19 research outputs found

    Meteorological OSSEs for new zenith total delay observations: impact assessment for the hydroterra geosynchronous satellite on the October 2019 Genoa event

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    Along the Mediterranean coastlines, intense and localized rainfall events are responsible for numerous casualties and several million euros of damage every year. Numerical forecasts of such events are rarely skillful, because they lack information in their initial and boundary conditions at the relevant spatio-temporal scales, namely O(km) and O(h). In this context, the tropospheric delay observations (strongly related to the vertically integrated water vapor content) of the future geosynchronous Hydroterra satellite could provide valuable information at a high spatio-temporal resolution. In this work, Observing System Simulation Experiments (OSSEs) are performed to assess the impact of assimilating this new observation in a cloud-resolving meteorological model, at different grid spacing and temporal frequencies, and with respect to other existent observations. It is found that assimilating the Hydroterra observations at 2.5 km spacing every 3 or 6 h has the largest positive impact on the forecast of the event under study. In particular, a better spatial localization and extent of the heavy rainfall area is achieved and a realistic surface wind structure, which is a crucial element in the forecast of such heavy rainfall events, is modele

    Air‐Sea Interactions in the Cold Wakes of Tropical Cyclones

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    Tropical cyclones generate a large and wide cold wake along their trajectories, which conditions the subsequent evolution of the tropical cyclone themselves. The cold wakes persist for weeks, impacting both the upper ocean, the air-sea fluxes, and the atmosphere. The study by Z. Ma etal. (2020,https://doi.org/10.1029/2020GL088873), for the first time analyzes a composite of remotely sensed data sets to show that cold wakes modify surface winds and reduce cloud coverage and rainfall. These results contribute to shedding light on the mechanisms at the origin of the air-sea feedbacks, which can differ at different latitudes depending on the stability of the marine atmospheric boundary layer. The work stimulates further research to assess whether the cloud cover anomalies induced by tropical cyclones significantly modify the radiative budget of the Eart

    Sensitivity of some African heavy rainfall events to microphysics and planetary boundary layer schemes: impacts on localised storms

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    High‐resolution numerical weather prediction (NWP) simulations of heavy rainfall events are known to be strongly sensitive to the choice of the sub‐grid scale parameterization schemes. In the African continent, studies on such a choice at the convective‐resolving scales are not numerous. By exploiting a state‐of‐theart NWP model, the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model, the sensitivity of the simulation of three heavy rainfall events in sub‐Saharan Africa to the microphysical (MP) and planetary boundary layer (PBL) schemes is studied. Validating the numerical outputs against rainfall satellite estimates, ground based weather stations, radiosonde profiles and satellite‐derived cloud top temperature maps with an object‐based tool, the best performing setup is identified. In terms of heavy rainfall forecast location, it is found that the PBL scheme has a larger impact than the MP, which is shown to control the cloud top temperature simulation. Among the schemes considered, the best performances are reached with a 6‐class single‐moment microphysical scheme and a non‐local planetary boundary layer scheme which properly includes the vertical mixing by the large eddies in the atmosphere

    A hindcast study of the Piedmont 1994 flood: the CIMA Research Foundation hydro-meteorological forecasting chain

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    Between the 4 th and the 6 th of November 1994, Piedmont and the western part of Liguria (two regions in north-western Italy) were hit by heavy rainfalls that caused the flooding of the Po, the Tanaro rivers and several of their tributaries, causing 70 victims and the displacement of over 2000 people. At the time of the event, no early warning system was in place and the concept of hydro-meteorological forecasting chain was in its infancy, since it was still limited to a reduced number of research applications, strongly constrained by coarse-resolution modelling capabilities both on the meteorological and the hydrological sides. In this study, the skills of the high-resolution CIMA Research Foundation operational hydro-meteorological forecasting chain are tested in the Piedmont 1994 event. The chain includes a cloud-resolving numerical weather prediction (NWP) model, a stochastic rainfall downscaling model, and a continuous distributed hydrological model. This hydro-meteorological chain is tested in a set of operational configurations, meaning that forecast products are used to initialise and force the atmospheric model at the boundaries. The set consists of four experiments with different options of the microphysical scheme, which is known to be a critical parameterisation in this kind of phenomena. Results show that all the configurations produce an adequate and timely forecast (about 2 days ahead) with realistic rainfall fields and, consequently, very good peak flow discharge curves. The added value of the high resolution of the NWP model emerges, in particular, when looking at the location of the convective part of the event, which hit the Liguria region

    On the importance of the atmospheric coupling to the small-scale ocean in the modulation of latent heat flux

