1,016 research outputs found

    RDF/S)XML Linguistic Annotation of Semantic Web Pages

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    Although with the Semantic Web initiative much research on web pages semantic annotation has already done by AI researchers, linguistic text annotation, including the semantic one, was originally developed in Corpus Linguistics and its results have been somehow neglected by AI. ..

    Estructuras de clasificación en español. Terminología y adquisición de conocimiento explícito para la web semántica.

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    El estudio de las estructuras de clasificación que aquí presentamos responde al interés que la terminología tiene en las aplicaciones informáticas relacionadas con la Web semántica. ..

    Revolving doors and conflicts of interest in health regulatory agencies in Brazil

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    Regulatory health agencies exist in most public health systems (PHS) and play a crucial role in enacting regulation and overseeing economic activities in order to ensure the quality of health systems, goods and services.1 Multiple practices of corruption such as bribery or fraud have been reported in health policy and systems.2 Public health agencies are particularly susceptible to ‘regulatory capture’,3 4 a process by which an agency advances the special interests of the industries and of other actors it is entrusted with regulating. One of the mechanisms that can potentially lead to an agency capture is the so-called ‘revolving door’,5 the situation where an exchange of roles between public regulators and regulated institutions may result in health policy decisions which are biased in favour of industry interests. Revolving doors have previously been described in the USA and Europe, with an emphasis on legislative, energy, financial and patent agencies. However, there is little empirical evidence on the scale and scope of this problem in PHS. In this commentary, we explore the extent of the revolving doors phenomenon in Brazil by analysing the professional trajectories of public agents who held high positions at the two key health regulatory agencies in the country between 1999 and 2018

    Hormigón conductor con fibras de carbono recicladas para aplicaciones calefactables en mobiliario urbano

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    This paper presents a broad experimental study performed at laboratory and industrial facilities to develop conductive concrete for self-heating and de-icing applications in urban furniture. Self-heating capacity is achieved by the application of electric current through a highly dense matrix containing recycled carbon fibers and graphite flakes. Prisms and slabs were fabricated with two different conductive concretes and electrode con­figurations to characterize the electrical properties and heating performance. Finally, 3 benches with different electrode disposals were fabricated to assess the heating capacity in real-scale applications. The results presented indicate promising results about the use of recycled carbon fibers for electrothermal concrete applications and identify the electrode configuration that allows the most efficient heat transfer and reduction of temperature gradients within the heated element. Real-scale tests show that the current technology developed is potentially applicable at de-icing applications in climates where temperatures remain within the range of -3 or -5 ºC.Este artículo presenta un extenso trabajo experimental a escala laboratorio e industrial para desarrollar mobiliario urbano con hormigones conductores calefactables. La capacidad calefactable se alcanza mediante la aplicación de corriente eléctrica por una matriz de hormigón con fibras de carbono recicladas y escamas de grafito. Se fabricaron prismas y losas con dos hormigones conductores y distintas configuraciones de electrodos para caracterizar sus propiedades eléctricas y capacidad calefactora. Finalmente, se fabricaron 3 bancos para evaluar la capacidad de calentamiento en aplicaciones a escala real. Los resultados muestran el potencial de las fibras de carbono recicladas para su uso en aplicaciones electrotérmicas e identifican las configuraciones de elec­trodos más adecuadas para reducir los gradientes de temperatura dentro del elemento calefactado. Por último, los ensayos a escala real muestran que la tecnología desarrollada es potencialmente válida para aplicaciones de des-hielo en climas donde la temperatura varía entorno los -3 y -5 ºC

    From linguistic patterns to ontology structures

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    The aim of this paper is to contribute to the research on linguistic patterns focusing on the subclassOf relation for the semi-automatic construction of ontologies. Taking as a starting point those ontological structures corresponding to consensual modelling solutions, which are known as Ontology Design Patterns (ODPs), we identified the linguistic patterns that convey the relation captured in ODPs as Lexico-Syntactic Patterns (LSPs) and included them in an LSP-ODP pattern repository. LSPs will permit novice users the conversion of the domain field they want to model into an ontological structure. In the present contribution, the language of classification in Spanish is studied in order to collect the most common ways of verbally expressing the subclassOf relation. Then, the topology of the most common classification patterns is analysed to discover the type of ontological knowledge provided, i.e. which concept relation, and the two essential features in ontology knowledge: exhaustiveness and disjointness

    Contenido, forma y función en textos del dominio del cine: la reseña y la crítica cinematográficas

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    El objetivo de esta comunicación es presentar el resultado del análisis de las características de una serie de textos procedentes de diversas fuentes, pero pertenecientes a un dominio de especialidad y con una finalidad común: presentar una película al público. El estudio de la relación entre texto y contenido informativo, y, más en concreto, entre las características textuales y la función textual y la ideología revela que la finalidad o función con la que se transmite la información sobre las obras cinematográficas determina sus características textuales: la forma del documento y el tratamiento del contenido informativo. A su vez, estos dos aspectos se ven afectados por el medio y la ideología

    Primeras aproximaciones a la anotación lingüístico-ontológica de documentos de Web Semántica: OntoTag

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    A instancias de lo que se ha dado en llamar la Web Semántica, la Inteligencia Artificial ha investigado exhaustivamente la anotación semántica de páginas web. La anotación (semántica) de textos se desarrolló primeramente en la Lingüística de Corpus; sin embargo, la Inteligencia Artificial, al centrarse en una anotación basada en ontologías, parece haber pasado por alto sus resultados. Este artículo muestra nuestras primeras experiencias en la integración de ambos campos, según las cuales una anotación híbrida (lingüística y ontológica) no sólo sería posible, sino también de gran utilidad, para hacer más comprensibles a un ordenador los documentos de la Web Semántica. Nuestro equipo de investigación está desarrollando OntoTag, un modelo de anotación multi-nivel (en principio, también multilingüe y de propósito general) basado en los estándares EAGLES y en la Semántica Ontológica, e implementado en lenguajes de marcado de última generación (RDF(S)/XML)

    Una visión interdisciplinar de la anotación semántica

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    Hoy en día Internet es la principal fuente de información. Es inmensa la cantidad de documentos accesibles en lo que se conoce como la World Wide Web (WWW) o, simplemente, la web o la red. ..

    RDF/S)XML Linguistic Annotation of Semantic Web Pages

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    Although with the Semantic Web initiative much research on web pages semantic annotation has already done by AI researchers, linguistic text annotation, including the semantic one, was originally developed in Corpus Linguistics and its results have been somehow neglected by AI. ..

    OntoTag: XML/RDF(S)/OWL Semantic Web Page Annotation in ContentWeb

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    As the Semantic Web and the Language Resources research fields become closer, the need for standard representation formats and languages gets clearer, specially taking into account the increasing need for cooperation and interoperability between both fields that is being set forth. The purpose of this paper is to present how this process of standardisation and integration is being achieved in ContentWeb by means of OntoTag, a multi-level (also multi-purpose and possibly multi-language) hybrid (ontologic and linguistic) platform for Semantic Web annotation, designed according to EAGLES standards and implemented with last generation Semantic Web languages (XML/ RDF(S)/OWL)