinc fertilizer, many are unaware of the right amount and application technique. For this reason, to determine the impact of variety and zinc treatment on the performance of hybrid rice, a field experiment was carried out between November 2019 and May 2020 at the Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural University's experimental field in Sher-e-Bangla Nagar, Dhaka-1207. The experiment consisted of two factors as variety (3 types) viz., V1 – BRRI hybrid dhan2, V2 – BRRI hybrid dhan3 and V3 – BRRI hybrid dhan5 and, Zinc management (4 levels) viz., Zn0 – 0 kg ha-1 (control), Zn1 – 2 kg ha-1, Zn2 – 4 kg ha-1 and Zn3 – 6 kg ha-1. The experiment was laid out in a Randomized Complete Block Design (Factorial) with three replications. Data on different growth and yield parameter of rice were recorded and significant variation was found for different treatments. Regarding varietal performance, the maximum panicle number hill-1 (17.10), panicle length (28.03 cm), grain number panicle-1 (109.45), 1000-grain weight (26.50 g), grain yield ha-1 (6.94 t), straw yield ha-1 (8.58 t), biological yield ha-1 (15.51 t) and harvest index (44.62%) were found from the variety BRRI hybrid dhan5. Considering Zn effect, the maximum panicle number hill-1 (16.33), panicle length (27.14 cm), grain number panicle-1 (108.11), 1000-grain weight (25.38 g), grain yield ha-1 (6.81 t), straw yield ha-1 (8.34 t), biological yield ha-1 (15.15 t) and harvest index (44.88%) were found from 6 kg Zn ha-1. In the case of treatment combination of variety and zinc, the maximum panicle number hill-1 (20.17), panicle length (29.45 cm), number of grains panicle-1 (117.74), 1000-seed weight (27.43 g), grain yield (7.80 t ha-1), straw yield (9.20 t ha-1), biological yield (17.00 t ha-1) and harvest index (45.78%) were found from BRRI hybrid dhan5 along with 6 kg Zn ha-1. Therefore, the hybrid rice variety BRRI hybrid dhan5 with a Zn application of 6 kg ha-1 yielded considerably more grain than the other treatment combinations under evaluation

    Influence of seedling age and integrated nutrient management on growth and yield of aromatic rice (cv. BRRI dhan34)

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    To investigate the performance of aromatic rice (cv. BRRI dhan34) in response to seedling age and nutrient management, an experiment was carried out at the Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural University, Dhaka from July to December 2021. The experiment includes three different ages of seedlings to be transplanted viz., 30, 45 and 60 days old and six nutrient management practice viz. control (no manures and fertilizers), recommended dose of inorganic fertilizers (RDF), 50% of RDF + cow dung @ 5 t ha-1, 75% of RDF + cow dung @ 5 t ha-1, 50% of RDF + poultry manure @ 2.5 t ha-1 and, 75% of RDF + poultry manure @ 2.5 t ha-1. The experiment was laid out in a randomized complete block design with three replications. The results revealed that in the case of transplanting of different aged seedlings, the highest leaf area index (5.74), dry matter hill-1 (32.86 g), number of tillers hill-1 (13.17), number of effective tillers hill-1 (11.53), plant height (113.34 cm), total grains panicle-1 (135.14), 1000-grain weight (12.45 g), grain yield (3.29 t ha-1), straw yield (4.01 t ha-1), biological yield (7.30 t ha-1) and were recorded from transplanting 30 days old seedlings. Different levels of nutrient management showed a significant impact on most of the parameters under study. The highest total dry matter hill-1 (34.02 g), the maximum LAI (5.35), plant height (115.70 cm), chlorophyll content (42.87), number of effective tillers hill-1 (12.99), panicle length (24.63 cm), total grains panicle-1 (140.17), 1000-grain weight (12.54 g), grain yield (3.27 t ha-1), straw yield (4.15 t ha-1), biological yield (7.42 t ha-1) and harvest index (43.03%)  were also recorded in F5 (75% of RDF + poultry manure @ 2.5 t ha-1) treatment. While considering the interaction effects between the age of seedlings and nutrient management, transplanting 30 days old seedlings along with the nutrient management of 75% of RDF + poultry manure @ 2.5 t ha-1 treatment improved yield contributing parameters and provided the highest yield (3.76 t ha-1) of BRRI dhan34 compared to other treatment combination. So, the application of 75% of RDF + poultry manure @ 2.5 t ha-1 along with 30 days old seedlings appeared as a promising practice to obtain better performance of fine aromatic rice (cv. BRRI dhan34)

