849 research outputs found

    Penilaian Tingkat Kesehatan Perbankan Syariah di Indonesia dengan Metode RGEC

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    In this research, descriptive method with quantitative approach is used to calculate and describe RGEC method .Sampling technique using Jugement Sampling technique. Results during the period 2013-2015 using RGEC method show that the bank with the healthy predicate in 2013 are BSM, BRI Syariah, BJB Syariah and Bank Victoria Syariah while the predicate is healthy is Bank SyariahBukopin. In 2014, banks with healthy predicate are BSM and BJB Syariah while the predicates are BRI Syariah, Bank SyariahBukopin, and Bank Victoria Syariah. In 2015 banks with a healthy predicate are BSM, BRI Syariah and Bank SyariahBukopin while the predicate is healthy enough BJB Syariah and Bank Victoria Shariah

    Critical Analysis of a Website: a Critique Based on Critical Applied Linguistics and Critical Discourse Analysis

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    E-learning was easily found through browsing internet, which was mostly free of charge and provided various learning materials. Spellingcity.com was one of e-learning websites for teaching and learning English to learn spelling, vocabulary and writing, which offered various games and activities for young learners, 6 until 8 year old learners in particular. Having considered those constraints, this paper aimed to analyse the website from two different views: (1) critical applied linguistics (CAL) aspects and (2) critical discourse analysis (CDA). After analysing the website using CAL and CDA, it was found that the website was adequate for beginner, in which it provided fun learning through games as well as challenged learners' to test their vocabulary. Despite of these strengths, there were several issues required further thinking in terms of learners' broad knowledge, such as, some of learning materials focused on states in America. It was quite difficult for EFL learners if they did not have adequate general knowledge. Thus, the findings implied that the website could be used as a supporting learning material, which accompanied textbooks and vocabulary exercise books

    Composing an Evaluation Form for Selecting a Call Software Package

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    The use of computer in educational institutions and the growth of computer users each year led to the development of computer assisted language learning (CALL) software package. CALL had been used extensively for teaching and learning, which assisted teachers to provide various learning materials. However, the questions of which software package was suitable and appropriate for learners or whether learners and teachers were able to use the software package often raised ever since. It was widely known that a checklist, questionnaires and interviews were common ways to conduct an evaluation of a CALL software package. From those three ways, questionnaires and a checklist were the most common evaluation form established to analyse a software package. Therefore, this article aimed at how a teacher was able to select appropriate criteria and to compose an evaluation form in order to analyse a CALL software package. This paper was a non-research paper, which focused on reading past and current literatures of analysing a software package for learning a language. This paper discussed that behaviourist and acquisition approaches (Hubbard, 1982) were the appropriate criteria to assess usefulness of a software package from teacher and learners' perspectives related to their experience of teaching and learning a language. Meanwhile, Bradin (1999) introduced two steps; feasibility and quality, in which feasibility focused on understanding the basic requirement of a software package and quality were ensuring users to know the content, operation, and format qualities of a software package. The content quality should highlight the curriculum, learners' needs, and the appropriateness of learning materials. On the other hand, the format quality was chosen for making sure that the design of a software package was interesting for the users and each tool was able to be used effectively. Additionally, the operation quality was selected as a software package should provide a demo or preview instruction in order to minimise troubles when it was being operated by users in the classroom. Keywords: teacher, learners, software package, criteria selection, feedback

    ¿Cómo prevenir conductas abusivas y delitos tecnológicos en la empresa? Estudio interdisciplinar sobre políticas de uso de las TIC, prevención y gestión de “conflictos” en una muestra de empresas españolas

