1,877 research outputs found

    Prohibited Practice: Drug Use, Harm Reduction and Benefit Enhancement in Toronto Rave Culture

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    Based on fieldwork in Toronto, ON, I use ethnographic methods and analysis to answer the question of why people at electronic music events (‘raves’) and festivals use legal and illegal psychoactive drugs, exploring how the subjective effects of consciousness alteration factor into individual and group experiences of affective change. I examine the effects of stigma on the lives of these ‘drug practitioners’, as well as how the structures of prohibition shape the ways in which recreational substances are able to be consumed safely, resulting in a moral economy of trust and a culture of interreliance in the rave scene. Finally, I look at how mutually dependent practices of both harm reduction and ‘benefit enhancement’ are socially integrated into this community, and how this knowledge can be mobilized to improve harm reduction policy and practice

    Influence of a specific aquatic program on social and gross motor skills in adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorders: Three case reports

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    Swimming pool activities revealed to be efficacious to train psychomotor skills and increase adaptive behaviors in children with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD). Therefore, the purpose of this study was to investigate the efficacy of a specific multi-systemic aquatic therapy (CI-MAT) on gross motor and social skills in three adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD). Methods: three adolescents with ASD of which two boys (M1 with a chronological age of 10.3 years and a mental age of 4.7 years; M2 with a chronological age of 14.6 and a mental age inferior to 4 years) and one girl (chronological age of 14.0 and a mental age inferior to 4 years). The study was divided into three phases: baseline, 12-week CI-MAT program and Post-Test. Participants were administered a battery of tests incorporating anthropometric measurements, gross motor development test and a social skills questionnaire before and after a 12-week MAT-CI program. Results: Subjects improved locomotors and object control skills following the CI-MAT program in a different way. Concerning social behaviors, the higher proportion of gains was observed in the sensitivity of other's presence and eye contact, for the contact domain, and in the comply turn for the relationship domain. Conclusions: The results of this study showed that the CI-MAT program was effective for the development of gross-motor skills and social behaviors in subjects with ASD. Moreover there is an urge to carry out a whole psychological assessment targeting both motor and adaptive development suitable to provide educational and vocational plans of exercises for people with ASD

    O Brasil é longe daqui? Poder e Exceção em Grande Sertão: Veredas

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    Analisi dell'episodio dell'incontro con i "catrumanos" in Grande Sertão: Vereda

    Egg parasitoid exploitation of plant volatiles induced by single or concurrent attack of a zoophytophagous predator and an invasive phytophagous pest

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    Zoophytophagous insect predators can induce physiological responses in plants by activating defence signalling pathways, but whether plants can respond to facultative phytophagy by recruiting natural enemies remains to be investigated. In Y-tube olfactometer bioassays, using a system including a Vicia faba plant, the zoophytophagous predator Podisus maculiventris and the egg parasitoid Telenomus podisi, we first demonstrated that T. podisi females are attracted by broad bean plants damaged by feeding activity of P. maculiventris and on which host egg masses had been laid, while they are not attracted by undamaged plants or plants damaged by feeding activity alone. In a second experiment, we evaluated the impact of the invasive phytophagous pest Halyomorpha halys on this plant volatile-mediated tritrophic communication. Results showed that the invasive herbivorous adults do not induce plants to recruit the native egg parasitoid, but they can disrupt the local infochemical network. In fact, T. podisi females are not attracted by volatiles emitted by plants damaged by H. halys feeding alone or combined with oviposition activity, nor are they attracted by plants concurrently infested by P. maculiventris and H. halys, indicating the specificity in the parasitoid response and the ability of the invasive herbivore in interrupting the semiochemical communication between plants and native egg parasitoids. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study showing that zoophytophagous predator attacks induce indirect plant defences similarly to those defence strategies adopted by plants as a consequence of single or concurrent infestations of herbivorous insects

    Le infrastrutture ecologiche come elemento funzionale nella gestione della biodiversità degli agrosistemi, con particolare riferimento al vigneto

