6 research outputs found

    Projecte de l’EDAR i dels col lectors de Toses (Ripollès)

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    Aquest projecte té com a objectiu el disseny d’un sistema de depuració per a les aigües residuals generades al nucli de Toses, emplaçat al terme municipal de Toses, al Ripollès. L’objectiu bàsic i principal d’aquest Projecte és dotar a la zona d’un sistema de sanejament d’aigües residuals amb un cost de manteniment baix, un alt rendiment de depuració i la suficient flexibilitat que pugui adaptar-se a les variacions de cabal i de la càrrega contaminant dels abocaments que es puguin preveure

    Estudi Comparatiu de les Noves Configuracions de la Línia d’Aigües d’EDAR Municipals per a una Millor Sostenibilitat Energètica i Ambiental

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    Treballs Finals de Grau d'Enginyeria Química, Facultat de Química, Universitat de Barcelona, Curs: 2013-2014, Tutor: Joan Dosta ParrasThe present project is mainly based on a research in the new methodologies and trends to make a WWTP either a system in which a series of separation operations are proposed to create new cycles for the recuperation of the different components or species that are influents to the WWTP, or propose existent technologies for the future WWTP in special space conditions in order to achieve a substantial reduction of energetic costs, but in this case, the unitary operations are not focused in the reusing of compounds arriving on to the WWTP. When referring to the term “cycles” the idea laying behind is that to avoid the currently release of N2, Mg2+ and several P species to the surrounding environment of the WWTP -which may cause a slow but silent eutrophication- and thus, reuse the by-products produced to be used in other industries or even for agricultural. Fresh water can also be reused as a result of an osmosis process for separation from the waste water treatment flow. A realistic approach is performed on a well-known scenario, Barcelona and the surrounding areas. When referring to the terms “reduction of energetic costs” these are related to the enhancement of current techniques and implementation of new practices to reduce the costs of several line processes involved in the wastewater treatment as well as the enhancement of electricity production. Finally, a holistic vision of the enhancement processes is given to understand the need for these changes and the soonest implementation as possible

    Modelization of hazardous leached cation sorption on Hydrous Ferric Oxide (HFO) in multiple scenarios

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    Projecte de l’EDAR i dels col lectors de Toses (Ripollès)

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    Aquest projecte té com a objectiu el disseny d’un sistema de depuració per a les aigües residuals generades al nucli de Toses, emplaçat al terme municipal de Toses, al Ripollès. L’objectiu bàsic i principal d’aquest Projecte és dotar a la zona d’un sistema de sanejament d’aigües residuals amb un cost de manteniment baix, un alt rendiment de depuració i la suficient flexibilitat que pugui adaptar-se a les variacions de cabal i de la càrrega contaminant dels abocaments que es puguin preveure