97 research outputs found

    Zasadność zawężenia stosowania przepisów o nieodpłatnym przekazaniu przedmiotów dokonywanym na podstawie art. 232b k.p.k.

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    The article discusses the free transfer of items of importance to health and public life, introduced to the provisions of the Code of Criminal Procedure, in connection with combating COVID-19. It presents in detail the conditions that must be met in order to use the procedure indicated in the provision of Art. 232b of the Code of Criminal Procedure, and it was also proposed to clarify it. The main demands were to limit the entities issuing the decision on the free transfer of items to judicial authorities, to clarify the list of entities to which these items can be transferred, as well as the list of items that should be classified as significant for health and public life. Another postulate is the introduction of the rules of suspending the execution of the decision on free handover of items until the complaint is examined, as well as the introduction of a quick procedure for obtaining compensation in case of infringement of the ownership right.Artykuł dotyczy omówienia trybu nieodpłatnego przekazania przedmiotów mających znaczenie dla zdrowia i życia publicznego, wprowadzonego do przepisów k.p.k. w związku ze zwalczaniem COVID-19. Przedstawiono w nim szczegółowo warunki, jakie muszą zostać spełnione w celu skorzystania z trybu wskazanego w art. 232b k.p.k., a także zasygnalizowano konieczność jego doprecyzowania. Jako główne postulaty wskazano ograniczenie podmiotów wydających postanowienie o nieodpłatnym przekazaniu przedmiotów do organów sądowych, poszerzenie listy beneficjentów, którym można je przekazać, a także samej listy przedmiotów, które powinny zostać zakwalifikowane jako posiadające znaczenie dla zdrowia i życia publicznego. Zaproponowano wprowadzenie zasad wstrzymania wykonania postanowienia o nieodpłatnym przekazaniu przedmiotów do czasu rozpoznania wniesionego na nie zażalenia, a także szybkiej procedury uzyskania odszkodowania w przypadku naruszenia prawa własności

    Novel insight into paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria

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    Nocna napadowa hemoglobinuria (PNH) należy do tak zwanych chorób sierocych. Jest wywołana nabytym defektem klonalnym krwiotwórczej komórki macierzystej. Defekt ten polega na niedoborze lub braku na komórkach potomnych białek błonowych związanych z kotwicą glikozylofosfatydyloinozytolu, w tym inhibitorów dopełniacza CD55 i CD59, będącym skutkiem mutacji w genie PIGA. W efekcie u pacjentów dochodzi do ciągłej hemolizy związanej z niekontrolowaną aktywacją dopełniacza. Najczęstszą przyczyną chorobowości i śmiertelności w tej chorobie są powikłania zakrzepowo-zatorowe. W Polsce, ze względu na brak możliwości stosowania przeciwciała hamującego układ dopełniacza — ekulizumabu (leku zarejestrowanego do leczenia chorych z hemolizą i wysoką aktywnością choroby), postępowanie terapeutyczne sprowadza się do przetaczania koncentratu krwinek czerwonych, profilaktyki przeciwzakrzepowej i przeszczepiania allogenicznych krwiotwórczych komórek macierzystych u osób mających zgodnego dawcę. W pracy przedstawiono patomechanizm złożonych zaburzeń obserwowanych w PNH ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem powikłań zakrzepowo-zatorowych oraz omówiono współczesne wytyczne postępowania diagnostycznego i terapeutycznego.Paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria (PNH) is caused by the acquired clonal defect of hematopoietic stem cell and belongs to the “orphan diseases”. This defect is associated with a lack or deficiency of the membrane glycosylphosphatidylinositol-anchored proteins on the surface of the progeny, including complement inhibitors CD55 and CD59, the result of mutation of the PIGA gene. Patients experience chronic hemolysis as the consequence of uncontrolled complement activation. Thrombotic complications are the most common reason of morbidity and mortality. Currently in Poland, due to no access to eculizumab (monoclonal antibody inhibiting the complement and registered to the treatment of PNH patients with hemolysis and the high disease activity), the therapy consists of packed red blood cells transfusions, anticoagulant prophylaxis and allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation when a matched donor is available. We present the pathomechanism of complex abnormalities observed in PNH including thrombotic complications as well as modern diagnostic and therapeutic guidelines