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    Molti studiosi, già da diverso tempo, hanno messo in risalto l’importanza della diversità vegetale negli agroecosistemi sull’aumento della presenza di artropodi utili che contribuiscono al contenimento delle specie dannose. In quest’ambito una strategia di difesa per mantenere alto il livello di biodiversità riguarda l’uso delle cosiddette “infrastrutture ecologiche” o “aree di compensazione ecologica”, cioè siepi o fasce di vegetazione adiacenti al campo coltivato o al suo che forniscono ospiti alternativi e siti rifugio per predatori e parassitoidi di insetti dannosi, aumentando in tal modo l’abbondanza dei nemici naturali e la colonizzazione delle colture confinanti. Alcuni lavori di campo hanno testato i concetti di ecologia del paesaggio applicata all’agricoltura, come ad esempio l’uso di corridoi biologici per contrastare insetti dannosi, evidenziando che l’uso di corridoi vegetazionali, interrompendo le monocolture, fungono da tramite per la dispersione di nemici naturali all’interno del campo, aumentando così il loro impatto sulle popolazioni dei fitofagi. La composizione delle specie costituenti la vegetazione circostante e la distanza alla quale i nemici naturali si disperdono nella coltura hanno grande influenza sull’abbondanza e diversità di insetti entomofagi all’interno di un campo. Risulta di rilevante importanza la gestione degli habitat, come forma di controllo della conservazione biologica allo scopo di creare adeguate infrastrutture ecologiche all’interno del paesaggio agrario, fornendo risorse di cibo, prede alternative e ripari ai nemici naturali. Nell’ambito del vigneto, l’incremento della diversità botanica ha apportato benefici soprattutto rilevabili nelle relazioni tra tignole e antagonisti, tra cicaline e i parassitoidi 4-2013 22 del genere Anagrus e tra acari e predatori quali acari Fitoseidi. È da tenere presente, però, che nonostante gli aspetti positivi delle infrastrutture ecologiche evidenziati, in alcune aree viticole possono verificarsi effetti sfavorevoli in relazione ad alcuni fitofagi quali cicaline, soprattutto quelle vettrici di fitoplasmi e virosi, cocciniglie e fillominatori. Vengono riportati i diversi studi finora effettuati in Italia e all’estero (paesi europei ed extra-europei).Ecological infrastructures as a functional element in the management of biodiversity of agroecosystems, with particular reference to the vineyard Many researchers have emphasized the importance of plant diversity in agro-ecosystems on increasing the presence of beneficial arthropods that contribute to the control of harmful species. In this context, a defense strategy to maintain a high level of biodiversity is the use of so-called “ecological infrastructure” or “ecological compensation areas”, i.e. hedges or strips of vegetation adjacent to the cultivated field or inside. These sites provide alternate hosts and refuge for predators and parasitoids of pests, thereby increasing the abundance of natural enemies and colonization of neighboring crops. Some field studies have tested the concepts of landscape ecology applied to agriculture, such as the use of biological corridors to control harmful insects that breaking monocultures, are the bridge to the dispersal of natural enemies in the field, increasing their impact on the pests populations. The different species of the surrounding vegetation and the distances that natural enemies disperse into the cropping system have a great influence on the abundance and diversity of beneficial insects. The habitat management is an aspect of conservation biological control using the appropriate ecological infrastructure in the agricultural landscape that provides resources for food, shelter and alternative prey to enhance natural enemies. In vineyards, the enhancement of botanical diversity has beneficial effects especially in the relationships between grape moths and antagonists, leafhoppers and parasitoids as Anagrus spp. and mites and predators as Phytoseiid mites. Despite the positive aspects of ecological infrastructures in the vineyard, unfavorable effects may occur in particular viticultural areas in relation to some pests such as leafhoppers, especially those vectors of grapevine phytoplasma and viruses diseases, scale and leafminers insects. In the paper we report the state of studies carried out in Italy, Europe and other world countries on the role of natural hedges and floral resources in supporting predatory insects with particular reference to Coccinellids and parasitoids of genus Anagrus and Trichogramma and associated natural enemies with tripids. In addition, we report briefly studies on the ecological effectiveness on species richness and abundance of animal groups and pollinators

    Effects of essential oils of Origanum vulgare L. (Fam. Labiatee), Pelargonium odoratissimum L. (Fam. Geraniaceae) and Syzygium aromaticum L. (Fam. Mirtaceae) on mortality of Aphis gossypii Glover (Homoptera: Aphidiidae) in laboratory

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    The cotton aphid, Aphis gossypii Glover (Homoptera: Aphidiidae), is a cosmopolitan and highly polyphagous species causing serious economic damage to numerous plants including Cucurbitaceae. The use of synthetic insecticides represent the main method of control of this aphid, often resulting in resistance to all the major insecticide group. The use of natural products, such as essential oils (EOs), has increased in recent years because they have advantages in reduction of this resistance. Within this research area, we have implement and evaluate the applications of EOs that aim at reinforcing knowledge on the control of this aphid. We investigated the topical application of the EOs of Origanum vulgare L. (oregano), Pelargonium odoratissimum L. (cloves) and Syzygium aromaticum L. (geranium bourbon) by means the Potter tower on 1st instar nymphs under laboratory conditions. In our results, mortality response to EOs tested was dose-dependent and depending on the time from the treatment. It is remarkable that already after 24 hours of exposure to treatments, all three EOs caused mortality. Highest mortality was detected after 48 at doses of 1200 μl/l with values of 52%, 67% and 69% for clove, geranium and oregano, respectively. The probit analysis after 24 hours revealed that the lowest DL50 was detected for oregano (562.34 μl/l), followed by geranium (707.95 μl/l) and clove (954.99 μl/l) EOs. The results highlight a potential use of these EOs in the pest control being less toxic to the plants unlike chemical-based insecticides