    Plant responses and tolerance to high temperature stress: role of exogenous phytoprotectants

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    Among the abiotic stresses high temperature stress is one of the most detrimental stresses threatening higher plant productivity and survival throughout the world. Each degree Celsius increase of average growing season temperature may decrease crop yield and affect plant distribution. On the other hand, global average temperatures are supposed to increase from 1.8 to 4.0 °C or higher by 2100 as compared to the 1980–2000 average. Plants are intimidated by adverse effects of high temperature stresses. Protein denaturation, inactivation of enzymes, production of reactive oxygen species, and disruption of membrane structure are some of the primary damage effects of high temperature that are also responsible for damage of ultrastructural cellular components. These anomalies hamper plant growth and development. Although higher plants develop their own defense strategies to overcome the high temperature stress effects, these often are not enough, therefore substantial damage is observed. The metabolism in plants is altered in response to high temperature stress. The antioxidants, secondary metabolites, hormones, osmoprotectants, and many other essential biomolecules are modulated, which help to defend against high temperature impacts. Moreover, numerous studies have proved that as protectants the exogenously applied hormones, osmoregulators, antioxidants, signaling molecules, polyamines, and trace elements confer high temperature stress tolerance in the organisms. This chapter presents the responses of plants to high temperature stress and evaluates the role of exogenous protectants under high temperature stress

    Solar energy utilization techniques, policies, potentials, progresses, challenges and recommendations in asean countries

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    Sustainable development goals not only contributes towards a clean environment but also towards better climatic conditions. Within Asia next to China and India, the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) are the actively developing countries in terms of economy and technologies. On the verge of achieving development, the ASEAN countries highly depend on fossil fuels for their energy needs. The ASEAN countries have taken visionary steps towards increasing the renewable energy mix with the conventional grid without hampering the ongoing development; this study presents the solar energy utilization policies, potential, progresses, and challenges adopted in ASEAN countries; furthermore, in these nations there is a huge potential of solar energy being located near the equator, therefore, they should focus on both solar to electrical and solar to thermal energy applications; however, in order to meet the peak demand and ensure the reliability of renewable energy like solar power, the development of advanced energy storage systems could be the key areas, and concrete efforts are required. Therefore, this article is a spotlight on government policies and goals focusing on energy potential, major progress in terms of energy storage and challenges in implementation of renewable energy systems in ASEAN countries; furthermore the recommended highlights on policies to accelerate the exploitation of renewable energy usage among the people are also discussed in detail, besides, the insights on reduction of carbon footprints over the next decade through incorporation of advanced energy storage systems. The issues discussed in this article will be helpful for exploring the desired energy storage systems and energy policies to be followed, which will eventually attract the stakeholders for small and medium-scale entrepreneurs for the development of renewable energy business in the region, if implemented on the ground

    Reproductive biology of Psophocarpus spp.

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    Promjena u usvajanju iona kod rajčice (Lycopersicon esculentum L.) primjenom kalcija u uvjetima solnog stresa

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    Salinity affects almost every aspect of the physiology and biochemistry of plants due to both osmotic stress and ionic toxicity. We studied the variation of ion uptake in tomato cv. BARI Tomato-5 under different levels of salinity (0, 2, 4, 6 and 8 dS m-1) and their mitigation by different concentration of Ca2+ (0, 5, 10 mM). The results showed that salt stress significantly affects the stomatal conductance of tomato. Salt treatment markedly increased the uptake of Na+ and decreased both K+ and Ca2+ uptake in the leaves of tomato. The uptake of Na+ decreased and uptake of Ca2+ and K+ increased in tomato when salt-stressed plants were treated with Ca2+. Our results revealed that Ca supplementation can effectively reduce the salt-induced ionic toxicity in tomato plants. Exogenous application of Ca2+ significantly mitigates the adverse effects of salt-induced ionic toxicity.Salinitet utječe na gotovo svaki aspekt fiziologije i biokemije biljaka zbog osmotskoga stresa i ionske toksičnosti. Istraživali smo promjenu usvajanja iona kod rajčice cv. BARI Tomato-5 pri različitim razinama saliniteta (0, 2, 4, 6 i 8 dS m-1) u kombinaciji s različitim koncentracijama Ca2+ (0, 5, 10 mM). Rezultati su pokazali da solni stres značajno utječe na provodljivost puči kod rajčice. Tretman soli izrazito je povećao usvajanje Na+ i smanjio usvajanje K+ i Ca2+ u listovima rajčice. U uvjetima solnoga stresa tretman s Ca2+ smanjio je usvajanje Na+ a povećao usvajanje Ca2+ i K+. Naši su rezultati pokazali da kod rajčice aplikacija Ca može učinkovito smanjiti ionsku toksičnost induciranu salinitetom. Vanjska primjena Ca2+ značajno ublažava negativne učinke ionske toksičnosti inducirane salinitetom

    Phenological Variation and its Relation with Yield in several Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Cultivars under Normal and Late Sowing Mediated Heat Stress Condition

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    Phenological performance in relation to yield of five modern varieties of wheat �Sourav�, �Pradip�, �Sufi�, �Shatabdi� and �Bijoy� were evaluated under two growing environments; one is normal growing environment (sowing at November 30) and the other is post anthesis heat stressed environment (sowing at December 30). In case of late seeding, the varieties phased a significant level of high temperature stress that also significantly affected the required days to germination, booting, anthesis, maturity of all varieties including the yield as compared to normal sowing treatment. The temperature during the grain filling or grain maturing period was near 23�C in case of normal seeding and it was near about 28�C to 30�C and sometimes reached above this range in the later period of late seeded treatment. In the normal sowing treatment the germination period was lower than the late sowing treatment as during that time the temperature was higher as compared to late sowing condition where temperature was lower. Days to anthesis and booting decreased due to late sown heat stress condition regardless the cultivars. These phenological characteristics under heat stressed condition led the wheat cultivars to significantly lower the grain yield as compared to normal condition. Due to heat stress, the yield reduction was 69.53% in �Sourav�, 58.41% in �Pradip�, 73.01% in �Sufi�, 55.46% in �Shatabdi� and 53.42% in �Bijoy�

    Effect of Soil Enhancer (XXL) on the Growth and Developmental Attributes of Brri Dhan 29 and Hybrid Dhan Taj-1 Cultivars of Rice in Boro Season

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    The experiment was conducted at the Research Field of Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural University, Dhaka-1207 during November, 2015 to July, 2016. XXL (Soil enhancer) is a complex substance which consists of organic humic acid, fulvic acid, 40 different trace elements and other plant hormones. The present study consisted of two varieties (BRRI dhan 29 and Hybrid dhan Taj-1) and seven different concentrations of soil enhancer (XXL) {Control, 125% (1.88 g/1.5 L), 100% (1.5 g/1.5 L), 75% (1.125 g/1.5 L), 50% (0.75 g/1.5 L), 33% (0.50 g/1.5 L) and 25% (0.38 g/1.5 L)}. The experiment was laid out in a Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with three replications. Significant variation was observed in different growth and development contributing characters with XXL. Among the different XXL concentrations, 75% XXL provided the best result. Irrespective of varieties, the highest plant height {92.82 at 80 days after transplanting (DAT)} SPAD value of leaves (32.04 at 80 DAT), tillers hill-1 (15.26 at 80DAT) and leaf area (29.26 cm2) were achieved. With 75% XXL, BRRI dhan 29 and Hybrid dhan Taj-1 provided their shortest duration of maturation of grain (107.3 DAT and 94.33 DAT, respectively). It was 4.1% and 18.41% lower than control, respectively. It meant that BRRI dhan 29 and Hybrid dhan Taj-1 performed well with 75% XXL applied

