9 research outputs found


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    Brands play an important role in corporate identity and internal image formation people's minds. What's more, we are currently living in the digital age. The emergence of technology boosts MSME activities Enterprise (MSME), including brand building. But the problem is the lack of awareness MSMEs are building a brand, and only a few MSMEs in Indonesia are using digital media. Therefore, it is hoped that small and medium enterprises can increase brand awareness and be able to Accommodating the maximum use of internet media, enabling MSME brands to international market. From the existing problems, it is necessary to discuss the basic concept Small, medium and micro brands, barriers to implementation of small, medium and micro brands, the main key to construction Branding in the digital era, and strategies for building MSME brands. This study uses Qualitative descriptive method, literature study through related books, Journal and Website. The survey results show that the brand strategy is very Implementation is important for the progress and existence of MSMEs Internet media can promote to implement brand strategies

    Rancangan Album Elektronik Keberkasan Di Era Digital Menuju Good Faculty Governance (Studi Kasus : Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Esa Unggul)

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    The digital era of the application of information technology continues to develop and faces the development of information technology, must be able to follow and adapt to skills and innovations in the form of support for supporting devices to produce such as the design model of an electronic album of files as governance to overcome the unorganized and unsustainable flow of files and their descriptions. as well as the situation of the availability of files for institutional or personal interests and needs that are not yet available on an ongoing basis. The Electronic Album Design for Files in the Digital Era Towards Good Faculty Governance was prepared using a strategic theme and issue approach set out in the Master Plan for Development of the Esa Unggul University and the method used was based on a descriptive qualitative approach by taking into account the study of supporting literature as a basis for discussion and observation or observations that are supported by a tiered paradigm such as the waterfall paradigm with a series of stages such as requirements to analyze complete requirements and determine software requirements then design or design through a diagram form to facilitate the implementation and integration process and system maintenance so that it can run well . With a series of stages from a waterfall paradigm, the process of forming electronic album files can be generated by utilizing a combination of storage techniques in one place and hyperlink techniques to increase work effectiveness and efficiency

    Dampak Covid-19 Melalui Digitalisasi UMKM

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    The COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on the economy, social and politics. This is not only experienced by big countries, but almost all countries in the world. It seems that there is not a single country in the world that is not affected by Covid-19. Indonesia is one of the countries affected especially on the economic side. Indonesia, where 90% of its economy is supported by Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs), needs to pay special attention to this sector. Because MSMEs are an important part of the economy or are the wheels of the Indonesian economy, the current pandemic has resulted in many MSMEs having collapsed with falling incomes and also the large number of workers being laid off because they are no longer able to bear the costs of a quiet work life. This is what makes the increase in unemployment from the employment side while from the other side, of course, reduces the income of state finances. Because of the important role of MSMEs in Indonesia, the government finally provided and changed many policies to overcome these problems, one of which was the provision of financial assistance for poor and affected MSMEs. Apart from that, now MSMEs are starting to recognize what is called the "new face of the world economy", namely electronic-based commerce (e-commerce) which fades jurisdictional barriers (borderless) offering great benefits and opportunities for the economy. The presence of e-commerce is believed to be able to boost economic growth. At the same time, the trend of digitization has disrupted conventional trading arrangements and created new complexities. In response to this condition, an electronic-based trade cooperation forum was formed to formulate e-commerce trading rules. Indonesia needs to maximize the benefits of e-commerce regulation in international trade, especially for MSMEs, while minimizing the potential negative impact

    Uji Silang Digital sebagai Alternatif Uji Banding Manual Pemeriksaan Mikroskopis Malaria di Kulon Progo

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    Malaria is an infectious disease in tropical countries including Indonesia which causes serious clinical manifestations and even death. Indonesia Ministry of Health targets that malaria is eliminated from this country by 2030. In Java, malaria is targeted to be eliminated by 2015. However, elimination has not been achieved because some areas, including Kulon Progo, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta often experiences outbreaks (Kejadian Luar Biasa) in recent years. As microscopic diagnosis is a gold standard diagnosis for malaria, thus accurate microscopic examination is important. Disappearance of malaria cases in malaria pre-elimination areas causes laboratory workers/microscopists are less exposed to experience in identifying malaria. As part of quality assurance, continuous quality control is expected to maintain the accuracy of malaria diagnosis in endemic areas. However, the cross-check sistem as a part of this quality control strategy still has constraints, such as: transportation costs, limited human resources and irregularity. Ibm team of Faculty of Medicine UGM has successfully developed a digital microscopic cross-check sistem. This method is able to bridge the distance and time constraint also transportation costs of slide submissions to be cross-checked to the referral laboratory. Our study partners were microscopists of Kulon Progo Primary Health Centers (Puskesmas) facilitated with digital devices installed in a microscope. Partners were trained to: 1. take microscopic images of suspected malaria parasites and 2. familiarize with digital cross-check sistem. The successful implementation of digital malaria cross-check is expected to improve the accuracy of malaria diagnosis and assist the Government in malaria elimination program especially in Kulon Progo. This system has been registered for Intellectual Property Right no. 091306 obtained from Department of Justice and Human Right of Republic of Indonesia

    Meningkatkan Brand Awareness Menggunakan TikTok For Business

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    Pandemi telah mengubah prioritas belanja konsumen. Sebagian besar pelanggan berbelanja untuk cara hidup yang praktis. Tingginya konsumsi ini semakin didorong oleh minat masyarakat terhadap konten yang menyenangkan dan inspiratif, seperti di TikTok. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengenalkan pada masyarakat bahwasannya tik tok tidak hanya sebagai aplikasi menari ataupun pamer tetapi juga bisa dijadikan sebagai digital marketing baru untuk memasarkan produk secara digital. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif. Hasil yang diharapkan dari penelitian ini adalah memanfaatkan tiktok sebagai media digital baru untuk membangun bisnis. Dengan membuat promote akan brand produk yang kita miliki melalui Tiktok artinya adalah kita mampu dan bisa beradaptasi dengan perkembangan teknologi digital. Dan sebagai seorang pebisnis harus mampu menembus ini untuk mendongkrak penjualan akan produk – produk mereka dan meluaskan pangsa pasar brand mereka. Untuk melakukan promote di tiktok terlebih dahulu kita harus merubah akun pribadi menjadi akun bisnis dan kemudian memiliki ads manager untuk memudahkan kita dalam membuat dan memposting iklan yang akan ditayangkan melalui media tiktok. Atau bisa juga kita secara permanen menggunakan dan bekerjasama dengan divisi advertising di tiktok. Dengan terlebih dahulu mengajukan akun tiktok for business