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    In this study, ocean and atmosphere satellite observations, an atmospheric reanalysis and a set of regional numerical simulations of the lower atmosphere are used to assess the coupling between the sea-surface temperature (SST) and the marine atmospheric boundary layer (MABL) as well as the latent heat flux (LHF) sensitivity to SST in the north-west tropical Atlantic Ocean. The results suggest that the SST-MABL coupling depends on the spatial scale of interest. At scales larger than the ocean mesoscale (larger than 150 km), negative correlations are observed between near-surface wind speed (U-1 (0m)) and SST and positive correlations between near-surface specific humidity (q(2m)) and SST. However, when smaller scales (1 - 150 km, i.e., encompassing the ocean mesoscale and a portion of the submesoscale) are considered, U-10 (m)-SST correlate inversely and the q(2m)-SST relation significantly differs from what is expected using the Clausius-Clapeyron equation. This is interpreted in terms of an active ocean modifying the near-surface atmospheric state, driving convection, mixing and entrainment of air from the free troposphere into the MABL. The estimated values of the ocean-atmosphere coupling at the ocean small-scale are then used to develop a linear and SST-based downscaling method aiming to include and further investigate the impact of these fine-scale SST features into an available low-resolution latent heat flux (LHF) data set. The results show that they induce a significant increase of LHF (30% to 40% per degrees C of SST). We identify two mechanisms causing such a large increase of LHF: (1) the thermodynamic contribution that only includes the increase in LHF with larger SSTs associated with the Clausius-Clapeyron dependence of saturating water vapor pressure on SST and (2) the dynamical contribution related to the change in vertical stratification of the MABL as a consequence of SST anomalies. Using different downscaling setups, we conclude that largest contribution comes from the dynamic mode (28% against 5% for the thermodynamic mode). To validate our approach and results, we have implemented a set of high-resolution WRF numerical simulations forced by high-resolution satellite SST that we have analyzed in terms of LHF using the same algorithm. The LHF estimate biases are reduced by a factor of 2 when the downscaling is applied, providing confidence in our results

    A hindcast study of the Piedmont 1994 flood: the CIMA Research Foundation hydro-meteorological forecasting chain

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    Between the 4th and the 6th of November 1994, Piedmont and the western part of Liguria (two regions in north-western Italy) were hit by heavy rainfalls that caused the flooding of the Po, the Tanaro rivers and several of their tributaries, causing 70 victims and the displacement of over 2000 people. At the time of the event, no early warning system was in place and the concept of hydro-meteorological forecasting chain was in its infancy, since it was still limited to a reduced number of research applications, strongly constrained by coarse-resolution modelling capabilities both on the meteorological and the hydrological sides. In this study, the skills of the high-resolution CIMA Research Foundation operational hydro-meteorological forecasting chain are tested in the Piedmont 1994 event. The chain includes a cloud-resolving numerical weather prediction (NWP) model, a stochastic rainfall downscaling model, and a continuous distributed hydrological model. This hydro-meteorological chain is tested in a set of operational configurations, meaning that forecast products are used to initialise and force the atmospheric model at the boundaries. The set consists of four experiments with different options of the microphysical scheme, which is known to be a critical parameterisation in this kind of phenomena. Results show that all the configurations produce an adequate and timely forecast (about 2 days ahead) with realistic rainfall fields and, consequently, very good peak flow discharge curves. The added value of the high resolution of the NWP model emerges, in particular, when looking at the location of the convective part of the event, which hit the Liguria region

    On the Definition of the Strategy to Obtain Absolute InSAR Zenith Total Delay Maps for Meteorological Applications

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    Atmospheric Phase Screens (APSs) derived from Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) observations contain the difference between the tropospheric watervapor- induced delay of two acquisition epochs, i.e., the slave and the master (or reference) epochs. Using estimates of the atmospheric state coming from independent sources, for example numerical models and/or Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) observations, the APSs can be transformed into absolute maps of Tropospheric Delay (Zenith Total Delay or ZTD), related to the columnar atmospheric water vapor content. In this work, a systematic comparison between various APS and ZTD products aims to determine a convenient strategy to go from APSs to InSAR-derived absolute ZTD maps, highlighting the uncertainties and approximations introduced in the entire processing. The main problem to solve is the evaluation of a sufficiently accurate highresolution master delay map. Different sources of data and two different approaches to derive the master are validated and compared to define the most suitable strategy for meteorological applications. Maps of ZTD obtained by an iterative interpolation of a global atmospheric circulation model values results in being more suited than those derived from the assimilation of GNSS observations into an NWP model. A time average approach to estimate the master map is more robust than the single epoch approach with respect to the choice of the master epoch. Still, the choice of a proper master epoch in the InSAR processing chain as well