163 research outputs found

    Female Puppeteers And Feminine Wayang Characters In The Javanese Wayang Kulit Arts

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    The evolution of Javanese wayang kulit purwa performance art is intrinsically related to the efforts of its supporting artists. They have an innovative mind that motivates them to continually be inventive and distinctive, which has colored the forms of the story, storyline, characters, puppets, accompaniment, and nearly all of the elements in the performance. However, relatively few puppetry stories deal with the lives of female characters. This study was designed with a descriptive qualitative methods with a critical ethnography approach, which is perceived to be capable of providing clear information about the trend of minimum development of female characters in wayang art. The results revealed that; first, from the artist viewpoint, according to their experience, female artists who promote the life of wayang art are more inclined to engage in male-oriented activities. This situation also affects their capacity to express themselves and be creative, particularly when composing stories in wayang. The audience provides both roles. Wayang performances have become an outstanding appeal for people to come along and appreciate


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    Velg merupakan komponen utama dalam sebuah kendaraan. Gaya dan tekanan yang diberikan adalah hal yang sangat penting dalam mendesain sebuah velg agar velg tersebut awet, kuat dan tahan lama. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui seberapa besar kekuatan maksimum jika velg tersebut diberikan tekanan yang berbeda-beda, mulai dari 28 psi sampai dengan 40 psi dan diberikan gaya sebesar 1415 kg sampai 1573 kg. Dengan bantuan aplikasi Solidworks dapat diketahui seberapa besar kekuatan maksimum yang dimiliki oleh sebuah velg terutama velg jenis Lenso


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    This research aim to know diverge strain about Hen-day Production (HDP). This research was executed on January 10th up to February 10th 2008 at in Regency Blitar. In six Subdistrionts : Ponggok Subdistriont, Kademangan Subdistriont, Garum Subdistriont, Srengat Subdistriont, Kanigoro Subdistriont and Talun Subdistriont. This research to use random sampling to make use of survey method. Here in after obtained data to be life beginning eggs production, life high eegs production and life last egg production later deskriptif. Data HDP device the used is RAK. Here in after obtained to be data to be analysed with variant analiysis, if there are difference continued with BNT test. This research strain hen eggs condicional : Isabrown strain (T1), Lohman strain (T2), Manggis strain (T3), Haisex strain (T4) and CP 909 Strain (T5). Result of from research say not influental because F.hit < F.tab 0,05. Must condition in subdistriots not with. Becaused to jib standart strain, experience long cattle breeder and to give standart woof. Koefisien 5 % results data corrects vailed. Conclusion of this reserech : the differench strain in Regency Blitar not influental Hen-day Production (HDP), life beginning eggs production generally age 4,5 month, life high eggs production generally age 7 month and life last eggs production generally age 19 – 22 month. Sugested result max product in to breed cattle hen eggs in Subdistriots Regency Blitar to need find foult with woof nice and correct manajement in row breed although all strain hen egg to get netive

    Pencegahan Kesehatan Remaja: Pendidikan Kesehatan dan Peran Keluarga di Daerah Pesisir

