94 research outputs found

    Attachment Intervention with Parents and Infants in Early Substance Abuse Recovery

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    The current study evaluates the impact of a 10-week infant massage intervention program designed to increase attachment between parents in a drug rehabilitation facility and their infants. Parents were interviewed before and after the intervention. Analyses revealed a non-significant decrease in parental stress. Depression scores were essentially the same before and after the intervention. Knowledge of infant development scores revealed non-significant trends demonstrated higher levels of knowledge after the completion of the intervention. Parents who completed the intervention indicated that they learned about infant development, how to understand and soothe their baby, and how to communicate with their baby

    El género como construcción social : una mirada sobre la educación

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    La temática que se abordará está enmarcada en el ámbito de los Derechos Humanos. Los derechos humanos son considerados como un conjunto de pautas éticas con proyección jurídica, surgen de la necesidad de todos los individuos de contar con las condiciones esenciales para una vida digna y han sido producto de un largo proceso de construcción y cambio a lo largo de los dos últimos siglos. Dentro de ellos se encuadra el tema relacionado con la "violencia de género". Se pretende conceptualizar este constructo y hacer visible la necesidad de lograr a través de la educación, un cambio social y cultural que propicie el respeto por el derecho de las mujeres en cualquier ámbito de la vida, público o privado.Fil: Cano, Rosana Beatriz. Centro Educativo N° 8 “Maestras Lucio Lucero" (San Luis)Fil: Aguilar, Niri Yamilet. Instituto de Formación Docente Continua (San Luis

    Foster Youth Perspectives: Self-Reported Strengths and Resilience

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    This study examines the relational resilience, emotional self-efficacy, and self-reported strengths of foster youth, using a community based participatory research framework. The aggregate of research to date focuses on detrimental circumstances foster youth have experienced and the associated psychopathology. The present study expands the focus to individual strengths, informing our understanding of resiliency among foster youth. A survey was co-created with foster youth focused on demographic background, perceptions of strengths, and resilience. This survey included items from the positive acceptance of change / secure relationships subscale of the Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale (CD-CDSC), and emotional self-efficacy subscale of the Self-Efficacy Questionnaire for Children (SEQ-C). Open-ended questions focused on youth’s strengths, helping them overcome challenges. Foster youth ages 16-24 were recruited from non-profit organizations serving foster youth in Bay Area and were provided a $25 gift-card incentive to participate. Participants (n = 85) self-identified as feminine/female (51.2%, n = 43), as African-American/Black (40.5%, n = 34), Hispanic/Latinx (25%, n = 21) and Multi-Ethnic (15.5%, n = 14), and reported a mean age of 21.06 (SD = 2.12). Mean age at entry into care was 10.7 (SD = 5.3) years; average duration in care was 6.7 (SD = 5.8) years. Analysis indicated that, on average, youth reported moderate - high levels of positive acceptance of change / secure relationships, and emotional self-efficacy. Specifically, 92% (n = 72) reported an ability to deal with whatever comes, most to all of the time. Seventy-one percent (n = 56) reported an ability to prevent becoming nervous sometimes or often. These frequencies were higher than those reported with non-foster youth samples, including samples on which the CD-CDSC and SEQ-C were normed. Qualitative data further indicated themes of strengths used to overcome challenges to include reliance on friends, reminders of overcoming adversity, and optimism about the future. The results suggest that, despite increased rates of negative outcomes and mental health problems, foster youth self-identify as strong and resilient. Future research is needed to replicate and further extend these findings and determine the extent to which they generalize to younger foster youth and those living in non-urban settings

    Gender Differences in Foster Youth Who Receive Relationship-Based Therapy

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    Children placed into the foster care system are at increased risk for behavioral, cognitive, and emotional difficulties as a result of their experienced maltreatment. The current study evaluates the impact of open-ended, relationship-based psychotherapy for a small group of adults who were formerly foster children. Semi-structured telephone interviews were conducted with therapists at the start and end of treatment. Age of patients ranged from 18.14 - 25.09 years (M = 21.11 years; SD = 2.52 years). Results indicate significant decreases in several mental health symptoms by the conclusion of treatment. Obstacles to treatment included transportation issues and resistance from patient

    Diseño de un sistema de control interno para el mejoramiento de la gestión administrativa y financiera para la Librería y Papelería Aguilar de la ciudad de Loja, provincia de Loja, período 2015

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    El Diseño de un Sistema de Control Interno para la Librería y Papelería Aguilar de la ciudad de Loja, provincia de Loja, periodo 2015, con la finalidad de mejorar la gestión administrativa y financiera a través de herramientas de control. Para el desarrollo del sistema se realizó cuestionarios de control interno lo que permitió conocer la situación de la empresa y proponer alternativas que coadyuve a potencializar factores que mejoren el control de procedimientos para toda empresa, mediante la siguiente estructura: Reglamento para Crédito y Cobranza, Reglamento para Adquisiciones, Manual de Funciones y manual Contable. Como resultado encontramos que el sistema de control interno permitirá que los procedimientos se manejen por medio de un manual de procedimientos administrativos y financieros para todas las áreas, además de contar con una organización estructural y funcional definida, así el personal definirá su rol y funciones de acuerdo a su perfil profesional cuyo efecto se ve reflejado en el manejo interno de la institución y la atención al cliente. Se recomienda aplicar el sistema propuesto, su impacto en cuanto a lo económico, social, se ha determinado como positivo, lo cual hace ver que mediante la ejecución del mismo se logrará mejorar la gestión administrativa y financiera.In order to improve the administrative and financial management through tools of control, the design of an Internal Control System for the Bookstore and Stationery Aguilar in Loja, during the period 2015 was carried out. For the system development, internal control questionnaires were performed, which allowed to know the company situation and propose alternatives to contribute enhance factors improving the company procedures control, by means of the following structure: Regulation for Credit and Collection, Regulations for Acquisitions, Function Manual and Accounting Manual. As a result, it is found that the internal control system will allow procedures to be managed through a manual of administrative and financial procedures for all areas, in addition to having a defined structural and functional organization, so the define their role and functions according to their professional profile whose effect is reflected in the internal management of the institution and customer service. It is recommended to apply the proposed system, its impact in terms of economic and social, has been determined as positive what makes it possible to see that through its implementation it is possible to improve administrative and financial management

    Diseño de un pavimento permeable y drenaje pluvial del tramo Jr. San Lorenzo – mercado de Piura, 2018

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    El presente trabajo de investigación se centra principalmente en los problemas que ocasiona las aguas pluviales en épocas de lluvia que originan inundaciones en las ciudades debido al uso de pavimentos impermeables. Por ende, este proyecto de investigación busca dar una solución mediante el diseño de un pavimento permeable con la finalidad de reducir las inundaciones y mejorar transitabilidad peatonal como vehicular. El desarrollo de la presente investigación está dividido en dos variables. La primera variable toma en cuenta las consideraciones necesarias para un diseño de pavimento permeable tal como el estudio tráfico obteniendo un ESAL de 2.35 x 105EE y el estudio de mecánica de suelos obteniendo un CBR de 20.9%. Este diseño se rige mediante la metodología AASHTO 93 y la metodología CHILE, con lo cual se determinó los espesores del pavimento obteniendo una losa de concreto de 15 cm y una base de 35 cm. La segunda variable es el drenaje pluvial que está regido bajo el RNE (Reglamento Nacional de Edificaciones) mediante la norma OS. 060 (Drenaje Pluvial Urbano), obteniendo una tubería de 0.70 m de diámetro. Así mismo, se determinó las pendientes mediante el estudio topográfico para drenar el caudal proveniente de las aguas pluviales y por último la identificación de la fuente receptora de las aguas pluviales lo cual fue determinada mediante análisis documental de estudios realizados por la Municipalidad de Piura de reconocimiento de zona

    Psychotherapy for Foster Children: Results at Midpoint of Long-term Treatment

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    Therapy Outcomes: Difference between Latino and Non-Latino Foster Youth

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    Children in foster care experience a range of psychological symptoms due to their experiences with maltreatment. Latinos are a growing population within foster care, reflective of their growing numbers in the United States. Latinos often do not seek out mental health services and many face obstacles related to language, transportation, and lack of family support. The current study describes treatment parameters of Latino and non-Latino foster youth receiving long-term, pro-bono psychotherapy through a non-profit. Telephone interviews were completed with the youths’ therapists at the start and end of treatment. Among the completed cases, nine were identified as Latino patients. An additional nine patients were randomly selected for comparison from 88 non-Latino cases. Therapists (n = 18) were predominately female (77.8%), white (100%) and held doctorates (76.7%). Latino patients were on average 14.36 years old (SD = 6.45) and non-Latino patients were on average 10.56 years old (SD = 5.73) at the start of treatment. The non-Latino subset included African American (55.6%), White (22.2%) and Multi-ethnic (22.2%) patients. For all patients, repeated measures ANOVAs revealed significant decreases in the severity of depression F(1,1) = 24, p = .000, anxiety F(1,1) = 23.68, p = .000, dissociative symptoms F(1,1) = 13.52, p = .002, sleep problems F(1,1) = 6.011, p = .027, and school problems F(1,1) = 7.67, p = .015 over the course of treatment. When comparing between ethnic groups, therapists reported school problems F(1,1) = 5.75, p = .031 at a significantly lower rate in Latinos compared to non-Latinos. The average length of treatment for Latinos (M = 1.67 years, SD = .99) was about a year less than non-Latinos (M = 2.73 years, SD = 5.74). Therapists reported a higher frequency of resistance by the patient and a lack of support from biological parents as obstacles to treatment for Latino patients. Future research should take into consideration how therapist bias, patient resiliency, cultural competency, and protective factors relate to symptom severity and treatment outcomes. This analysis is limited by a small sample size; however, it reflects the mental health needs and cultural experiences of the exponentially growing Latino population

    Attachment to Therapist and Treatment Outcome Among Foster Youth

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    Compared to non-foster youth, children in foster care are at increased risk for emotional and behavioral problems due to their experienced maltreatment, separation and loss, and foster care system instability. Research with adults has shown that relationship elements, such as alliance in therapy and empathy, are positively associated with patient progress and secure attachment to the therapist. The current study evaluates the impact of Relationship Based Therapy provided to current or former foster youth. Analysis of semi-structured telephone interviews with therapists indicated a significant change in depression, anxiety, aggression or violence as the perpetrator, and problems in relationship with people in current living situation over the course of treatment. Increased attachment to therapist over the course of treatment was significantly correlated with reductions in severity of psychological symptoms and greater progress in therapy

    Descriptive Analysis of Emancipated Foster Youth Seeking Mental Health Treatment

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    Current and former foster youth experience increased risk for behavioral, cognitive, and emotional problems due to maltreatment and experiences in foster care. Nonetheless, research indicates a gap between the need for mental health services and service use. The current study describes a sample of self-referring, emancipated foster youth seeking long-term psychotherapy to understand reasons youth seek psychotherapy. This study further compares a subset of youths’ data with reports collected from respective therapists to examine differences in perceptions of symptoms
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