110 research outputs found

    Learning Outcomes of Chinese Language Training for Binus University Employees

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    This article discussed about the results of learning Chinese language for BINUS University employees. Learning method for adults and children are different, thus required teaching material and method that suit them. The aim of this research was to find out results of learning Chinese language through the material and teaching method used during training. The methods were descriptive qualitative, direct observation as trainer and collects participant test results as research data. The results show that teaching material is appropriate, however it needs to add review part. Direct method are used during the training makes the participants use Chinese language in daily conversation to achieve the goal of training. Indeed, it needs to strengthen mastery of participants' basic Mandarin through explanation about using the vocabulary and adding the classroom activities

    Profil Kepala Sekolah Dasar

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    The general objective of this study was to describe the profile of Elementary School Principals at District of East Curup. In this study also uses qualitative descriptive method becauseresearchers wanted to describe and interpret objects in accordance with the actual situation. The results of this study concluded that: 1) educational qualifications Elementary School Principal se subdistrict East Curup have met the criteria and requirements as the principal, although there is notyet, but in the settlement, 2) experience the Principal is enough, 3) the principal's own good competence, 4) years of service principals that have no more than one period and some are not quite the period, 5) the principal has also been able to resolve the problems it faces

    Pergantian Pengurus Perseroan Komanditer (CV) Karena Mewarisi Dikaitkan dengan Perbuatan Hukum Perseroan Komanditer (CV)

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    In establishing a CV (Limited Partnership), there are 2 types of partners: limited partner and active partner. Active partner acts as a managing partner in a CV. In its development, a problem arises as when the director dies so that the CV has to stop temporarily, including in its legal act toward the third party and vice versa. The result of the research showed that the position of the clause in the changing of active partners can be changed because of saisine principle concerning the right and obligation of the testator\u27s assets or financial liabilities adhered to his heirs. It is recommended that the regulation of CV should be confirmed, especially about the position and the liability of the new active partner of the CV

    Prinsip Penulisan Bahan Ajar Bahasa Mandarin yang Efektif untuk Jurusan Komunikasi Pemasaran Universitas Bina Nusantara

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    Article discussed the writing principles that must be considered in compiling Chinese language teaching material specifically used for Marketing Communication students regarding the interest and target of Marketing Communication of Bina Nusantara University. The methodologies used are descriptive quantitative for distributing questionnaires and qualitative approach through observation and interview. Research found the appropriate and effective Chinese language teaching material would enhance the standard of Chinese language learning. At present, Chinese language teaching material used by Marketing Communication students has not been able to fulfill their requirements. In addition, the target learners of the teaching material are universal

    A Brief Analysis of the Acrostic in Chinese Language in Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language

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    Acrostic is a special phenomenon of the modern Chinese language. It is a combination of lexical and syntactical that across “vocabulary” and “grammar” categories. The morphemes can be combined and can also be separated by various form changes depending on its development. Acrostic is always been a crucial part in teaching Chinese language to foreigners and less developed than other parts of the teaching. This study used quantitative method to analyze the problems associated with the acrostic in teaching Chinese to foreigners. Source of the data was learners' exercise and assignment. The discussion in this article was viewed from the perspective of the outside-oriented teaching, grouped into 3 main sections. The first was in terms of the USAbility characteristics to the acrostic developments in the acrostic grammar study. The second, based on the results of the questionnaire regarding the use of acrostic, research analyzed students' main mistakes and their causes. The third was to observe the condition of teaching acrostic. This research is expected to help teachers and learners of Mandarin understand and overcome the difficulties in learning acrostic

    Pemberian Sanksi Pelanggaran Disiplin Aparatur Sipil Negara Dilingkungan Pemerintah Daerah Kabupaten Sigi Guna Meningkatkan Pelayanan Publik

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    This research aims to find out how the process of sanction given to civil servants in regional government of Sigi Regency, to find out abstacle in giving law it is empirical. The research setting was at Sigi Regency. The data used was primary and secondary data. The data were collected through interview and library study covering books, regulations, papers, previous studies, documents, etc. the data were analyzated qualitatively. The research result indicates that the smoothness of governance implementation and national depen on the perfectness of civil servants. Discipline in one of perfectness elements of being a civil servant. However, there are still many civil servants breaking rules. In the effort of increasing civil servants disciplinary, government has issued a policy namely government regulation no. 53 of 2010 concerning Civil Servants Disciplinary. Based on that, this research investigated how the process of sanction given to civil servants in regional government of Sigi Regency, to find out abstacle in giving sanction of discipline for civil servants. It was abtained that sanction giving in Sigi Government based on government regulation no. 53 of 2010, the sanction covering : (a) Light discipline sanction, (b) average discipline sanction, (c) Heavy discipline sanction, and those sanction are conducted by authorizated officer

    Pengembangan Bioenergi Di Sektor Pertanian: Potensi Dan Kendala Pengembangan Bioenergi Berbahan Baku Ubi Kayu