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    Anemia menjadi parameter buruknya status Kesehatan akibat tidak tercukupinya asupan zat besi. Prevalensi anemia di wilayah provinsi NTB berada pada persentasi 48% (Riskesdas NTB, 2018). Pendidikan kesehatan yang diberikan pada keluarga secara efektif dan inovatif merupakan suatu hal yang dapat membantu dalam mencegah terjadinya anemia pada remaja. Tujuan penulisan karya ilmiah akhir ini adalah memberikan gambaran asuhan keperawatan pada anggota keluarga yang mengalami anemia dengan pemberian intervensi pendidikan kesehatan tentang anemia. Metode yang digunakan yaitu case report dengan melakukan intervensi berbasis Evidence Based Nursing untuk menyelesaikan masalah pada kasus yang didapat. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pendidikan gizi efektif dalam meningkatkan pengetahuan gizi remaja dan keluarga sehingga dapat menjadi upaya pencegahan anemia pada remaja. Pendidikan kesehatan dapat membuat responden yang sebelumnya belum tahu menjadi lebih tahu karena individu mendapatkan informasi dan pengetahuan baru. Kesimpulannya adalah pendidikan kesehatan sangat efektif diberikan untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan keluarga tentang masalah kesehatan khususnya anemia pada remaja. Hal ini akan berpengaruh pada fungsi keluarga yaitu mempertahankan keadaan kesehatan keluarganya agar tetap memiliki produktivitas yang tinggi, serta kemampuan keluarga dalam memberikan perawatan kesehatan bagi keluarganya meningkat dan status kesehatan keluarga menjadi semakin baik.   Anemia is a parameter of poor health status due to insufficient intake of iron. The prevalence of anemia in the province of NTB is at a percentage of 48% (Riskesdas NTB, 2018). Health education provided to families effectively and innovatively is something that can help prevent anemia in adolescents. The purpose of writing this final scientific work is to provide an overview of nursing care for family members who have anemia by providing health education interventions about anemia. The method used is a case report by conducting interventions based on Evidence Based Nursing to solve problems in cases obtained. The results showed that nutrition education was effective in increasing adolescent and family nutritional knowledge so that it could be an effort to prevent anemia in adolescents. Health education can make respondents who previously did not know become more knowledgeable because individuals get new information and knowledge. The conclusion is that health education is very effective in increasing family knowledge about health problems, especially anemia in adolescents. This will affect the function of the family, namely maintaining the health condition of the family so that they still have high productivity, as well as the ability of the family to provide health care for their family to increase and the health status of the family to get better.Anemia menjadi parameter buruknya status Kesehatan akibat tidak tercukupinya asupan zat besi. Prevalensi anemia di wilayah provinsi NTB berada pada persentasi 48% (Riskesdas NTB, 2018). Pendidikan kesehatan yang diberikan pada keluarga secara efektif dan inovatif merupakan suatu hal yang dapat membantu dalam mencegah terjadinya anemia pada remaja. Tujuan penulisan karya ilmiah akhir ini adalah memberikan gambaran asuhan keperawatan pada anggota keluarga yang mengalami anemia dengan pemberian intervensi pendidikan kesehatan tentang anemia. Metode yang digunakan yaitu case report dengan melakukan intervensi berbasis Evidence Based Nursing untuk menyelesaikan masalah pada kasus yang didapat. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pendidikan gizi efektif dalam meningkatkan pengetahuan gizi remaja dan keluarga sehingga dapat menjadi upaya pencegahan anemia pada remaja. Pendidikan kesehatan dapat membuat responden yang sebelumnya belum tahu menjadi lebih tahu karena individu mendapatkan informasi dan pengetahuan baru. Kesimpulannya adalah pendidikan kesehatan sangat efektif diberikan untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan keluarga tentang masalah kesehatan khususnya anemia pada remaja. Hal ini akan berpengaruh pada fungsi keluarga yaitu mempertahankan keadaan kesehatan keluarganya agar tetap memiliki produktivitas yang tinggi, serta kemampuan keluarga dalam memberikan perawatan kesehatan bagi keluarganya meningkat dan status kesehatan keluarga menjadi semakin baik.   Anemia is a parameter of poor health status due to insufficient intake of iron. The prevalence of anemia in the province of NTB is at a percentage of 48% (Riskesdas NTB, 2018). Health education provided to families effectively and innovatively is something that can help prevent anemia in adolescents. The purpose of writing this final scientific work is to provide an overview of nursing care for family members who have anemia by providing health education interventions about anemia. The method used is a case report by conducting interventions based on Evidence Based Nursing to solve problems in cases obtained. The results showed that nutrition education was effective in increasing adolescent and family nutritional knowledge so that it could be an effort to prevent anemia in adolescents. Health education can make respondents who previously did not know become more knowledgeable because individuals get new information and knowledge. The conclusion is that health education is very effective in increasing family knowledge about health problems, especially anemia in adolescents. This will affect the function of the family, namely maintaining the health condition of the family so that they still have high productivity, as well as the ability of the family to provide health care for their family to increase and the health status of the family to get better

