18 research outputs found

    Media Contribution in Transfer of Power in Nepal

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    Land locked Himalayan Kingdom of Nepal was known for relative isolation and state controlled media access and exposure until late twentieth century. The limited print and electronic media produced and distributed within the kingdom was fairly restrictive though news papers and magazines, radio and television signals were received without much restrictions from the neighboring countries particularly from India. Other countries like China also broadcast Nepal focused information and news. On the turn of the twenty first century, Nepal’s cultural and political scene have taken revolutionary path in which kingship has been replaced by democratic order. The aim of the paper is to discuss and analyzed the contribution of media in achieving transfer of power to people. The paper is based on the first hand interaction with Nepal media persons and available secondary data on the growth and development of media in Nepal and political events. Radio broadcast in Nepal started in April 1951. At that time, radio coverage was small and limited to Kathmandu-the capital and surrounding valley. Radio Nepal since then has grown both in terms of infrastructure and broadcasting time. Added to it has been expansion of “community radio” often used for political campaigns. Television arrived in mid eighties in Kathmandu and rapidly expended its coverage. In spite of several political upheavals and turmoil gradually private entrepreneurs took over media within Nepal. Youth within Nepal and emigrants to other parts of Asia provided continuous information that contributed to influence the struggle for democratic power to people

    Media contribution in transfer of power in Nepal

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    The aim of the paper is to find out the contribution made by FM radio in achieving transfer of power to people in Nepal from monarchy

    L'évolution de la vidéo en Asie du Sud : riches et pauvres dans l'accès aux médias

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    Agrawal Binod C., Kamdar Anita. L'évolution de la vidéo en Asie du Sud : riches et pauvres dans l'accès aux médias. In: Tiers-Monde, tome 28, n°111, 1987. Transferts des technologies de communication et développement, sous la direction de Yvonne Mignot-Lefebvre. pp. 577-583

    Fading future of development communication

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    The paper narrates the story of what has been witnessed over half a century while working and researching in development communication for last four decades In the early 70s, social scientists were engaged in social evaluation of one year (1975-76) world famous expereiment and the largest satellite based techno-social initiative for education and development known as Satellite Instructional Television Experiment (SITE) (Agrawal 1981). Briefly this paper aims to describe and discuss what were experiences of development communication over a period of time in India 1. A synoptic analysis is presented to examine as to what happened to development communication as a concept and practice in national and global perspective.2. The effort is to bring out the main features and the diversities in the multi-linear evolution of development communication