148 research outputs found

    As Forças armadas mexicanas na segurança pública: trajetórias dependentes e conflitos de poder

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    During the administration of Felipe Calderón (2006–2012), the Armed Forces were usedto combat organized crime in Mexico. Since then, the Mexican government has sought to changethe military doctrine and legislation to include the concept of internal security in order to legalizethe participation of the Army and Navy in public security. However, after the creation of the NationalGendarmerie within the Federal Police during the administration of Enrique Peña Nieto (2012–2018),the Army decided to strengthen the Military Police as the body in charge of internal security operations.Path dependence on the use of Armed Forces for public security purposes is being maintainedby the government of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador with the creation of the National Guard.This paper seeks to find the institutional and political causes that are behind the strengthening of theArmed Forces and the military doctrine shift towards public security in Mexico. Some of the questionsto be answered are: Which are the organizational reasons behind these changes in the Mexican Army?Are there institutional incentives in the Mexican Armed Forces that are pushing for these changes? Isthere a regional agenda, supported by the United States, which encourages these changes? Which arethe medium- and long-term consequences of these changes for the Mexican Army?Durante el gobierno de Felipe Calderón (2006–2012), las Fuerzas Armadas se utilizaron paracombatir el crimen organizado en México. Desde entonces, el gobierno mexicano ha tratado de modificar la doctrina y la legislación militar para incluir el concepto de seguridad interna con el objetivo de legalizar la participación del Ejército y la Armada en la seguridad pública. No obstante, tras la creación de la Gendarmería Nacional dentro de la Policía Federal durante la administración de Enrique Peña Nieto (2012–2018), el Ejército decidió fortalecer a la Policía Militar como el organismo encargado de las operaciones de seguridad interna. El gobierno del presidente Andrés Manuel López Obrador mantiene las trayectorias dependientes del uso de las Fuerzas Armadas para fines de seguridad pública con la creación de la Guardia Nacional. Este trabajo busca encontrar las causas institucionales y políticas que están detrás del fortalecimiento de las Fuerzas  rmadas y el cambio de doctrina militar hacia la seguridad pública en México. Algunos de los interrogantes por responder son: ¿cuáles son las razones organizacionales para estos cambios en el ejército mexicano? ¿Existen incentivos institucionales en las Fuerzas Armadas mexicanas que presionan para que se hagan estos cambios? ¿Existe una agenda regional, con el respaldo de los Estados Unidos, que aliente estos cambios? ¿Cuáles son las consecuencias a mediano y largo plazo de estos cambios para el ejército mexicano?Durante o governo de Felipe Calderón (2006-2012), as Forças Armadas foram utilizadas paracombater o crime organizado no México. Desde então, o governo mexicano tenta alterar a doutrina e alegislação militar para incluir o conceito de “segurança interna”, a fim de legalizar a participação do Exército e da Armada na segurança pública. Contudo, após a criação da Gendarmaria Nacional, dentro da Polícia Federal durante a administração de Enrique Peña Nieto (2012-2018), o Exército decidiu fortalecer a Polícia Militar como o organismo encarregado pelas operações de segurança interna. O governo do presidente Andrés Manuel López Obrador mantém as trajetórias que dependem do uso das Forças Armadas para fins de segurança pública com a criação da Guarda Nacional. Este trabalho pretende encontrar as causas institucionais e políticas que estão por trás do fortalecimento das Forças Armadas e da mudança da doutrina militar na segurança pública no México. A partir disso, são levantadas algumas questões: quais são as razões organizacionais para essas mudanças no exército mexicano? Há incentivos institucionais nas Forças Armadas mexicanas que pressionam para que essas mudanças sejam feitas? Há uma agenda regional, com o apoio dos Estados Unidos, que incentive essas mudanças? Quais são as consequências em médio e longo prazo dessas mudanças para o exército  mexicano

    Integración aproximada mediante puntos notables usando el Teorema de Valor Intermedio