    Ethnoscience-Based Science Learning in Sasak Ethnic Culture: Literature Review

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    This study aims to elaborate on science learning based on indigenous science, the culture of the Sasak ethnics of Lombok. This study is library research with data sources from previous research articles that have topics related to science learning, science concepts, ethnoscience, and songket cloth, poteng jaje tujak, and bale adat. The procedure in literature study research is carried out in stages, namely collecting library data, reading, taking notes, studying, collecting concepts or manuscripts, then carrying out elaboration and explanation of the collected data/text. The study results show that (1) the nature of learning science can be classified into three dimensions, namely science as a product, science as a process, and science as an attitude; (2) indigenous science in songket wayang motifs, subahnale motifs keker motifs four star, and alang/lumbung which have relevance to the basic science competence of “analyzing the reproductive system in plants and animals and the application of technology to the reproductive system of plants and animal”; (3) indigenous science in the materials for making bale adat has relevance to the basic competence of natural science on “analyzing the interrelationships of plant tissue structures and their functions, as well as technology inspired by plant structures”; (4) indigenous science in the process of making poteng jaje tujak has relevance to the basic competence of natural science regarding “applying the concept of biotechnology and its role in human life”


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    Tujuan Penelitian ini adalah untuk menghasilkan model latihan yang efektif untuk atlet sepakbola pasca cedera yaitu model latihan pasca cedera lutut (tendon) pada atlet sepakbola. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan research dan development dengan model ADDIE yang meliputi 5 tahapan, yaitu (1) Analisa, (2) Perencanaan, (3) Pengembangan, (4) Implementasi, (5) Eveluasi. Hasil penelitian yang telah dilaksanakan dari bulan Oktober 2018 sampai Januari 2019 di Klinik Laboratorium Somatokinetika Fakultas Ilmu Keolahragaan, Universitas Negeri Jakarta yg menjadi subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah pasien atlet sepakbola yang mengalami cedera lutut (tendon) bahwa diperoleh model latihan yang dibuat mudah dilaksanakan dan memiliki efektivitas yang signifikan bagi atlet sepakbola pasca cedera lutut (tendon). Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah pendekatan kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Pendekatan kualitatif adalah untuk menciptakan model latihan pasca cedera lutut (tendon) pada atlet sepakbola dan pendekatan kuantitatif digunakan untuk mencari efektifitas tersebut dengan rancangan penelitian Pra-eksperimen berbentuk the one group pretest - posttest design. Hasil Penelitian : Dalam uji signifikansi perbedaan dengan SPSS 16 didapat Mean = -2.067 menunjukan selisih dari pre test dan post test, hasil t-hitung = -3.176 , df = 14 dan p-value = 0.007 < 0.05 yang berarti terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan antara sebelum dan sesudah adanya perlakuan model latihan pasca cedera lutut (tendon) pada atlet sepakbola. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian disimpulkan bahwa model latihan pasca cedera lutut (tendon) layak digunakan dan efektif untuk meningkatkan massa otot tungkai pada atlet sepakbola. ******* The aim of this study was to produce an effective training model for postinjury soccer athletes, namely the training model after knee injury (tendon) in soccer athletes. This research method uses research and development with the ADDIE model which includes 5 stages, namely (1) Analysis, (2) Planning, (3) Development, (4) Implementation, (5) Eveluation. The results of the study, which was conducted from October 2018 to January 2019 at the Somatokinetics Laboratory Clinic of the Faculty of Sports Sciences, Jakarta State University, which was the subject of this study, were football athletes who suffered a knee injury (tendon) that obtained an exercise model that was easy to carry out and had significant effectiveness for soccer athletes after a knee injury (tendon). The approach used in this study is a qualitative and quantitative approach. The qualitative approach was to create a model of exercise after knee injury (tendon) in soccer athletes and a quantitative approach was used to find the effectiveness with the Pre-experimental research design in the form of the one group pretest - posttest design. Results: In the significance test of differences with SPSS 16 the mean = - 2,067 shows the difference from pre test and post test, the results of t-count = -3,176, df = 14 and p-value = 0.007 <0.05 which means there are significant differences between before and after the treatment of the exercise model after knee injury (tendon) in soccer athletes. Based on the results of the study, it was concluded that the exercise model after knee injury (tendon) is feasible and effective for increasing leg muscle mass in soccer athletes


