251 research outputs found

    Analysis of Courtroom Conversation in Philadelphia Movie

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    Bahasa memiliki peran penting bagi kehidupan manusia. Bahasa tidak hanya digunakan sebagai media komunikasi namun juga sebagai sarana untuk menunjukan keberadaan seseorang dalam lingkungannya. Ketika seseorang berujar, seseorang tersebut tidak hanya mengujarkan sebuah kesatuan bahasa yang benar secara tata bahasa namun juga melakukan aksi melalui tuturan mereka. Kadang suatu ujaran meliliki lebih dari satu fungsi,seperti yang dapat ditemui dalam rangkaian pertanyaan dan jawaban dalam suatu percakapan. Penggunaan kalimat Tanya dapat menujukan beberapa fungsi seperti meminta informasi, meminta izin, memberi perintah, dan meminta kejelasan. Penulis melihat pertanyaan dari segi struktur kebahasaan serta fungsi pertanyaan tersebut sesuai dengan teori Speech Act oleh Searle. Setelah memperoleh fungsi dari pertanyaan yang diujarkan oleh pengacara, penulis melihat hubungan pertanyaan dengan jawaban yang diujarkan oleh terdakwa dengan menggunakan prinsip Kerja Sama Grice. Hasil yang penulis peroleh adalah sebagian besar pertanyaan yang diajukan oleh pengacara berbentuk Yes-No question, Tag Question dan Wh-Question. Sedang kan dari sudut pandang fungsi pertanyaan, pertanyaan yang diajukan oleh pengacara memiliki fungsi Directive yakni untuk meminta informasi, meminta klarifikasi, member perintah dan untuk menguji jawaban terdakwa/saksi. Representative memiliki fungsi untuk mendeskripsikan pernyataan saksi dan mempertegas pernyataan saksi. Expressive untuk menunjukan fungsi ketidak puasan, ketidak sukaan atas jawaban saksi dan menunjukan simpati. Hasil analisis hubungan jawaban dan pertanyaan berdasarkan Prinsip Kerja Sama menunjukkan bahwa dari 90 kalimat Tanya ada 52 jawaban yang dijawab secara kooperatif oleh saksi. Sedangkan 30 jawaban menunjukan bahwa para saksi melanggar maxim yang ada dalam prinsip kerjasama tersebut. Adapun maxim yang dipatuhi oleh para saksi adalah Maxim kualitas, Maxim Kuantitas, maxim Hubungan, dan Maksim Cara

    Pemanfaatan Kulit Bauah Manggis sebagai Media Pembuatan Telur Asin

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memproduksi telur asin yang mengandung antioksidan yang bersumber darikulit buah manggis (Garcinia mangostana L.), dan membandingkan kandungan gizi dan kualitasnya dengantelur asin yang umumnya dibuat. Pada penelitian dipergunakan dua media pembuatan telur asin yang berbeda:yaitu media kulit buah manggis dan media batu bata dengan penambahan garam yang sama yaitu 3:1. Prosespemeraman (pengasinan) dilakukan selama 10 hari. Parameter yang diamati adalah kandungan antioksidan,kadar air, abu, protein, lemak dan karbohidrat, indeks kuning telur, indeks putih telur dan Haugh Unit. Hasilpenelitian menunjukkan bahwa hanya telur asin yang dibuat dengan media kulit buah manggis yang memilikikandungan antioksidan sebesar 5,76 %. Nilai kadar ari, abu, protein, lemak dan karbohidrat tidak berbeda nyata(P>0,05) diantara kedua telur asin yang dihasilkan dari dua media tersebut. Berdasarkan parameter kualitas telur,kedua media pengasinan yang dipergunakan memproduksi telur asin yang memiliki kualitas tidak berbeda nyata(P>0,05). Dapat disimpulkan bahwa kulit buah manggis dapat dipergunakan sebagai media pembuatan telur asin,dimana telur asin yang dihasilkan memiliki keunggulan yaitu adanya kandungan antioksidan

    Analisis Ketahanan Pangan Rumah Tangga Berdasarkan Proporsi Pengeluaran Pangan dan Konsumsi Energi (Studi Kasus pada Rumah Tangga Petani Peserta Program Desa Mandiri Pangan di Kecamatan Indrapuri Kabupaten Aceh Besar)

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    . The achievement food security of household indicated their success for food security nationally, regionally and locally. The proportion of food output and energy consumption is an important indicator in determining the household food security. The purpose of this study was to know how large a proportion of food expenditure, the level of of energy consumption and the condition of the household food security of farmers in DEMAPANProgram in Indrapuri Sub-district Aceh Besar Regency. This research was held in the Indrapuri sub-district by using purposive sampling method. Data were analyzed by methods of analysis of income and expenditure of farmer household, income and exenditure of farmer household, consumption, and cross indicator of household food security. The result show that: (1) The average farm income of rice paddy is Rp 1.885.517,00 per growing season and the average of expenditure of household farmer is Rp 1.411.500,00 per month (2) The level of energy consumption and protein is 62,19% and 81,23% (3) The condition of household food security of Farmer less and deficits

    Toksisitas Isolat Bacillus Thuringiensis Yang Mengandung Gen Cry 1A Terhadap Hama Penggerek Batang Jagung, Ostrinia Furnacalis Guenee

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    Cry genes isolated from Bacillus thuringiensis produce crystal proteins that exhibit a highinsecticidal activity against several plant pests. The objectives of this experiment were todetect the presence of cry1A sequences from several local Bacillus thuringiensis isolatesmultiplied by Lep1A-Lep1B and Lep2A-Lep2B primers using PCR technique and to determinetheir toxicity against Ostrinia furnacalis, maize stemborer. From 59 tested isolates, 6 of themgave PCR products, two DNA bands, first was 490 bp, the expected size of Lep1A-Lep1Bprimers, and second was 986 bp, the expected size of Lep2A-Lep2B primers. These isolateswere Jtg 2151, 243, Cib 551, Lam 752, Lam 762 and C 522. All of tested isolates showedpotentially high toxicity against maize stemborer