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    El estudio de las conductas desviadas de los trabajadores en el empleo de los recursos informáticos que la empresa pone a su disposición (el ordenador, el correo electrónico, el teléfono móvil, las PDA…) constituye un área de investigación de creciente interés, en buena medida por su impacto económico, directo e indirecto, en los beneficios empresariales. En este artículo se analizan las estrategias de prevención y control del uso de las nuevas tecnologías por parte de los trabajadores en una muestra de empresas españolas. El gobierno y la dirección de personas y la prevención de conductas abusivas, cuando menos, requiere la búsqueda de fórmulas de gestión que tengan en consideración los distintos aspectos éticos, motivacionales y jurídicos implicados, de forma que el necesario control no menoscabe la generación y el mantenimiento de un indispensable clima de confianza en el seno de las organizaciones. El presente estudio pretende aportar mayor conocimiento de la realidad acerca de cómo se están implementando distintos mecanismos de control, en sintonía con investigaciones similares, si bien pone el énfasis en la propia actividad de control y en la reacción de la empresa, más que en los actos desleales o abusivos de los trabajadores. A modo de conclusión, se sugieren algunas orientaciones prácticas dirigidas a las empresas a la hora de abordar el control de la actividad de los trabajadores en el uso de las TIC.The study of improper behaviour of employees in the use of the computer resources that a company provides them (PC, email, mobile telephone, PDA, etc.) represents an area of research of growing interest, in great part due to the financial impact, both direct and indirect, it can have on profits. This article analyses the strategies for prevention and control of the use of new technologies by employees in a sample of Spanish companies. Governance and direction of people and the prevention of abusive behaviour requires, at the very least, management formulas that take into account the different ethical, motivational and legal aspects involved so that the necessary control does not impinge on the creation and maintenance of the climate of trust required at organizations. This study aims to contribute more knowledge on the reality of how different control mechanisms are introduced, in line with similar studies, though it focuses on the control activity itself and the company’s reaction, rather than the disloyal or abusive acts of employees. In conclusion, certain practical guidelines for companies are suggested   with regard to controlling the activities of employees when using ICTs.L'estudi de les conductes desviades dels treballadors en l'ús dels recursos informàtics que l'empresa posa a la seva disposició (l'ordinador, el correu electrònic, el telèfon mòbil, les PDA…) constitueix una àrea de recerca de interès creixent, en bona mesura pel impacte econòmic que té, directe i indirecte, en els beneficis empresarials. En aquest article s'analitzen les estratègies de prevenció i control de l'ús de les noves tecnologies per part dels treballadors en una mostra d'empreses espanyoles. El govern i la direcció de persones i la prevenció de conductes abusives, si més no, necessita cercar fórmules de gestió que tinguin en consideració els diferents aspectes ètics, motivacionals i jurídics implicats, de manera que el control necessari no menyscabi la generació i el manteniment d'un indispensable clima de confiança en el si de les organitzacions.Aquest estudi vol aportar més coneixement de la realitat sobre com s'implanten diferents mecanismes de control, en sintonia amb recerques semblants, si bé posa l'èmfasi en l'activitat de control mateixa i en la reacció de l'empresa, més que no pas en els actes deslleials o abusius dels treballadors. A tall de conclusió, se suggereixen algunes orientacions pràctiques adreçades a les empreses a l'hora d'emprendre el control de l'activitat dels treballadors en l'ús de les TIC


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    Abstrak Studi ini membahas salah satu novel yang ditulis oleh Eflriede Jelinek  yang karenanya dianugrahi Nobel sastra pada tahun 2004, The Piano Teacher. Studi kami pada novel ini akan membidik  Ambivalensi  pada subjek yang mengalami Ambivalensi yang muncul dalam teks, secara khusus, Erika. Study ini berupaya  untuk memahami terbentuknya ambivalensi pada Erika dan bagaimana hal itu mempengaruhi kehidupan Erika, seorang tokoh utama dalam The Piano Teacher. Ambivalensi yang datang dalam Erika disebabkan oleh dorongan alami dan lingkugan sosialnya saling bertabrakan. Ikatan Erika dengan ibunya, pengalamannya atas penolakan, dan dorongan lahiriah Erika yang  bertemu dengan larangan eksternal, adalah prediktor terjadinya ambivalensi pada Erika. Ambivalensi dapat  menuntun pada bentuk parah dari penyakit syaraf, itu membuat Erika mengembangkan perilaku kasar dan perilaku penyimpangan seksual atau paraphilia seperti sadomasokisme dan fetisisme. Hal ini juga berpengaruh pada hubungan romantis Erika. Ambivalensi membuat Erika tidak memiliki kemampuan untuk mencintai dan dicintai. Ambivalensi Erika membuatnya memiliki tingkat kepuasan yang rendah dalam hubungannya, membuat dia kehilangan dirinya dan memicu terjadinya upaya bunuh diri Erika. Kata Kunci: Ambivalensi, seksualitas, psykoanalisis, paraphilia.   Abstract This study discusses one of novels written by Eflriede Jelinek by which enthroned her Nobel Prize in literature in 2004, The Piano Teacher. Our study of the novel will take particular interest in Ambivalence in the subject who experiences Ambivalence that appears in the text, to be specific, Erika. This attempts to understand the production of Erika’s Ambivalence and how it affects Erika’s, the main character in The Piano Teacher, life. Ambivalence that comes within Erika is caused by the drive inside her conflicts with the society. The relationship she has with her mother, her experience of rejection, and her desires that meets with external prohibition, are the predictors of her ambivalence occurrence. Ambivalence may lead to severe form of neurotic illness, it makes Erika develops abusive behaviour and abnormal sexual behaviour or paraphilia such as sadomasochism and fetishism. It also affects Erika’s romantic relationship. Ambivalence makes Erika lack ability to love and to be loved. Erika’s ambivalence makes her has low relationship satisfaction, makes her lost herself and triggers her to get suicidal attempt. Keywords: Ambivalence, sexuality, psychoanalysis, paraphilia.&nbsp