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    Tujuan Penelitian ini adalah untuk menghasilkan model latihan yang efektif untuk atlet sepakbola pasca cedera yaitu model latihan pasca cedera lutut (tendon) pada atlet sepakbola. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan research dan development dengan model ADDIE yang meliputi 5 tahapan, yaitu (1) Analisa, (2) Perencanaan, (3) Pengembangan, (4) Implementasi, (5) Eveluasi. Hasil penelitian yang telah dilaksanakan dari bulan Oktober 2018 sampai Januari 2019 di Klinik Laboratorium Somatokinetika Fakultas Ilmu Keolahragaan, Universitas Negeri Jakarta yg menjadi subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah pasien atlet sepakbola yang mengalami cedera lutut (tendon) bahwa diperoleh model latihan yang dibuat mudah dilaksanakan dan memiliki efektivitas yang signifikan bagi atlet sepakbola pasca cedera lutut (tendon). Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah pendekatan kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Pendekatan kualitatif adalah untuk menciptakan model latihan pasca cedera lutut (tendon) pada atlet sepakbola dan pendekatan kuantitatif digunakan untuk mencari efektifitas tersebut dengan rancangan penelitian Pra-eksperimen berbentuk the one group pretest - posttest design. Hasil Penelitian : Dalam uji signifikansi perbedaan dengan SPSS 16 didapat Mean = -2.067 menunjukan selisih dari pre test dan post test, hasil t-hitung = -3.176 , df = 14 dan p-value = 0.007 < 0.05 yang berarti terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan antara sebelum dan sesudah adanya perlakuan model latihan pasca cedera lutut (tendon) pada atlet sepakbola. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian disimpulkan bahwa model latihan pasca cedera lutut (tendon) layak digunakan dan efektif untuk meningkatkan massa otot tungkai pada atlet sepakbola *The aim of this study was to produce an effective training model for postinjury soccer athletes, namely the training model after knee injury (tendon) in soccer athletes. This research method uses research and development with the ADDIE model which includes 5 stages, namely (1) Analysis, (2) Planning, (3) Development, (4) Implementation, (5) Eveluation. The results of the study, which was conducted from October 2018 to January 2019 at the Somatokinetics Laboratory Clinic of the Faculty of Sports Sciences, Jakarta State University, which was the subject of this study, were football athletes who suffered a knee injury (tendon) that obtained an exercise model that was easy to carry out and had significant effectiveness for soccer athletes after a knee injury (tendon). The approach used in this study is a qualitative and quantitative approach. The qualitative approach was to create a model of exercise after knee injury (tendon) in soccer athletes and a quantitative approach was used to find the effectiveness with the Pre-experimental research design in the form of the one group pretest - posttest design. Results: In the significance test of differences with SPSS 16 the mean = - 2,067 shows the difference from pre test and post test, the results of t-count = -3,176, df = 14 and p-value = 0.007 <0.05 which means there are significant differences between before and after the treatment of the exercise model after knee injury (tendon) in soccer athletes. Based on the results of the study, it was concluded that the exercise model after knee injury (tendon) is feasible and effective for increasing leg muscle mass in soccer athletes
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