    Pemanfaatan Permainan Lego Untuk Mengembangkan Kreativitas Anak Usia 5-6 Tahun TK St. Mathilda Unika Weetebula

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    This study aims to utilize lego games to develop the creativity of children aged 5-6 years. Lego games are good for children to construct various forms of creativity that stimulate aspects of cognitive, motor and artistic development which are also part of children's ability to develop creativity. The research method used is descriptive qualitative research based on consideration of research samples using sampling techniques, namely purposive sampling or based on the objectives of the research study with the stages of planning (plan), data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing. The results showed the development of children's creativity abilities after utilizing lego games developed on three indicators measured, namely the ability in cognitive aspects (creative thinking), affective (creative personality), and psychomotor (creative flexibility) where the results obtained based on the assessment using observation sheets from a total of 13 children aged 5-6 years, 10 of whom their creativity abilities were in the BSB category (developing very well), while 3 children in creativity abilities were still in the BSH category (developing as expected). The results of this study can be concluded that through the utilization of lego games children's creativity abilities develop very well

    Analisis Distribusi Pemasaran Rajungan (Portunus Pelagicus) Di Desa Betahwalang Kabupaten Demak

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    Rajungan (Portunus pelagicus) merupakan salah satu komoditas ekspor yang mempunyai nilai jual tinggi. Rata-rata produksi sumberdaya rajungan yang didaratkan di Desa Betahwalang 176 ton/tahunnya. Rajungan ditangkap menggunakan tiga alat tangkap, yaitu bubu lipat, arad, dan gillnet. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis distribusi pemasaran, margin pemasaran di masing-masing lembaga pemasaran dan efisiensi pemasaran rajungan di Desa Betahwalang, Kabupaten Demak. Metode yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif dengan pendekatan studi kasus. Kasus yang diteliti pada penelitian ini adalah pemasaran hasil tangkapan rajungan (Portunus pelagicus) di Desa Betahwalang selama bulan Desember 2013-Januari 2014. Metode pengambilan sampel menggunakan metode purposive sampling. Metode pengambilan data menggunakan metode observasi dan wawancara. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat 2 bentuk distribusi pemasaran. Rajungan yang memenuhi standar ekspor (first grade) dipasarkan ke pasar ekspor Amerika sedangkan rajungan dengan kualitas second grade dipasarkan ke pasar lokal Indonesia. Marjin pemasaran rajungan paling besar adalah marjin dari mini plant A ke eksportir sebesar Rp 10.119/kg rajungan. Lembaga pemasaran yang paling efisien pada distribusi pemasaran rajungan adalah pedagang pengumpul dengan nilai efisiensi sebesar 0,03 karena biaya pemasarannya yang sedikit. Blue swimming crab (Portunus pelagicus) is one of export commodities which have high value. Average production swimming crab resources are landed by fisherman in Betahwalang Village is 176 ton/years. Blue swimming crabs are catched by three fishing gears, include traps, mini trawl, and gillnet. The purposes of this research were to analysis marketing distribution, margin dan profit in each marketing agencies of blue swimming crab and marketing efficiency in Betahwalang Village, Distric of Demak. This research use descriptive method with approach of case study. The case of this research is marketing of blue swimming crabs in Betahwalang during December 2013 until Januari 2014. The analysis method of sampling is purposive sampling. The data required has been collected through observation and interview method. The result of this research is showed that two form of blue swimming crab marketing distribution. Blue swimming crabs that have export standart (first grade) are distributed to export market in Amerika. Blue swimming crabs that have second grade quality are distributed in local market in Indonesia. Marketing margins are highest obtained by mini plant A to exporter of Rp 10,119/kg blue swimming crab. The marketing agencies have the most value of marketing efficiency was found in collector with the value is 0.03 because it have smaller marketing cost

    Kesegaran Jasmani Murid Sekolah Lanjutan Tingkat Atas di DKI Jakarta

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    Physical fitness is an important health indicator for young people. In 1990, a sample of senior high school students was examined for their physical condition and fitness, consisting of weight, height, subcutaneous fat, haemoglobin level, flexibility, strength and endurance. Evaluation on the nutritional condition was based on body mass index (BMI). The average BMFs were 18.9 for boys and 19.5 for girls. Compared to the Thomas standard 55.5% boys and 26.6% girls were below normal. The proportion of body fat was estimated from the subcutaneous fat measurements and classified according to Loren D. Carlson. The average proportion of body fat were 8.8% for boys and 19.6% for girls. Among the students 2.9% boys and 22.0% girls had an excess proportion of body fat. The average haemoglobine levels were 14.9 gm/dl for boys and 12.9 gm/dl for girls. Compared to the WHO standard, anaemia was found among 12.9% boys and 23.6% girls. The fitness tests showed average relative strength of 5.3% for boys and 3.4% for girls. As compared to the standard values 43.8% boys and 25.2% girls were under the normal values. The average flexibility components were 13.5 cm for boys and 12.3 cm for girls , only a small percentage of the students had lack of flexibility. The endurance was measured based on the cardio-respiratory test. The average endurance were 38.0 ml/Kg/min for boys and 30.8 ml/Kg/min for girls. The results of endurance tests were classified according to the Astrand method, 51.9% boys and 53.3% girls had poor endurance. The above findings indicate that more than half of the young people had poor physical quality, who need improvements through better nutrition and regular physical exercise
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