536 research outputs found

    Late Miocene to Early Pliocene benthic foraminifera from the Tasman Sea (International Ocean Discovery Program Site U1506)

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    Modern and fossil benthic foraminifera have been widely documented from New Zealand, but detailed studies of material collected from drilling expeditions in the Tasman Sea are scarcer. This study aims to provide an updated taxonomic study for the Late Miocene–Early Pliocene benthic foraminifera in the Tasman Sea, with a specific focus on the paleoceanographic phenomenon known as the Biogenic Bloom. To achieve these goals, we analysed 66 samples from International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP) Site U1506 located in the Tasman Sea and identified a total of 98 taxa. Benthic foraminifera exhibit good preservation, allowing for accurate taxonomic identification. The resulting dataset serves as a reliable and precise framework for the identification and classification of the common deep-water benthic foraminifera in the region. The paleobathymetric analysis based on depth-dependent species indicates deposition at lower bathyal depths. Additionally, the quantitative analysis of the benthic foraminiferal assemblages allowed us to explore their response to the Biogenic Bloom at Site U1506. The paleoenvironmental analysis, focused on the Early Pliocene part of the Biogenic Bloom, points to high-productivity conditions driven by phytoplankton blooms and intensified vertical mixing of the ocean waters. These results provide valuable insights into the paleoceanographic events in the Tasman Sea, particularly the Biogenic Bloom, highlighting the significance of benthic foraminifera as reliable proxies for deciphering paleoenvironmental conditions. The taxonomic identifications and paleoenvironmental interpretations presented herein will aid in future paleoceanographic studies and facilitate comparisons with other deep-sea regions

    Middle Eocene large coccolithaceans: Biostratigraphic implications and paleoclimatic clues

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    A combined light microscope-scanning electron microscope study of exceptionally well-preserved calcareous nannofossil assemblages from clay-rich middle Eocene sediments recovered at IODP Site U1410 (NW Atlantic Ocean) has enabled us to document a new evolutionary lineage within Coccolithus-like placoliths that have well-developed near-axial or diagonal cross-bars in their central-area. Based on our observations, we describe a new genus Pletolithus, a new species Pletolithus giganteus and four new combinations (Pletolithus opdykei, Pletolithus staurion, Pletolithus mutatus and Pletolithus gigas). The distinctive ultra-structures of the different morphotypes and the presence of transitional morphologies suggest that Pletolithus evolved from a morphological variant of Coccolithus. The evolution of this group of coccolithaceans is initially characterized by increasing size and the appearance of delicate axial cross-bars in the central-area. Size continues to increase in these coccoliths and the orientation of the cross-bars shifts to asymmetric and diagonal in later representatives. Morphometric measurements on P. gigas and the morphologically similar P. giganteus, provide evidence for the presence of two distinct populations allowing for an objective differentiation of these two species, which in turn provides unambiguous taxonomic definition for the important biostratigraphic marker species P. gigas. These data improve the reliability of middle Eocene biostratigraphy and show that this lineage appeared when a new equilibrium in the environmental conditions was reached and intriguingly it coincides with a remarkable change in the deep circulation of the North Atlantic Ocean

    Organic Carbon Burial following the Middle Eocene Climatic Optimum (MECO) in the central - western Tethys

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    We present trace metal geochemistry and stable isotope records for the middle Eocene Alano di Piave section, NE Italy, deposited during magnetochron C18n in the marginal Tethys Ocean. We identify a \sim 500 kyr long carbon isotope perturbation event we infer to be the middle Eocene Climatic Optimum (MECO) confirming the northern hemisphere expression and global occurrence of MECO. Interpreted peak climatic conditions are followed by the rapid deposition of two organic rich intervals (\le3\% TOC) and contemporaneous positive δ13\delta^{13}C excursions. These two intervals are associated with increases in the concentration of sulphur and redox-sensitive trace metals, and low concentrations of Mn, as well as coupled with the occurrence of pyrite. Together these changes imply low, possibly dysoxic, bottom water O2_{2} conditions promoting increased organic carbon burial. We hypothesize that this rapid burial of organic carbon lowered global {\it p}CO2_{2} following the peak warming and returned the climate system to the general Eocene cooling trend

    Calcareous nannofossils across the Eocene-Oligocene transition: Preservation signals and biostratigraphic remarks from ODP Site 1209 (NW Pacific, Shatsky Rise) and IODP Hole U1411B (NW Atlantic Ocean, Newfoundland Ridge)