    Natural Mulches Effect on the Yield of White Maize

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    The experiment was conducted at the experimental field of Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural University during the period from November 2015 to May 2016, Sher-e-Bangla Nagar, Dhaka-1207, to find out the effect of organic mulches on the yield of white maize. This experiment was comprised of two factors. Factor A: Variety (2): V1 = Shuvra; V2 = KS-510 and Factor B: Indigenous mulch materials (5): T1 = Control (without mulch); T2 = Water hyacinth; T3 = Rice straw; T4 = Rice husk; T5 = Ash. The experiment was laid out in a Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with three replications and the differences between means were separated by both Duncan’s New Multiple Range Test (DMRT) and Least Significant Difference (LSD) test at 5% level of probability. Mulches showed significant effects on most of the parameters. In the case of variety, the highest grain yield (12.963ton per ha) was recorded from V2. Different organic mulch materials showed different values, the highest values were recorded from T3. Due to this (T3) mulch material. The water retentive capacity of the mulched soil was higher at all the stages of plant growth and ranked in the order of rice straw > water hyacinth > rice husk > ash > control. The highest grain yield (17.407ton per ha) was recorded from T3. . In case of interaction all yield attributing characters include grain yield (19.043ton per ha) was recorded from V2T3. So, KS-510 variety and rice straw mulch combinedly had outstanding superiority for morphophysiological and yield attributes in white maize over the other organic mulches

    Genetic variability, Correlation and Path coefficient analysis for yield and yield components in lentil (Lens culinaris M.) genotypes

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    Genetic diversity is essential for genetic improvement of any crops. The common problems in Bangladesh are the low yield of lentil probably due to the lack of genetic variability. Therefore, an experiment was carried out to evaluate twenty lentil genotypes for eleven yield and yield contributing characters by studying genetic diversity. Genotypic variance (σ2g), phenotypic variance (σ2p), phenotypic co-variance (PCV), genotypic co-variance (GCV), heritability, genetic advance, genetic advance as a percentage of mean, correlation coefficient and path coefficient were estimated. A significant genetic variation was observed for all the traits viz., days to first flowering, days to 50% flowering, days to maturity, plant height, number of primary branches plantˉ1, pods peduncleˉ1, pods plantˉ1, seeds plantˉ1, seeds podˉ1, 100-seed weight and seed yield plantˉ1. Significant differences of PCV were higher than GCV for all the traits indicated that the traits are less influenced by the environment. The highest estimates of GCV and PCV were observed for seed yield plantˉ1 (23.80% and 24.03%, respectively) followed by number of pods peduncleˉ1 (16.91% and 19.80%, respectively) and number of seeds plantˉ1 (19.48% and 19.63% respectively). All the studied traits expressed high heritability ranging from 64.89% to 98.46% and the maximum was recorded for seed plant-1 (98.46%) followed by pod plant-1 (998.35%) and seed yield plant-1 (98.10%). High heritability along with high genetic advance was noticed for number of pods plantˉ1 (98.35% and 50.63, respectively) and number of seeds plantˉ1 (98.46% and 96.01, respectively) and high heritability coupled with high genetic advance as per cent of mean was observed for number of number of seeds plantˉ1 (no.) (98.46%, 39.80%) followed by number of pods plantˉ1 (no.) (98.35%, 33.03%) and seed yield plantˉ1 (g) (98.10%, 48.56%) reflected the accumulation of additive gene which could be used for the improvement of lentil through selection. The study of associations among the different traits revealed that seed yield plantˉ1 was significantly and positively correlated with number of primary branches plantˉ1, pods plantˉ1 and seeds plantˉ1 and 100-seed weight. Path analysis also reported that number of pods plantˉ1 and seeds podˉ1 and 100-seed weight was related to the seed yield mostly through the direct positive effect. Therefore, number of primary branches plantˉ1 and pod plantˉ1, and 100-seed weight should get the major importance for lentil yield improvement as those traits had positive and significant correlation as well as direct positive effect with seed yield plantˉ1. The information of wide genetic diversity among the genotypes for all the traits could be used in future systematic lentil breeding programs for the improvement of seed yield. [Fundam Appl Agric 2019; 4(2.000): 769-776