202 research outputs found

    Asymptotic iteration method for eigenvalue problems

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    An asymptotic interation method for solving second-order homogeneous linear differential equations of the form y'' = lambda(x) y' + s(x) y is introduced, where lambda(x) \neq 0 and s(x) are C-infinity functions. Applications to Schroedinger type problems, including some with highly singular potentials, are presented.Comment: 14 page

    A basis for variational calculations in d dimensions

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    In this paper we derive expressions for matrix elements (\phi_i,H\phi_j) for the Hamiltonian H=-\Delta+\sum_q a(q)r^q in d > 1 dimensions. The basis functions in each angular momentum subspace are of the form phi_i(r)=r^{i+1+(t-d)/2}e^{-r^p/2}, i >= 0, p > 0, t > 0. The matrix elements are given in terms of the Gamma function for all d. The significance of the parameters t and p and scale s are discussed. Applications to a variety of potentials are presented, including potentials with singular repulsive terms of the form b/r^a, a,b > 0, perturbed Coulomb potentials -D/r + B r + Ar^2, and potentials with weak repulsive terms, such as -g r^2 + r^4, g > 0.Comment: 22 page

    Perturbation expansions for a class of singular potentials

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    Harrell's modified perturbation theory [Ann. Phys. 105, 379-406 (1977)] is applied and extended to obtain non-power perturbation expansions for a class of singular Hamiltonians H = -D^2 + x^2 + A/x^2 + lambda/x^alpha, (A\geq 0, alpha > 2), known as generalized spiked harmonic oscillators. The perturbation expansions developed here are valid for small values of the coupling lambda > 0, and they extend the results which Harrell obtained for the spiked harmonic oscillator A = 0. Formulas for the the excited-states are also developed.Comment: 23 page

    Tempo de tunelamento de um pacote de ondas gaussiano na região de uma barreira de potencial retangular

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    Dentro da temática do tempo de tunelamento, utilizando o método da fase estacionária, examinamos o tempo de trânsito de um pacote de ondas na região de uma barreira de potencial retangular. O pacote de ondas incidente é construído a partir de uma distribuição gaussiana de momentos. O tempo de trânsito obtido é livre das contribuições devidas às perturbações causadas pelas interferências na região imediatamente anterior à barreira de potencial. Mede o tempo de propagação do pacote de ondas através da região do potencial a partir da sua emergência no início da barreira até a sua chegada ao final da mesma, dentro dos procedimentos do método da fase estacionária

    Mechanisms driving alteration of the Landau state in the vicinity of a second-order phase transition

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    The rearrangement of the Fermi surface of a homogeneous Fermi system upon approach to a second-order phase transition is studied at zero temperature. The analysis begins with an investigation of solutions of the equation ϵ(p)=μ\epsilon(p)=\mu, a condition that ordinarily has the Fermi momentum pFp_F as a single root. The emergence of a bifurcation point in this equation is found to trigger a qualitative alteration of the Landau state, well before the collapse of the collective degree of freedom that is responsible for the second-order transition. The competition between mechanisms that drive rearrangement of the Landau quasiparticle distribution is explored, taking into account the feedback of the rearrangement on the spectrum of critical fluctuations. It is demonstrated that the transformation of the Landau state to a new ground state may be viewed as a first-order phase transition.Comment: 16 pages, 10 figure

    Perurbation expansions for the spiked harmonic oscillator and related series involving the gamma function

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    We study weak-coupling perturbation expansions for the ground-state energy of the Hamiltonian with the generalized spiked harmonic oscillator potential V(x) = Bx^2 + A/x^2 + lambda/x^alpha, and also for the bottoms of the angular momentum subspaces labelled by ell = 0,1,2 ..., in N-dimensions corresponding to the spiked harmonic oscillator potential: V(x) = x^2 + lambda/x^alpha, where alpha is a real positive parameter. A method of Znojil is then applied to obtain closed form expressions for the sums of some infinite series whose terms involve ratios and products of gamma functions.Comment: 9 page

    Ground-State of Charged Bosons Confined in a Harmonic Trap

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    We study a system composed of N identical charged bosons confined in a harmonic trap. Upper and lower energy bounds are given. It is shown in the large N limit that the ground-state energy is determined within an accuracy of ±8\pm 8% and that the mean field theory provides a reasonable result with relative error of less than 16% for the binding energy .Comment: 15 page

    Adaptation of the Landau-Migdal Quasiparticle Pattern to Strongly Correlated Fermi Systems

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    A quasiparticle pattern advanced in Landau's first article on Fermi liquid theory is adapted to elucidate the properties of a class of strongly correlated Fermi systems characterized by a Lifshitz phase diagram featuring a quantum critical point (QCP) where the density of states diverges. The necessary condition for stability of the Landau Fermi Liquid state is shown to break down in such systems, triggering a cascade of topological phase transitions that lead, without symmetry violation, to states with multi-connected Fermi surfaces. The end point of this evolution is found to be an exceptional state whose spectrum of single-particle excitations exhibits a completely flat portion at zero temperature. Analysis of the evolution of the temperature dependence of the single-particle spectrum yields results that provide a natural explanation of classical behavior of this class of Fermi systems in the QCP region.Comment: 26 pages, 14 figures. Dedicated to 100th anniversary of A.B.Migdal birthda

    Spiked oscillators: exact solution

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    A procedure to obtain the eigenenergies and eigenfunctions of a quantum spiked oscillator is presented. The originality of the method lies in an adequate use of asymptotic expansions of Wronskians of algebraic solutions of the Schroedinger equation. The procedure is applied to three familiar examples of spiked oscillators