    Assessment of the insecticidal activity of five essential oils used against the subterranean termite Reticulitermes lucifugus (Rossi) (Blattodea, Rhinotermitidae) in laboratory

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    Among Reticulitermes genus the most abundant species living in Italy is Reticulitermes lucifugus Rossi. This termite is very dangerous to wooden structures of artistic heritage and buildings. The traditional control of R. lucifugus is very difficult resulting in negatively impact on the environment, therefore the use of phytochemical, such as essential oils (EOs), could lead to an alternative to synthetic insecticides, with advantages in reducing environmental risks. In this work we investigated the insecticidal activity of EOs of Citrus bergamia Risso, Syzygium aromaticum L., Foeniculum vulgare Mill., Pelargonium odoratissimum L., and Origanum vulgare L. by inhalation against R. lucifugus workers. It is the first study to examine the efficacy of EOs on this termite species. Results showed that after 24 hours of treatment exposure, mortality occurred in all treatments and was dose-dependent, increasing when the treatment dose increased. At the lowest dose (2.5 μl/l), oregano, clove, and geranium EOs resulted in mortality of more than 80%. Oregano EO was the most active already at low doses, while fennel EO was the least effective. 24 hours after the treatment, the lowest DL50, obtained by the dose-response analysis, was detected for oregano EO (1.21 μl/l), followed by those of EOs of clove (1.28 μl/l), geranium (1.73 μl/l), fennel (2.20 μl/l), and bergamot (2.88 μl/l). This study highlighted the possibility of using these EOs in the termite control for the preservation of wooden structures


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh presensi berbasis sidik jari terhadap kedisiplinan siswa di SMA Negeri 18 Surabaya. Pendekatan penelitian yang digunakan yaitu pendekatan kuantitatif bentuk kausal. Subjek penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa Kelas X SMA Negeri 18 Surabaya pada angkatan tahun ajaran 2018/2019. Sampel yang digunakan yaitu 164 siswa dari seluruh jumlah populasi. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan probability sampling. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan wawancara, dokumentasi, dan kuesioner. Uji validitas instrumen menggunakan rumus korelasi product moment sedangkan uji reliabilitas instrumen menggunakan rumus alpha cronbach. Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan analisis regresi linier sederhana menggunakan program SPSS 22.0 for Windows. Hasil Penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: kehadiran berbasis sidik jari (X) memiliki pengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap disiplin siswa (Y), yang tercermin pada thitung 57,057 dengan taraf signifikan 0,000. Nilai koefisien absensi kehadiran berbasis sidik jari sebesar 0,976 yang mendekati angka satu, sehingga dapat dilihat bahwa semua kehadiran berbasis sidik jari sangat mempengaruhi tingkat kedisiplinan siswa di SMA Negeri 18 Surabaya. Berdasarkan hasil pengujian hipotesis penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa kehadiran berbasis sidik jari (X) memiliki pengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap disiplin siswa (Y), yang tercermin pada thitung 57,057 dengan taraf signifikan 0,000. Nilai koefisien absensi kehadiran berbasis sidik jari sebesar 0,976 yang mendekati angka satu, sehingga dapat dilihat bahwa semua keadiran berbasis sidik jari sangat mempengaruhi tingkat kedisiplinan siswa di SMA Negeri 18 Surabaya. Kata Kunci: presensi, sidik jari, kedisiplinan sisw

    Studies on Reticulitermes lucifugus Rossi (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae): a review of associated hindgut flagellates and investigations on protist species of the Sicilian subspecies, R. lucifugus \u201cSicily\u201d

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    The present study was conducted on protist species from R. lucifugus \u201cSicily\u201d subspecies in a field site of Palermo (Sicily, Italy) on June 2015. Since protist species associated with R. lucifugus in Europe are still confused and recent revisions are lacking, this work aims at achieving greater clarity on these symbiosis trough a review of the literature in light of new phylogenetic studies on this termite species. The purpose of this work was also to highlight and quantify protists associated with the Sicilian subspecies, R. l. \u201cSicily\u201d. Results pointed out the real protist community attributable to R. lucifugus from the literature and showed 13 protist species detected in the subspecies R. l. \u201cSicily\u201d. These species were consistent with previous reports except for Spironympha sp., mentioned for the first time from this termite. Total protist population estimates was 26,814.71 \ub1 1,121.92 protists per termite. Dinenympha exilis and D. gracilis were found in greater abundance with relative species abundance of 17%. Monocercomonas termitis, Microjoenia hexamitoides, Trichonympha minor and Pyrsonympha flagellata could be used to distinguish R. lucifugus because these protists are not found in other Reticulitermes species