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    This work provides a detailed biostratigraphic correlation through the Eocene-Oligocene Transition (EOT), based on an integrated stratigraphic approach and the study of calcareous nannofossils, between two disparate sites, one in the NW Atlantic (IODP Hole U1411B) and one in the NW Pacific (ODP Site 1209). The precise site-to-site correlation provided by these data allows for a comparison of carbonate preservation across the EOT including identification of the main post-depositional processes that impact the calcareous nannofossil ooze at Site 1209. The main aim of this work is to understand the extent to which the bulk δ18O and δ13C records and their sources (mainly calcareous nannofossils) are altered by diagenesis. Our detailed SEM study highlights some differences before, during and after the EOT, suggesting local diagenetic dynamics. At Site 1209, a distinctive change, both in nannofossil assemblage composition and preservation state, is observed from the pre-EOT phase to the Late Eocene Event (LEE), with a shift in the dominant process from dissolution to recrystallisation. Surprisingly, despite the overall poor preservation, only the interval between 141 and 142.4 (adj. rmcd) was compromised in term of isotopic values and assemblage diversity and abundance. This interval, recorded in the upper Eocene, was characterized by severe dissolution, concomitant with deposition of secondary calcite on solution-resistant forms. Diagenetic processes have strongly biased the δ18O isotopic signal, resulting in a positive oxygen isotope anomaly through the upper Eocene that is difficult to reconcile with other published trends. For the remaining time intervals, diagenesis seems not to have altered the bulk δ18O profile, which closely resembles that of other sites across the world, and is particularly consistent with other data from the Pacific Ocean. In summary, the impact of diagenesis on nannofossil preservation even if clearly visible both in SEM and optical microscope observations does not always cause a pervasive alteration of the primary isotopic signal and can instead provide important clues on local depositional dynamics

    Eocene biostratigraphy and magnetic stratigraphy from Possagno, Italy: The calcareous nannofossil response to climate variability

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    A study of quantitative calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphy and magnetostratigraphy of a ∼ 68-m-thick marine limestone section of Late Paleocene–Middle Eocene age outcropping at Possagno in northern Italy shows that the section encompasses nannofossil Zones NP9–NP15 (equivalent to CP8–CP13b) and Chrons C24r–C21n. The Paleocene–Eocene boundary was placed at the base a of δ13C negative excursion from the literature that was found virtually coincident with the base of Zone NP9b. The base of the Middle Eocene (Lutetian) was placed at the base of Chron C21r. Biostratigraphic events were generally found to be consistent with parallel events in recent time scales; several potentially useful new events are also described. In particular, we detected the earliest specimens of Dictyococcites at the base of Chron C22r (NP12–NP13 zonal transition), which is several million years older than previous estimates. Correlation of Possagno data to the oxygen isotope record from the literature allowed us to describe the temporal relationships between climate variability and calcareous nannofossil assemblages. Modifications in the nannofossil assemblage coeval to both the Paleocene–Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM) and the Early–Middle Eocene long-term climatic trend are recognized. The short-lived PETM was coeval to provisional adaptations (malformations and/or ecophenotypes) in the coccolithophores communities that were reabsorbed upon return to long-term varying climatic conditions. The Early–Middle Eocene long-term climatic trend was instead coeval to true evolutionary trends with the appearance of the very successful Noelaerhabdaceae clade whose offsprings include the most important bloom-forming coccolithophorids in the modern ocean. The Early–Middle Eocene can thus be considered the time in which nannoplankton communities set course toward modern structure triggering a reconfiguration of the global ocean life chain

    Factores que influyen en la implementación de la Política de Trata en la Región Loreto

