3,639 research outputs found

    GMOR-like relation in IR-conformal gauge theories

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    A generalization of the GMOR relation to the case of infrared-conformal gauge theories is discussed. The starting point is the chiral Ward identity connecting the isovector pseudoscalar susceptibility to the chiral condensate, in a mass-deformed theory. A renormalization-group analysis shows that the pseudoscalar susceptibility is not saturated by the lightest state, but a contribution from the continuum part of the spectrum survives in the chiral limit. The computation also shows how infrared-conformal gauge theories behave differently, depending on whether the anomalous dimension of the chiral condensate be smaller or larger than 1.Comment: 28 pages, 1 PDF figur

    Crossing the Line: Active Galactic Nuclei in the Star-forming region of the BPT Diagram

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    In this work, we investigate the reliability of the BPT diagram for excluding galaxies that host an AGN. We determine the prevalence of X-ray AGN in the star-forming region of the BPT diagram and discuss the reasons behind this apparent misclassification, focusing primarily on relatively massive (log(M)10\log(M_{*})\gtrsim10) galaxies. X-ray AGN are selected from deep XMM observations using a new method that results in greater samples with a wider range of X-ray luminosities, complete to log(LX)>41\log(L_{X})>41 for z<0.3z<0.3. Taking X-ray detectability into account, we find the average fraction of X-ray AGN in the BPT star-forming branch is 2%\%, suggesting the BPT diagram can provide a reasonably clean sample of star-forming galaxies. However, the X-ray selection is itself rather incomplete. At the tip of the AGN branch of the BPT diagram, the X-ray AGN fraction is only 14%\%, which may have implications for studies that exclude AGN based only on X-ray observations. Interestingly, the X-ray AGN fractions are similar for Seyfert and LINER populations, consistent with LINERs being true AGN. We find that neither the star-formation dilution nor the hidden broad-line components can satisfactorily explain the apparent misclassification of X-ray AGN. On the other hand, 40%\sim40\% of all X-ray AGN have weak emission lines such that they cannot be placed on the BPT diagram at all and often have low specific SFRs. Therefore, the most likely explanation for "misclassified" X-ray AGN is that they have intrinsically weak AGN lines, and are only placeable on the BPT diagram when they tend to have high specific SFRs.Comment: 16 pages, 16 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    Bevacizumab Demonstrates Prolonged Disease Stabilization in Patients with Heavily Pretreated Metastatic Renal Cell Carcinoma: A Case Series and Review of the Literature

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    There are now a variety of therapies approved for the treatment of metastatic renal cell carcinoma (RCC). These include the immunotherapeutics, alfa-interferon, and interleukin-2, and agents that target the vascular endothelial growth factor receptor (VEGFR) via its tyrosine kinase, such as sorafenib, sunitinib, and pazopanib, or the mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR), such as temsirolimus and everolimus. Bevacizumab, a monoclonal antibody directed against the ligand, VEGF, has shown activity against RCC as a single agent in patients who had failed prior cytokine therapy and as first line therapy in combination with interferon. The activity of bevacizumab in patients who had received and failed prior therapy has not been described. We report our experience in 4 patients with metastatic RCC who had failed prior cytokine, TKI, and mTOR inhibitors who were treated with bevacizumab as single agent therapy. These heavily pretreated patients sustained very prolonged periods of stable disease (median of 12 months) with very little toxicity and excellent quality of life. The activity of this agent in patients who had failed prior therapies directed against the VEGFR and mTOR suggests that therapy targeting the ligand, VEGF, is still a viable approach in these patients and deserves further study

    Evaluation of the Tobii EyeX Eye tracking controller and Matlab toolkit for research

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    The Tobii Eyex Controller is a new low-cost binocular eye tracker marketed for integration in gaming and consumer applications. The manufacturers claim that the system was conceived for natural eye gaze interaction, does not require continuous recalibration, and allows moderate head movements. The Controller is provided with a SDK to foster the development of new eye tracking applications. We review the characteristics of the device for its possible use in scientific research. We develop and evaluate an open source Matlab Toolkit that can be employed to interface with the EyeX device for gaze recording in behavioral experiments. The Toolkit provides calibration procedures tailored to both binocular and monocular experiments, as well as procedures to evaluate other eye tracking devices. The observed performance of the EyeX (i.e. accuracy < 0.6°, precision < 0.25°, latency < 50 ms and sampling frequency ≈55 Hz), is sufficient for some classes of research application. The device can be successfully employed to measure fixation parameters, saccadic, smooth pursuit and vergence eye movements. However, the relatively low sampling rate and moderate precision limit the suitability of the EyeX for monitoring micro-saccadic eye movements or for real-time gaze-contingent stimulus control. For these applications, research grade, high-cost eye tracking technology may still be necessary. Therefore, despite its limitations with respect to high-end devices, the EyeX has the potential to further the dissemination of eye tracking technology to a broad audience, and could be a valuable asset in consumer and gaming applications as well as a subset of basic and clinical research settings

    The community of Cystoseira brachycarpa J. Agardh emend. Giaccone (Fucales, Phaeophyceae) in a shallow hydrothermal vent area of the Aeolian Islands (Tyrrhenian Sea, Italy)

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    A Cystoseira brachycarpa community from a vent area off Panarea Island (Italy) was investigated in two sites at different pH values. At low pH, species richness and coverage were low and the community displayed a reduced reproductive capacity. Conversely, at normal pH, dense canopies of fertile C. brachycarpa were found

    What can we learn from relaxation measurements of a laser-perturbed atmosphere? A modeling study

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    The chemical kinetic aspects of a transient increase in OH and HO2 by several orders of magnitude are explored in three model tropospheres. This chemical kinetic modeling effort was undertaken to support the operation of a pump-and-probe LIDAR instrument. A powerful excimer laser pulse perturbs the troposphere after which its relaxation back to steady state is examined by remote sensing, for example by DIAL or LIF. Instead of probing ambient levels of key free radicals, a study of the relaxation kinetics in real time enables chemical mechanistic studies in situ

    Modelling Short-Latency Disparity-Vergence Eye Movements Under Dichoptic Unbalanced Stimulation

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    Vergence eye movements align the optical axes of our two eyes onto an object of interest, thus facilitating the binocular summation of the images projected onto the left and the right retinae into a single percept. Both the computational substrate and the functional behaviour of binocular vergence eye movements have been the topic of in depth investigation. Here, we attempt to bring together what is known about computation and function of vergence mechanism. To this aim, we evaluated of a biologically inspired model of horizontal and vertical vergence control, based on a network of V1 simple and complex cells. The model performances were compared to that of human observers, with dichoptic stimuli characterized by a varying amounts of interocular correlation, interocular contrast, and vertical disparity. The model provides a qualitative explanation of psychophysiological data. Nevertheless, human vergence response to interocular contrast differs from model’s behavior, suggesting that the proposed disparity-vergence model may be improved to account for human behavior. More than this, this observation also highlights how dichoptic unbalanced stimulation can be used to investigate the significant but neglected role of sensory processing in motor planning of eye movements in depth

    The eye and the heart

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    The vasculature of the eye and the heart share several common characteristics. The easily accessible vessels of the eye are therefore—to some extent—a window to the heart. There is interplay between cardiovascular functions and risk factors and the occurrence and progression of many eye diseases. In particular, arteriovenous nipping, narrowing of retinal arteries, and the dilatation of retinal veins are important signs of increased cardiovascular risk. The pressure in the dilated veins is often markedly increased due to a dysregulation of venous outflow from the eye. Besides such morphological criteria, functional alterations might be even more relevant and may play an important role in future diagnostics. Via neurovascular coupling, flickering light dilates capillaries and small arterioles, thus inducing endothelium-dependent, flow-mediated dilation of larger retinal vessels. Risk factors for arteriosclerosis, such as dyslipidaemia, diabetes, or systemic hypertension, are also risk factors for eye diseases such as retinal arterial or retinal vein occlusions, cataracts, age-related macular degeneration, and increases in intraocular pressure (IOP). Functional alterations of blood flow are particularly relevant to the eye. The primary vascular dysregulation syndrome (PVD), which often includes systemic hypotension, is associated with disturbed autoregulation of ocular blood flow (OBF). Fluctuation of IOP on a high level or blood pressure on a low level leads to instable OBF and oxygen supply and therefore to oxidative stress, which is particularly involved in the pathogenesis of glaucomatous neuropathy. Vascular dysregulation also leads to a barrier dysfunction and thereby to small retinal haemorrhage