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    Using the Intermediate Value Theorem we demonstrate the rules of Trapeze and Simpson's. Demonstrations with this approach and its generalization to new formulas are less laborious than those resulting from methods such as polynomial interpolation or Gaussian quadrature. In addition, we extend the theory of approximate integration by finding new approximate integration formulas. The methodology we used to obtain this generalization was to use the definition of the integral defined by Riemann sums. Each Riemann sum provides an approximation of the result of an integral. With the help of the Intermediate Value Theorem and a detailed analysis of the Middle Point, Trapezoidal and Simpson Rules we note that these rules of numerical integration are Riemann sums. The results we obtain with this analysis allowed us to generalize each of the rules mentioned above and obtain new rules of approximation of integrals. Since each of the rules we obtained uses a point in the interval we have called them according to the point of the interval we take. In conclusion we can say that the method developed here allows us to give new formulas of numerical integration and generalizes those that already exist.Utilizando el Teorema de Valor Intermedio mostramos que las reglas del Trapecio y la de Simpson son ciertas sumas de Riemann. La técnica   con este enfoque nos permite obtener nuevas fórmulas que resultan menos laboriosas que las que se utilizan con métodos como el de interpolación de polinomios o el de las cuadraturas de Gauss. Además, con esta técnica ampliamos el panorama de la integración aproximada al encontrar nuevas fórmulas de esta forma de integrar. La metodología que usamos para obtener dicha generalización fue utilizar de la definición de la integral definida mediante sumas de Riemann. Cada suma de Riemann   proporciona una aproximación del resultado de una integral. Con la ayuda del Teorema del valor medio y un análisis detallado de las reglas del punto medio, trapecio y Simpson notamos que estas reglas de integración numérica son sumas de Riemann. Los resultados que obtenemos con este análisis nos permitieron generalizar cada una de las reglas antes mencionadas y obtener nuevas reglas de aproximación de integrales. Ya que cada una de las reglas que obtuvimos utiliza un punto en el intervalo las hemos llamado de acuerdo con el punto del intervalo que tomamos. Como conclusión podemos decir que el método que se desarrolla aquí permite dar nuevas fórmulas de integración numérica y generaliza las que ya existen

    Integración aproximada mediante puntos notables usando el Teorema de Valor Intermedio

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    Using the Intermediate Value Theorem we demonstrate the rules of Trapeze and Simpson's. Demonstrations with this approach and its generalization to new formulas are less laborious than those resulting from methods such as polynomial interpolation or Gaussian quadrature. In addition, we extend the theory of approximate integration by finding new approximate integration formulas. The methodology we used to obtain this generalization was to use the definition of the integral defined by Riemann sums. Each Riemann sum provides an approximation of the result of an integral. With the help of the Intermediate Value Theorem and a detailed analysis of the Middle Point, Trapezoidal and Simpson Rules we note that these rules of numerical integration are Riemann sums. The results we obtain with this analysis allowed us to generalize each of the rules mentioned above and obtain new rules of approximation of integrals. Since each of the rules we obtained uses a point in the interval we have called them according to the point of the interval we take. In conclusion we can say that the method developed here allows us to give new formulas of numerical integration and generalizes those that already exist.Utilizando el Teorema de Valor Intermedio mostramos que las reglas del Trapecio y la de Simpson son ciertas sumas de Riemann. La técnica   con este enfoque nos permite obtener nuevas fórmulas que resultan menos laboriosas que las que se utilizan con métodos como el de interpolación de polinomios o el de las cuadraturas de Gauss. Además, con esta técnica ampliamos el panorama de la integración aproximada al encontrar nuevas fórmulas de esta forma de integrar. La metodología que usamos para obtener dicha generalización fue utilizar de la definición de la integral definida mediante sumas de Riemann. Cada suma de Riemann   proporciona una aproximación del resultado de una integral. Con la ayuda del Teorema del valor medio y un análisis detallado de las reglas del punto medio, trapecio y Simpson notamos que estas reglas de integración numérica son sumas de Riemann. Los resultados que obtenemos con este análisis nos permitieron generalizar cada una de las reglas antes mencionadas y obtener nuevas reglas de aproximación de integrales. Ya que cada una de las reglas que obtuvimos utiliza un punto en el intervalo las hemos llamado de acuerdo con el punto del intervalo que tomamos. Como conclusión podemos decir que el método que se desarrolla aquí permite dar nuevas fórmulas de integración numérica y generaliza las que ya existen

    Dynamic nonlinear feedback control applied to improve butanol production by Clostridium acetobutylicum

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    "The goal of this work is to present a closed-loop operational strategy in order to improve the butanol production in an anaerobic continuous bioreactor for the called Acetone-Butanol-Ethanol (ABE) process. The proposed control scheme considers a class of feedback signal which includes a nonlinear bounded function of the regulation error. The control scheme is applied to a phenomenological unstructured kinetic model obtained from an experimental and metabolic study of butanol production by Clostridium acetobutylicum, which allows the proposed structure to predict several operational conditions from batch and continuous regimes. Numerical experiments using the proposed model considering continuous operation were performed in order to find a feasible operating region for maximum butanol production at open-loop regime. The proposed methodology is applied to regulate the product concentration, manipulating the dilution rate to lead to a higher butanol productivity. The closed-loop behaviour of the bioreactor is analysed, finding that the proposed controller minimizes the response time of the system and allows it to achieve a productivity gain of 55 % over open-loop operation. Further numerical experiments show the satisfactory closed-loop performance of the proposed methodology in comparison with a PI controller.

    Generalización de un método de integración a través de factorizaciones

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    Como se sabe, cada método de integración sólo funciona para ciertos tipos o clases de funciones y no existe un método capaz de expresar la integral indefinida de cualquier función en términos de funciones elementales. En este artículo, mostramos una alternativa, basada en factorizaciones, para integrar cierta clase de funciones que, en ciertos casos, puede resultar una mejor herramienta que los métodos comúnmente usados. Como una aplicación de esa técnica resolvemos una clase particular de ecuaciones diferenciales del tipo                           , donde   es la tasa de crecimiento relativa de  respecto a . También resolvemos ejemplos para ilustrar este método y compararlo con los resultados que se obtienen utilizando  Wolfram Alpha y una calculadora TI

    Generalización de un método de integración a través de factorizaciones

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    Como se sabe, cada método de integración sólo funciona para ciertos tipos o clases de funciones y no existe un método capaz de expresar la integral indefinida de cualquier función en términos de funciones elementales. En este artículo, mostramos una alternativa, basada en factorizaciones, para integrar cierta clase de funciones que, en ciertos casos, puede resultar una mejor herramienta que los métodos comúnmente usados. Como una aplicación de esa técnica resolvemos una clase particular de ecuaciones diferenciales del tipo                           , donde   es la tasa de crecimiento relativa de  respecto a . También resolvemos ejemplos para ilustrar este método y compararlo con los resultados que se obtienen utilizando  Wolfram Alpha y una calculadora TI

    Generalización de un método de integración a través de factorizaciones

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    Como se sabe, cada método de integración sólo funciona para ciertos tipos o clases de funciones y no existe un método capaz de expresar la integral indefinida de cualquier función en términos de funciones elementales. En este artículo, mostramos una alternativa, basada en factorizaciones, para integrar cierta clase de funciones que, en ciertos casos, puede resultar una mejor herramienta que los métodos comúnmente usados. Como una aplicación de esa técnica resolvemos una clase particular de ecuaciones diferenciales del tipo                           , donde   es la tasa de crecimiento relativa de  respecto a . También resolvemos ejemplos para ilustrar este método y compararlo con los resultados que se obtienen utilizando  Wolfram Alpha y una calculadora TI

    Biomimetic-Based Output Feedback for Attitude Stabilization of Rigid Bodies: Real-Time Experimentation on a Quadrotor

