11 research outputs found

    Ciri Makroskopis, Kekerasan dan Berat Jenis Fosil Kayu Asal Desa Purwajaya Kutai Kartanegara

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    The results showed that macroscopically the studied wood fossils had brick red, gray, yellow, brown, and black in the first sample (FKA), and the second sample (FKB) had white, gray, and light brown colors, which this color difference was probably due to the cells being mixed with other inorganic elements even though they were found in adjacent locations. Another observation of the macroscopic features of the two samples indicated that cells were still obviously visible as on normal wood, such as pores, rays, and axial intercellular canal. Based on the characteristics of AIC, it was found to have general features that were often found in several types of wood in the Dipterocarpaceae family. The results of measuring the hardness value, the two fossil samples have the same hardness value, namely 4 Mohs scale. For the meantime, the specific gravity of the FKA and FKB samples were 2.54 and 2.35, respectively.

    Empirical Cumulative Distribution Function (ECDF) Analysis of Thunnus.sp Using ARGO Float Sub-surface Multilayer Temperature Data in Indian Ocean South of Java

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    AbstractSpatial distribution of tuna (Thunnus.sp) in Indian Ocean south of Java has been investigated. Tuna was scientifically known as thermo-conformer species, thus their distribution were strongly influenced by sub-surface temperature. Tuna species in this study comprise of bigeye tuna (Thunnus obesus), albacore tuna (Thunnus alalunga), yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) and southern bluefin tuna (Thunnus maccoyii). The study was conducted in the area between 100oE – 127oE and 7oS – 20oS during 2013 covering of southeast monsoon (April – September) and northwest monsoon (October – March) data. About 1200 coordinate of ARGO Float data and actual catch of tuna from fishing fleet in the same day were processed to obtain the polynomial equation and correlation coefficient. ARGO Float data were processed using kriging method. Correlation coefficient method that used in the study was Empirical Cumulative Distribution Function (ECDF), while spatial distribution equation was developed by polynomial regression equation. Sub-surface temperature in Indian Ocean south of Java fluctuates seasonally. Temporal distribution of dataset indicates that sub-surface temperature was warmer in northwest monsoon than in southeast monsoon. Seasonal fluctuation of sub-surface temperature may vary due to occurrence of upwelling. T. alalunga, T. Albacares and T. Obesus were found to be more favour in the depth around 150m with optimum temperature between 16oC – 21oC, while T. maccoyii were found in the dept around 250m with optimum temperature between 13oC – 16oC. Potential fishing zone for Thunnus.sp in southeast monsoon was wider than in northwest monsoon. This condition was according to seasonal variability of sub-surface temperature

    Karakteristik anatomi tiga jenis kayu asal Sulawesi Tengah

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    Pohon palapi, nantu dan bayur merupakan jenis pohon yang terdapat secara alami di Sulawesi Tengah dan merupakan jenis kayu yang banyak digunakan pada industri mebel di kota Palu. Tujuan khusus dalam penelitian ini adalah mempelajari struktur anatomi dan mutu serat tiga jenis kayu asal Sulawesi Tengah. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sifat struktur anatomi dari ketiga jenis kayu yang diteliti memiliki karakteristik yang berbeda. Kayu bayur mudah dibedakan dengan nantu dan palapi karena memiliki banyak kristal rhomboid pada sel parenkim aksialnya. Sedangkan palapi mudah dibedakan dari keduanya dengan adanya pori-pori yang hampir seluruhnya soliter dan termasuk kategori langka serta memiliki parenkim aksial yang sangat masif berupa agregat difus. Berdasarkan kualitas seratnya, kayu nantu termasuk kelas I, sedangkan kayu palapi dan bayur termasuk kelas II. Ketiga jenis kayu ini dapat digunakan dalam pembuatan pulp dan kertas