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    EnglishAlong with the limited availability of fossil energy, it is necessary to look for other alternative energy sources. Cassava is one of the crops that can be processed into energy sources. This study uses data from the study in 2014. The an alysis results show that cassava farming is generally conducted in dry land. Cassava farming both in Lampung and Central Java is worth the effort. Technical constraints encountered consist ofdeclining soil fertility, land competition with other food crops, cropping patterns and low productivity. Socio - economic constraints include limited capital, fluctuating cassava price, high cost of farming, and lack of marketing. Development of bioethanol made from cassava is carried out by private companies in Central Java and Lampung is still limited. To produce ethanol from cassava, some obstacles encountered are technology for bioethanol production, continuity of raw materials, competition between food/tapioca and bioethanol processing, and cassava price is less comp etitive for bioethanol production. Policies for developing cassava raw materials to support bioethanol production are: (a) increased productivity, (b) planted area expansion, (c) sufficient production volume, and (d) institutional development and financing . Cassava production expansion may utilize those agricultural land of PT Perhutani/I nhutani (state - own forestry company), fallow land, and partnerships with the private sector. IndonesiaEnergi merupakan salah satu kebutuhan dasar untuk menopang keberlangsungan hidup manusia. Seiring dengan makin terbatasnya ketersediaan energi dari fosil, maka perlu dicarikan sumber energi alternatif lain. Ubi kayu merupakan salah satu tanaman yang dapat diolah menjadi sumber energi. Kajian ini menggunakan data hasil kajian tahun 2014, data yang digunakan merupakan data primer dan sekunder. Analisis data dilakukan secara kuantitatif dan kualitatif. Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahwa USAha tani ubi kayu umumnya dilakukan di lahan kering tegalan. Usaha tani ubi kayu baik di Provinsi Lampung maupun Jawa Tengah cukup layak diusahakan. Kendala teknis yang dihadapi dapat berupa menurunnya kesuburan lahan, kompetisi lahan dengan tanaman pangan lain, pola tanam belum optimal, dan rendahnya produktivitas. Kendala sosial ekonomi dapat mencakup permodalan yang terbatas, harga ubi kayu yang sering fluktuasi, biaya USAha tani yang tinggi, dan pemasaran yang belum berjalan secara baik termasuk dengan sistem kemitraan. Pengembangan bioetanol berbahan baku ubi kayu masih terbatas dilakukan oleh Perusahaan swasta baik di Jawa Tengah maupun Lampung. Untuk memproduksi bioetanol dari ubi kayu, terdapat beberapa kendala yang dihadapi antara lain: kontinuitas bahan baku, persaingan bahan baku antara penggunaan untuk pangan/tapioka dan sebagai bahan baku bioetanol, dan harga ubi kayu yang terus meningkat yang dirasakan menjadi kurang kompetitif untuk produksi bioetanol. Kebijakan dalam rangka pengembangan bahan baku ubi kayu untuk mendukung produksi bioetanol dapat ditempuh melalui peningkatan produktivitas, perluasan areal tanam, pengamanan produksi, dan pengembangan kelembagaan dan pembiayaan. Untuk penyediaan bahan baku bioetanol, USAha tani ubi kayu membutuhkan lahan yang luas. Perluasan pertanaman dapat diarahkan pada areal baru (perluasan), dan dengan memanfaatkan areal PT Perhutani/Inhutani, lahan tidur/terlantar, dan kemitraan dengan swasta. Hal penting lainnya dalam pengembangan bioenergi adalah komitmen pemerintah dan sinergi antarinstansi dalam kebijakan atau program bioenergi

    Studi Kajian Pola Hidup dan Kesejahteraan Masyarakat Kaitannya dengan Mobilitas Sosial di Kecamatan Mandiangin Kabupaten Sarolangun

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui studi kajian pola hidup dan kesejahteraan masyarakat kaitannya dengan mobilitas sosial di Kecamatan Mandiangin Kabupaten. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada tanggal 16 Mei 2013- 16 Juni 2013 di Desa Bukit peranginan dan desa Talang Serdang Kecamatan Mandiangin Kabupaten Sarolangun. besarnya sampel yang di ambil adalah Jumlah penduduk yang berkerja di Perusahaan batu bara, Bukit peranginan 472 KK yang berkerja di ambil 5 %, dari jumlah tersebut 24 KK, sedangkan Jumlah penduduk Desa Talang Serdang 355 KK yang berkerja di ambil 5%, dari jumlah tersebut 18 KK jadi jumlah sampel secara keseluruhan adalah 42 sampel. Data yang di perlukan dalam penelitian ini adalah data primer dan data skunder. Data di analisis secara deskriptif yaitu membuat gambaran secara sistematis, faktual dan akurat . Hasil penelitian menujukan bahwa Perubahan sosial yang terjadi di karenakan kurangnya daya beli karet atau harga yang tidak seimbang dengan nilai ekonomi atau harga barang yang semakin tinggi dan juga produksi karet semakin menurun, maka petani karet beralih menjadi karyawan di Perusahaan batu bara sehingga pendapatan masyarakat semakin bertambah dan kesejahteraan di masyarakat dapat sejahtera. Pengaruh transisi mata pencaharian terhadap pola hidup dan kesejahteraan yang terjadi dalam hal yang positif dengan perkembangan zaman, pola pikir masyarakat semakin berkembang daerah penelitian seiring dengan adanya peralihan mata pencaharian akan menambah tingkat pendapatan masyarakat dan meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat dan juga hal yang negatif dengan adanya masyarakat berkerja di bidang pertambangan akan sibuk berkerja dan jarang berinteraksi antar tetangga sehingga komunikasi yang di jalankan di masyarakat sangat berkurang

    Analisis Faktor-Faktor yang Memengaruhi Produksi pada Usaha Tani Jagung di Kabupaten Garut, Provinsi Jawa Barat

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis keragaan usaha tani jagung, menganalisis faktor-faktor yang memengaruhi produksi pada usaha tani jagung, dan tingkat keuntungan yang diperoleh petani jagung
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