    Long term monitoring of the vegetation in the salt marsh of “Psili Amnos”, Samos, Greece – the outlines of the monitoring project

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    This short note presents research project on SAMOS: PARALIA ALYKI in Greece. The area of the research includes salt marsh of about 500 m2 which is located in the Natura 2000 protected area of the site code GR4120001. There are 150 protected birds including 57 birds in the red list of IUCN. Vegetation is quite heterogeneous and distinct in different sections. The aim of the project is to develop and implement a long term monitoring scheme for the salt marsh of “Psili Amnos” to assess changes of the vegetation over time and to assess anthropogenic and natural threat in order to take conservation measures. In a note in addition to the presentation of the site and the research aim also the methods considered for monitoring of vegetation are briefly described. To achieve optimal and universal methodology there was discussed which of the methods of data collection and processing typically used in monitoring vegetation could be used both in a project implemented at salt marsh “Psili AMNOS” as well as in studies of coastal and inland salt marshes in Poland

    Profilowanie kryminalne jako nowoczesna i skuteczna technika zwalczania przestępczości i sposób poszerzenia kompetencji pracowników zatrudnionych w organach ścigania i w wymiarze sprawiedliwości

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    Profilowanie kryminalne nabiera w ostatnim czasie coraz stając się niezastąpioną częścią świadomości społecznej, w głównej mierze dzięki mediom, które często wykorzystują popularność spraw karnych. Skuteczność profilowania odbiega jednak od wyobrażeń wielu osób, w tym studentów czy absolwentów uczelni wyższych rozpoczynających karierę zawodową. Profilowanie kryminalne wciąż wzbudza liczne kontrowersje, szczególnie w zakresie jego przydatności dla potrzeb organów ścigania czy wymiaru sprawiedliwości. Artykuł ma na celu przedstawienie profilera kryminalnego na trzech płaszczyznach – umiejętności i kwalifikacji niezbędnych dla przygotowywania profilu przestępcy i ofiary, rzeczywistego zapotrzebowania na profilerów kryminalnych na rynku pracy, a także kontrowersji wokół przydatności profilowania. W podsumowaniu przedstawione zostaną postulaty dotyczące ujednolicenia form kształcenia przyszłych profilerów i wprowadzenia regulacji ustawowej obejmującej samo profilowanie kryminalne

    Multiple malignancies and Richter's transformation in patient with small lymphocytic B-cell lymphoma – diagnostic and therapeutic dilemmas

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    A clonal lymphocyte proliferation in patients with NHL interferes with the immune system, disturbing both humoral and cellular immunity. An antileukemic therapy additionally affects the immune system functioning. A higher than expected in general population incidence of infections and other malignancies is the consequence of impaired immunological surveillance. The fate of patients is also influenced by the possibility of low grade NHL transformation in more aggressive large B cell lymphoma, called the Richter's transformation.We present the case of patient with multiple malignancies small lymphocytic B-cell lymphoma (SLL), renal cell carcinoma (RCC), pulmonary adeno-carcinoma and recurrent laryngeal papillomas, that occurred in different stages of lymphoma diagnosis and treatment. He also developed SLL transformation in large B-cell lymphoma 7 years after the initial diagnosis.A clinical course, together with diagnostic and therapeutic difficulties we faced, are discussed in relation to the literature data

    Penetrating Crohn’s disease – adult vs pediatric patients

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    Crohn’s disease (CD) is increasing in prevalence worldwide, especially with young people. Magnetic resonance enterography (MRE) differs from routine magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) by oral administration of neutral fluid contrast before scanning. It allows for recognising and monitoring changes during therapy as well as assessing complications, which makes it valuable diagnostic modality