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    El presente documento contiene los resultados de la investigación denominada “Factores que influyen en la implementación de la Política de Trata de Personas en la Región Loreto” Esta región es la segunda, después de Lima, con altos índices de trata de personas en el país. Esto, que puede expresarse en un valor numérico, no refleja el sufrimiento de tantos hombres y mujeres, principalmente niñas y adolescentes, de zonas periurbanas y rurales, que han experimentado, y muchas aún experimentan, la ofensa a su dignidad como personas, cuando han sido humilladas y tratadas como objetos y vendidas cual mercancías. Según el Ministerio Público, los dos fines principales de la trata en Loreto y en Amazonía en general, son la explotación sexual y laboral, principalmente en Lima y en ciudades de la costa norte. La política de trata en Loreto se hace efectiva en el trabajo que realizan los diferentes sectores del estado nacional, los gobiernos locales y el Gobierno Regional de Loreto; y, las organizaciones de la sociedad civil, teniendo como guía el Plan Regional contra la Trata de Personas y Trabajo Forzoso 2018 – 2022. Este es el principal instrumento que debe regir para todos, en la lucha contra este flagelo en la región. Para llegar a identificar las condiciones en la que se implementa la política de trata en la región, se ha desarrollado una investigación cualitativa, con herramientas que ayuden a recoger las apreciaciones de diferentes actores familiarizados con la lucha contra este flagelo, como entrevistas semiestructuradas y grupos focales; además de la revisión de los principales instrumentos de gestión del GOREL Loreto. Realizando el análisis de la información que se recogió, los resultados de la investigación presentan cuatro factores que influyen en la implementación de la política de trata en esta región: 1. La inclusión del tema de trata de personas en los instrumentos de gestión del GORE Loreto. Los principales instrumentos de gestión del Gobierno Regional de Loreto, analizados en la presente investigación, no prestan una significativa atención al problema de la trata; y cuando sí lo realiza en alguno de ellos, luego esto no se refleja en la canalización de recursos para implementar las acciones para enfrentar este flagelo social de la región. 2. Las capacidades y el involucramiento institucional en la lucha contra la trata. Las entidades públicas han acogido las funciones específicas establecidas en los protocolos intersectoriales, pero se hace necesario desarrollar capacidades blandas para el relacionamiento humano con los sectores y las personas víctimas; y al mismo, se hace sumamente necesario complementar los perfiles profesionales básicos con una especialización en conceptos, criterios y herramientas para la gestión de la lucha contra la trata de personas. 3. La coordinación y la articulación para la lucha contra la trata de personas. La presencia de la Mesa de Trata de Personas en Loreto es un elemento de gran valor para la implementación de la política de trata en la región. Su aporte ha sido en la formulación de los planes de lucha contra la trata de personas en Loreto, lo cual es importante en la institucionalización de la lucha contra el flagelo. Pero, si ha sido limitado su aporte en la gesta de recursos financieros para la implementación de las actividades del Plan vigente. 4. El involucramiento de la ciudadanía en la lucha contra la trata de personas. La ciudadanía reconoce la trata de personas como un delito al que están expuestos las familias; y, además, expone sus capacidades y demanda su participación en la lucha contra la trata de personas. Reconocen la importancia de su organización, a través de las Juntas Vecinales, a través del cual pueden apoyar a mejorar las condiciones de seguridad en los barrios y comunidades; inclusive ayudar a las familias en riesgo y a las víctimas de trata. El documento llega a presentar un conjunto de recomendaciones, en cada uno de los factores identificados, buscando mejorar la implementación de la política de trata en la región Loreto

    A benthic foraminifera perspective of the Late Miocene-Early Pliocene Biogenic Bloom at ODP Site 1085 (Southeast Atlantic Ocean)

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    The Late Miocene-Early Pliocene Biogenic Bloom (ca. 9.0–3.5 Ma) was a phase of high marine biological productivity documented globally at multiple ocean sites, related to an increase in nutrient input and/or a significant reorganization of nutrients in the oceans. Here, we studied the Biogenic Bloom at Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Site 1085 in the Southeast Atlantic Ocean, additionally providing an updated age model based on calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphy. During the event, we identified four intervals characterised by distinct benthic foraminiferal assemblages, suggesting changes in paleoenvironmental/paleoceanographic conditions. The Biogenic Bloom extends from 8.1 to 3.0 Ma at Site 1085, as detected by different proxies such as linear sedimentation rates, carbonate mass accumulation rates, benthic foraminiferal indices and assemblage data. The inferred paleoenvironmental changes allowed us to differentiate four intervals within the Biogenic Bloom. From 8.1 to 5.2 Ma and from 3.8 to 3.0 Ma, the high benthic foraminiferal accumulation rates (BFARs) and the abundance of phytodetritus-exploiting taxa point to highly seasonal phytoplankton blooms. Between 5.2 and 4.8 Ma, we document short-term fluctuations between well‑oxygenated conditions with transient input of phytodetritus and phases of low oxygen eutrophic conditions. Between 4.8 and 3.8 Ma, a decrease in opportunistic species and an increase in eutrophic taxa likely suggest a switch to a higher food supply to the seafloor. Our data shows that the onset of the Biogenic Bloom was synchronous with other global well-dated records and its end appears to align with other Atlantic records. Lastly, our findings support the hypothesis that the Biogenic Bloom was not a single productivity event, but a complex event made up of several short-lived, high-productivity regimes with different driving forces