    Pengaruh Mendongeng terhadap Kemampuan Adaptif Anak Keterbelakangan Mental

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    Kemampuan adaptif sangat diperlukan untuk membantu individu berinteraksi di lingkungannya, hanya saja pada anak dengan keterbelakangan mental kemampuan adaptif ini berkembang jauh di bawah usianya. Salah satu kemampuan adaptif adalah kemampuan berbahasa yang merupakan kemampuan berbahasa dalam artian sosial. Berbahasa dapat berkembang melalui beragam metode dan pendekatan dan salah satunya adalah mendongeng. Masih sangat sedikit penelitian yang mendalami dongeng sehingga peneliti ingin mengetahui peran darinya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh mendongeng terhadap kemampuan adaptif yakni pada perkembangan berbahasa anak keterbelakangan mental. Penelitian ini bermanfaat bagi pengembangan ilmu pengetahuan psikologi perkembangan, klinis, dan pendidikan serta bagi para orang tua yang memiliki anak dengan keterbelakangan mental juga bagi para guru dan professional yang membantu memberikan penanganan pada anak keterbelakangan mental. Penelitian ini bersifat eksperimental dengan teknik Repeated Measures Design. Teknik analisis statistik yang digunakan adalah metode Friedman repeated measurement. Subyek penelitian ini adalah 3 orang anak usia 9-12 tahun dengan taraf kecerdasan MR Ringan. Pengukuran kemampuan adaptif pada subyek penelitian adalah dengan skala perilaku adaptif dari AAMD yang dilakukan berulang sebanyak tiga kali setelah sesi mendongeng dilaksanakan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa memberikan penanganan dengan dongeng secara rutin sebanyak sembilan kali berturut-turut selama tiga minggu berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap kemampuan adaptif yaitu perkembangan bahasa anak dengan keterbelakangan mental

    Ungkapan Makian Bahasa Minangkabau Di Kenagarian Taluk Kecamatan Lintau Buo Kabupaten Tanah Datar

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    The purpose of this study was to describe the form, context and function of invective in the language of Minangkabau expression for people in Kenagarian Taluk District Lintau Buo Tanah Datar. The data of this study is the expression of Minangkabau people cuss at Kenagarian Taluk District Lintau Buo Tanah Datar. The data source is a primary source of oral sources as told by informants as the original speakers. Data collected using recording techniques, observing techniques, and techniques of record as advanced techniques. The study\u27s findings include three things: (1) based on the form, can be classified into two types, expressing cursc which used by the society found in the form of words and phrases, (2) based on the context, it was found that in the two contexts or upset and emotional state in joking situation (3) based on the functions found eight: expressing resentment, express strong emotions and extreme, as a joke or comedy purposes, express intimacy in relationships, contempt, express achievement and irritated, threat and, as a means of disclosure astonishment

    Struktur Dan Fungsi Pantun Dalam Acara Manyerakan Marapulai Dan Anak Daro Pada Upacara Pernikahan Di Desa Tabek Sirah Kabupaten Pasaman Barat

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    The purpose of this study was to describe the structure and function of the poem in the event manyerakan marapulai and children daro at the wedding ceremony in the village of West Pasaman Tabek Sirah. This research is descriptive qualitative research method. The object of research in the form of rhymes and children's events manyerakan marapulai and children daro. Data analysis was performed with (1) transcripts of recording data into written language, (2) analyzing the data, (3) to classify the data into the aspects studied, (4) interpreting the data in accordance with the purposes of the study, (5) make the conclusion. The results of this study indicate that in the event manyerakan marapulai rhymes and children daro has a physical structure and inner structure. The physical structure consists of : diction, imagery, concrete words, figurative language, rhyme and Rithmah, while the inner structure consists of : theme, feeling, tone and atmosphere and mandate. Functions contained in the event manyerakan marapulai rhymes and children daro found ten functions, namely (1) as a means of communication, (2) the identity, (3) as an ornamental flower oral tradition, (4) as a means to preach, (5) as a means to educate, (6) as the embodiment of indigenou , (7) as a means of entertainment, (8) as symbols of culture, (9) evokes heroic values ​​and (10) to further humanize humans