    First-line ultrasound assessment of penetrating Crohn’s disease in pediatric patients

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    Introduction: Crohn’s disease is classified as chronic inflammatory bowel disease. The incidence in Europe ranges from 1 to almost 11.4 per 100,000 population per year. Ultrasound examination plays an important role in imaging diagnostics of inflammatory bowel lesions. It allows for assessing response to therapy as well as recognizing possible penetrating complications of the disease, i.e. fistula or abscess

    Persons with allergy symptoms use alternative medicine more often

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      INTRODUCTION: The aim of the study is to indicate the relation between the use of alternative medicine and the occurrence of allergic diseases in the Polish population of adults in the age of 20−44 years. Moreover the additional aim of the study is to define the relation between the sex, age and place of living and the use of alternative medicine. MATERIAL AND METHODS: The data from the project Epidemiology of Allergic Diseases in Poland (ECAP) has been used for analysis. This project was a continuation of the European Community Respiratory Health Survey II. The questions on alternative medicine were asked to the group of 4671 respondents in the age of 20−44 years. Additionally outpatient tests were performed in order to confirm the diagnosis of allergic diseases. RESULTS: The total of 22.2% of respondents that participated in the study have ever used alternative medicine (n = 4621). A statistically significant relation between the use of alternative medicine and declaration of allergic diseases and asthma symptoms has been demonstrated (p < 0.001). No statistically significant relation between the use of alternative medicine by persons diagnosed by a doctor with any form of asthma or seasonal allergic rhinitis (p > 0.05) has been demonstrated. CONCLUSIONS: The occurrence of allergic diseases and asthma influences the frequency of alternative medicine use. However the frequency of alternative medicine use does not depend on allergic disease or asthma being confirmed by a doctor.  Introduction: The aim of the study is to indicate the relation between the use of alternative medicine and the occurrence of allergic diseases in the Polish population of adults in the age of 20−44 years. Moreover the additional aim of the study is to define the relation between the sex, age and place of living and the use of alternative medicine. Material and methods: The data from the project Epidemiology of Allergic Diseases in Poland (ECAP) has been used for analysis. This project was a continuation of the European Community Respiratory Health Survey II. The questions on alternative medicine were asked to the group of 4671 respondents in the age of 20−44 years. Additionally outpatient tests were performed in order to confirm the diagnosis of allergic diseases. Results: The total of 22.2% of respondents that participated in the study have ever used alternative medicine (n = 4621). A statistically significant relation between the use of alternative medicine and declaration of allergic diseases and asthma symptoms has been demonstrated (p < 0.001). No statistically significant relation between the use of alternative medicine by persons diagnosed by a doctor with any form of asthma or seasonal allergic rhinitis (p > 0.05) has been demonstrated. Conclusions: The occurrence of allergic diseases and asthma influences the frequency of alternative medicine use. However the frequency of alternative medicine use does not depend on allergic disease or asthma being confirmed by a doctor

    Immunohistochemical expression of MMP-7 protein and its serum level in colorectal cancer

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     The study objective was to determine the presence of MMP-7 in cancer tissue in correlation with its serum level in patients diagnosed with colorectal cancer (CRC). In 45 patients with CRC, MMP-7 expression was assessed immunohistochemically on FFPE slides in tumours (N = 37) and in the corresponding surgical margin sample. MMP-7 serum level was measured preoperatively. The expression of MMP-7 in cancer tissue was much stronger as compared to the normal intestinal mucosa. Also the level of MMP-7 in the serum of CRC patients was higher than in healthy subjects (N = 24) (p < 0.01). The tumour located in the colon showed higher expression of MMP-7 than CRCs located in the rectum (p < 0.05), whereas the higher MMP-7 serum level showed correlation with older age (p = 0.005), tumour size less than 5 cm (p < 0.05), higher Dukes’ stage (p < 0.05) and distant metastases (p < 0.05). The increased serum level of MMP-7 in CRC patients may indicate the presence of distant metastases.