417 research outputs found

    Early identification of novice programmers' challenges in coding using machine learning techniques

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    It is well known that many first year undergraduate university students struggle with learning to program. Educational Data Mining (EDM) applies machine learning and statistics to information generated from educational settings. In this PhD project, EDM is used to study first semester novice programmers, using data collected from students as they work on computers to complete their normal weekly laboratory exercises. Analysis of the generated snapshots has shown the potential for early identification of students who later struggle in the course. The aim of this study is to propose a method for early identification of "at risk" students while providing suggestions on how they can improve their coding style. This PhD project is within its final year

    Изучение терапевтических эффектов излучения с длиной волны 670 нм при различных типах диабетического макулярного отека

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate the therapeutic effects of 670 nm irradiation in patients with diabetic macular edema. In several studies, positive effects of red/near-infrared irradiation showed in a range of ocular diseases such as macular degeneration, macular edema, and retinitis pigmentosa. This study was conducted on forty five eyes of 26 diabetic patients with macular edema between the ages of 51 and 80.Measurement of visual acuity and slit lamp examination, funduscopy, and optical coherence tomography were performed in all subjects. None of the patients had proliferative retinopathy. We used a portable LED device (Warp 10, Quantum Devices) for treatment. Patients held this device at a distance of 3 cm from their eyes for 240 seconds for three months. Full ophthalmic examinations were repeated 1, 2, and 3 months after treatment.After 3 months, the mean visual acuity improved from 0.44 ± 0.38 log MAR to 0.27 ± 0.24 log MAR and vision increased by 1.52 ± 1.16 lines post treatment (р<0.001). The mean central macula thickness decreased from 381.49 ± 144.40 μm to 359.72 ± 128.84 μm (р=0.050). In patients with mild and moderate nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy, the mean central retinal thickness decreased 52.06 ± 67.78 μm and 39.27 ± 44.69 μm, respectively, but patients with severe type showed an increase of 34.93 ± 65.65 μm in the mean central retinal thickness (р<0.001). Also, the severity of macular edema had no effect on final outcomes (р>0.05). Photobiomodulation can positively affect diabetic macular edema, especially in patients with mild to moderate diabetic retinopathy.Целью данной исследовательской работы являлось изучение терапевтических эффектов излучения с длиной волны 670 нм у пациентов с диабетическим макулярным отеком. Ряд предыдущих исследований свидетельствует о положительном эффекте красного инфракрасного излучения при некоторых заболеваниях глаз, таких как макулодистрофия (дегенерация желтого пятна), макулярный отек и пигментный ретинит. Наше исследование было проведено на 45 глазах у 26 больных сахарным диабетом в возрасте от 51 до 80 лет с макулярным отеком. Всем пациентам были проведены определение остроты зрения, осмотр глаз щелевой лампой, фундоскопия и оптическая когерентная томография. Ни у одного из пациентов не было пролиферативной ретинопатии. Для лечения нами был применен портативный светодиодный прибор (Warp 10, Quantum devices). Пациенты держали светодиод на расстоянии 3 см от глаза в течение 240 сек в течение 3 мес. Все офтальмологические исследования были повторены через 1, 2 и 3 мес после проведения лечебной процедуры. Через 3 мес средняя острота зрения улучшилась с показателем логарифма минимального угла разрешения 0,44 ± 0,38 до 0,27 ± 0,24, что показало увеличение показателя остроты зрения на 1,52 ± 1,16 после лечения (р<0,001). Средняя центральная толщина сетчатки в области макулы уменьшилась с 381,49 ± 144,40 мкм до 359,72 ± 128,84 мкм (р=0,050). У пациентов с легкой и умеренной непролиферативной диабетической ретинопатией средняя толщина сетчатки уменьшилась до 52,06 ± 67,78 и 52,06 ± 67,78 мкм, соответственно, а у пациентов с тяжелой ретинопатией наблюдалось увеличение на 34,93 ± 65,65 мкм (р<0,001). Помимо того, степень макулярного отека не повлияла на окончательный результат лечения (р>0,05). Фотобиомодуляция была эффективной при диабетическом макулярном отеке, в частности, у пациентов с легкой и умеренной диабетической ретинопатией

    Optimasi Peletakan Base Transceiver Station di Kabupaten Mojokerto Menggunakan Algoritma Differential Evolution