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    This research is based on the results of observations at SMKN 1 Driyorejo and the problem is that there is no trainer as a practicum tool for students. For this reason, there is a need for learning media that can make students learn independtly. This study aims to (1) to know the eligibility of the automatic door sensor trainer in the microprocessor and microcontroller subjects, (2) Get eligibility automatic door sensor worksheets on microprocessor and microcontroller subjects, (3) find out how much students response about automatic door trainers and jobshets given in Microprosessor and Mikcrocontroler subjects at SMKN 1 Driyorejo academic year 2020/2021.The research and development (R&D).By collecting data using validation sheets given to 3 lecturers of the Electrical Engineering Departements of UNESA and 3 teachers of SMKN 1 Driyorejo as validators.This research consists of 7 stages,namely : (1) the ability analysis stage and problems,(2) the data collection stage, (3) the product design stage , (4) the design validation stage, (5) the design revision stage, (6) the product trial stage and , (7) the data analysis and reporting stage. The results showed that the validity of the trainer was 91.96% and the jobsheet was 81.77%. Meanwhile, the average value of the results of student responses to the audio system installation trainer with 2 aspects, namely the trainer convenience aspect and the display and media qualityaspects, the calculation result was 84.14%. With the data obtained, the Arduino-based Automatic Door trainer is suitable for use

    Multiphase flow meter case study using artificial neural network in petroleum industry

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    An Artificial Neural Network (ANN) method can provide estimation product especially to design and analyze multiphase flow smart control in the petroleum industry. The conventional measurement of multiphase flow is very difficult due to mixing flow rate total that are complicated in output inlet and outlet pressure Separator (FSB – V – 04) Foxtrot well Platform, Pertamina Hulu Energi (PHE) West Java Indonesia. Based on the problem, this study aimed to estimate Flow Rate Gas (Qg), Flow Rate Oil (Qo) and Flow Rate Water (Qw) over 2012 and 2013. The observation data was taken from Department of Engineering Construction Pertamina Hulu Energi (PHE) Offshore North West Java (ONWJ) Indonesia in eight-month observation. The Multilayer Perceptron (MLP) was used in ANN architecture to obtain training result. Multi-input and multi-output (MIMO) structure and Levenberg Marquardt (LM) algorithms are suggested to process the data. The result showed the Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) value of output estimation reached 6.33E10 and 98.8 % of Variance Accounted For (VAF) during training sectio

    Analisa Kerapatan dan Kadar Abu pada Kayu Kapur (Drobalanops sp.) yang Terinfeksi Jamur Pelapuk Putih (Schizophyllum commune)

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    Penelitan ini merupakan lanjutan dari penelitian sebelumnya mengenai kehilangan berat kayu kapur (Dryobalanops sp) yang diinokulasi menggunakan jamur pelapuk putih (Schizophyllum commune) dengan nilai kehilangan berat kayu sebesar 0,12%. Inokulasi jamur S.commune dilakukan terhadap sampel Kayu Kapur pada media PDA (Potato Dextrose Agar) dengan masa inkubasi selama 4 minggu, Pengujian nilai kerapatan kayu dan nilai kadar abu dilakukan sebelum dan sesudah inokulasi dengan masing-masing menggunakan standar DIN 32182 dan TAPPI T211 om-93. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terjadinya perbedaan yang tidak signifikan pada penurunan nilai kerapatan kayu dan peningkatan nilai kadar abu dari kayu kapur yang diinfeksi oleh jamur S.commune pada masa inkubasi selama 4 mingg


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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh perekat terlabur dan kadar ekstender terhadap keteguhan dan daya tahan rekat kayu lapis kapur (dryobalanops spp).Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di PT. Segara Timber co. Ltd Mangkujenang Samarinda. Perekat terlabur yang digunakan adalah 28g/ft2, 30g/ft2 dan 32g/ft2, sedang kadar ekstender yang digunakan adalah 13,75%, 15,75% dan 17,75% bagian perekat. Data yang diperoleh diolah dengan percobaan faktorial acak lengkap.Hasil penelitian keteguhan rekat baik pada kodisi normal maupun kondisi basah menunjukkan perekat terlabur dan kadar ekstender memberikan pengaruh yang sangat signifikan sedang interaksinya tidak memberikan pengaruh yang signifikan.Penggunaan perekat terlabur sampai batas 30g/ft2 akan meningkatkan keteguhan rekat selebihnya akan menurun, sedangkan semakin besar kadar ekstender yang digunakan dalam pada penelitian ini semakin rendah keteguhan rekatnya.Nilai keteguhan rekat dan kerusakan kayu serta daya tahan rekat (delaminasi) pada semua contoh uji memenuhi standar JAS (1973). Pada uji daya tahan perekat tidak terjadi pengelupasan (delaminasi = 0%)


