9 research outputs found

    Proses Aktivasi Arang Aktif dari Cangkang Kemiri (Aleurites Moluccana) dengan Variasi Jenis dan Konsentrasi Aktivator Kimia

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    Candlenut (Aleurites moluccana) is one of commodities widely grown in Indonesia and undergo development production a rapid progress .Production plantation the people plants candlenut in 2014 reached 107,3 thousand tons (bps, 2014). Charcoal active are carbon already activated so pores open so retention is greater than the charcoal ordinary .The purpose of this research is to determine variety of and concentration activator chemical the best in the process activation so that can improve the quality of the active charcoal shells fruit candlenut produced. Design experiments used in in this research is a random a group (a shelf ) consisting of 2 factors , namely factors 1 is the type activator chemical ( j ) and factors 2 is the concentration of a solution activator ( a knockout ) .Of two factors obtained 9 kind of combination those who each experienced remedial treatment as much as two times order to obtain 18 unit treatment. The best treatment in this research was naoh 15 % that can be seen from the results of the parameter levels of carbon bound and absorption capacity iod more better than other treatmen

    Analisis Fenetik Kultivar Cabai Besar Capsicum Annuum L. dan Cabai Kecil Capsicum Frutescens L.

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    A study on the “Phenetic analysis of Capsicum annuum L. and Capsicum frutescens L. “ has been conducted from June to August 2012. The aim of the research is to know the relationship amoung big chillis and small chillis based on morphology. The samples were taken from 5 villages in Sukamantri Sub-district, Ciamis. The method used in this research was explorative survey with purposive random sampling. The character data of big Chili and small Chili morphologies were analyzed descriptively to determine the relationship using UPGMA (Unweighted Pair Group Mean Arithmetic) methods. The result of this study showed that there were seven cultivars of big chilli, namely C. annuum „Hot Chili‟, Gada, Fantastik, Keriting TM 888, Tanjung 2, Keriting TM 999, Hot Beauty, and four cultivars of small chilli namely C. frutescens „Cakra Ungu‟, Cakra Hijau, Bendot, and Cakra Putih. The fenogram showed that there were five groups, two groups of C. annuum and three groups of C. frutescens. The first group consisted of C. annuum „Hot Chili‟, Keriting TM 888, Fantastik, and Tanjung 2. The second group consisted of C. annuum „Gada‟, Hot Beauty, and Keriting TM 999. The third group was C. frutescens „Bendot‟. The fourth group consisted of C. frutescens „Cakra Putih‟, and C. frutescens „Cakra Hijau‟. The fifth group was C. frutescens „Ungu‟. The closest relationship was between C. annuum „Keriting TM 999‟ and C. annuum „Hot Beauty‟ and the farthest relationship was between C. frutescens „Bendot‟ and C. frutescens „Ungu‟

    Sistem Penatausahaan dan Pelaporan Bendahara Pengeluaran Satuan Kerja Perangkat Daerah (SKPD) pada Dinas Pertanian Kota Pekanbaru

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    Sistem penatausahaan dan pelaporan bendahara pengeluaran satuan kerja perangkat daerah yang berjalan pada Dinas Pertanian Kota Pekanbaru selama ini telah mengunakan komputerisasi akan tetapi penatausahaan dan pelaporan tersebut tidak menggunakan program yang terstruktur hanya menggunakan Fasilitas pengetikan pada program Microsoft Excel. Hal ini menyebabkan penatausahaan, pelaporan dan pengarsipan yang dilakukan oleh bendahara pengeluaran tidak efisien dan tidak efektif. Adapun tujuan yang diharapkan dalam pembuatan sistem ini adalah membuat sebuah perangkat lunak untuk Penatausahaan dan Pelaporan Bendahara Pengeluaran Satuan Kerja Perangkat Daerah (SKPD) sehingga menghasilkan penatausahaan dan pembuatan laporan pertanggungjawabannya secara cepat, akurat dan efektif. Sistem yang dihasilkan ini juga akan memberikan kemudahan kepada bendahara pengeluaran dalam melaksanakan penatausahaan dan pelaporan dan aplikasi tersebut dapat menginformasikan tentang pertanggungjawaban bendahara pengeluaran. Dalam pembuatan skripsi diperlukan beberapa metode. Metode yang digunakan dalam skripsi ini meliputi metode wawancara (Interview), metode lapangan (Observasi) dan Penelitian Perpustakaan (Library Research). Sistem Penatausahan dan Pelaporan Bendahara Pengeluaran merupakan sistem yang diajukan untuk menangani kendala-kendala serta kelemahan-kelemahan yang muncul pada sistem yang lama yang masih bersifat manual dan mengatasi permasalahan yang muncul pada saat proses pengolahan dat

    Changes of Nitrogen and Organic Compound During Co-Composting of Disposable Diaper and Vegetable Wastes on Aerobic Process

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    The use of disposable diapers is increasing every year, increasing generated diaper wastes every year. In Surabaya, diaper wastes have become an important issue when they are not treated properly. These diaper wastes will end up in water bodies and cause pollution. One of the technologies that can be used to treat diaper wastes is composting. Disposable diaper wastes consist of high lignocellulose and C content. It is necessary to mix diaper wastes and other wastes with high N content as a co-substrate, so that the optimum C/N ratio of composting can be achieved. In this research, vegetables wastes were used. The Objective of the research was to determine the effect of vegetable wastes adding as a co-substrate in composting of disposable diapers and volatile solid (VS), C-organic, and Total Nitrogen (TN) content changed during the composting process. The research was carried out with three variables mixtures of diaper wastes and vegetable wastes. Two control consist of 100% diaper wastes and 100% vegetables wastes. The Total weight of raw materials was 10 kg for each reactor. The composting process is carried out aerobically with a composting time of 60 days. The results showed that vegetable wastes have the potential to be used as a co-substrate for diaper wastes. The content of C-organic, VS and total nitrogen decreased. All of the parameters include C/N ratio meet the Indonesian Standard of compost

    Minat Kunjungan Ulang Pasien yang Ditinjau dari Aspek Persepsi dan Kepercayaan pada Klinik Vita Medistra Pematangsiantar

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of perceptions and beliefs on the interests of patient visits at Pematangsiantar Vita Medistra Clinic. Data analysis techniques used by the authors in this study are as follows in the form of quantitative descriptive analysis, Classical Assumption Test, Multiple Linear Regression Analysis, Hypothesis Test, Coefficient of determination. The object of research at the Vita Medistra Clinic which is located at Jalan Pattimura No. 11 / C Team SBC complex. City 21131, Tomuan Village, Siantar Timur District, Pematangsiantar City, North Sumatra 21139. The results of the study can be concluded as follows: The results of multiple regression repercussions and perceptions have a positive effect on the interest in patient re-visits. Hypothesis test results F-test perception and trust significantly influence the interest in return visits. The results of the t-test perception have a significant effect on interest in the visit, and trust significantly influence the interest of the patient's visit in Pematangsiantar Vita Medistra Clinic. he results of the coefficient of determination of 0.604 means The high or low interest of return visits to the Vita Medistra Clinic by 60.4% can be explained by perception and trust. The company must be a customer perception and trust given by customers about the company to increase interest in repeat visit