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    Salah satu aspek penting dalam perencanaan infrastruktur jaringan seluler adalah Base Transceiver Station (BTS) yang merupakan sebuah pemancar dan penerima sinyal telephone seluler. Di satu sisi, peningkatan jumlah menara memang akan mendukung tercapainya pemenuhan kebutuhan masyarakat terhadap layanan telekomunikasi. Namun di sisi lain, penempatan menara yang tanpa perencanaan serta koordinasi yang tepat akan menimbulkan jumlah menara yang berlebih sehingga dapat mengganggu estetika lingkungan, tata ruang suatu wilayah, dan radiasi gelombang radio yang tidak terkontrol sehingga sangat mengganggu. Berdasarkan permasalahan diatas, maka dapat diselesaikan dengan cara menyusun suatu master plan yang lengkap dan rinci tentang penataan lokasi menara di Kabupaten Mojokerto untuk lima tahun mendatang. Penataan lokasi menara dilakukan dengan menggunakan algoritma Differential Evolution (DE) untuk menemukan solusi penataan menara yang baik berdasarkan luas cakupan area sel yang dihasilkan, kemudian menggunakan software MapInfo sebagai media visualisasi peta lokasi penempatan menara telekomunikasi. Dalam perancangan menara BTS tahun 2019, Kabupaten Mojokerto membutuhkan 106 menara BTS 2G dan 36 menara BTS 3G. Penempatan menara BTS 2G dan 3G menggunakan algoritma differential evolution mampu mengoptimalkan 2,94% dari luas wilayah Kabupaten Mojokert

    Pendekatan Pragmatik dalam Meningkatkan Keterampilan Berbicara pada Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Indonesia di Sekolah Dasar

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    This study aimed to describe the steps that need to be done in using a pragmatic approach to learning speaking skills in the sixth grade in elementary Negri 16 Sengah Temila districts. Hedgehog province of West Kalimantan. The method used is Naturalistic research because research is done in natural conditions. The sample was 49 students. Results of analysis addressing that mastery learning students only reach 57%. This leads to student learning outcomes by applying a pragmatic approach in an effort to increase mastery learning classical. While the students\u27 motivation is high with an average score is 65.9%

    ArAl: An Online Tool for Source Code Snapshot Metadata Analysis

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    © 2019 Association for Computing Machinery. Several systems that collect data from students' problem solving processes exist. Within computing education research, such data has been used for multiple purposes, ranging from assessing students' problem solving strategies to detecting struggling students. To date, however, the majority of the analysis has been conducted by individual researchers or research groups using case by case methodologies. Our belief is that with increasing possibilities for data collection from students' learning process, researchers and instructors will benefit from ready-made analysis tools. In this study, we present ArAl, an online machine learning based platform for analyzing programming source code snapshot data. The benefit of ArAl is two-fold. The computing education researcher can use ArAl to analyze the source code snapshot data collected from their own institute. Also, the website provides a collection of well-documented machine learning and statistics based tools to investigate possible correlation between different variables. The presented web-portal is available at online-analysisdemo. herokuapp.com. This tool could be applied in many different subject areas given appropriate performance data

    RNA Binding Proteins in the miRNA pathway

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    © 2015 by the authors; licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. microRNAs (miRNAs) are short ~22 nucleotides (nt) ribonucleic acids which post-transcriptionally regulate gene expression. miRNAs are key regulators of all cellular processes, and the correct expression of miRNAs in an organism is crucial for proper development and cellular function. As a result, the miRNA biogenesis pathway is highly regulated. In this review, we outline the basic steps of miRNA biogenesis and miRNA mediated gene regulation focusing on the role of RNA binding proteins (RBPs). We also describe multiple mechanisms that regulate the canonical miRNA pathway, which depends on a wide range of RBPs. Moreover, we hypothesise that the interaction between miRNA regulation and RBPs is potentially more widespread based on the analysis of available high-throughput datasets

    Syntax error based quantification of the learning progress of the novice programmer

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    © 2018 Association for Computing Machinery. Recent data-driven research has produced metrics for quantifying a novice programmer’s error profile, such as Jadud’s error quotient. However, these metrics tend to be context dependent and contain free parameters. This paper reviews the caveats of such metrics and proposes a more general approach to developing a metric. The online implementation of the proposed metric is publicly available at http://online-analysis-demo.herokuapp.com/

    Exploring machine learning methods to automatically identify students in need of assistance

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    Copyright 2015 ACM. Methods for automatically identifying students in need of assistance have been studied for decades. Initially, the work was based on somewhat static factors such as students' educational background and results from various questionnaires, while more recently, constantly accumulating data such as progress with course assignments and behavior in lectures has gained attention. We contribute to this work with results on early detection of students in need of assistance, and provide a starting point for using machine learning techniques on naturally accumulating programming process data. When combining source code snapshot data that is recorded from students' programming process with machine learning methods, we are able to detect high- and low-performing students with high accuracy already after the very first week of an introductory programming course. Comparison of our results to the prominent methods for predicting students' performance using source code snapshot data is also provided. This early information on students' performance is beneficial from multiple viewpoints. Instructors can target their guidance to struggling students early on, and provide more challenging assignments for high-performing students. Moreover, students that perform poorly in the introductory programming course, but who nevertheless pass, can be monitored more closely in their future studies