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    The purpose of this study was to determine the resistant-termite activity through phytochemical analysis with color test methods and compounds from the extracts of ebony. The results of this study are expected to provide early information about the biological activity of extracts of ebony as a natural anti-termite and the possibility of its utilization as a natural preservative in wood preservation. Ebony (Diospyros celebica Bakh.) have a 1th durable class and 1th strong class. Ebony is the endemic species in Central Sulawesi. The methods of maceration ebony powder, extract ethanol, extraction and fractionation and phytochemical analysis through tests of alkoloid, flavonoid, terpenoid, tannin,  saponin, steroid, carotenoid and  cumarin were applied in this research. The results showed that the extract of ebony contains alkaloids in acetone, n-hexane, ethyl acetate, acetone and methanol. Flavonoid compound was found only in the solvent n - hexane. Tannin compound only on the solvent of ethyl acetate. Saponin compound contained in the acetone and methanol solvents. Steroid compound contained in the acetone and methanol solvents. Carotenoid compound is unfound in all solvents. Carbohydrate compound found only in ethanol. Terpenoids compound found in the acetone and methanol solvents. Cumarin compound contained only in n - hexane.Key words : anti termite, extractive, eboni wood, phytochemical analysis

    Serat Eksentrik pada Kulit Kayu Marobamban Eccentric Fiber in the Bark of Marobamban

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    Type and dimension of cell, especially fiber and tracheid, generally is used as a standard of utilization and quality of product. Beside type and the presence of fiber, up to now unusual fiber dimension in the bark of Marobamban (Helicia spp.), is not yet discovered. Traditionally, this swamp species is planted merely for protecting land from erosion, but the other part of the trunk like bark and its fibers are not yet utilized. The aim of this research is to know the anatomical structure of Marobamban bark and the presence of unusual fiber dimension as well as the fiber class quality. This research was conducted in Wood Anatomy and Identification Laboratory Forestry Faculty, Mulawarman University for one month. IAWA (International Association of Wood Anatomist) is used as observation and analysis standard. The result shows that outer bark with grey white coloured has thorny fiber along the surface and hooks to each other. Fiber length is classified as short category with big diameter. Fiber lumina and wall thickness are classified to moderate and very thick  walled respectively. Fiber quality is classified to the third class

    Struktur Makroskopis dan Mikroskopis Fosil Kayu Asal Desa Bangun Rejo, Kabupaten Kutai Kartanegara

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    Observation of the macroscopic structure included color, hardness and density, while microscopic observations were carried out through three sections, namely the Transverse, Tangential, and Radial sections, using Stereo Microscope NIKON SMZ 645 and Research Microscope Eclipse E400 (equipped with a Nikon camera). The counted cells were: Pores (diameter, height, number), Rays (height, width, number), and the percentage of cells. The hardness value was calculated by using a rock hardness tester, namely 'Diamond Selector II'. Meanwhile, specific gravity was calculated by using general calculation standard for specific gravity, namely the ratio of mass to volume. The results showed that microscopically the two samples of wood fossils found were hardwood fossils (broad leaf wood) whose species was not yet known, with the characteristics of mostly solitary pores, uniseriate rays with heterogeneous arrangement. Meanwhile, the macroscopic observations of wood fossils FKM1 showed dark brown, light brown and a mixture of red. The second FKM2 showed light brown, yellow and dark brown colors. The hardness both was 4 on the Mohs scale, while the density were 3.25 and 3.04, respectively