63 research outputs found

    Identifikasi Fator-faktor Risiko Stress dan Variable Sosiodemografi Berdasarkan Surkesda Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam 2006

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    Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam (NAD) is a region which has faced protracted conflict following by tsunami disarter on December, 26 2004. Surkesda NAD 2006, as post tsunami health survey, was conducted in the middle of 2006 which included Self Reporting Questionnaire (SRQ) to assess mental health problem in NAD province. The identification of stress factors and socio demographic variables in NAD is a further analysis based on SRQ from Surkesda NAD 2006. The analysis covered 1210 people aged 15 years and over spread out in 21 distiricts/cities in NAD. The overall prevalence of neurosis in NAD in 2006 was 22,6% with prevalences by districts/cities ranged from 5% to 59%. Two districts with prevalence above 50% were Aceh Singkil and Gayo Lues, while districts/cities with prevalence below 10% belonged to Sabang and Aceh Jaya. Symptoms that most people reported were headache (51,2%), fatique easy (37%), sleep difficulty (26%), abdominal discomfort (25.6%) and loss of appetite (21,1%). Female had risk more than one and a half to neurosis (OR=1.598; 95% CI: 1,121- 1,772). Aged ≥ 55 year had risk almost two times to neurosis (OR=1,923; 95% CI: 1,592-2,323). Divorce status had risk 1.7 times (OR=1,73; 95% CI: 1.082-2.767). Living in rural had risk 1.4 times (OR=1,409; 95% CI: 1,155-1,858). Married with low socioeconomic status had risk 1.7 times (OR=1,790; 95% CI: 1,263-2,539). The study suggests that the most important region to get more attention are Aceh Singkil and Gayo Lues districts. The study also recommend of the need of mental health intervention for old group, community mental health that focus on non psychosis mental disorder identification to prevent serious mental disorder, and availability of some medicines to overcome chronic stress symptoms

    Factors Related with Hypertension on the Elderly Over 65 Years

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    Aging process was an natural process which occured any changes at all body system of elderly, included cardiovascular system in which followed by main deseases were hypertension. The aim of this research was determined the factors related with hypertension on the elderly over 65 years. The data was collected on 87 elderly over 65 years old with hypertension whithin total sampling and also  Fisher test as alternative test in factor heredity and obesity. The result showed there were relationship between heredity and hypertension with p value ≤ 0,05. There was no relationship between gender, obesity, smoking, stress, sport and hypertension with p value > 0,05. Recomended to elderly over 65 years old with hypertension to did routine blood pressure control and health officer should to promote health education about prevention of hypertension in elderl

    Pengaruh PDRB Perkapita, Jumlah Wajib Pajak dan Inflasi terhadap Penerimaan Pajak Bumi dan Bangunan (PBB) di Provinsi Sumatera Selatan

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    This research was conducted to determine the effect of GDP, the number of taxpayers and inflation, on the land and building tax receipt (PBB). The data used in this study are secondary data from 2010-2015 the location of this study was conducted in Palembang City, Prabumulih City, Lubuk Linggau City and Pagaralam City. This research was conducted using analysis of Panel Least Square (PLS) Data Regression using Eviews 6.0. The results of this study indicate that GDP per capita, the number of taxpayers and inflation simultaneously affect the land and building tax receipt (PBB). Partially the GDP per capita variable and the number of taxpayers have a positive and significant effect on the PBB, while the inflation variable has a negative and not significant effect on the PBB). With the value of the Determination Coefficient (R2) of 0.990260 which means that the independent variable GDP Per capita, Number of Taxpayers and Inflation can explain the changes that occur in the UN dependent variable amounting to 99.02% while the other 0.98% are explained by other variables not included in the regression mode

    Cemaran aflatoksin pada produksi jagung di daerah Jawa Timur=(aflatoxin contamination during corn production in East Java)

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    Penelitian ini ditujuan untuk mengindentifikasi tingkat cemaran aflatoksin pada produksi jagung di Propinsi Jawa Timur =la, dart lingkat petani, pengecer maupun pedagang sena mendapatkan data tentang praktek pasca-panen melalui kuesioner maul, 1111 peninjauan lapangan. Pemantauan dilakukan di 4 (empat) kabupaten penghasil jagung terbesar di Propinsi Jawa Thrum yaitu Malang, Tuban, Kediri dan Sï´ï´enep. Uji infeksi jamur menunjukkan bahwa hampir 100% biji yang diambil balk dart petani. pengumpul maupun pedagang di empat kabupaten terinfeksi oleh jaunt)⢠bermiselia putih dan hitam (tidak dilakukan identifikasi lanjut), Aspergillus dan Penicillium. Kadar air jagung yang diuji berkisar antara 12.60% â 20.84%. Hal ini merupakan indikator bahwa proses pasca panen beim. berlangsung dengan balk. Data uji infeksi jamur aflatoksigenik menggunakan media AFPA menunjukkan bahwa sampel dengan cemaran aflatoksin tinggi (>100 ppb), rata-rata terinfeksi dengan jamur aflatoksigenik >50 %. Hasil uji aflatoksin menunjukkan bahwa dart 115 sampel yang diambil dart petani, pengumpul dan pedagang. 27 sampel (23%) tidak terdeteksi aflatoksin, sedang 48 sampel (42%) dengan cemaran aflatoksin 100 ppb. Dart hash uji diperoleh bahwa 6 sampel memiliki cemaran aflatoksin > 300 ppb, dengan cemaran tertinggi adalah sekitar 350 ppb. Secara urnum dapat disimpulkan bahwa praktek produksi jagung yang kurang balk dapat memberi peluang terhadap tingginya cemaran aflatoksin. Rekomendasi cara bercocok tanam yang tepat, pengeringan hingga kadar air 13% yang tidak boleti ditunda, penyimpanan pada ruang yang. kering dan bersih perlu disampaikan untuk petani, pengecer dan pedagang, maupun penterintah. Demikian pula insentif bagi petani, pengumpul dan pedagang yang mampu mempertahankan kebersihan bpi dart infeksi jamur Aspergillus flavus dan cemaran aflatoksin perlu ditingkatkan
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