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    International audienceThe present paper deals with the development of bounded feedback control laws mimicking the strategy adopted by flapping flyers to stabilize the attitude of systems falling within the framework of rigid bodies. Flapping flyers are able to orient their trajectory without any knowledge of their current attitude and without any attitude computation. They rely on the measurements of some sensitive organs: halteres, leg sensilla and magnetic sense, which give information about their angular velocity and the orientation of gravity and magnetic field vectors. Therefore, the proposed feedback laws are computed using direct inertial sensors measurements, that is vector observations with/without angular velocity measurements. Hence, the attitude is not explicitly required. This biomimetic approach is very simple, requires little computational power and is suitable for embedded applications on small control units. The boundedness of the control signal is taken into consideration through the design of the control laws by saturation of the actuators' input. The asymptotic stability Micromachines 2015, 6 994 of the closed loop system is proven by Lyapunov analysis. Real-time experiments are carried out on a quadrotor using MEMS inertial sensors in order to emphasize the efficiency of this biomimetic strategy by showing the convergence of the body's states in hovering mode, as well as the robustness with respect to external disturbances

    Effectiveness of malic acid 1% in patients with xerostomia induced by antihypertensive drugs

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    Assessing the clinical effectiveness of a topical sialogogue on spray (malic acid, 1%) in the treatment of xerostomia induced by antihypertensive drugs. Study Design: This research has been carried out through a randomized double-blind clinical trial. 45 patients suffering from hypertensive drugs-induced xerostomia were divided into 2 groups: the first group (25 patients) received a topical sialogogue on spray (malic acid, 1%) whereas the second group (20 patients) received a placebo. Both of them were administered on demand for 2 weeks. Dry Mouth Questionnaire (DMQ) was used in order to evaluate xerostomia levels before and after product/placebo application. Unstimulated and stimulated salivary flows rates, before and after application, were measured. All the statistical analyses were performed by using SPSS software v17.0. Different DMQ scores at the earliest and final stage of the trial were analysed by using Mann-Whitney U test, whereas Student's T-test was used to analyse salivary flows. Critical p-value was established at p0.05) after placebo application. After two weeks of treatment with malic acid, unstimulated salivary flow increased from 0.17 to 0.242 mL/min whereas the stimulated one increased from 0.66 to 0.92 mL/min (p0.05). Conclusions: Malic acid 1% spray improved antihypertensive-induced xerostomia and stimulated the production of saliva

    Evaluation of periimplant bone neoformation using different scanning electron microscope methods for measuring BIC.: a dog study

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    Objetives: The aim of this study was to determine which of three methods for measuring BIC (bone-to-implant contact), using vestibular and lingual scanning electron microscopy (SEM) for different implant systems at 15, 30 and 90 days post-surgery was the most precise. An elemental analysis with SEM was used to evaluate neoformed bone composition for three implant systems at the same study times. Material and Methods: 36 implants were placed in eighteen Beagle dogs mandible about one year old and weighing approximately 12-13 kg in order to evaluate bone apposition to three different implant surfaces. It was used the third and fourth premolar and first molar distal sockets in both quadrants of the mandible (3P3, 4P4 and 1M1). Teeth were hemi-sected and the distal roots were removed. The specimens were prepared for histological examination and each section surface was stained using Masson's trichrome and hematoxylin and eosin stains. BIC evaluations were performed by the three methods, BIC I (the quantity of mineralized bone in direct contact with the implant's titanium surface across the entire threaded area); BIC II (along a line that passes from apex to apex of the implant threads); BIC III (both in areas around and above the threads and in between threads). Results: Both BIC and bone content were analyzed for all implants placed in P3, P4 y M1 alveoli on both, the buccal and palatine sides (elemental analysis quantified Ca, P, O and C). It was seen it was only at the ninety-day mark that high percentages of calcium were present. Conclusions: This study suggest that BIC III evaluation is the most certain method for establishing the quantity of bone formed as the BIC area