    Historia, doctrinas y pensamiento económico

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    El término “socialismo utópico” ha sido acuñado para denominar a un conjunto diverso de pensadores y activistas que vivieron entre los siglos XVIII y XIX, configurando un prematuro adelantamiento al socialismo moderno, una especie de línea divisoria entre el socialismo primitivo y éste. Para una primera aproximación a sus características ideológicas generales, podemos recurrir a la lectura del texto de Engels y a los rasgos comunes que él extrae de los tres autores: Por un lado, actúan en nombre de toda la Humanidad, no de un sujeto antagónico de clase (el proletariado). Posteriormente, surge el pensamiento marxista, el cual se inicia con Karl Marx y sus obras más resaltantes: “El Manifiesto Comunista” (1848) y “Critica de Economía Política” (1859). Marx estudia la economía a través de lo que él llama “materialismo histórico”, la evolución de la sociedad se explica por los factores económicos, la consideración más importante en cualquier periodo histórico es el sistema dominante de producción y distribución. Karl Marx es el autor de las teorías económicas socialistas más importantes, manifiestas en su principal trabajo, El capital (1867-1894). A ojos del capitalismo clásico, el marxismo represento una seria amenaza a pesar de ser una variante más de la temática clásica. Sobre esto se alza la crítica económica que desemboca en la certificación histórica de la lucha de clases. Por otro lado, se llama marginalismo o escuela marginalista al desarrollo del pensamiento económico surgido en el siglo XIX de -y en parte como reacción a- la Economía clásica. Los marginalistas introdujeron rigurosidad a los conceptos y estudios, lo que llevo a una matematización de la disciplina. Entre otros desarrollos, el marginalismo es responsable por el individualismo metodológico que caracteriza muchos de los estudios en el área incluso en el presente. Mas adelante, acontecía el nacimiento del monetarismo, la cual es una escuela de pensamiento económico que sostiene que las perturbaciones en el sector monetario de la economía son las principales causas de la inestabilidad general en ella. El monetarismo hace énfasis en las particulares propiedades de la moneda y en los efectos que tiene la política monetaria sobre la demanda agregada, destacando la fuerte relación que existe entre el nivel de precios y el tamaño y la tasa de crecimiento de la masa monetaria. Finalmente, la investigación acerca del imperialismo la inició Lenin en Berna, en enero de 1916; poco después siguió trabajando en el libro, en la biblioteca cantonal de Zúrich. El 2 de julio envió el manuscrito a la Editorial Parus, que le había requerido un análisis de la economía mundial. De acuerdo con su autor, se trató de un folleto popular, escrito con prudencia para eludir la implacable censura zarista: en “lenguaje de Esopo”, definía. De regreso a Rusia, Lenin escribió el prólogo y Parus lo imprimió en setiembre de 1917 en Petrogrado.Trabajo de suficiencia profesiona

    Extracting a Detailed Magnetostratigraphy From Weakly Magnetized, Oligocene to Early Miocene Sediment Drifts Recovered at IODP Site U1406 (Newfoundland Margin, Northwest Atlantic Ocean)

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    Fine‐grained magnetic particles in deep‐sea sediments often statistically align with the ambient magnetic field during (and shortly after) deposition and can therefore record geomagnetic reversals. Correlation of these reversals to a geomagnetic polarity time scale is an important geochronological tool that facilitates precise stratigraphic correlation and dating of geological records globally. Sediments often carry a remanence strong enough for confident identification of polarity reversals, but in some cases a low signal‐to‐noise ratio prevents the construction of a reliable and robust magnetostratigraphy. Here we implement a data‐filtering protocol, which can be integrated with the UPmag software package, to automatically reduce the maximum angular deviation and statistically mask noisy data and outliers deemed unsuitable for magnetostratigraphic interpretation. This protocol thus extracts a clearer signal from weakly magnetized sediments recovered at Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP) Expedition 342 Site U1406 (Newfoundland margin, northwest Atlantic Ocean). The resulting magnetostratigraphy, in combination with shipboard and shore‐based biostratigraphy, provides an age model for the study interval from IODP Site U1406 between Chrons C6Ar and C9n (∼21–27 Ma). We identify rarely observed geomagnetic directional changes within Chrons C6Br, C7r, and C7Ar, and perhaps within Subchron C8n.1n. Our magnetostratigraphy dates three intervals of unusual stratigraphic behavior within the sediment drifts at IODP Site U1406 on the Newfoundland margin. These lithostratigraphic changes are broadly concurrent with the coldest climatic phases of the middle Oligocene to early Miocene and we hypothesize that they reflect changes in bottom water circulation