4 research outputs found

    Análise da realidade pericial no âmbito do direito penal no gabinete médico-legal da Covilhã

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    A avaliação médico-legal do dano corporal em direito penal assume um papel fulcral na fundamentação da decisão judicial, nomeadamente no que respeita à sanção penal a aplicar a quem foi responsável pela produção desses danos. No âmbito da profunda reorganização médico-legal portuguesa verificada em 2001, foi criado o Gabinete Médico-Legal da Covilhã que entre as suas competências integra a realização destes exames periciais. Tendo em vista conhecer qual o padrão de violência mais frequente e qual a realidade pericial no âmbito da Clínica Forense em direito penal na zona geográfica coberta por aquele Gabinete, procedeu-se a um estudo retrospectivo, envolvendo o período de 2006-2008, de todas as perícias neste domínio nele concretizadas. Com base nelas estudou-se o dia da semana mais prevalente, assim como a hora, o tipo de agressão em causa, agressor(a), vítima (s), onde foi assistido(a), quem solicitou o exame, local/actividade, tipo de arma e meio utilizados, natureza do dano, tempo de cura e incapacidades para o trabalho em geral e profissional, e se resultaram danos permanentes e/ou perturbações psico-sociais. Avaliou-se também a qualidade da resposta pericial proporcionada pelo Gabinete em causa à população por ele coberta, nomeadamente através do estudo do número de vezes que o(a) agredido(a) foi examinado(a), o tempo de resposta após solicitação do exame e a correcta abordagem ou não de todos os parâmetros de dano valorizáveis em direito penal no âmbito do respectivo relatório pericial.The Forensic Medicine evaluation of the injury in criminal law has a key role in the reasoning of the court’s decision in respect to the base penalty to be applied to whom was responsible for the production of such damage. Under the reorganization of the Portuguese Forensic Medicine in 2001, a Gabinete Médico-Legal da Covilhã was created and among its powers, it includes the realization of expert examinations. In order to know what pattern of violence was more frequent and the real expertise within the Forensic Clinic in criminal law in the geographical area covered by that office, a retrospective study was done, corresponding to a period between 2006-2008, of all the expertise in this area it implemented. A study was done regarding, the day of the week and time of day, type of aggression involved, aggressor, victim (s), type of weapon used, who requested the examination, place / activity, type of weapon and used means of injury, nature of injury, time of healing and disability for work in general and professional and if permanent harm resulted, and / or psycho-social disorders. The quality of response provided by expertise of the office was also evaluated concerning the population covered by it, particularly by studying the number of times the victim was examined, the response time after the examiners solicitation and the correct approach of injury recoverable in criminal law under the expert report

    Report of simultaneous measles outbreaks in two different health regions in Portugal, February to May 2017: lessons learnt and upcoming challenges

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    In Portugal, measles vaccination coverage and population immunity are high, and no endemic measles cases had been reported since 2004. The World Health Organization classified measles as eliminated in the country in 2015 and 2016, based on data from the previous 3 years. However, in a context of increasing incidence in several European countries in 2016 and 2017, Portugal experienced two simultaneous measles outbreaks with a total of 27 laboratory-confirmed cases (0.3 cases/100,000 population) in two health regions between February and May 2017. Nineteen cases (70.1%) were adults, of whom 12 were healthcare workers. Overall, 17 cases (63.0%) were not vaccinated, of whom five were infants younger than 12 months of age. One unvaccinated teenager died. Genotype B3 was identified in 14 cases from both regions. Measles virus sequencing identified different possible origins of the virus in each region affected. Although measles transmission was stopped in less than 2 months from the first case being notified, these outbreaks represent an opportunity to reinforce awareness of measles diagnosis. We highlight the intensity of the control measures taken and their impact on the rapid control of the outbreaks and also the fact that high vaccination coverage was crucial to stop transmission.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Measles outbreak after 12 years without endemic transmission, Portugal, February to May 2017

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    We report a measles outbreak in two Portuguese health regions (Algarve and Lisbon and the Tagus Valley) since February 2017, and which by 31 May resulted in 28 confirmed cases, of which 16 were unvaccinated. Thirteen cases were healthcare workers. One unvaccinated teenager died. Genotype B3 was identified in 14 cases from both regions. This outbreak occurs after 12 years without endemic measles transmission, and in a context of high measles vaccination coverage and immunity.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Challenging measles case definition: three measles outbreaks in three Health Regions of Portugal, February to April 2018

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    Free PMC Article: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6152152/We report three simultaneous measles outbreaks with 112 confirmed cases in three Health Regions of Portugal, from February to April 2018. The mean age of cases was 30 years, 79% worked in a healthcare setting and 87% were vaccinated. Genotype B3 was identified in 84 cases from the three outbreaks. Primary cases in each outbreak were imported. Several cases presented with modified measles, highlighting the importance of rethinking the measles case definition for vaccinated cases.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio