7 research outputs found

    The impact of mechanized processing of cassava on farmers' production efficiency in Uganda

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    The study investigates the impact of adopting mechanized processing of cassava on farmers’ production efficiency in Uganda. A stochastic production function, using translog functional form, was used to compare efficiency measures of farmers in mechanized cassava-processing villages compared with the farmers in nonmechanized cassava-processing villages in 2014. Given the specification of the translog production function, the mean technical efficiencies of the farmers were 0.69 and 0.52 in mechanized and nonmechanized villages, respectively. The significant determinants of technical inefficiency among the respondents are farming experience, education, membership of farmer association, access to markets, sale of cassava to processors and farmers who planted cassava as sole crop are all negative, which confirm to a priori expectations and significant at different levels. The policy implication of the study is that mechanization of cassava processing, particularly if done at the right scale, could create demand that can transform primary production for increased yields, higher incomes and production efficiency of smallholder farmers who constitute a significant proportion of Uganda’s agricultural sector

    Effect of solar drying period of beans on seed viability, cooking time and injuriousness of Acanthoscelides obtectus Say

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    (African Crop Science Journal 1998 6(4): 417-421

    Out scaling of improved cassava processing technology - Uganda lessons

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    Cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) has an immediate potential for use in food and feed industry in East and Central Africa (ECA). However, its industrial utilization in the region remains low, partly due to lack of improved processing technologies, lack of awareness of the alternative uses of cassava and technical know how for commercialization. To tap the potential of cassava in feed industry of Uganda, EARRNET and its partners, NARO, Ugachick and farmers, established in 2005 two pilot processing sites in the districts of Bukedea and Masindi. Site selection was based on the levels and potential for increasing cassava production, existence of farmer groups/association, storage facility, availability of reliable clean water supply and ease of access to market. The objectives of the project were to a) increase awareness on the benefits of using high quality cassava chips in feed industry, b) introduce and promote use of improved processing and drying technologies c) assess the quality of cassava chips and d) develop better marketing strategies for cassava chips. The technology was introduced in a participatory manner through mobilization, sensitization, trainings, quality assessment, collective marketing, monitoring and evaluation. As a result, farmers got to know the potential benefits of cassava chips usage in animal feeds. The introduction of the improved drying facilities enabled farmers reduce drying time from 7-10 days as reported in traditional set-up to 1-2 days. The moisture content of the chips (10-12%) processed using the new technology was significantly (P<0.05) lower than that of traditionally processed cassava chips (14-18%). The aflatoxin contamination of well stored processed chips was significantly (p<0.05) lower (>1ppm) than those traditionally processed (15ppm). Cyanide levels in traditionally processed chips (17-35ppm) was significantly (p5 tonnes). Due to anticipated income generation from improved processing, acreage under cassava production in the project area increased by over 50%. However, though farmers embraced the improved technology, there still exist some hurdles that are discussed in this paper. The lessons learned from the study will help to improve further out scaling of production and utilisation of cassava technologies in the region

    Red and Purple? Feminism and young Greek Eurocommunists in the 1970s

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